Date: June 6th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: It is so embarrassing to watch CNN’s American Morning. When you watch, regardless of what day, you will find at least one extended segment where one of the clowns who pose as journalists investigate a story that belongs on the cover of a super market tabloid. While the story of the woman who is missing in Aruba is worthy of a mention on a national news program, the in depth exploration of her personal life is not. Today Soledad O’Brien once again struggled to get to the bottom of a vital issue as she found out about the prayer habits of the missing women. What an impressive piece of journalism. How embarrassing! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,




· · Iraqis Look at Cuts in Payroll - Many fear that a plan to slash government jobs, which make up nearly half of the country's workforce, could swell ranks of the insurgency.
TVNL Comment: Patter: Enter Bush - Exit Jobs!

· Good Intentions Gone Bad - NEWSWEEK's Baghdad bureau chief, departing after two years of war and American occupation, has a few final thoughts. - Two years ago I went to Iraq as an unabashed believer in toppling Saddam Hussein. - What went wrong? - The most powerful army in human history can't even protect a two-mile stretch of road.

· Nine killed in Iraq attacks - An Egyptian businessman and eight Iraqis were killed in attacks late Saturday and Sunday, a week after security forces launched a major operation to crush unrest in the country.

· TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED BY IED - A Task Force Liberty Soldier was killed when an improvised explosive device detonated near a vehicle patrol in Kirkuk Province at about 4 p.m., June 5. The Soldier was evacuated to a Coalition Forces medical facility where the Soldier died of wounds sustained in the attack.

· Former supporter joins foes over war - ''I don't care if they call me un-American," Brian Hart said Friday as he ignored a tall glass of iced tea sitting before him on the back porch of his home in Bedford. ''I've come full circle in saying the best way to support the troops today is to give them a plan to exit Iraq."

· Iraqi troops refuse US training - LINK - An Iraqi national guard unit has been disbanded after it refused to attend a military training academy overseen by US advisers, former members of the unit said on Saturday.





· · Sidelining the CIA - A new White House memo excludes CIA director Porter Goss from National Security Council meetings

· AP Probe on Bolton Finds Disturbing Links to Iraq War - A former Bolton deputy says the U.S. undersecretary of state felt Jose Bustani "had to go," particularly because the Brazilian was trying to send chemical weapons inspectors to Baghdad. That might have helped defuse the crisis over alleged Iraqi weapons and undermined a U.S. rationale for war.





· Financial Aid Rules for College Change, and Families Pay More - Though the effects of the formula changes vary from state to state, The Times found that families with the same earnings and assets as in 2000 would typically have to pay an extra $1,749 before clearing the eligibility bar for financial aid in 2005, after adjusting for inflation.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush Legacy!

· New Briefing Paper by Private Property Advocates Draws Link between Predatory Lending and Mortgage Servicing Abuse in America - D.C. Firm's Briefing Paper concludes that the curable scourge of Mortgage Servicing Fraud and Abuse is destroying the American Dream.










· FBI Pushed Ahead With Troubled Software - By 2004, the report found, the FBI had identified 400 problems with early versions of the troubled software -- but never told the contractor. The bureau also went ahead with a $17 million testing program last December, even though it was clear by then that the software would have to be scrapped, according to the review.

· Mental Health Screening in Schools Signals the End of Parental Rights - The fact is that our president has mandated that every American child, age 3 through 18, is federally ordered to be evaluated for mental health issues and to receive “enforced” treatment. Welcome to President Bush’s New Freedom Initiative and New Freedom Commission on Mental Health. Welcome to life-long profiling and drug addictions, New Freedom-style.










· Scotland takes UK lead in rejecting organised religion - Herald readers have reinforced the findings of the 2001 census that Scots are more likely than people in England, Wales or Northern Ireland to say they have no religion. Despite this, they overwhelmingly regard themselves as spiritual, with a majority believing in God.

· Chavez attacks US - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez accused the United States on Sunday of trying to impose a "global dictatorship".

· Hezbollah Claims Win in Southern Lebanon - Hezbollah and its Shiite allies claimed victory in southern Lebanon in Sunday's second stage of national elections, a vote the militant group hopes will prove its strength and send a message of defiance to the United States.

· Israelis stunned by TV indictment from within - A new documentary series stunned Israeli television viewers this week, not only by its unprecedented and searing indictment of Jewish settlement in the Palestinian territories, but also because of its unexpected source.





· Wartime Prosecutions Come Under Scrutiny - Dismissals, Short Sentences Highlight Difficulty of Prosecuting Wartime Murder Cases





· A man misunderestimated - Bush: "You teach a child to read and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test."

· The obsession of the religious right - So the issues most trumpeted by the so-called religious right are about how we got here, how we reproduce ourselves, how we should die, the kinds of intimate relationships we should and shouldn't have, who should judge the appropriateness of those relationships—and how our Constitution should be protecting us against the 'devil' in our midst. - In other words, by an obsession with reproduction. SEX!





· The War to Deceive America Into War -- And the War to Cover Up the Deception - Those in the Mainstream Media, including the New York Times and Washington Post, who choose to ignore this reality, or couch it in qualifying terms (such as "unproven assertions") are no longer trying to debunk a conspiracy, because the deliberate deception that forced America into war with Iraq is not a conspiracy theory.

· A study in emasculation - In the US media, a mission to explain has been replaced by a mission to avoid

· Press in Iraq Gains Rights But No Refuge - "At the moment, things in Iraq are about as bad as it gets for journalists, and it is hardest for Iraqi journalists," said Robert Shaw, human rights and information officer for the International Federation of Journalists. "When Western media send their people in, they look seriously at questions of insurance, training for hazardous conditions and specialized equipment. But very few Iraqi reporters have these protections. And when they die, families get nothing because their employers don't have sufficient resources."

· Afghan arrested over Aust journalist's murder - Afghan authorities have arrested the leader of a gang accused of killing four journalists in 2001, including Australian television cameraman Harry Burton.

· The Fear in the U.S. Media - We have seen enough of the media cowering before the Bush administration to realize that they are totally cowed. When Dan Rather was deserted by his journalistic colleagues, when they and he knew he had spoken the basic truth of the draft dodging and lying by GW Bush about his National Guard service—it was clear that Dan caved in and so did his professional colleagues and organization. Fear overrode any sense of ethics, courage or anything else in their lives—they were afraid the Bushies would come after them with anger and zeal.





· Medical schools embrace the healing arts - ArUniversities respond to interest in acupuncture, herbal remedies





· International probe opened into Darfur crimes - The International Criminal Court (ICC) has launched a formal investigation into suspected crimes against humanity in Sudan's Darfur region, where tens of thousands have been killed since early 2003.

· Rights group leader says U.S. has secret jails - The chief of Amnesty International USA alleged Sunday that the Guantanamo Bay detention camp is part of a worldwide network of U.S. jails, some of them secret, where prisoners are mistreated and even killed.

· Public vote gives gays more rights - SWISS voters have backed new rules giving homosexual couples many of the same social and taxation rights as married heterosexuals.








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