Date: June 17th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: If you have not seen the hearing on the Downing Street Memo it will be replayed on C-SPAN. Please check your local schedules and watch it!!! You should consider taping this historic event. This is a MUST SEE for anyone who supported the invasion and for anyone who trusted the administration. The testimony given during this 2 plus hour hearing contains more accurate information about the Iraq invasion than has been broadcast in the US over the past 5 years combined. An interesting note; so far I have not heard a mention of this on CNN. They did talk quite a bit about a celebrity romance however.

The print media are wordsmithing their headlines so as not to accurately represent the damning revelations made public during the hearings. They are making it seem like some random anti-war group is angry about our invasion. They are not pointing out the serious and voluminous evidence that George W. Bush lied to Congress for the purpose of starting a war. This would be the highest crime by an American president ever to come to light and the press can not find the right words to describe it. As I say every day, the news media is a criminal organization that is complicit in the crimes of the current administration. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· · US lied to Britain over use of napalm in Iraq war - Yesterday's disclosure led to calls by MPs for a full statement to the Commons and opened ministers to allegations that they held back the facts until after the general election.

· The Downing Street Memo - I think it is clear from the documents themselves that the whole venture was widely viewed as being highly dubious with no certainty of what would come out of it. The administration ensured that it only got the answers it wanted. But they either ignored the advice they were getting on the likely cost or managed to filter it out with this highly pressurized regime of come up with the right answers, or we will be on your back to do so all the time. That is what resulted in the National Intelligence Estimated of October 2002 which was designed by George Tenet to get a questioning Congress off the President's back.

· PM could face Iraq prosecution - Philippe Sands, QC, director of the Centre for International Courts and Tribunals at University College London, says Mr Howard along with British Prime Minister Tony Blair could face charges amid claims the Iraq war was illegal. - United States President George W Bush and US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld could also find themselves in similar predicaments, Professor Sands says. - "Under international law an illegal war amounts to the crime of aggression and in some countries around the world a crime of aggression is one in which they exercise jurisdiction," Prof Sands told ABC TV.





· Antiwar Group Says Leaked British Memo Shows Bush Misled Public on His War Plans - Opponents of the war in Iraq held an unofficial hearing on Capitol Hill on Thursday to draw attention to a leaked British government document that they say proves their case that President Bush misled the public about his war plans in 2002 and distorted intelligence to support his policy.
TVNL Comment: A more accurate headline would read: A Congressional Panel, a CIA Analyst and a Constitutional Lawyer Raise Concerns About George W. Bush Lying to Congress About Reasons For Starting a War!

· Head of Bush's African aid program steps down - The head of President George W. Bush's much-touted program to aid poor countries will resign after the program came under fire for not providing assistance more quickly, officials said on Thursday.

· A Strategy of Lies: How the White House Fed the Public a Steady Diet of Falsehoo - The 56-page investigation was assembled by USAF Colonel (Ret.) Sam Gardiner. "Truth from These Podia: Summary of a Study of Strategic Influence, Perception Management, Strategic Information Warfare and Strategic Psychological Operations in Gulf II" identifies more than 50 stories about the Iraq war that were faked by government propaganda artists in a covert campaign to "market" the military invasion of Iraq. - According to Gardiner, "It was not bad intelligence" that lead to the quagmire in Iraq, "It was an orchestrated effort [that] began before the war" that was designed to mislead the public and the world. Gardiner's research lead him to conclude that the US and Britain had conspired at the highest levels to plant "stories of strategic influence" that were known to be false.

· Bush's Top Aides Have Significant Wealth - They're on the government payroll, but some of President Bush's top aides have millions of dollars in stocks, real estate and other investments, according to financial disclosure forms released Wednesday.








9/11 News :








· Conyers issues statement in advance of hearing; 122 Dems onboard - It is no insignificant matter when in the fall of 2002 President Bush told us that war would be his last resort. It is not unimportant when on March 6, 2003, the president promised us, "I've not made up [my] mind about military action."

· Poll: Santorum Most Disapproved US Senator - A Survey USA poll has found that Pennsylvania's US Senator Rick Santorum has the highest disapproval rating of all 100 senators in the US Senate.

· GOP Committee Targets International Red Cross - Senators ask Bush to reconsider financial support for the agency after its criticism of how U.S. forces treat their detainees abroad.
TVNL Comment: Any entity that points out the at
rocities of the Bush administration faces retribution!





· Questions, Bitterness and Exile for Queens Girl in Terror Case - After nearly seven weeks in detention, she was released in May on the condition that she leave the country immediately.

· Ag industry aims to strip local control of food supplies - Legislation aiming to prevent counties, towns and cities from making local decisions about our food supply is being introduced in states across the nation. Fifteen states recently have introduced legislation removing local control of plants and seeds. Eleven of these states have already passed the provisions into law.

· Christian right groups set sights on '08 - Leaders of conservative Christian organizations plan to jointly interview Republican contenders for the 2008 presidential nomination, perhaps even endorsing one of them - steps that could expand their already considerable political influence.

· Lawyers Fought U.S. Move to Curb Tobacco Penalty - Senior Justice Department officials overrode the objections of career lawyers running the government's tobacco racketeering trial and ordered them to reduce the penalties sought at the close of the nine-month trial by $120 billion, internal documents and interviews show.
TVNL Comment: Who's side is the current administration on? Not yours!





· U.S. Pressure Weakens G-8 Climate Plan - LINK - Under U.S. pressure, negotiators in the past month have agreed to delete language that would detail how rising temperatures are affecting the globe, set ambitious targets to cut carbon dioxide emissions and set stricter environmental standards for World Bank-funded power projects, according to documents obtained by The Washington Post.
TVNL Comment: How is this not global murder?

· Inuit to file anti-U.S. climate petition - Inuit hunters threatened by a melting of the Arctic ice plan to file a petition accusing Washington of violating their human rights by fueling global warming, an Inuit leader said Wednesday.





· EU leaders put troubled treaty on hold - The charter aims to smooth decision-making in the enlarged EU, but needs ratification by all members to come into force.

· S Korea presses Kim Jong Il on nuclear issue - "At the meeting, they exchanged substantive views on the North Korean nuclear problem for about one hour and 30 minutes," the spokesman was quoted as saying.

· Ambassador Ayalon probed over alleged bid to bribe investigator - Israel's ambassador to Washington, Danny Ayalon, embroiled in an affair caused by a conflict with Foreign Minister Silvan Shlom, is being investigated over his associates' alleged attempts to bribe the special state investigator into the affair in a bid to tilt the investigation.

· Saudi Arabia Exempt From Nuke Inspections - Board members of the U.N. atomic watchdog agency approved a deal Thursday that exempts Saudi Arabia from nuclear inspections, despite serious misgivings about the arrangement in an era of heightened proliferation fears.





· Halliburton to build new $30 mln Guantanamo jail - A Halliburton Co. unit will build a new $30 million detention facility and security fence at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where the United States is holding about 520 foreign terrorism suspects, the Defense Department announced on Thursday.
TVNL Comment: Keep an eye on Cheney's personal wealth after he leaves office.

· U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Charged in Killings of Two Officers at Iraqi Base - A U.S. Army staff sergeant was charged with murdering his two commanders last week at a base outside Baghdad, the military said Thursday in what is believed to be the first case of an American soldier in Iraq accused of killing his superiors.

· 'It's much worse than I thought' - A soldier fighting with the 48th Infantry Combat Team said Tuesday conditions in Iraq are "much worse" than he had previously imagined.










· Public Broadcasting Targeted By House - A House subcommittee voted yesterday to sharply reduce the federal government's financial support for public broadcasting, including eliminating taxpayer funds that help underwrite such popular children's educational programs as "Sesame Street," "Reading Rainbow," "Arthur" and "Postcards From Buster."

· WH Press Secretary Mocks 'Downing Street Memo' - Rather than ask about details or implications of the 2003 internal British document -- which seemed to suggest that the Bush administration was determined to go to war against Iraq and that intelligence would be “fixed” to support it -- the correspondents wondered if the White House was ever going to respond to a letter authored by Conyers and signed by 88 of his colleagues asking for information about the memo.

· ABC Bosses Tell ABC News Kill The Interviews With Robert Kennedy Jr. … - The interviews all centered around Mr. Kennedy's investigation of thimerosal, a mercury based preservative, used in vaccines given to children and believed to be responsible for increasing cases of neurological diseases including autism.
TVNL Comment: If you our my newsletter today or the blog and you read this you will realize just how right I was!!!

· Readers complain, but Wash. Post ombudsman mum on lack of coverage of U.K.-Iraq memo - By the end of the week, readers had criticized the Post for this glaring lack of coverage. Perhaps Getler decided that because the Post's coverage was in line with much of the U.S. media, which largely ignored the memo, the Post's failure did not merit his comment. Here's Getler's minimalist treatment:
TVNL Comment: Why do they have to be in line with the rest of the media? Is that not the definition of conspiracy? The media all have to focus on the same issues? This is by defninition a conspiracy.

· Bloggers' 'victory' over Iraq war memos - Since early May, left-leaning blogs have been trying to get mainstream media to pay attention to one - and now two - leaked secret memos from meetings that Prime Minister Tony Blair had with key cabinet members and intelligence figures in the summer before the war in Iraq.
TVNL Comment: This article should be titled: Bloggers focus on the vital news that the corporate media ignore!

· News Media Give Overlooked Memo on Iraq Second Glance - Journalists offered various explanations for the scant attention paid to the July 2002 British memo, which, in recounting a meeting of Prime Minister Tony Blair and his top aides, said that the Bush administration had "fixed" the intelligence on Iraq and that war was inevitable. They said the memo was old, that the U.S. mobilization for war was widely reported at the time, that there was an initial distrust of a British press report. Some maintained that the memo didn't prove anything.
TVNL Comment: So what was their reason for keeping the Monica Lewinski issue alive?

· Fox News Channel has signed Gen. Wesley Clark - Fox News Channel has signed Gen. Wesley Clark as a military and foreign affairs analyst, Bill Shine, senior vice president of programming, said yesterday.










· Nazi Anti-Jewish Speech VS.Religious Right Anti-Gay Speech - "When you [gay Americans] are not a group of people who need special protection. You do well economically. You are an elite. That is precisely the argument that has been made in behalf of the worst kind of discrimination against Jewish people."








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