Date: June 12th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: A reader sent me a link to an article about Operation Mockingbird, which is a long known CIA operation involving media control. This is a subject I have neglected to pay attention to. While we focus on corporate influence it is very important that we remain aware of direct government influence in our media. I provided a link to an interesting article on the topic. I suggest you do a web search and read up on the subject. I am starting to wonder were the term “free press” ever came from! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Cabinet Office paper: Conditions for military action - The paper, produced by the Cabinet Office on July 21, 2002, is incomplete because the last page is missing. The following is a transcript rather than the original document in order to protect the source.

· Ministers were told of need for Gulf war ‘excuse’ - MINISTERS were warned in July 2002 that Britain was committed to taking part in an American-led invasion of Iraq and they had no choice but to find a way of making it legal.
TVNL Comment: How many smokling guns do we need?

· American Troops Open Fire On Iraqi Police, Officials Say - Iraqi police said U.S. soldiers have mistakenly killed two security guards during a gun battle.





· Dean is Doing What We Hired Him To Do; - and setting an example spine-challenged elected Democrats should be following

· When Will Americans Punish Bush for His Errors? - Given what he describes as the ongoing political, military and moral disaster being committed by the United States in Iraq, the writer wonders if the Republican Party will pay a price at the ballot box.
TVNL Comment: They will not pay at the ballot box because they own the ballot counters!

· "Cha Ching" From ˘˘˘ to $$$: How the Bush Crime Syndicate Funneled Foreign Cash Into the U.S. Political System - Experienced federal investigators, acting independently, have discovered a covert funding channel used by the 2000 and 2004 Bush-Cheney campaigns and the administrations of Jeb Bush in Florida and Bob Taft in Ohio t








9/11 News :


· San Diego FBI disputes report about hijackers - FBI officials in San Diego, weary of accusations that agents bungled chances to intercept two Sept. 11 hijackers living under their noses, lashed out yesterday at the same conclusions in yet another report. - "How were we supposed to find them when we didn't know we were looking for them?" said William Gore, who was in charge of the San Diego FBI office on Sept. 11, 2001. "If we'd have known, we were trained investigators. We would have picked up the phone book and found him (Alhazmi)."











· NASA Chief to Oust 20 - New NASA Administrator Michael D. Griffin has decided to replace about 20 senior space agency officials by mid-August in the first stage of a broad agency shake-up

· Citigroup Agrees to Pay $2 Billion in Enron Scandal - In the first significant shareholder settlement since Enron collapsed more than three years ago, Citigroup has agreed to pay $2 billion to investors who accused the bank of aiding Enron in its accounting scandal.

· Campuses warn of cuts in research - Years of increases in federal research spending are coming to a halt, and top universities like MIT fear they will have to make cutbacks in cherished projects.
TVNL Comment: But Bill Gates got his tax cut!

· Man accused of selling secrets to Iraq says he's U.S. agent - He told the judge he's really a US secret agent and claims prosecutors have mixed him up with his now-dead twin brother.










· Palestinian security forces have carried out their first executions since 2002, reversing a stay imposed in response to international pressure. - Palestinian security forces have carried out their first executions since 2002, reversing a stay imposed in response to international pressure.





· Army Sgt. Gets Life for Gunning Down GIs - An Army sergeant convicted of shooting two fellow soldiers to death last year at his farmhouse will serve life in prison with no chance of parole, a military jury decided Saturday.

· Army Recruiting More High School Dropouts to Meet Goals - The Army is having to turn to more high school dropouts and lower-achieving applicants to fill its ranks, accepting hundreds of recruits in recent months who would have been rejected a year ago, according to Army statistics.
TVNL Comment: It is interesting how Republicans will be asking us to support the very same people (calling them troops) that they would insult liberals for supporting had they not put on uniforms.





· Faith-Based Fascism - Like Halliburton, Christ Inc. has become the latest recipient of taxpayer largesse, having won the contract to keep the media out of the news business, and to ensure that power speaks to truth, as opposed to the other way around. Purging the “news” of news is just the latest attempt by religious Brownshirts to stamp their poisonous insignia on every major institution that they don't control lock, stock and barrel.





· OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD - Americans remain unaware of what this means. The USA has a state-controlled press more effective than the KGB’s Pravda because Americans don’t know it is their government running their ’mainstream media.’ - CARL BERNSTEIN: "The history of the CIA’s involvement with the American press continues to be shrouded by an official policy of obfuscation and deception . . . .

· War preparations or how the media ‘disappeared’ the secret memo - Yet with such incriminating evidence contained in the memo why hasn’t the Brit media gone for the proverbial jugular? The reality is that aside from the publication of the memo by the Sunday Times six weeks ago and significantly only days before the General Election, there has been a complete news blackout on the memo and its explosive contents.

· Iran journalist returns to prison - Dissident Iranian journalist Akbar Ganji has returned to prison after going missing for three days.





· Most of U.S. agency's anti-malaria budget spent on consultants - Although its budget for fighting malaria has risen more than sixfold since 1998 – to $90 million from $14 million – the United States' foreign aid agency is spending 95 percent of the money on consultants and less than 5 percent on mosquito nets, drugs and insecticide spraying to fight the disease.













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