Date: June 10th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: “Producers, photographers & reporters, filling time.” This is an exact quote from an extended in depth CNN report on the rules and restrictions that apply to the people who are loitering outside the court where Michael Jackson’s trial is taking place. This report went on and on addressing every little detail about the do’s and don’ts of the on lookers. What a vital piece of journalism. Have no fear, I will do all I can to produce a DVD of this report so that you can keep this groundbreaking piece of journalism in your library;-) Talk about “producers, photographers & reporters filling time! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Task Force Liberty Soldier dies of non-battle injury - A Task Force Liberty Soldier died of a non-battle injury at about 6:40 a.m., June 9 near Tuz.

· MARINE KILLED IN VEHICLE ACCIDENT NEAR THE TOWN OF HIT - A Marine assigned to 2nd Force Service Support Group, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in a vehicle accident near the town of Hit, June 8.

· Kirkuk anti-corruption officials killed - The head of Kirkuk's anti-corruption brigade and his deputy have been shot dead in the northern Iraqi town, a police official said.

· 'Good and honest' Iraqis fighting US forces - A senior US military chief has admitted "good, honest" Iraqis are fighting American forces. - Major General Joseph Taluto said he could understand why some ordinary people would take up arms against the US military because "they're offended by our presence".

· Another Downing St Memo – Wrongfooting Saddam - On Iraq I opened by sticking very closely to the script that you used with Condi Rice last week, We backed regime change, but the plan had to be clever and failure was not an option. - I then went through the need to wrongfoot Saddam on the inspectors and the UN SCRs and the critical importance of the MEPP as an integral part of the anti-Saddam strategy. If all this could be accomplished skillfully, we were fairly confident that a number of countries would come on board.













9/11 News :


· Why Did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse? - Professional demolition, by contrast, can explain all of these facts and more. Demolition means placing explosives throughout a building, and detonating them in sequence to weaken "the structure so it collapses or folds in upon itself" (p. 44). In conventional demolitions gravity does most of the work, although it probably did a minority on 9/11, so heavily were the towers honeycombed with explosives.

· Acquittal of 9/11 suspect upheld - Germany's federal appeals court has upheld the acquittal of Abdelghani Mzoudi, a Moroccan who was accused of links to the 11 September attacks.

· 9/11 Whitewasher Grilled By Informed C-Span Callers - During the course of the Washington Journal show they took around a dozen calls. Over half of them raised salient points pertaining to government involvement in 9/11.






· Kerry and Waxman Call for GAO Investigation Of Manipulated Climate Change Science - Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Representative Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) today asked the GAO to investigate the extent to which White House officials and political appointees at federal agencies have manipulated the science on global warming.

· House Judiciary Democrats to hold hearings on Downing Street minutes - The ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee has scheduled hearings on the 2002 minutes between senior British and American officials which asserted that intelligence was "being fixed" to support the case for war in Iraq, RAW STORY has learned. - Conyers office has revealed that they will introduce new documents that corroborate the Downing Street Memo at the hearings June 9.





· Animal activists on trial under terrorism law - The defendants are accused of disrupting the business of Huntingdon Life Sciences, or HLS, a UK-based firm with operations in New Jersey that uses animals to test drugs, with the aim of driving it out of business.
TVNL Comment: Here is an example of the abuse of law. Here comes our police state. Will they apply these laws to people who bomb abortion clinics?

· State seizes cancer-stricken girl - Child welfare officials seized a 12-year-old cancer patient from her parents, saying they were blocking radiation treatment that doctors say she needs.





· No woolly thinking in urine solution to pollution - A bus operator in Britain is road-testing sheep urine as a way of cutting pollution, the Guardian newspaper reports.





· Bush says US will defend Taiwan if China starts a war - When asked in an interview with the Fox News TV Channel, "Do we [the US] still stand by an agreement, Mr. President, that if Taiwan is ever invaded, we will come to the defense of Taiwan?" Bush said: "Yes, we do. It's called the Taiwan Relations Act."
TVNL Comment: More war! God bless

· Israel accused of Gaza trickery - The Palestinian leadership yesterday accused Israel of setting it up to fail by withholding information crucial to a successful transfer of control of the Gaza Strip when Jewish settlers are withdrawn this summer.

· Security concerns as Israel attempts damage control on growing missile scandal - Security concern are escalating at Caracas (Simon Bolivar) international airport in Maiquetia, after the discovery of a shipment of five (5) missiles in transit from Colombia to Tel Aviv (Israel). German airline Lufthansa is claiming that the security seizure at their air cargo depot is a "misunderstanding."

· US drops opposition to IAEA head's reappointment - The United States has set no conditions in exchange on its readiness to back Mohammed ElBaradei as head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for a third term, his spokeswoman says.

· Kyrgyz parliamentarian shot dead - A leading Kyrgyz parliamentarian has been shot dead in the centre of the capital, Bishkek, the city's police chief says.

· Philippines recalls envoy to Israel - The Philippines recalled its ambassador to Israel on Wednesday after he compared the Israeli immigration police to the Gestapo, the Nazi secret police.





· Army, needing 2nd lieutenants, speeds process for NCOs to become officers - Facing an urgent requirement to field an additional 300 second lieutenants in 2006, Army officials have decided to make it easier for nontraditional officer candidates to enter that career track.

· Returning soldier charged in pipe bomb incident - A U.S. Army soldier just back from Iraq tried to blow up the car of a romantic rival with a pair of pipe bombs, police said.





· Losing Our Country - It's not a pretty picture - which is why right-wing partisans try so hard to discredit anyone who tries to explain to the public what's going on.

· When Peace Is The Enemy - Ten Deadly Enemies of Humanity in America

· How the World Can Help Americans Halt Bush Administration War Crimes - On May 17 a legal summons was delivered to U.S. and UK embassies in capitals around the world—including Istanbul, Tokyo, Lisbon, and Brussels—on behalf of the World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI). The summons requested the attendance of President Bush and Prime Minister Blair to defend charges that they are in “violation of common values of humanity, international treaties, and international law” for waging war in Iraq.





· Public Broadcasting Targeted By House - Panel Seeks to End CPB's Funding Within 2 Years

· Papers Reach Iraq Boiling Point - Many of the nation's newspaper editorialists have roused themselves from seeming acceptance of the continuing slaughter in Iraq to voice outright condemnation of the war.

· The Foxnewsified Bush Interview - But even fellow Fox News anchor John Gibson marveled at Cavuto's line of questioning when Cavuto came on his show later. - Later, Gibson had this to say: "Now, Neil, nobody can talk to the president very long without bringing up the war." - Cavuto: "Right..." - And yet, somehow the topic never came up.

· CNN Stuns U.S. With Actual News - Stunned by 15 straight minutes of actual news, we heard an equally incredulous CJR colleague in the background quip, "It's weird to be watching news."
TVNL Comment: How embarrassing; when news is seen on an American news network it is worthy of a new article!

· Our News Media - TVNL Comment: Cartoon










· US rejects UN critique of its Iraq prisoner policy - United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, in a report to the U.N. Security Council on Wednesday, said that in Iraq, "one of the major human rights challenges remains the detention of thousands of persons without due process."





· Prosecutor: Ky. pastor spent cash on Porsche - The Rev. Larry Davis purchased a Porsche with some of the more than $700,000 he stole from the First Baptist Church of Cold Spring - sometimes brazenly withdrawing the money at horse racetrack ATMs, a federal prosecutor says.
TVNL Comment: Keep telling us how religious people are better than everyone else, especially Christians.

· Abuse Cost for Catholic Dioceses Tops $1B - The cost to the U.S. Roman Catholic Church of sexual predators in the priesthood has climbed past $1 billion, according to tallies by American bishops and an Associated Press review of known settlements.
TVNL Comment: Wanna play, well you gotta pay! And those God worshipers who spend a great deal of time tellin you what you can and can not do, sure do love to play!

· TV show depicts 9/11 as Bush plot - According to the plot, which was seen by approximately 7 million Germans, the dead man had been trained to be one of the September 11 pilots but was left behind, only to be tracked down and killed by CIA or FBI assassins. - The woman, who says in the program that the September 11 attacks were instigated by the Bush family for oil and power, then is targeted, presumably to silence her. The drama concludes with the German detectives accepting the truth of her story as she eludes the U.S.



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