Date: June 19th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: This morning on ABC’s This Week With George Stephanopoulos, Condoleezza Rice was asked a single question about the Downing Street Memo hearings. George decided to air one clip from the hearing. It was a clip from the least authoritative witness stating her opinion. It was not a clip showing a testimony of facts indicating the she, along with the rest of the administration knowingly lied to the nation and to Congress. George allowed her to reply in an infomercial format, where she was permitted to say anything she wanted with out question and without a follow up. Had Mr. Stephanopoulos acted as a journalist he would have selected to air the segment of the hearing where a film was shown of Ms. Rice in early 2001, stating clearly that Iraq was contained, had no WMD programs and that the policy of containment was working. George should have confronted her with that clip and then asked he to respond. This Week With George Stephanopoulos, another example of state propaganda. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Chaos Reigns in Sadr City Despite Changes - Lengthy power cuts and open sewage drains remain the norm. Running water is scarce and many streets are strewn with garbage.

· Taleban 'kill abducted policeman' - Taleban rebels in Afghanistan say they have killed a district police chief captured with a number of other officials in Kandahar province.

· Bomber targets Baghdad restaurant - An apparent suicide bomber has killed at least 16 people in a restaurant near the Green Zone in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, police sources say.

· Excerpts From the Downing Street Memos - From what she said, Bush has yet to find the answers to the big questions: How to persuade international opinion that military action against Iraq is necessary and justified - "US scrambling to establish a link between Iraq and Al Qaida is so far frankly unconvincing. To get public and Parliamentary support for military operations, we have to be convincing that the threat is so serious/imminent that it is worth sending out troops to die for; it is qualitatively different from the threat posed by other proliferators who are closer to achieving nuclear capability (including Iran)."
TVNL Comment: The last part of that statment means that they knew they were sending people to die for something that was not worth dying for!

· British bombing raids were illegal, says Foreign Office - A SHARP increase in British and American bombing raids on Iraq in the run-up to war “to put pressure on the regime” was illegal under international law, according to leaked Foreign Office legal advice.

· Britain: Parliamentary probe exposes lies on Iraqi weapons - The decision to go to war against Iraq was not only taken behind the backs of the British people and Parliament, but to a large extent even the cabinet was excluded from the discussion.





· Bush says US is in Iraq because of attacks on US - "We went to war because we were attacked, and we are at war today because there are still people out there who want to harm our country and hurt our citizens," Bush said Saturday in his weekly radio address.
TVNL Comment: Who attacked us? To this day it has not been proven who attacked us and evidence points to an inside job. The media seem to ignore the evidence as they tout the official conspiracy theory put forth by the Bush administration.

· Hit by friendly fire - With his polls down, Bush takes flak on Iraq from a host of critics--including some in his own party








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· Congress Assaults the Courts, Again - The House of Representatives took a little- noticed but dangerous swipe at the power of the courts this week. It passed an amendment to a budget bill that would bar money from being spent to enforce a federal court ruling regarding the Ten Commandments. The vote threatens the judiciary's long-acknowledged position as the final arbiter of the Constitution. It is important that this amendment be removed before the bill becomes law.










· New US move to spoil climate accord - Extraordinary efforts by the White House to scupper Britain's attempts to tackle global warming have been revealed in leaked US government documents obtained by The Observer. - These papers - part of the Bush administration's submission to the G8 action plan for Gleneagles next month - show how the United States, over the past two months, has been secretly undermining Tony Blair's proposals to tackle climate change.






· Eta 'ends attacks' on politicians - The Basque militant group Eta has said it will no longer attack Spanish politicians, in a statement reported by the Basque newspaper, Gara.

· Anger erupts as EU summit fails - A bitter war of words has erupted among EU states after the failure to reach an agreement on the union's future budget.

· Iran calls for Bush poll apology - - Iran has called on US President George W Bush to apologise for criticising last week's presidential election.

· Koizumi says Japan cannot back US proposal for UN reform - Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said Friday that Japan cannot support a US proposal for UN Security Council reform as it clearly conflicts with a plan Japan, Brazil, Germany and India jointly compiled.





· Dad picks up $600 tab to get Marine battle ready - Besides the essential flak jacket with steel "trauma" plates, the shopping list for the young Marine included a Camelbak (water pouch) special ballistic goggles, knee and elbow pads, a "drop pouch" to hold ammunition magazines and a load-bearing vest.

· National Guard pay on hold - N.C. National Guard officials say that at least 400 troops are owed an average of $2,000 each, for a total of at least $800,000, but the numbers may be considerably higher.

· Relatives of some troops killed in Iraq seek hearings on Downing Street memo - “This war was based on lies and deception,” said Celeste Zappala of Philadelphia, whose son was killed in April 2004 while providing security for investigators searching for WMD. “The only way we can understand how we’ve come to this disastrous position is to find out what the truth is.”










· Tribune Columnist Causes Controversy Over Presidential Election Fraud Story - "Only a few papers decided to run my stolen election piece and the Tribune wasn’t one of them," said Koehler about his story that didn’t get much action in the mainstream papers but spread like a wildfire on the Internet. . "I want to point out, however, the politics of the Tribune are different than mine, but that’s ok. They are, of course, free to run whatever they’d like and I respect that."





· More than 1,200 who had anthrax vaccine now sick - More than 1,200 military personnel who received the anthrax vaccine before going to Iraq have developed serious illnesses, according to an Army report released last month, though local military officials contend the shots still are safe and necessary.





· Airbase hosts 1st military gay wedding - Two men were married in the chapel at Nova Scotia's Greenwood airbase in May, in what's being called the Canadian military's first gay wedding.

· Game of Golf Stirs Up Criticism of U.S. Role in Nepal - It reported that the U.S. ambassador, James F. Moriarty, had played golf the day before in Katmandu with Crown Prince Paras, whose father, King Gyanendra, was responsible for the jailing of Mahat and hundreds of other perceived opponents of the monarchy.





· Priest unrepentent after crucifying of nun - "God has performed a miracle for her, finally Irina is delivered from evil," Father Daniel, 29, the superior of the Holy Trinity monastery in north-eastern Romania, said before celebrating a short mass "for the soul of the deceased", in the presence of 13 nuns who showed no visible emotion.

· Crucified nun dies in 'exorcism' - A Romanian nun has died after being bound to a cross, gagged and left alone for three days in a cold room in a convent, Romanian police have said.



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