Date: June 22nd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The time has come to cancel your subscriptions to the newspapers and news channels who have been deceiving you. The time has come for us to stop financing the people who are lying to the world and brainwashing Americans into supporting their own demise. Please read my related article on the subject listed under Media & Journalism. We can not defeat the beast if we continue to feed it! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· $2.4 billion in $100 bills sent to Baghdad - Both Republicans and Democrats appeared taken aback by the sheer volume of cash sent to Iraq: nearly $12 billion over the course of the U.S. occupation from March 2003 until June 2004, according to a report by Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., who had reviewed e-mails and documents subpoenaed from the bank.
TVNL Comment: So where is this money now?

· SOLDIER KILLED NEAR AR RAMADI - A Soldier assigned to 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action June 21 by small-arms fire.

· 15 Recruits, Mostly Kurds, Are Killed by Car Bomb - A man wearing a police uniform drove a red Toyota on Monday into a field crowded with policemen and recruits, detonating a bomb that killed about 15, wounded about 125 and caused mayhem in Erbil, a northern Kurdish town that until recently had been one of the most peaceful in Iraq.

· Iraq listed as endangered cultural site - The entire country of Iraq, often called the cradle of civilisation, has made the list of most endangered cultural sites, joining others from 55 countries that include a Modernist building in New York and a hut in Antarctica. - "It's the first time we've listed an entire country in danger," Bonnie Burnham, president of the fund told reporters. - Some 10,000 sites in Iraq alone have come under siege, most recently from looting after the 2003 US occupation there.





· Lobbyists Are Gushing Over This Energy Bill - Do big energy companies need incentives to drill for oil in the Gulf of Mexico? President Bush doesn't think so. On Apr. 20 he told the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce: "With oil at more than $50 a barrel, energy companies do not need taxpayer-funded incentives to explore for oil and gas." But on Capitol Hill, lawmakers figure they know better than any former oilman. The energy bill under consideration on the Senate floor would reduce royalty payments for oil and gas producers drilling in federal waters -- a break worth almost $100 million over 10 years, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
TVNL Comment: That's what you get when lobbyists run the government!





· NWA execs unload shares - Airline's top insiders sell more than 7 million this year
TVNL Comment: Are they expecting another 9/11?

· U.S. Healthcare Problem Too Big for Employers and Workers - To put it mildly, exploding healthcare costs present a more tangible problem for many more Americans than right-to-die cases. Since 2000, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation's authoritative survey, healthcare premiums for family coverage have increased by 59%, six times faster than inflation.

· Programming Jobs Losing Luster in U.S. - As tens of thousands of engineering jobs migrate to developing countries, many new entrants into the U.S. work force see info tech jobs as monotonous, uncreative and easily farmed out — the equivalent of 1980s manufacturing jobs.

· Ford slashes more jobs, profit outlook - Ford Motor Company announced it would cut 1,750 of its white collar jobs in North America and slash its full-year profit target.

· Winn-Dixie to shut, sell 326 stores, cut 28% of jobs - Winn-Dixie Stores Inc., (WNDXQ) the Jacksonville, Fla., supermarket operator, said it would close or sell 326 stores and cut 28%, or 22,000, of its jobs.



9/11 News :








· GOP senator abandons bill to cut emissions - Attempts to require US industries to cut carbon dioxide emissions as a way to address global warming appear to be headed for defeat in the Senate after a key Republican withdrew his support amid White House lobbying to keep greenhouse gas control programs voluntary.
TVNL Comment: Republicans seem to want to end life on this planet and their supporters seem to approve of this.

· Senate allows US to sue OPEC for oil price-fixing - The US Senate has voted to allow the US Government to sue the OPEC oil cartel on anti-trust grounds in an outcry against crude oil prices that are fast approaching the $US60 a barrel mark.
TVNL Comment: But they virtually outlaw the ability of citizens to sue corporations.

· Tribe Told to Reroute DeLay Checks - A casino-rich tribe wrote checks for at least $55,000 to House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's political groups, but the donations were never publicly disclosed and the tribe was directed to divert the money to other groups that helped Republicans, tribal documents show.





· Gov't. Collected Airline Passenger Data - The federal agency in charge of aviation security collected extensive personal information about airline passengers even though Congress forbade it and officials said they wouldn't do it, according to documents obtained Monday by The Associated Press.
TVNL Comment: More lies! No accountability.

· Contractor who bought Cunningham's house made employees give political contributions - A defense contractor who took a $700,000 loss on the purchase of Rep. Randy Cunningham's Del Mar residence in 2003, and provided a yacht for his use in the nation's capital, forced his employees to make political contributions that benefited the San Diego Republican and other members of Congress, according to three former senior officials of the company.
TVNL Comment: How much slime can the current Republicans ignore? How many vile and criminal actions can they ignore as they continue to blindly support the criminals in office?










· Arroyo accuser a no-show at vote fraud inquiry - A former Justice Department investigator who claims he has the originals of audiotapes purporting to show election fraud by Philippine President Gloria Arroyo has failed to show up at a parliamentary hearing into the affair.





· Honoring war dead now a crime - Since Mike Norton, of Layton, began displaying the pictures of American soldiers killed in Iraq on an illuminated sign in his front yard, his home has been vandalized, cars have stopped in front of his home and honked horns in the early morning hours and he has received anonymous harassing phone calls.

· Pentagon refuses requests to test for toxic chemical, GAO says - The Pentagon is criticizing a report that said it, at times, refused to conduct tests for a toxic chemical when environmental regulators said such tests were needed.

· PILOT DIES AFTER U-2 CRASH IN SOUTHWEST ASIA - The pilot of a U.S. Air Force U-2 died when the plane crashed in Southwest Asia at 11:30 p.m. (GMT) Tuesday.

· Marine units found to lack equipment - Marine Corps units fighting in some of the most dangerous terrain in Iraq don't have enough weapons, communications gear, or properly outfitted vehicles, according to an investigation by the Marine Corps' inspector general provided to Congress yesterday.
TVNL Comment: But it's the anti-war lberals who don't support the troops?

· Gulf War Syndrome: "I am 42 and feel like 90 years old" - My health today in the here and now sucks. I am 42 years old and feel like I am 90.I take more pills and medication than my 89 year old grandmother. What really amazes me after all these years and everything I have read, it surprises me that I am still ALIVE !! For how long I don't know. Through the internet I am aware of so many that are on their death beds or dead that served at the same place and time as me.










· Post Explains "Wing Nuts" Label - Getler's attempt to rationalize Milbank's choice of words is also peculiar.

· Cancel Your Subscriptions - The Time Has Come - WE MUST STOP FUNDING THE ENEMY AND THE ENEMY IS OUR CORPORATE MEDIA! - We cannot continue to battle the beast while we finance its very existence!

· Why the US Media Should be Schiavo'd - Sorry, Unless We Have the Original Downing Street Memo, in Our Hands, We Can't Go With a Story










· White House Rejects Creation of Commission to Probe Detainee Abuses at Guantanamo, Elsewhere - White House on Tuesday rejected the proposed creation of an independent commission to investigate abuses of detainees held at the U.S. military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and elsewhere.

· Bush calls for gay-marriage amendment - The president’s address to the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention — the fourth year in a row he has spoken to the conservative evangelical gathering — was crafted to rally the social religious conservatives who make up a crucial part of Bush’s governing coalition.
TVNL Comment: Can anyone identify a single problem that would be caused by same sex unions?





· Some Politics May Be Etched in the Genes - But on the basis of a new study, a team of political scientists is arguing that people's gut-level reaction to issues like the death penalty, taxes and abortion is strongly influenced by genetic inheritance
TVNL Comment: But homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle?

· U.S. DESPERATELY SEEKING TO DISMISS AIDS ORIGIN LAWSUIT - Federal Judge Sabraw has ordered an open court oral argument for Friday, June 24, 2005 at hear arguments by the United States to support a motion to dismiss the AIDS ORIGIN lawsuit of Dr. Boyd Ed Graves. Dr. Graves AIDS ORIGIN research and his nearly eight years of continuous legal action against the United States for the creation, production and proliferation of HIV/AIDS has been receiving critical acclaim from scientists and medical doctors from all over the world.



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