Date: June 14th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: “Now even Republicans are saying it!” This is the phrase you hear just before the corporate media decides that something might be worth considering. For years now the American corporate news media has shown that they are only willing to consider issues, claims, opinions or information if at least one Republican agrees with it.. The notion of “maybe it IS true if a Republican admits it” is a clear and open indication of bias in the media, and there is no hiding which way the bias leans. We may have a liberal media but they just happen to be biased in favor of the right. It is right out there in the open, just watch for it. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· 5,000 British troops bound for Afghanistan - Up to 5,000 troops may help a planned US bid to re-establish order in the country, with the first wave arriving in October.

· Kurdish rights activist kidnapped in Iraq - A Kurdish woman human rights activist has been kidnapped by armed men in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk, an official from the Kurdistan Democratic Party said Monday.

· Liberal Basra pushed to the right - Since the US-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein two years ago, this city with a long liberal tradition and the surrounding provinces have fallen under the sway of conservative Islam.

· Bombers strike as Kurds prepare to install president - At least 29 people have been killed and 60 wounded in bombing attacks in northern Iraq, as the autonomous Kurdish region is set to install its first president.

· Bombshell As Six More British Documents Leaked - Six new secret British documents have been leaked and are provided below. These were retyped from the originals to protect the source, has verified the authenticity .

· Web of cold-blooded lies - Eric Margolis is appalled by Anglo-U.S. scheme to scare citizens into backing Iraq war





· Pentagon analyst charged with divulging secrets - Lawrence Franklin was arrested in May on charges of illegally disclosing classified defense information. An indictment returned by a federal grand jury and unsealed on Monday gave further information on the charges, including that he disclosed secret information to the diplomat.
TVNL Comment: First of all the word is espionage, or spying. Second, notice how much you have to read before you find out that the country involved is
Israel. If it were France, Iran ir Syria the headline would be quite different and you would actually hear about this on TV!

· A Make-Over to Disguise Ugly U.S. Policy - The real problem is that the administration, in permanent campaign mode even after reelection, has always regarded the GWOT as a political marketing gimmick, both at home and abroad.





· Rich-poor gap gaining attention - A remark by Greenspan symbolizes concern that wealth disparities may destabilize the economy.



9/11 News :








· Bush for Life: GOP introduces new bill to Congress - Republicans have officially started the the campaign to amend the Constitution by repealing the 22nd Amendment - the one that confines the President to two terms. If the Republicans hold their current strength, or increase it, in the 2006 Congressional elections, expect this measure to pass allowing Bush to remain President...





· Efforts to curb abortion proliferate at state level - Efforts at the state level to curb abortions are intensifying, adding to the nation's culture wars.

· One Nation, Uninsured - The great advantage of universal, government-provided health insurance is lower costs.

· Michael Jackson Verdict - Check elsewhere!
TVNL Comment: Sorry, but we'll stick to reporting important news. You can check any of your TV news shows. Then come back here to get some real news.





· Blair and Putin agree to push for action on climate change - The Prime Minister and the Russian President agreed yesterday to work together to put pressure on other countries which have not signed the Kyoto agreement, including the United States, to do more to meet the challenges of global warming.





· Rice says does not know if N.Korea's Kim is sane - Asked if she thought Kim was sane during an interview with MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews," Rice replied: "I don't know. I've never met the man." The interview was taped on Monday and was to be broadcast on Tuesday.
TVNL Comment: Another undignified comment stirred on by an undignified news criminal and entertained by an undignified Secretary of State on behalf of an undignified and undiplomatic administration. Just add it to the list of undignified and undiplomatic comments and actions that have poured out of the Bush administration.

· U.S. Opposed Calls at NATO for Probe of Uzbek Killings - Officials Feared Losing Air Base Access
TVNL Comment: Does American hypocrisy have any limits?

· Israelis testing acoustic weapon - Israel is considering using an unusual new weapon against Jewish settlers who resist this summer's Gaza Strip evacuation — a device that emits penetrating bursts of sound that send targets reeling with dizziness and nausea.

· US behind Bolivia crisis - Chavez - He called President George W Bush's proposal for a regional free trade agreement a "medicine of death".

· El Baradei 'humbled' by reappointment as UN nuclear chief - United Nations nuclear chief Mohamed El Baradei says he is "humbled and awed" at his appointment by consensus to a third term and expects to be able to work well with the United States.

· Hindu mob attacks U.S. missionaries in Bombay - Christians are often accused of "forcibly" converting poor and uneducated low-caste Hindus by bribing them with money and gifts, a charge missionaries deny. Some states have outlawed forcible conversions.

· US acts over Israeli arms sales to China - The United States has imposed sanctions on Israel after a dispute over Israel's sale of drones - unmanned aerial vehicles - to China, according to news reports.
TVNL Comment: Whey isn't Fox news reporting this? Can you imagine the coverage it would get if was

· Britain Accused of Creating Terror Fears - - One of Britain's most eminent judges yesterday accused the British and US governments of whipping up public fear of terrorism, and of being determined "to bend established international law to their will and to undermine its essential structures".
TVNL Comment: That is why PNAC wanted a new
Pearl Harbor...ergo, they gave us 9/11!

· Car bomber strikes in Indian Kashmir - At least seven people have been killed and 70 injured by a powerful car bomb explosion near a school in a busy southern Kashmir town, according to Indian police and the Army.

· US Denies French Fighters Emergency Landing Rights - No national American media mentioned this stunning--and potentially life-threatening--breach of basic air etiquette by the U.S. military.





· Pattern of Deception Persists in Tillman's Death - That deception has continued with the latest and allegedly definitive government statement.

· Military looking for a few good medics - ... and surgeons, and RNs, and radiologists, too










· Limits on Media Ownership Stand - The U.S. Supreme Court yesterday let stand an appeals court ruling that limits the number of television stations, radio stations and newspapers a media company can own in a single market.

· Chris Moore - Bush Truth Teller, Booted! - Tell the truth about the Bush administration and you lose your job in broadcasting!

· Radio vets purchase Ed Schultz; Liberal talk gains business cred - Two radio executives who made Clear Channel and Rush Limbaugh household are to announce today they have purchased The Ed Schultz show, America’s fastest-growing talk show in the country, RAW STORY has learned.










· Time to indict our leaders for crimes against humanity! - Iraq ‘Memogate’ reveals that the invasion was planned as long ago as April 2002, all that was needed was an EXCUSE - If nothing else, the utter disregard for the lives of the Iraqi people who have, since 1990 suffered at least 1 million deaths at the hands of the ‘coalition of the killing’, surely tells us everything we need to know about the nature of our so-called civilisation.

· Christian Coalition: Gays Should Wear Warning Labels - "We put warning labels on cigarette packs because we know that smoking takes one to two years off the average life span, yet we 'celebrate' a lifestyle that we know spreads every kind of sexually transmitted disease and takes at least 20 years off the average life span according to the 2005 issue of the revered scientific journal Psychological Reports," said Rev. Bill Banuchi, executive director of the New York Christian Coalition.
TVNL Comment: Can you say "Nazi?"





· 144 arrested at Tennessee cockfight - 'Reputedly, this was the largest cockfight in the United States'
TVNL Comment: Let's spread American values all over the world! More cruelty, more hatred, more intolerance!



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