Date: June 21st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: CNN once again spent most of their time this morning on stories that only impacted a few families. Yes, I am talking about the missing girl in Aruba and the missing Scout. They had 3 extended segments during the 8 AM EST hour. When you watch these segments listen closely to the questions being asked by the reporters. Then try to think of a single reason anyone needs this information. It is absolutely surreal when you pay close attention. How do they keep from giggling? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· U.S. said delaying Saddam interrogations - "It seems there are lots of secrets they want to hide," he told The Associated Press in an exclusive interview.

· 1ST COSCOM SOLDIER KILLED BY IED - One 1st Corps Support Command Soldier was killed as a result of wounds sustained from an improvised explosive device attack while conducting a combat logistics patrol west of Ar Rutbah June 21.

· Security Council Concerned Over Iraq's Management of Oil Sales After Transfer of Power - The audit, by accounting firm KPMG, had found that Iraq's interim government mishandled about $100 million in oil money meant for development in the six months after they took power from the U.S. government on June 28 last year.

· Some Iraqi legislators seek U.S. pullout - A large minority of Iraqi legislators Sunday demanded a timetable for the withdrawal of the U.S.-led forces from Iraq.

· 1ST COSCOM SOLDIER KILLED BY IED - One 1st Corps Support Command Soldier was killed as a result of wounds sustained from an improvised explosive device attack while conducting a combat logistics patrol northeast of Tall Afar June 20.

· MARINE KILLED IN KARABILAH - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team-2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action June 18 by small-arms fire.

· TWO TASK FORCE LIBERTY KILLED IN DIYALA - Two Task Force Liberty Soldiers were killed, along with one Iraqi civilian and one detainee, who was being transported by the combat patrol at the time of the engagement, near Buhritz in Diyala Province about 11:30 p.m., June 17.

· A Case Not Closed - The confrontation between the United States and Iraq has revived interest in a decade-old charge—that Saddam Hussein ordered the assassination of President George H. W. Bush. This alleged plot has been cited in recent days by the current President Bush as one of the U.S.'s grievances against Hussein. In this article, from 1993, Seymour M. Hersh investigates the assassination story.





· Policy Shifts Felt After Bolton's Departure From State Dept. - Now with Bolton no longer in the job, U.S. negotiators report a breakthrough with the Russians and predict a resolution will be sealed by President Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin at an international summit in Scotland next month, clearing the way to eliminate enough plutonium to fuel 8,000 nuclear bombs.





· Social Security reform: A way to manipulate the market - One of the biggest potential dangers of the White House plan to create a private investment option as part of Social Security is the incentive it would create for the government to interfere with the markets.



9/11 News :


· Eye Witness Hears Explosions at WTC; Scientific Group SPINE Provides Sophisticated Analysis - Most people admit, 9/11 is the 'mother of all stories.' Now from all corners of the globe, conservatives and liberals are mounting a growing campaign to alert the public that the WTC was leveled by a controlled demolition not burning jet fuel like the government contends.






· US agrees to more funds for Iraq war - The US House of Representatives has voted to advance the Pentagon another $US45 billion for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as it passed a $US409 billion Defense spending bill.





· AMA Takes on Pharmacists' Moral Refusals to Fill Prescriptions - "This is an issue of access to care for patients," Dr. Mary Frank, a California family physician, told AMA delegates before Monday's vote. "It's affecting not just women," but also patients using psychiatric medication, painkillers and other drugs.

· Feds Collect Data on Air Travelers - - Federal Agency Collected Extensive Personal Data About Airline Passengers Despite Pledge
TVNL Comment: The phrase "despite pledge" is double speak for "they lied!"

· SHAKE UP AT PARK SERVICE HEADQUARTERS - The National Park Service is unveiling a wide-ranging reshuffling of management responsibilities, according to documents released today by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER).

· IT IS OUT OF CONTROL' - Ranchers call for action - Landowners say they're tired of illegal immigrants crossing their property, and they're turning to Minutemen for advice





· Blair told: act now on climate - Tony Blair will arrive at next month's G8 summit with a powerful mandate from voters to confront George Bush over global warming, according to a Guardian/ICM poll published today.





· Catholics, Protestants Riot During Belfast March; Dozens Injured - Roman Catholic hard-liners assaulted police and Protestant marchers in a religiously polarized part of Belfast, and nearly 30 people were injured, Northern Ireland police said Saturday.
TVNL Comment: More benefits of religion.

· World starts getting polarized around energy conflicts - India unfazed by US opposition to the Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline - According to media sources, India yesterday said "it was unfazed" by US opposition to the Iran-Pakistan-India pipeline, adding it would continue to pursue gas imports from Iran to meet its energy requirements.

· India, Pakistan and Iran defying America on Gas Pipeline? - India, Pakistan and Iran all are together planning to go ahead with the Gas Pipe Line connecting Iran with India through Pakistan is spite of American telling all parties not to do so.

· Rebels hold politician hostage in Aceh - A senior Indonesian legislator has been captured by separatist rebels in the tsunami-battered province of Aceh because he refused to give them money, police said.

· Anti-Syrian politician killed in bomb blast - An anti-Syrian politician in Lebanon has been killed in a bomb attack on his car in the capital, Beirut.





· Two sailors face trials in killing of dental tech on Okinawa - Seaman Robert L. Person Jr. of Turrell, Ark., and Seaman Tiffany Marie Brooks of Carthage, Miss., now face separate courts-martial in Keystone Judicial Circuit Court on Camp Foster, according to court officials. Both are charged with murder in the Feb. 2 stabbing death of Seaman Adam J. Palecco, 21.





· They Died So Republicans Could Take the Senate - The real scandal of the Downing Street Memos, with the greatest potential to leave the Bush presidency in permanent disgrace, is their implication that lies may have been put forward to help Bush, Republicans, and Blair politically. If Bush lied to gain and keep political power, precedent suggests he and his collaborators in the administration may even be vulnerable to impeachment.

· Someone Else's Child - You can still find plenty of folks arguing that we have to stay the course, or even raise the stakes by sending more troops to the war zone. But from the very start of this war the loudest of the flag-waving hawks were those who were safely beyond military age themselves and were unwilling to send their own children off to fight.





· Network news shows struggle for survival - Beset by mounting competition, journalistic missteps, changing demographics and the departure of some long-term marquee personalities, the network evening news program is a shell of its former self - no longer attracting the devotion that made it, in the 1960s and '70s, America's dominant information source.
TVNL Comment: Maybe if they reported news it would help.

· Republicans take aim at their small-screen enemies - Democrats are in uproar over what they see as a naked attempt by Republicans to impose more conservative views on American public television and radio channels, notable for their sober and serious BBC-style reporting and analysis, but regarded by the right as a bastion of the detested "liberal media".

· US refuses to allow evacuation of Al-Arabiya's wounded reporter - Television channel Al-Arabiya said US military authorities had refused to authorize the evacuation from Iraq of reporter Jawad Kazem, who was wounded by armed men Saturday in Baghdad.

· Father Tim and The Flyboy - I don't know how many of you bothered to sit through the Padre's eyelash batting McCainiac flirtathon on Press The Meat this morning, but Arianna did and she homes in on one of Russert's most annoying traits --- indeed, it's one of the most annoying traits I see across the TV wasteland.





· AIDS drugs hit roadblock in Africa - Four countries -- Nigeria, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Tanzania -- have told South African generic drug maker Aspen Pharmacare that its FDA approval for antiretroviral drugs had no standing in their regulatory reviews of medicine, and that they have long required a study of the drug's safety and quality from the World Health Organization, officials confirmed in interviews last week.










· Nine Out of 30 Dow Jones Industrial Index Companies Convicted of Crimes - "This should put to rest the myth that indicting or convicting a corporation of a crime results in an automatic death penalty for the corporation," said Russell Mokhiber, editor of Corporate Crime Reporter.



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