Date: June 8th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: George W. Bush, the US Congress and the American media want you dead! That is right, they want to kill you and destroy life on Earth. For the past 5 years Bush & our Congress have been lying about our environment & global warming while they sneak around and obliterate any laws that are designed to preserve life on this planet. The US media seem to feel that they are exempt to ramifications of global warming & environmental toxins, unless they have a death wish. If global death is part of their “Culture of life” they can add it to their culture of hypocrisy! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Ask the God Damn Question! - Why, after 2 years, hasn’t a single reporter asked the most obvious question of the enitire crime that is the invasion of Iraq…WHAT DID SADAM REFUSE? Are they referring to the US imposed Catch 22 demand that he disarm Iraq of the WMD’s that IRAQ DID NOT HAVE?

· TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED BY IED IN AD DWAR - A Task Force Liberty Soldier was killed when an improvised explosive device detonated near a vehicle patrol.

· INDIRECT FIRE KILLS TWO 42ND INFANTRY DIVISION SOLDIERS - Two 42nd Infantry Division Soldiers were killed during an indirect fire attack on a Coalition Forces base in Tikrit at about 10 p.m., on June 7.

· SOLDIER KILLED BY IED - One 1st Corps Support Command Soldier died when an improvised explosive device detonated near the vehicle the Soldier was traveling in during a combat logistics patrol north of Baghdad at approximately 10:30 p.m. June 7.

· Iraq - Who Cares? - It continues to be clear that the plans of the Bush Administration in Iraq either do not include the protection of Iraqis, they don't care, or both.





· Revealed: how oil giant influenced Bush - President's George Bush's decision not to sign the United States up to the Kyoto global warming treaty was partly a result of pressure from ExxonMobil, the world's most powerful oil company, and other industries, according to US State Department papers seen by the Guardian.

· President Bush, With the Candlestick... - The clues are falling into place, pointing to the incontrovertible judgment that George W. Bush willfully misled the United States into invading Iraq, in part, by eliminating the possibility of the peaceful solution that he pretended to want.





· Former Enron Executives Slated to Receive Taxpayer Handouts for New Project - Buried in the 700-plus page energy bill currently under debate in the U.S. Senate is a provision that provides hundreds of millions of dollars worth of federal loan guarantees for a power project apparently to be built by four former Enron executives. One of the former executives is Thomas White, former head of Enron’s retail and energy trading in California during the energy crisis who later served as President Bush’s Secretary of the Army.

· General Motors to Cut 25,000 Jobs - Chairman and Chief Executive Rick Wagoner told shareholders at GM's 97th annual meeting in Delaware that the capacity and job cuts should generate annual savings of roughly $2.5 billion. About one out of six jobs in the United States will be eliminated.

· The Bush Economy - With all of the debate about taxes, the economy and domestic spending, it is hard to imagine anyone supporting the notion of taking money from programs like Medicaid and college-tuition assistance, increasing the tax burden of the vast majority of working Americans, sending the country into crushing debt - and giving the proceeds to people who are so fantastically rich that they don't know what to do with the money they already have. Yet that is just what is happening under the Bush administration. Forget the middle class and the upper-middle class. Even the merely wealthy are being left behind in the dust by the small slice of super-rich Americans.





· Senate panel OKs sweeping FBI subpoena powers - After hours of secret deliberations, the oversight panel voted 11-4 to send to the full Senate a proposal that would give the FBI the power to subpoena without judicial approval a wide range of personal documents ranging from health and library records to tax statements.

· Is Congress Complicit In Bush Lies? - Inaction raises a question over the entire Government





· Tobacco Escapes Huge Penalty - After eight months of courtroom argument, Justice Department lawyers abruptly upset a landmark civil racketeering case against the tobacco industry yesterday by asking for less than 8 percent of the expected penalty.

· Unions, Dems Outraged by Calif. Gov. Plan - The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday its reporters had listened to a conference call between the governor's political team and top contributors. The group discussed how to persuade voters that unions are the cause of many of the state's problems.

· Tanks In The Streets Of New York - I couldn’t believe how many people just waved at the armed soldiers peeking out of the top, many even cheered loudly in support. Nobody took the time to say, “why the hell are armed soldiers and tanks rolling down the middle of the street?!”

· Los Alamos Lab Whistleblower Beaten - A Los Alamos lab whistleblower scheduled to testify before Congress about alleged financial irregularities was badly beaten outside a bar _ an attack his wife and lawyer believe was designed to silence him.





· G8 scientists tell Bush: Act now - or else... - LINK - An unprecedented joint statement issued by the leading scientific academies of the world has called on the G8 governments to take urgent action to avert a global catastrophe caused by climate change.

· Official Played Down Emissions' Links to Global Warming - LINK - A White House official who once led the oil industry's fight against limits on greenhouse gases has repeatedly edited government climate reports in ways that play down links between such emissions and global warming, according to internal documents.





· Broken promises leave three million children to die in Africa - Three million children will die in the poorest countries of sub-Saharan Africa as a result of the failure of the global community to meet its promise of slashing the death rates of the under-fives by 2015, the UN will reveal tomorrow.

· U.S. Orders Non-Essential Embassy Staff to Leave Bolivia - U.S. citizens should cancel non-essential travel to Bolivia, and those inside the country should ``remain vigilant'' for danger and consider leaving, the State Department said in an e-mailed statement.

· Israeli warplanes violate Lebanese airspace - Eight Israeli warplanes violated the Lebanese air space on Tuesday, drawing anti-aircraft fire from the Lebanese army.





· Judge wants to question U.S. troops on Iraq deaths - A Spanish judge wants to question three U.S. soldiers as suspects in the death of a Spanish cameraman who was killed when a U.S. tank fired on a hotel housing foreign journalists during the 2003 assault on Baghdad.

· After Lowering Goal, Army Falls Short on May Recruits - Even after reducing its recruiting target for May, the Army missed it by about 25 percent, Army officials said on Tuesday. The shortfall would have been even bigger had the Army stuck to its original goal for the month.

· State's National Guard Commander Resigns Amid Allegations - The commander of the California National Guard has resigned amid accusations that he failed to meet a Pentagon combat requirement and tried to arrange a flight on a military aircraft for members of a Republican group.





· Manufacturing 'Terrorists' - The US has a vast and very expensive Homeland Security bureaucracy with nothing to do. There hasn’t been a terrorist attack in America since 2001. There have been a vast quantity of terror alerts, the purpose of which was to scare Americans into supporting an unnecessary and illegal aggressive attack on Iraq.

· Now not time to turn corporate America loose on investors - The day after Donaldson announced his resignation, President Bush nominated U.S. Rep. Christopher Cox, R-Calif., to replace him. The timing suggests Bush was looking to make a change, and business associations, eager for looser regulation, welcomed it.

· Expect mixed messages when the heat is on - There was no mention, however, of his administration's suppression of scientific data that reveals the extent of global warming, or its refusal to accept that human activity is contributing to it. He even claimed vast progress was being made in developing hydrogen fuel cells, on which $720m has been ear-marked for research. - But again there was no mention of his 2003 tax-break that allows a Hummer - admittedly capable of more miles to the gallon than Mr Blair's roller - to be classified as a light truck. The result is that anyone self-employed can buy a $100,000 SUV and deduct more than half the cost in taxes.

· At what point do you call a liar a liar? - Are people blind, or just impervious to the situation?

· 'Culture of life' doesn't apply to Iraq - Bush is prepared to use his first-ever veto. Didn't stop the bankruptcy bill, didn't stop all those tax cuts for the very rich, didn't stop that gross agriculture bill — but this he will veto





· Baghdad still isn't secure? The Bush administration blames the press. - The Bush administration says the press has hurt its mission by telling too much truth.

· CBS Sees Iraq Improvement—Again - Despite the widespread violence in Iraq, CBS Evening News offered a different take on its June 2 broadcast: Things are getting better.

· US drops UN push for probe of journalist's death - It reversed course after Beirut signalled it would conduct an aggressive probe of Kassir's death and invited FBI agents and French police to help, the diplomats said.

· A Grim Foreshadowing? - The accounts of four Iraqis working for Western news organizations who say they were abused by American troops in January 2004 sound hauntingly familiar to the horrors of Abu Ghraib that emerged four months later. But the episode has received little media attention. The government denies that the soldiers acted improperly.

· Did Bush Lie To Bolster His Case Against Iraq? Let's Talk About Michael Jackson! - Forget the unanswered questions swirling around Bush with regard to the Downing Street Memo and 2002 bombing raids purportedly designed to goad Saddam Hussein into a war. The big story on Big Story tonight was the Michael Jackson trial. Host John Gibson ignored the fact that US soldiers' lives remain on the line as a result of a possible put-up job and asked, as if it were the most important question of the day, whether or not Michael Jackson's recent trip to the hospital was for real or just a ploy for the jury's sympathy. For 10 minutes, Gibson analyzed the case with three different people.

· CNBC cancels 'Dennis Miller' - Miller's cancellation comes on the heels of the cancellation of shows hosted by John McEnroe and Tina Brown.





· Nasa cuts 'will hamper science' - A major US research body has warned that cuts in Nasa's 2006 budget will hamper progress in understanding our planet and the rest of the Universe.

· Study: U.S. Leads In Mental Illness, Lags in Treatment - One-quarter of all Americans met the criteria for having a mental illness within the past year, and fully a quarter of those had a "serious" disorder that significantly disrupted their ability to function day to day, according to the largest and most detailed survey of the nation's mental health, published yesterday.

· New Evidence - Humans Originated In China, Not Africa - The finding challenges the "Out-of-Africa" hypothesis of modern human origins, according to which about 100,000 years ago modern humans originated in Africa, migrated to other continents, and replaced populations of archaic humans across the globe.





· Group: Uzbek Gov't Crackdown a Massacre - A human rights group Tuesday called Uzbekistan's crackdown on protesters last month a "massacre" and urged Washington to suspend talks on long-term plans for the U.S. military base there until the Central Asian nation agrees to an international investigation.

· Cleared Guantanamo detainees still in jail - Fifteen Guantanamo prisoners whom the Pentagon has pledged to free after clearing them of being "enemy combatants," remain jailed because the United States has been unable so far to arrange for them to return to their home countries, officials said.








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