Date: June 13th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: How many Bush administration issues can you describe using sentences that start with one of the 2 following phrases:

1.      The –fill in the blank- department suppressed vital data…

2.      The Bush administration dismissed the claims of…

Since when is suppressing data not considered lying? Oh…forget it, I know the answer…according to our media…when the Bush administration suppresses data it is not lying. As a matter of fact it is not even noticed, especially when the issue is the suppression of vital information about things that the Bush administration wants to do that will result in mass death, or other harm.

Since when do the media dismiss the claims made by any and all reputable people, institutions, groups and nations? When the Bush administration decides to dismiss those claims. When do our media validate the claims? They do not. They leave that job up to the Bush administration.

Today’s media acts like a jury that comes to a verdict by asking the accused if he or she is guilty, and then simply takes his or her word for it. The corporate media are the enemy of justice. They are indeed the bad guy who is covering for the bad guy. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Execs from banned firm still getting Iraq deals - Former executives of Custer Battles — an American firm accused of stealing millions from Iraq reconstruction projects and banned from further government contracts — have continued doing contracting work and have formed new companies to bid on such projects, The Associated Press has learned.

· Tikrit suicide bombing kills 2, injures 12 - A suicide car bomber has blown up his vehicle next to an Iraqi police patrol in Tikrit, killing two police officers and wounding 12 people, most of them civilians.

· Afghan bombing targets US soldiers - The US military says four US soldiers have been wounded in an attack on a military convoy outside the restive southern city of Kandahar. - However, police say at least five American soldiers have been killed.

· Military action won't end insurgency, growing number of U.S. officers believe - A growing number of senior American military officers in Iraq have concluded that there is no long-term military solution to an insurgency that has killed thousands of Iraqis and more than 1,300 U.S. troops during the past two years.

· Ex-Mossad Chief: US Presence In Middle East To Last Decades; Draft On Its Way - Ephraim Halevy, the former chief of Israel's Mossad intelligence service and the current national security adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, says plans have been made for a substantial U.S. military presence in the Middle East lasting decades.

· At scene of Iraq air strikes, casualties unclear - "These are children's clothes," said one man, picking up a shirt from the rubble left by the strikes.

· Special Report: The Rush to Invade Iraq-; The Ultimate Inside Account - Throughout the spring and fall of 2002 and well into 2003 I received numerous complaints from friends and colleagues in the intelligence community, and from people in the policy community, about (how the Bush administration handled the intelligence). According to them, many Administration officials reacted strongly, negatively, and aggressively when presented with information or analyses that contradicted what they already believed about Iraq... Intelligence officers who presented analyses that were at odds with the pre-existing views of senior Administration officials were subject to barrages of questions and requests for additional information. They were asked to justify their work sentence by sentence... The Administration gave greatest credence to accounts that presented the most lurid picture of Iraqi activities. In many cases intelligence analysts were distrustful of those sources, or knew unequivocally that they were wrong. But when they said so, they were not heeded; instead, they were beset with further questions about their own sources.

· THE LIE OF THE CENTURY - "All war is based on deception." -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

· Four U.S. Soldiers Killed in Iraq - Four U.S. soldiers were killed in separate roadside bombings west of Baghdad, the military said Sunday





· DPW Resolves to Impeach - Saturday afternoon during their annual State Convention at the Park Plaza in downtown Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin adopted the following resolution: CALLING ON THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS TO INITIATE IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS AGAINST PRESIDENT BUSH, VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY AND DEFENSE SECRETARY RUMSFELD FOR HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS

· Coin scandal concerns resonate to D.C. - Partisans in Washington argue that a Republican "culture of corruption" extends far beyond Tom Noe and Columbus, reaching all the way to the White House and Capitol Hill.








9/11 News :


· Former Bush Team Member Says WTC Collapse Likely A Controlled Demolition And 'In - A former chief economist in the Labor Department during President Bush's first term now believes the official story about the collapse of the WTC is 'bogus,' saying it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7.






· Republican lawmakers urge shift in U.S. Iraq plans - Other Republicans on Sunday talk shows joined Democrats in criticizing the administration for playing down the insurgency, while overestimating the ability of Iraq's fledgling forces to fight without U.S. soldiers in the lead and failing to plan for the post-invasion occupation.

· Secret vote on Patriot Act angers some conservatives - A closed-door vote by the Senate Intelligence Committee to expand law enforcement powers under the USA Patriot Act is prompting sharp criticism from some conservative leaders who are otherwise among the most vocal allies of President Bush and the Republican leadership.





· State likely to overlook Diebold flaws - Officials expected to OK voting system despite problems on tests
TVNL Comment: Do you still think we live in a democracy? Do you still think that the last three (including the midterm) elections were not rigged? Well, if you do you are just not paying attention.

· Texas Governor Mobilizes Evangelicals - It wasn't just the blatant blend of church and state that made the gathering in Fort Worth unusual. Advance publicity also attracted about 300 angry protesters — unheard of for the routine business of ceremonial bill signings. - Now some wonder whether Gov. Rick Perry overplayed his hand last week trying to stick to the playbook used by old friend George W. Bush and political whiz Karl Rove, mobilizing evangelicals for last year's presidential race.




· Beckett exposes G8 rift on global warming - The British Government is deeply disappointed that President George Bush has not made a greater commitment to tackling climate change before the G8 summit, the Environment Secretary has disclosed. In a rare, outspoken critique of the US position on global warming, Margaret Beckett told The Independent of the Government's frustration at the lack of "common ground" with Washington on the need for action on the environment. The US has consistently blocked attempts by Britain to put progress on tackling climate change alongside G8's moves to scrap African debt at the Gleneagles meeting of the leading industrialised nations next month.
TVNL Comment: Does the
US media report the fact that the Bush administration is trying to kill millions and millions of people, including Americans, with their insane and immoral environmental policies?

· The debate's over: Globe is warming - After decades of debate over whether the planet is heating and, if so, whose fault it is, divergent groups are joining hands with little fanfare to deal with a problem they say people can no longer avoid.

· Nuclear Waste Outpaces Solutions - Plants use outdoor storage casks while waiting for the government to find a longer-term solution. Some fear it won't.

· Global warming: the US contribution in figures - The United States constitutes 4 per cent of the world population - It is responsible for a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions - an average of 40,000 pounds of carbon dioxide is released by each US citizen every year - the highest of any country in the world, and more than China, India and Japan combined

· Nerve Agent Spills at Indiana Facility - About 30 gallons of a liquid containing a deadly Cold War-era nerve agent spilled at an Indiana chemical weapons depot, but it was safely contained in a sealed area and no one was injured, the Army said Saturday. - The spill occurred Friday night at the Newport Chemical Agent Destruction Facility, where more than 250,000 gallons of the agent VX are stored. VX is a liquid with the consistency of mineral oil that can kill a healthy adult with a single pinpoint droplet.





· Palestinian security forces have carried out their first executions since 2002, reversing a stay imposed in response to international pressure. - Palestinian security forces have carried out their first executions since 2002, reversing a stay imposed in response to international pressure.





· Army, Insurer in Iraq at Odds - The Pentagon suspects vast overcharging for workers' compensation in war zones. A financial giant has fought a proposal to cut rates.

· War divides; pride unites - Yet, while residents overwhelmingly believe people here support the troops, opinions vary widely among certain segments of the population.










· Panel Would Cut Public Broadcasting Aid - A House Appropriations panel on Thursday approved a spending bill that would cut the budget for public television and radio nearly in half and eliminate a $23 million federal program that has provided some money for producing children's shows that include "Sesame Street," "Clifford the Big Red Dog," "Between the Lions" and "Dragon Tales."





· Fluoridated water can cause bone cancer in boys - - Fluoride in tap water can cause bone cancer in boys, a disturbing new study indicates, although there is no evidence of a link for girls.

· US regulator suppresses vital data on prescription drugs on sale in Britain - Vital data on prescription medicines found in millions of British homes has been suppressed by the powerful US drug regulators, even though the information could potentially save lives.
TVNL Comment: How is this not lying?













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