Date: June 23rd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Yesterday all 3 cable news networks aired live the entire press conference held by the parents of the Boy Scout who was missing and has been found. They also covered the second live press conference later in the day. In contrast none of these networks covered a single minute of the Downing Street Memo hearings involving 104 members of Congress.

News? This is of national interest? How do you think the parents feel? They feel great. Do we need to know more? Do we need any details at all? Do wee need live and immediate coverage of this information as it unfolds or would a summarized report suffice? This story belongs in the bylines, not in the headlines and it surely does not merit complete live national coverage. The on-scene reporters keep asking questions. It is like they are finally getting to play reporter. It is comical to watch. Too bad they can not practice their skills on real news stories. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· "Secret" Air Base for Iraq War started prior 9-11 - The planning for the mammoth base had in fact taken place long before Sept. 11, and actual work on the base began as early as the spring of 2001.
TVNL Comment: Unconfirmed source, but worth looking into.

· Evangelicals Building a Base in Iraq - "The way the preachers arrived here . . . with soldiers . . . was not a good thing," said Baghdad's Roman Catholic archbishop, Jean Sleiman. "I think they had the intention that they could convert Muslims, though Christians didn't do it here for 2,000 years."

· More memos: Brits backed Sunni-led Iraq - The British government, in sharp disagreement with the United States' ultimate position, believed that post-invasion Iraq should be run by a Sunni-led government and not one controlled by the majority Shias.

· IRAQI HOSPITALS AILING UNDER OCCUPATION - During the 1990s, medical supplies and equipment were constantly in short supply because of the sanctions against Iraq. And while war and occupation have brought promises of relief, hospitals have had little chance to recover and re-supply: the occupation, since its inception, has closely resembled a low-grade war, and the allocation of resources by occupation authorities has reflected this reality. Thus, throughout Baghdad there are ongoing shortages of medicine of even the most basic items such as analgesics, antibiotics, anesthetics, and insulin. Surgical items are running out, as well as basic supplies like rubber gloves, gauze, and medical tape.

· Iraq insurgency may have international ramifications: CIA - A classified report from the US spy agency says Iraqi and foreign fighters are developing a broad range of deadly skills, from car bombings and assassinations to tightly coordinated conventional attacks on police and military targets, the official said.
TVNL Comment: It's official, the
US has made the world a MUCH more dangerous place by invading Iraq. Although, many of us knew that a long time ago.

· Car Bombs Kill Nearly 40 People in Iraq's Capital Over 12-Hour Span - Nearly 40 people died in a rash of car bombings in Iraq's capital over a 12-hour span, including two coordinated blasts early Thursday that killed 15 and wounded 28 in a central Baghdad shopping district, police said.
TVNL Comment: Liberated to death.

· Iraq car bomb barrage as leaders meet in Brussels - A triple car bomb attack killed 18 people and wounded 48 in a mainly Shi'ite district of Baghdad on Wednesday as the new, Shi'ite-led government met its U.S. sponsors and other foreign leaders in Brussels.

· TWO SOLDIERS KILLED NEAR AR RAMADI - Two Soldiers assigned to 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action June 21 by small-arms fire. The incident took place during combat operations near Ar Ramadi, Iraq.

· CIA says Iraq is now a terrorist training ground - The CIA believes the Iraq insurgency poses an international threat and may produce better-trained Islamic terrorists than the 1980s Afghanistan war that gave rise to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda, a U.S. counterterrorism official said on Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: Bush Jr. is better than his father at creating terrorists. Who would have thought?










· More Companies Terminate Pensions - Big employers sharply accelerated freezes and terminations of pension plans last year, steering away from the increasing expense and uncertainty of paying for workers' retirement, a new study says.

· Nuclear Industry Lays Foundation for Comeback - The U.S. has not started a reactor project for 29 years, but President Bush is calling for a new era of nuclear power, saying it would reduce air pollution and dependence on foreign energy. If new reactors are built, the first could go into Clinton or two other possible sites nationwide.
TVNL Comment: And what do we do with the nuclear waste? Duh...we don't know!



9/11 News :








· Rep. Gene Taylor On The House Floor - MUST WATCH





· The 2004 Election in Ohio - An exhaustive five-month investigation by the VRI's research and investigative team identified grave problems in the administration of Ohio's voting system.

· Lobbyist May Have Cost Tribe Millions - Abramoff is under investigation by the Senate and a federal grand jury over allegations he and a colleague overcharged Indian tribes for their lobbying. Abramoff, whose ties to President Bush and DeLay are also under scrutiny, denies wrongdoing.

· Bill would force mentally ill to take their meds - The mental health community is divided over a proposed new law that would require some people with mental illness to take prescribed psychiatric medications or face involuntary admission to a state hospital.





· Administration Preempting States' Rights to Set Stronger Protections - In recent years, inadequate federal environmental legislation has prompted various states to enact their own environmental laws. But a U.S. PIRG report released this week asserts that the federal government-- at the behest of industry-- has reacted to states' initiatives by preempting states' right to adopt stricter protections.

· Senate Defeats Move to Cap Climate Gases - The Senate soundly defeated a proposal Wednesday for mandatory reductions in heat-trapping pollution that may be warming the Earth. Supporters managed to get five fewer votes than they did two years ago. - Separately, the Senate agreed to give Washington clear authority to override states' objections to the location of liquefied natural gas terminals.

· Judge pulls the plug on Bush and helps threatened salmon back to sea - The Bush administration is smarting after losing another round in an increasingly bitter battle over the fate of thousands of endangered river salmon in the American North-west.





· ·WHouse declines to criticize Israel assassinations - The White House on Wednesday declined to criticize Israel for resuming an assassination policy against Islamic Jihad militants and called on the Palestinian leadership to do more to combat "terrorist" groups attempting to derail peace efforts.
TVNL Comment: According to our media
Israel is a democracy. Aren't they supposed to follow due process? We are also told that the death penalty is not legal in Israel. Aren't assassinations the same as the death penalty only without due process? Actually that makes it murder, especially since so many innocent people including children die during these assassinations which often take place among the civilian population. Doesn't anybody notice this?

· G8 countries defying arms embargoes, says report - Arms supplied by G8 countries are being used by regimes that violate human rights, impoverish their people and fight their neighbours, a report by leading development agencies and campaigners warns today.

· Blair tells EU to change or fail - He was met with both heckles and applause when he said he had always been a "passionate pro-European". He insisted he wanted to reinvigorate the EU, not wreck it.

· Bush spurned secret 2002 N. Korea overture-report - Kim stated if the United States recognized the North's sovereignty and provided non-aggression assurances "it is our view that we should be able to find a way to resolve the nuclear issue in compliance with the demands of a new century." Also in the message, Kim further promised "if the United States makes a bold decision, we will respond accordingly," the authors wrote in an opinion piece. - They said they took the message to senior White House and State Department officials and urged them to follow up on Kim's initiative. - But the administration, then planning for the Iraq invasion, "spurned engagement with North Korea," said Gregg and Oberdorfer.

· Whale Burger Goes on Sale in Japan Amid Growing Criticism Over Its Research Whaling - Japan is facing increasing international criticism for its research whaling program in which the whales are killed in order to study them and their meat is then sold. Critics say it is commercial hunting in disguise.

· North Korea Complains About Bush Meeting Prominent Defector - North Korea condemned President Bush for meeting a prominent defector detained as a child in a prison camp, saying Thursday the move chilled the atmosphere for a return to nuclear disarmament talks.





· The saddest of days in Schleswig - About 50 yards away from the funeral, six protesters held signs that said such things as "God blew up the troops." All six were relatives of the Rev. Fred Phelps of Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas. They contend that God is punishing the United States for bombing Phelps' church a decade ago.

· Pentagon Creating Student Database - The program is provoking a furor among privacy advocates. The new database will include personal information including birth dates, Social Security numbers, e-mail addresses, grade-point averages, ethnicity and what subjects the students are studying.





· The Theory of Relativity - It doesn't really matter if you find out that someone was lying if you already knew they were lying in the first place but just never bothered to mention it to anyone in the first place… well I mean, mention it in public, as in the press, or on TV (the Internet does not count because Texas Cowboys and Cowboy Wannabes don’t read nuthin’ ‘cept their own right-wing blogs.)

· "Shallow Throat": Wounded, Cornered Animals Are Dangerous - After Mark Felt unmasked himself as "Deep Throat," I immediately tried to contact our contemporary GOP mole, "Shallow Throat," inside the Bush Administration, the one who had fed us numerous tips many times before.* But I received no response from the former White House official, currently at another government agency.

· Sibel Edmonds – An Appeal to the Internet Community - As important as the Downing Street Minutes and continued pressure on the mainstream media are to revealing the truth to the nation, there is another critically important story that requires our attention and our action — and the clock is ticking away on this one.





· Yucking It Up In the Post - Dana Milbank used the valuable real estate of the Washington Post -- its only coverage of the Downing St. Memo -- to mock Rep. John Conyers and his 'hearty band of playmates.'

· Outcry Grows Over Public TV, Radio - The corporation's inspector general is examining Tomlinson's 21-month tenure as chairman, including his hiring of a former White House official to develop an ombudsman's office and his push for PBS to add conservative programming.

· PBS is urgently asking all Americans who value public broadcasting to call, fax, or e-mail Congress. - The House Appropriations committee is proposing more than $220 million in funding cuts for public broadcasting, effectively a 46 percent reduction of public broadcasting's federal financial support.

· WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT THE MEDIA? - Anyone who doesn't live in a vacuum or la-la land fully understands there is no "free press" in these united States of America - except the Internet. The government's media apparatus ("mainstream media") is nothing more than an extension of those who wish to destroy this Republic. In effect, they are co-conspirators in treason.










· Chertoff buried early evidence of Bush's torture campaign in Afghanistan - The Defense Department, which we now know had in late 2001 begun a secret, presidentially approved program of torture of Afghan and Al Qaeda captives at Bagram Air Base and other locations, had made it clear to the Justice Department that it wanted the suppression hearing blocked. American torture at that point was still just a troubling rumor, and the Bush Administration clearly wanted to keep it that way. Accordingly,

· Rights group decries 'sham' of Israeli probes - The Israeli military's investigation of Palestinian civilian casualties is a farce and encourages soldiers to think they can act with impunity, the New York-based Human Rights Watch said in a report Wednesday.

· Southern Baptists End Disney Boycott Over Benefits to Gay Workers - The Disney resolution, passed in 1997, called for Southern Baptists to refrain from patronizing Disney theme parks and products, mainly because of the company's decision to give benefits to companions of gay employees.

· U.N. Expert Says U.S. Stalling on Request to Visit Guantanamo Detainees - U.S. officials so far have allowed only the International Committee of the Red Cross to visit detainees at Guantanamo, where the U.S. holds alleged terror suspects.

· Judge: Amtrak Can Charge Disabled Extra - A federal judge ruled that Amtrak can charge a group of wheelchair users extra to ride in the same car together.





· Social Security: The Real Connections - 12 Minute Animation with Sound



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