Date: June 20th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: While the US media, in the interest of the oil companies, have helped to convince you that our car companies can not improve the mpg ratings of their vehicles, and while the liberal hating right wingers say they can not improve the mileage due to “stupid” environmental regulations, Brazil went ahead and created cars that run on gasoline or fuel made of 100% sugar, or a mixture of the two That’s right; the cars in Brazil can run on 100% ethanol which is made of sugar. That would be the same sugar that you put in your coffee and that you sprinkle on your corn flakes! This is a clean renewable fuel that has helped a nation to reduce its dependency on oil, and Americans have never even heard of it. Tell me again how we are the greatest nation in the world!!! Thank the media for keeping this information from the public. Thank them too for conning you into voting for oil company executives to run our nation. When are we going to realize that the corporate media is our enemy? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· WMD claims were 'totally implausible' - He tells the Guardian: "I'd read the intelligence on WMD for four and a half years, and there's no way that it could sustain the case that the government was presenting. All of my colleagues knew that, too".

· The US war with Iran has already begun - By the intensity of the "liberation/democracy" rhetoric alone, Americans should be put on notice that Iran is well-fixed in the cross-hairs as the next target for the illegal policy of regime change being implemented by the Bush administration.

· Al-Qaida militants raise fears of Taliban resurgence - Fears of a bloody Taliban resurgence, bolstered by newly arrived al-Qaida militants, are mounting in southern Afghanistan amid a string of Iraq-style attacks, assassinations and a steadily rising US death toll.

· Iraqi Security Tactics Evoke the Hussein Era - Many detainees face beatings and some are killed.

· Associated Press publishes 6 new "secret and confidential" Downing Street memos - AP is saying that the memos show; "When Prime Minister Tony Blair's chief foreign policy adviser dined with Condoleezza Rice six months after Sept. 11, the then-U.S. national security adviser didn't want to discuss Osama bin Laden or al-Qaida. She wanted to talk about 'regime change' in Iraq, setting the stage for the U.S.-led invasion more than a year later."
TVNL Comment: Could this be because the
US was not worried about Osama because the US was responsible for 9/11 and they knew that there was no real threat?

· Iraq war started too early Attacks preceded congressional OK - It's even worse that, as the British Downing Street memo confirms, the administration had so little evidence of real threats that officials knew from the start that they were going to have to manufacture excuses to go to war. What's more damning still is that they effectively began this war even before the congressional vote.

· Iraq, Tony & the Truth - - Recorded from original transmission, BBC 1, Sunday, 20 March 2005

· Attack on Irbil police kills many - A suicide attacker in Iraq has killed at least 13 policemen in the northern city of Irbil. - It coincided with an assault on a police station in Baghdad, which killed at least six on Monday.

· American Intelligence Analyst Exposes the Treason Behind the Iraq War - American Intelligence Analyst Exposes the Treason Behind the Iraq War

· Bush-Blair excuse for the Downing Street Memo doesn’t hold water - Bush and Blair are claiming they went through the UN- they Did Not - they pulled the 2nd Resolution before the vote. Bush and Blair Did Not get UN approval but they invaded anyway.





· Downing Street secrets - The true significance of the Downing Street memos isn't what they reveal about Bush but what they reveal about Blair





· Crude Oil Prices Hit New Intraday High - Fears that U.S. refineries will be unable to cope with increasing demand in the second half of the year sent crude oil prices soaring Monday to a new intraday high near $60 a barrel.



9/11 News :


· Dirty Little 9/11 Secrets Exposed - In the current issue of Hustler Magazine Larry Flynt is again trying to save the country. He sent investigators Carolyn Sinclair and Bruce David to pry 9/11 secrets out of 9/11 expert, David Griffin.











· Libraries Say Yes, Officials Do Quiz Them About Users - In some cases, agents used subpoenas or other formal demands to obtain information like lists of users checking out a book on Osama bin Laden. Other requests were informal - and were sometimes turned down by librarians who chafed at the notion of turning over such material, said the American Library Association, which commissioned the study.
TVNL Comment: Freedom? We are in the beginning of Stalin's
Russia or Hitler's Germany.

· Questions arise over FBI leadership in war on terror - A lawyer who interviewed a number of top current and former counterterrorism officials at the FBI in connection with a lawsuit against the bureau has written to three senators saying that the officials lacked a detailed understanding of terrorism and were promoted to top jobs despite having little experience in the field.

· FBI Failed to Hire Mideast Terror Experts - In sworn testimony that contrasts with their promises to the public, the FBI managers who crafted the post-Sept. 11 fight against terrorism say expertise about the Mideast or terrorism was not important in choosing the agents they promoted to top jobs. - And they still do not believe such experience is necessary today even as terrorist acts occur across the globe.
TVNL Comment: Another item that beckons the question: Is the
US really worried about terrorism? We think they are not because they know the threat is not that great and that it is state sponsored terrorism that has been used to scare Americans into submission. If terrorism ans the war on terror were real this kind of news would not exist.





· Global Warming Gains Higher Profile in Senate - Three plans proposed fall short of the Kyoto pact but still could draw opposition from the Bush administration and the House.

· Homegrown Fuel Supply Helps Brazil Breathe Easy - Today about 40% of all the fuel that Brazilians pump into their vehicles is ethanol, known here as alcohol, compared with about 3% in the United States. No other nation is using ethanol on such a vast scale. The change wasn't easy or cheap. But 30 years later, Brazil is reaping the return on its investment in energy security while the U.S. writes checks for $50-a-barrel foreign oil.

· Some South Florida scientists claim they were fired for being outspoken - Andy Eller said he was just doing his U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service job -- protecting the endangered Florida panther from development -- when he was fired in 2004 for finding fault with the science his employer used to approve home and road construction through panther territory in southwest Florida.





· The proof is in the documents: The CIA was involved in the April 12 coup d'etat against President Hugo Chavez Frias - These statements from the highest levels of the US government show the prepared version of the events that took place during the April 11-12 coup d'etat against Venezuelan President Chavez. Moreover, these revealing statements now prove, in light of documents recently obtained from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), that this prepared version of events was knowingly false and made with the intention of deceiving the international community in order to justify a violent overthrow of a democratic government.

· N Korea 'would give up missiles' for US recognition - Unification Minister Chung Dong-young met Kim in Pyongyang, the North Korean capital, last Friday and the communist leader told him the North was ready to end its year-long boycott of talks on its nuclear weapons if the United States showed it respect.

· Red Cross hits back at U.S. Republican critic - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) hit back at a U.S. Republican report which questioned its impartiality, dismissing the accusations as false and unsubstantiated.

· Experts: Bush Remarks Spurred Iran Voters - The sharp barbs from President Bush were widely seen in Iran as damaging to pro-reform groups because the comments appeared to have boosted turnout among hard-liners in Friday's election — with the result being that an ultraconservative now is in a two-way showdown for the presidency.





· New Posts Considered for U.S. Commanders After Abuse Case - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld is considering new top command assignments that would possibly include promoting Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, the former American commander in Iraq during the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal, Pentagon and military officials say.
TVNL Comment: Yet another example of rewarding someone who was responsible for attrocities, incompetence or crimes.

· An Open Letter to US Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq - I was a soldier for most of the time between 1970 and 1996. I signed out on my retirement from 3rd Special Forces in Ft. Bragg. I had also served in 7th Special Forces, on three Ranger assignments, with Delta for almost four years, as a Cavalry Scout for a while, and in the 82nd Airborne Division as an infantryman. I started my career in Vietnam with the 173rd Airborne Brigade.





· Will the CIA let Posada spill the beans on all their dirty tricks in Latin America? - The New Agenda's Charley Allan writes: "We are going to hit a Cuban airplane," said Luis Posada in Caracas, Venezuela, according to a recently declassified CIA document. On October 6 1976, just days later, Cubana Airline flight 455 exploded off the coast of Barbados, killing all 73 passengers.





· Not All Missing Persons Are Equal - LINK - According to FBI statistics, African-Americans and other minorities make up a larger portion of missing victims than the media represents.










· UK had advance alert of jail abuse - The British army's senior military lawyer in Iraq was aware of allegations that human rights abuses were being committed at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison months before they were exposed by the American media.





· Update Pending



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