Date: June 9th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Some events taking place are so exasperating that I sometimes get too mentally tired to even address them. The sudden decision to slash penalties for tobacco companies is one of those issues. The relentless assault on the American people is being resisted by liberals and the rest of the nation does not even know that they are being attacked. How much has to happen before they notice? Sometimes I ask myself if those ignorant people are even worth fighting for. What do you think? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Violence Linked to Taliban Swells in Afghanistan - Insurgents linked to the former Taliban regime have set off a wave of violence in Afghanistan, launching a string of almost daily bombings and assassinations that have killed dozens of U.S. and Afghan military personnel and civilians in recent weeks while spreading fear throughout the international aid worker community.

· Iraq constitution official's bodyguards killed - Gunmen killed two bodyguards of an official who is a member of the committee drafting Iraq's constitution in an attack on their car on Wednesday, an Interior Ministry official said.
TVNL Comment: Is anybody keeping count o the number of Iraqi officials killed since Bush & PNAC took us on their little journey into global military domination?

· British MP George Galloway on Al-Jazeera: Calls for Bush, Blair, Koizumi, and Berlusconi to Stand Trial - Bush, and Blair, and the prime minister of Japan, and Berlusconi, these people are criminals, and they are responsible for mass murder in the world, for the war, and for the occupation, through their support for Israel, and through their support for a globalized capitalist economic system, which is the biggest killer the world has ever known. It has killed far more people than Adolph Hitler. It has killed far more people than George Bush.

· Taliban militants kill two US soldiers - Taliban militants have fired on a US base in south-east Afghanistan, killing two American soldiers and wounding eight others, including civilians.

· Twenty-two Iraqi soldiers kidnapped - Twenty two Iraqi soldiers were kidnapped near the Syrian border, an Iraqi military source said as four US soldiers were killed in less than 24 hours in attacks north of the capital.





· Bush and Blair Lie to the World again - Enough is Enough - How long is this going to go on? How long are these two war criminals going to be allowed to LIE repeatedly to the world before anything is done...?

· They are starting to REWRITE history to protect Bush from impeachment - William Kristol (Bill Kristol) is chairman of "The Project for a New American Cenrtury" (PNAC) and they have already started writing papers that claim Bush and his administration DID NOT claim Saddam had WMD but that it was the Clinton administration who first said that Iraq had WMD.










· Congressman John Conyers Talks About Bush Lying America Into War and His Campaign to Hold Bush Accountable: The Downing Street Memo and More - Currently, he is leading a campaign to hold the Bush Administration accountable for lying America into a War with Iraq. He is conducting a campaign to make Americans aware of the infamous "Downing Street Memo," which is the smoking gun that is the final dot confirming a constellation of Bush administration calculated lies leading Americans deceitfully into the jaws of death, debt and destruction wrought by war.

· Lawmaker in DeLay Inquiry Tied to Lobbyist - The lawmaker who will head a House inquiry into trips that lobbyist Jack Abramoff arranged for Tom DeLay has his own links to the lobbyist.

· Rangel: Bush Iraq 'Fraud' as Bad as Holocaust - "It's the biggest fraud ever committed on the people of this country," Rangel told WWRL Radio's Steve Malzberg and Karen Hunter. "This is just as bad as six million Jews being killed. The whole world knew it and they were quiet about it, because it wasn't their ox that was being gored."





· NH man will pay for beating Saddam look-alike at Foxwoods - A tribal court in Connecticut has imposed a $33,070 civil penalty on two New Hampshire men for allegedly attacking a man at the Foxwoods Casino because he looked like Saddam Hussein.
TVNL Comment:
America the beautiful? Question for this man and for the rest of the people who hate Saddam...why do you hate Saddam? What has he ever done to America or to an American? (Don't include acts that were in response to America attacking his nation first)

· Kaptur alerts colleagues of unfolding scandal - Brown says illegalities put presidential election in question - "I think the George Bush campaign raised a lot of illegal money in Ohio," Mr. Brown said. "That puts the election in some question. I know these people stop at nothing and I know their incompetence kept a significant number of people from getting to vote."

· Judge Queries U.S. Decision to Slash Penalty for Tobacco Firms - A federal judge on Wednesday questioned what was behind the government's decision to dramatically reduce the proposed size of a nationwide stop-smoking program, one of the penalties recommended in a racketeering suit against cigarette makers.

· U.S. Limits Prosecutions Under Privacy Law - The Justice Department has decided that most health care employees can't be prosecuted for stealing personal data under a privacy law intended to protect medical information.

· Award Limit in Tobacco Case Sets Off a Strenuous Protest - The move infuriated lawmakers who have long been critics of the tobacco industry. "It reeks of an administration whose heart isn't really in this case," said Senator Frank R. Lautenberg of New Jersey, at a news conference with other Democrats who suggested that Justice Department officials with ties to the tobacco industry might have grown uncomfortable with a large financial demand as part of the government's case against the companies.

· Tobacco Witnesses Were Told To Ease Up - Government lawyers asked two of their own witnesses to soften recommendations about sanctions that should be imposed on the tobacco industry if it lost a landmark civil racketeering case, one of the witnesses and sources familiar with the case said yesterday.





· Protect animals from ocean sounds, coalition urges - An environmental coalition has urged the United Nations to take steps to protect whales, dolphins and other marine life from the powerful sound waves used in oil and gas exploration and by the world's navies to navigate and detect submarines.





· The US and that 'other' axis - Beijing's increasingly close ties with Moscow and Tehran will thwart Washington's foreign policy goal of expanding US security footholds in the Middle East, Central Asia and Asia. However, the primacy of economic stability will most likely prevent a proxy-style military confrontation, in Iran or North Korea, between China and the US.

· Philippines troops on alert for coup - Military units in the Philippines have been placed on high alert in the capital, Manila, amid speculation of a possible coup attempt against President Gloria Arroyo.

· Saudis Seek Relaxed Nuclear Oversight - Saudi Arabia is seeking to permanently lower international scrutiny of its lone nuclear reactor, but a top Saudi official said Wednesday the request is not a prelude to development of nuclear weapons.

· Israel Resumes Extra-judicial Executions, Six Palestinians Killed - PNA Warns: Israeli Military Escalation Endangers Truce
TVNL Comment: The
US media will not report this but they will report any retaliations without mentioning the provocation by the Israelis.





· Military Investigates U.S. Guards in Iraq - Sixteen private American security guards are under investigation for shooting at U.S. Marines and Iraqi civilians during a three-hour spree west of Baghdad, the military said Thursday.

· War swells US army divorce rate - The number of US army officers getting divorced has soared in the past few years, the Pentagon says, a trend blamed on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush/PNAC legacy!

· Global spending on arms tops $1 trillion - Once again, America was by far the greatest spender on arms. In 2004, it spent $455bn, an increase from 2003 of 12 per cent, fuelled largely by the investment in President George Bush's "war on terror". America's foreign aid spending is around 4.1 per cent of its arms bill.

· Army Headed to Recruiting Shortfall - The Army appears likely to fall short of its full-year recruiting goal for the first time since 1999, raising longer-term questions about a military embroiled in its first protracted wars since switching from the draft to a volunteer force 32 years ago.

· AP: Air Force Academy Chief Under Review - The Air Force is reviewing the conduct of the No. 2 officer at the Air Force Academy, a born-again Christian who's been criticized for promoting his religion inappropriately in memos and speeches, The Associated Press has learned.
TVNL Comment: A Christian who trains people to bomb other people. What kind of religion teaches one to select this path in life?

· When Marine recruiters go way beyond the call - And before Axel, an older cousin and other co-workers knew or understood what was happening, Axel was whisked away in a car. - "They said we were going somewhere but I didn't know we were going all the way to Seattle," Axel said.

· Military refuses to back down on arrest of civilian rape counselor - The military refused to back down Tuesday from a threat to seek the arrest of a civilian rape counselor in a battle over records of her sessions with an Air Force Academy cadet who said she was sexually assaulted.





· Republicans: The Anti-Christian, Christian Party - The politicization of the Christian church has benefited the Republican Party instead of the Christian church. It is an insult to many real Christians to call the attack on the Separation of Church and State a pro-Christian political agenda. Our Founding Fathers advocated this measure almost universally to protect both the government and our Churches. Politics and money are corrupting many churches especially those led by so-called “Christian Right” preachers.





· Nixon's empire strikes back - Bush's imperial project has succeeded by learning the chief lesson of Watergate - muzzle the press.

· Front-Runner for Public Broadcast Agency Job Is Former GOP Chair - A former co-chairman of the Republican National Committee is the leading candidate to take over the agency that funds public broadcasting, sparking new concerns among broadcasters about conservative influence over National Public Radio and Public Broadcasting Service programming.

· Concerns about the timing. - Well, let me remind the JOURNALISTS in my country that this vital information should be disclosed BEFORE AN ELECTION! A journalist’s job is to report the news when the news is discovered. The journalists’ responsibility is to the electorate, not to the candidate.





· One-third of scientists admit to research violations - But a surprising 33 percent confessed to other kinds of misconduct -- such as claiming credit for someone else's work, or changing results because of pressure from a study's sponsor.





· Texas governor suggests gay veterans should leave state - Texas Gov. Rick Perry suggested that gay veterans unhappy with the proposed anti-gay constitutional amendment should move elsewhere.





· UN alert as nuclear plans go missing - Blueprints disclosing key steps to build a bomb feared up for sale
TVNL Comment: Here is the setup for the next state sponsored terror so that we continue to move the world's wealth into the hands of the military industrial complex!

· Signs Of The Next Attack? - Now what would be the point of doing this? The answer is really quite simple. Since martial law will undoubtedly include picking up troublemakers, all communication will be suspended throughout the country while the camp roundups are underway. After this is over, every will suddenly "come back to life" again after the red and blue list roundups are largely completed. Such a communications shutdown will isolate people and prevent them from warning others.



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