Date: June 11th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: If anyone ever tries to tell you that George W. Bush cares one bit for the American people, just tell them that the person he appointed to be the chief of staff to his Council on Environmental Quality had no scientific training and he was a a lawyer for the American Petroleum Institute, the main lobby for the oil industry! Whose side is Bush on? Not the environment and surely not the citizens’! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Guard, Reserve Monthly Death Toll at High - May was the deadliest month of the Iraq war for part-time American servicemen.

· US army crash 'kills 10 Afghans' - LINK - Ten Afghan civilians have died after the bus they were travelling in collided with a US military vehicle, Afghan police said.

· Brits and Yanks Unite to Demand Answers to Downing Street Minutes - Military Families Against the War, in Britain, and, in the United States, are working together to demand answers to the questions raised by the Downing Street Minutes and related evidence suggesting that the rulers of both nations conspired to deceive the public, Congress, and Parliament with regard to justification for the Iraq War.

· TWO MARINES KILLED NEAR SAQLAWIYAH - Two Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team-8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed June 10 when an improvised explosive device detonated near their vehicle.

· Iraqi gunmen kill 10 - Gunmen have opened fire on a bus filled with labourers just south of Baghdad, killing 10 people and wounding three.

· Bomb rips through Baghdad street - A car bomb has exploded in a street in a Shiite area of Baghdad, killing 11 people and wounding 29.

· Bomber hits elite Iraqi police HQ - A suicide bomber has killed a member of an elite Iraqi police unit after walking into its Baghdad headquarters disguised as a policeman.

· Five U.S. Marines killed by roadside bomb in Iraq - A roadside bomb blast in western Iraq killed five U.S. Marines on Thursday, the U.S. military said on Friday.

· Former CIA director calls for Iraq withdrawal - Former CIA Director John M. Deutch, institute professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), said that the United States is not making progress toward key objectives in Iraq and called for American troops to pull out "as soon as possible" during a speech Tuesday (June 7) at Harvard's Sanders Theatre.

· Religious Leaders Urge Congress to Declare That U.S. presence in Iraq is Not Open-ended - We call on the Congress to go on record that it is the policy of the United States not to remain in Iraq as a military presence.

· Sixteen people killed execution-style found in Iraq - The bodies of 16 people who were killed execution-style have been discovered in western Iraq, witnesses said on Friday, the latest grisly killings fueling fears of civil war in Iraq.





· Dean Just Told Them The Truth and They Thought It Was Hell - Timid and fearful Democrats are trembling on national television as they beg Dr. Dean to stop pointing out the hypocrisy and misinformation efforts of Republicans in office and Conservatives in the media.

· Anti-Semitism office planned at State Department - President Bush plans to sign a bill passed by both houses of Congress that would establish a State Department office to monitor anti-Semitism around the world, despite the department’s strong objection, administration officials said yesterday.
TVNL Comment: If anyone wants to continue to deny that the
US is controlled by Israel better start waking up now. The US has now become the official global body guard of Israel yet we stand by while the Israelis commit crimes against humanity and continue to violate dozens of UN Security Council resolutions.





· Bush's View of Economy Doesn't Mesh With Public's - The gap between the perceptions of Bush and many economists on one side, and the public on the other, has high stakes for the president. Bush is holding firm to his economic policies of tax cuts, free trade and putting more of the burden for retirement security and health on individuals.



9/11 News :


· Memo on 9/11 Plotters Blocked - New disclosures show that CIA information in 2000 about two Al Qaeda operatives in San Diego was squelched before reaching the FBI.
TVNL Comment: More proof that it was permitted to happen.






· GOP House Judiciary Chair Uses Pinochet Tactics to Abruptly and Unilaterally Shut Down Hearing Into Abuses of the (Un)Patriot Act, Because He Was Afraid the Truth Would Come Out. America: "IT" is Happening Here. Democracy is Being Dismantled by GOP Thugs. - The suppression of free speech and testimony in the congressional committee in charge of protecting our civil liberties shows the Republican’s power grab has no limits and no decency. The irony was not lost on anyone.










· Logging threatens Borneo species - Conservationists are warning that the south-east Asian island of Borneo could lose almost all its lowland forest within a decade.

· Editor of Climate Reports Resigns - Mr. Cooney’s resignation came two days after documents revealed that he had repeatedly edited government climate reports in ways that cast doubt on the link between building greenhouse-gas emissions and rising temperatures. - Mr. Cooney has no scientific training. - Before moving to the White House in 2001, Mr. Cooney, 45, was a lawyer for the American Petroleum Institute, the main lobby for the oil industry, and held the position of “climate team leader,” in which he fought restrictions on greenhouse gases.

· Big Business Urges Urgent G8 Global Warming Action - Big business added its voice on Thursday to a growing crescendo of calls on the governments of the world's richest nations to take urgent action to curb potentially catastrophic global warming.
TVNL Comment: Look at the source of this news. Notice how hard we have to search in order to bring this information to Americans!

· Altered food chain marks cod-forsaken ecosystem - An entire marine ecosystem is being restructured because of the collapse of East Coast fish stocks more than a decade ago and could make their recovery nearly impossible, according to a unique study to be published Friday.





· Rift widens over EU contributions - The UK must compromise on its EU rebate so the bloc can reach a deal on its budget, the German chancellor has said amid mounting pressure on London.

· US, UK agree to wipe out 18 countries' debts - "The proposal will cancel 100 per cent of the World Bank, African Development Bank and IMF debt, and calls on all countries to cancel their bilateral debt for the 18 immediately-eligible countries that have already met the full requirements."

· Thousands attend anti-Arroyo protest - Thousands of activists, church-backed groups and opposition leaders have called on Philippine President Gloria Arroyo to resign over corruption allegations.

· Deja Vu - IAEA Challenges US Uranium Accusation - The diplomat, who is accredited to the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency, said testing of traces of weapons-grade uranium on the centrifuge parts provided by Pakistan appear to match those found on centrifuges bought by Iran on the nuclear black market headed by Pakistani scientist A.Q. Khan.





· Home from Iraq, officers consider leaving the service - The thing that keeps senior generals awake at night, though, is the potential loss of junior officers. With thousands of soldiers on their second combat deployment in Iraq or Afghanistan and some preparing for their third this fall, evidence is mounting that an exodus of young Army officers may be looming. The Army's pool of young captains, which forms the backbone of infantry and armored units, could be the hit hardest.

· Army Misses Recruiting Goal for 4th Month - The Army fell short of its recruiting goal in May, the fourth consecutive monthly shortfall, but the Marine Corps was on target despite continuing publicity about U.S. combat casualties in Iraq.

· Military Jury Finds Sergeant Guilty of Premeditated Murder - A military jury found an Army sergeant guilty Friday of premeditated murder in the shootings of two fellow soldiers last year.

· U.S. Vets Seek Probe of Alleged War Crimes - Survivors of a U.S. spy ship attacked by Israeli fighters and torpedo boats 40 years ago are pressing the Pentagon for a full investigation into alleged Israeli war crimes for a strike that caused 205 casualties, including 34 killed.





· The High Cost of Prohibition - A good case can be made that marijuana prohibition costs too much -- in money, but also in ruined lives and harm done to society.

· Why Israel? - I can think of no greater mystery in all of American politics that the reasons behind the blind support the US gives to Israel.





· US Media Shamed by Brit Journalist - At this stage, it seems almost pointless to say it, but once again, the corporate media in America have been exposed as a cowardly mass of toadies who cannot bring themselves to publish or air anything remotely critical of the administration unless compelled to do so by cattle prods...or a reporter from a foreign news organization doing what reporters are supposed to do routinely.

· ACTOR SEAN PENN IN TEHRAN AS JOURNALIST - The Hollywood actor Sean Penn is in the Iranian capital, Tehran, in his new role as a journalist for the San Francisco Chronicle.

· Gallup: Public Confidence in Papers, TV News Falls to All-Time Low - Since 2000, confidence in newspapers has declined from 37% to 28%, and TV from 36% to 28%, according to the poll.
TVNL Comment: In comes Bush/PNAC...out goes journalism!

· An Urgent Message to the Media - I must say, I’m beginning to wonder if all of you news media folk are either retarded or lazy or scared out of your minds (and for your jobs) at the notion that you should dare report on some real serious issues facing our country today.

· Sure there’s Censorship of the News in America - “Sure, there’s censorship of the news in America, isn’t there?” she said. “I mean, everybody knows that there are stories about the war in Iraq that you can’t print in America.”

· The Downing Street Memo Reveals Blood on the Hands of Our Complicit Corporate Media and the Hijacking of Our Collective Fear - Terrorism became the tool, the weapon wielded so effectively by this administration for five years now. They color-coded our fear, using the terror chart to influence elections, and to distract from potentially damaging news. They warned us over and over again that it could happen again. They made us go buy duct tape and brought us new terms like “dirty bomb”. Just enough to keep everyone on edge, and distracted, while they implemented the agenda they had all along. All the while, deregulating media, and winning hearts and minds of the corporations behind the mainstream media.










· Students Defend Gay Rights - At a time of profound political opposition to same-sex marriage, with national studies showing significant schoolyard harassment of gay teenagers, the positive response at Howell High and a suburban Detroit school this year buoyed advocates of equal rights for gay men and lesbians.

· Israelis Recall a Night of Death and Revenge - Now, some of the Israelis who participated in the ambush of the policemen have come forward to describe in detail what happened and to denounce it as a crime.

· The New Blacklist - Corporate America is bowing to anti-gay Christian groups’ boycott demands
TVNL Comment: They should call them "Christian Hate Groups!"

· US War Crimes, An International Vow of Silence - In addition to the mass killings of Iraqi civilians, U.S. forces deliberately committed cultural genocide against Iraqi national heritage, and Iraqi treasures. “Not even the Nazis would have allowed such crimes”, wrote the Indian philosopher, Aijaz Ahmad. Ahmed added; “Every single Article of the Geneva Convention and the U.N. Charter was violated, and a whole range of war crimes committed, with impunity. Yet, not a single member of the so-called ‘international community’ has come forward to say so: not Kofi Annan and his bureaucrats at the U.N., not the leaders of the Franco-German alliance [for political opportunism] or any other member of the Security Council, not the head of any Arab state” was able to whisper a word of resistance.

· Marines 'beat US workers' in Iraq - A group of American security guards in Iraq have alleged they were beaten, stripped and threatened with a snarling dog by US marines when they were detained after an alleged shooting incident outside Falluja last month.





· Saddam About To Be Suicided? - The standard procedure to eliminate Saddam would be IMHO the same as in Dr. Kellys assassination (1), Saddam will 'commit suicide'.



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