Date: June 7th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: As I go about my daily life I occasionally remind my friends about how stunningly handsome I am. The reason I do this is two fold; one reason is that I am NOT stunningly handsome (I am damn cute however); the other reason is that I am a funny person who is jokes around a lot. Qualities, be they physical, personality based, ethical or other are easily observed; they need not be announced. If a news network has to remind you over and over about how trusted they are or how fair they are, chances are they are they have to remind you because for the obvious reasons you would never make the same assessment. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,




· Fear and Explosions in Kabul - Afghanistan isn't Iraq yet. But when a suicide bomber blew himself and two other people up inside my hotel's Internet cafe, it became impossible to ignore the rising anger at foreigners here.

· MARINE KILLED NEAR FALLUJAH BY IED - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team-8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action June 6 when an improvised explosive device detonated near the vehicle in which he was traveling.

· MARINE KILLED NEAR FALLUJAH - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team-8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died June 6 from wounds sustained when an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle.

· Australian shot in Iraq claims plea for help ignored - A Perth man has criticised the Federal Government for refusing to investigate an incident in Iraq in which he says he was shot and wounded by coalition troops.

· Suicide bombers strike in northern Iraq - Four suicide car bombers have struck in Baghdad and northern Iraq, killing at least 14 people and wounding at least 22, police say.





· Groups Weigh In on Web Politicking - A raft of lawmakers, campaign finance watchdog groups, election lawyers and bloggers urged the Federal Election Commission on Friday to exempt the vast majority of -- if not all -- individual political activists on the Internet from new regulations.

· Did Bush Deliberately Deceive America About Iraq? - In the case of a fraud, the jury must find that there was intent to deceive. In the case of Iraq, the weight of evidence continues to accumulate indicating that the American people and Congress may well have been the victims of a deliberate deception.

· Downing Street Memo should be today's Watergate scandal - Now here is a horrifying scandal: a president who lies to Congress, lies to the country, and drags us into a war of aggression that shows no sign of having an end. A president who wastes the lives of more than 1,600 young Americans and slaughters uncounted non-combatants, destroys their cities and their countryside, to even a score with Saddam Hussein and procure yet more wealth for Bush's already obscenely wealthy friends. - We get all indignant about a president who plans a silly burglary to get re-elected, or a president who fondles nubile interns, but we don't bat an eye at a president who lied so that thousands of children died.















· In God we Trust: America's rising religious zealotry - Despite the separation of church and state being enshrined in the US constitution, more than 40 per cent of US citizens said religious leaders should use their influence to try to sway policy-makers.

· Texas abortion law sparks protests - Protesters were angry that Rick Perry signed the measure into law at an evangelical school in Fort Worth, claiming that the line between church and state on this issue was becoming increasingly blurred. - In the ceremony at the Calvary Christian academy, Mr Perry also signed a resolution to amend the state constitution to ban same-sex marriages

· Man Gets Life Under Fetal Protection Law - A 19-year-old accused of causing his teenage girlfriend to miscarry two fetuses by stepping on her stomach was convicted Monday of two counts of murder.

· High Court Allows Prosecution of Medical Marijuana Users - Federal authorities may prosecute sick people whose doctors prescribe marijuana to ease pain, the Supreme Court ruled Monday, concluding that state laws don't protect users from a federal ban on the drug.





· Citizens Sue to Reverse EPA-Factory Farm Deal - Charging that the Environmental Protection Agency made a back-room deal to weaken controls on factory farm pollution, a coalition of citizens' groups and environmental organizations has filed a lawsuit against the agency.





· Ottawa refused U.S. appeal to jail Arar - "The Americans told the Canadian security services, we're prepared to give you back Mr. Arar, on condition you engage yourselves to arrest him and put him in prison and press charges," Mr. De Bané said. - Canadian authorities rejected the idea, he said. - "The Canadians said to the Americans, we have a Charter of Rights . . . we don't have cause to arrest and press charges and put him in jail," he said.

· When everything is permissible - The targets were marked in black ink on pieces of cardboard, and the soldiers were told to go out that very night to checkpoints manned by Palestinian Authority policemen, to lie in ambush for the policemen and kill any who came by.





· US stealth bombers deployed in South Korea - United States military authorities say they have completed the deployment of 15 US F-117 stealth bombers to South Korea for four months of operations.





· False freedom is very expensive. - For years, Saddam was one of our government’s propped up and militarily supported puppets. Many people have seen the famous footage of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam. I suppose the two are smiling so big for the cameras because they are kindred spirits. After all of the hand-shaking and weapon brokering, when did Saddam become such a bad guy to Bush, Cheney, Halliburton and Co.?

· Economics More Vital than Politics for Lasting Russian Freedom - After the demise of the Soviet Union, Russia reformed politically but did so on a shaky economic base. Mr. Putin is taking away those political rights gradually, and no powerful middle class stands in his way.





· The bloggers have all the best news - In America, the first major study of web diaries reveals that they are shaping the political landscape like never before, but what of their British counterparts?





· Cranberries 'block gut viruses' - Cranberry juice may help to combat viruses that cause gut disorders, research suggests.

· FDA Fraud: New Studies Prove Vaccines Cause Autism - Under independent investigation, the Association reported, of the CDC's data children were found to be 27-times more likely to develop autism after exposure to three thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs), than those who receive thimerosal-free versions.





· Amnesty International refuses to back down from 'gulag' comments - But Amnesty is continuing to defend its choice of words, saying there are still many unanswered questions about the detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, where Australian David Hicks has been held for the past three-and-a-half years.

· Sudan rejects war crimes investigation - "If they want to observe what is going on from the ICC and others, they are welcome (but) if they want to start trials of the Sudanese this is not acceptable," Mr Khalifa told Reuters.





· Archives show JFK sought way out of Vietnam - Newly uncovered documents from both American and Polish archives show that President John F. Kennedy and the Soviet Union secretly sought ways to find a diplomatic settlement to the war in Vietnam, starting three years before the United States sent combat troops.
TVNL Comment: Another reason that the military industrial complex wanted him killed!



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