Date: June 18th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: During the 1st 10 minutes of CNN this morning there was not a single mention of the Downing Street memo (DSM) hearings held yesterday. The longest and most detailed segment during this period was dedicated to the missing girl in Aruba. There was, as there has been every day, a live reporter updating us from Aruba. He reported on the personal details of the latest person to be arrested. He also gave us the vital information about the girl’s mother and how her feelings have changed from sadness to anger. He also told us the shocking news about how the girls bags were still in her hotel room after she was reported missing. You can actually see the pressure he put on himself to fill the time with words that sound like news. On the other hand, there was no live reporter at the DSM hearing. If CNN is the most trusted name in news that does not say much for the industry. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Iraqi doctors strike over police harassment - Doctors at the main hospital in Baquba, north of Baghdad, have gone on strike, saying they are fed up with constant abuse at the hands of aggressive Iraqi police and soldiers.

· TWO MARINES KILLED IN ACTION - Two Marines assigned to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action June 16 when their vehicle hit an improvised explosive device. The incident took place during combat operations near Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

· British documents portray determined U.S. march to war - The half-dozen memos and option papers, written by top aides to British Prime Minister Tony Blair, buttress previous on-the-record accounts that portray Bush and his advisers as predisposed to oust Saddam Hussein when they took office - and determined to do it at all costs after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

· Policemen captured in Taliban attack - Taliban guerrillas attacked an Afghan district capital for a second straight night and took 18 policemen prisoner, a day after detaining more than a dozen people.
TVNL Comment: Not mentioned on CNN as of yet.

· US kills 50 insurgents in Iraq operation - The US military says it has killed about 50 insurgents since the start of another joint US-Iraqi operation against rebels in Iraq's western Al Anbar province near the Syrian border.
TVNL Comment: Another misleading news item regarding American military operations in
Iraq. Every time the press reports the number or "insurgents" killed, as announced by the Americans, it turns out to be wrong. The numbers are almost always wrong and it almost always turns out that many and sometimes all the people killed were civilians, many of whom are children. The Dan Rather critics remain silent about this type of inaccurate journalism however.

· Is worst yet to come in Iraq? - Senior Bush official says insurgents likely to step up attacks as terrorists try to derail constitution, elections





· Did Bush mislead nation to war? - In live Net poll, MSNBC readers say yes by 94%
TVNL Comment: The last time we checked the poll it was removed. Are you surprised?





· Work 'Till You Die - These faux "saviors" of the system are calling for a further raising of the retirement age, from the current 67, which is how old those born after 1960 already will have to be in order to retire, to 69.

· MasterCard security lapse exposes millions - A security breach at an American processor used by MasterCard International could have exposed more than 40 million customers to fraud, including identity theft.



9/11 News :


· Former Bush Cabinet Member Appears On Alex Jones Show; Says Government Complicit In 9/11 - Former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush's first term Morgan Reynolds has made waves in the past few days after writing a detailed article stating tha the official explanation for the collapse of the twin towers and Building 7 was bogus.

· Comment on the Morgan Reynolds "Demolition" Story - As I have said many times, I have no doubt that the WTC buildings were brought down by controlled demolitions; especially WTC 7. I corrected and retracted a story we (re)published just days after 9/11 a long time ago that said otherwise. - However, my points about the inherent strategic weakness of physical evidence arguments remain unchanged.







· Urge Congress to Investigate Bush's Iraq War Lies - TVNL Comment: On-Line Petition

· House Backs Withholding Dues to Spur U.N. Changes - The House disregarded strong White House objections and voted yesterday to withhold up to half of the country's dues from the United Nations if the world body does not cut its bureaucracy, redirect its budget and tighten its accountability.
TVNL Comment: But they passed no bill to make the Bush administration account for the unaccounted for $8.8 BILLION of the money appropriated for the invasion of

· Democratic Members of House Judiciary Committee. - Meeting on Downing St. Memo and Iraq War - Rep. John Conyers, House Judiciary Cmte. Ranking Member, chairs a meeting on the Downing Street Memo and pre-Iraq War intelligence. Witnesses include former ambassador Joe Wilson, CIA analyst Ray McGovern, Cindy Sheehan, mother of a fallen American soldier, and constitutional lawyer John Bonifaz.
TVNL Comment: Video - In Full

· A possible conflict for DeLay? - House Majority Leader Tom DeLay owns stock worth more than $50,000 in ExxonMobil, according to financial disclosure reports, while at the same time he is one of the driving forces behind legislation that would shield that company and other manufacturers of the gasoline additive MTBE from lawsuits that could cost them millions.

· House Ready to Give Pentagon $45B for Wars - Since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Congress has given the president $350 billion for combat and reconstruction in Iraq and Afghanistan and fighting terrorism worldwide. That total includes $82 billion that lawmakers approved in May; much of this money was for Iraq.





· The US Trade Deficit is Unsustainable 5/31/05 - The US has been borrowing from willing foreigners to maintain its lifestyle, even as we have become uncompetitive in world manufacturing markets. This article examines how big the US trade deficit is in comparison with other economies, and what this may mean for investment.

· Your ISP as Net watchdog - The U.S. Department of Justice is quietly shopping around the explosive idea of requiring Internet service providers to retain records of their customers' online activities.

· Bush wants more information on Schiavo's collapse; call to 911 - Gov. Jeb Bush said Thursday he might ask a state attorney to investigate allegations that Terri Schiavo's husband waited more than an hour to call 911 after her 1990 collapse.





· GOP Senator Wants White House Climate Deal - A leading Republican senator, trying to shepherd a broad energy bill through the Senate, is urging the White House and other GOP senators to support a compromise proposal on global warming, including mandatory curbs on climate-changing pollution.

· Hurricanes 'to get stronger' - Hurricanes are likely to get more extreme as a result of climate change, say scientists.

· Hanford Area Tests Find Plutonium in Fish, Mulberry Trees - Radioactive contamination in public areas surrounding the Hanford Nuclear Site in Richland, Washington is higher and more geographically widespread than previously thought, according to a report today from a government watchdog group and a chemical data firm.





· Blair's anti-terror Bill was 'an election ploy' - Tony Blair was accused last night of using terrorist control orders as a "cynical election ploy" after it emerged that they had yet to be extended to any new suspects.

· Venezuela's Chavez Runs Up Debt Shunting Oil Wealth to the Poor - Backed by a quadrupling of oil prices since he took office in early 1999, Chavez, 50, has boosted spending on food subsidies, education and health care in the world's fifth-largest crude-producing country.
TVNL Comment: Who gets the record profits for the American oil companies? Bush's friends!





· Collateral Risk: DU research gap could impact Vermont troops - By the end of June, more than 600 Vermont National Guard members will be deployed in and around heavy combat areas in Iraq, where battlefield exposure to depleted uranium – a highly toxic and radioactive battlefield poison widely used by the United States in combat zones – has now become routine, military watchdogs say.

· My Brother Died for a Ruse - The leaders of our country politicized intelligence to satisfy an ideology. My brother, and more than 1,700 other soldiers, have been killed as a result. Yet a majority of our press and populace resoundingly choose to be silent. Why?





· The coming trade war and global depression - US President George W Bush defends his free-trade agenda in moralistic terms. "Open trade is not just an economic opportunity, it is a moral imperative," he declared in a May 7, 2001, speech. "Trade creates jobs for the unemployed. When we negotiate for open markets, we're providing new hope for the world's poor. And when we promote open trade, we are promoting political freedom." Such claims remain highly controversial when tested by actual data.





· Major Editorial Shake-up at 'L.A. Times' - From now on, the paper will allow editorial writers to pen signed pieces (once a year) that go against the paper's editorial position. In his note, Martinez cited writer Judy Dugan's "strong rebuttal to our editorial endorsing the Republican Senate leadership's efforts to kill the filibuster" as an example.

· A Press Coverup - Leave it to the Beltway herd, with their special brand of arrogance, to insist that the Downing Street memo wasn't news.

· Managing the news media - These media monopolies are first and foremost businesses, focused upon the bottom line. Newsroom staffs have been ruthlessly cut; instead of independent reporting, everyone just parrots the same two or three sources. Pundits have replaced the news anchors whose jobs included actual reporting. More and more, especially in the electronic media, journalism has become "infotainment."

· Justifying the Silence on Downing Street Memos - One of the features of the newfound media interest in the Downing Street Memo is a profound defensiveness, as reporters scramble to explain why it received so little attention in the U.S. press. But the most familiar line--the memo wasn't news because it contained no "new" information--only raises troubling questions about what journalists were doing when they should have been reporting on the gulf between official White House pronouncements and actual White House intentions.

· Congressman Conyers hammers the Washington Post's Dana Milbank - In sum, the piece cherry-picks some facts, manufactures others out of whole cloth, and does a disservice to some 30 members of Congress who persevered under difficult circumstances, not of our own making, to examine a very serious subject: whether the American people were deliberately misled in the lead up to war. The fact that this was the Post's only coverage of this event makes the journalistic shortcomings in this piece even more egregious.

· LMSM, the 'Lying Mainstream Media' - The Washington Post is reasserting its august judgment over what qualifies as news in the face of citizen complaints that it and other mainstream media outlets neglected leaked British memos about the deceptions behind George W. Bush’s war in Iraq.





· Mad Cow USA - The Cover-Up Begins to Unravel - Twenty-four hours after our successful protest (with Organic Consumers Association) of the US Department of Agriculture’s mad cow dog-and-pony show in St. Paul, USDA Secretary Johanns was forced to admit that a cow tested last year and declared safe in fact DID have mad cow disease, or at least has tested positive on the definitive Western Blot test recently administered by USDA and considered the 'gold standard' for BSE testing.

· Another State Falls Prey to the Junk Food Lobby - On Tuesday, Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell vetoed what would have been the nation's strongest school-based nutrition law. With one stroke of the pen, she put to rest an extremely contentious three-year battle to rid Connecticut schools of soda and junk food.

· Oregon Resumes Medical Marijuana Program - Oregon resumed issuing medical-marijuana cards Friday, deciding the program could continue despite a Supreme Court ruling allowing federal prosecution for possessing the drug.





· Interpreter: prisoner screamed and wept - Torture-charged former intelligence officer Annemette Hommel refused to break off interrogations when one of her prisoners wept from pain and begged her permission to change posture, one of Hommel's interpreters said on Thursday.





· American's censored Nagasaki A-bomb report unearthed after 60 years - A controversial report and photos a Pulitzer Prize-winning American journalist produced on the aftermath of the 1945 atomic bombing of Nagasaki have been unearthed almost 60 years after U.S. military censors forbade their publication, the Mainichi has learned.

· Now 88 Dead Scientists And Microbiologists - While some of these deaths may be purely coincidental and seem to pose no connection, many of these deaths are highly suspicious and appear not to be random acts of violence. Many are just plain murders.
TVNL Comment: Our media continue to focus on murder cases like Laci
Peterson and the possible murder of the young lady in Aruba, yet they completely ignore a real murder/death news issue like this!



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