Date: June 24th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: This morning on CNN the news headline break was introduced by the host saying “here is (I forgot her name) with some serious news”. The news reader read her standard 3 headline stories. One of the stories was about the missing girl in Aruba and another was about Tom Cruise and his new love. This is serious news? They laughed about the Tom Cruise story. As I speak they are having a serious Q&A session about Oprah Winfrey’s power. These people have no rights to call themselves journalists and calling CNN and the like, “news networks” is false labeling. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: I will be a guest on WingTV this Monday, June 27th. You can access the program on the web via . The show will be available for downloading at approximately 5PM ET. Visit the site and don’t forget to tune in on Monday! Thanks, Jesse

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· 5 Marines killed in Iraq car bombing - Three were women, worst single-day toll for female servicemembers - A suicide car bomber slammed into a 7-ton U.S. military vehicle in Fallujah on Friday, and Marine sources told NBC News that five Marines were killed and 10 others wounded.

· Iraqi Government Tallies Range of Corruption in Rebuilding - The abuses range from sweetheart deals on leases, to exorbitant contracts for things like garbage hauling, to payments for construction that was never done.

· Another Year of Living Misery in Baghdad - In the streets of Baghdad, people wondered Thursday what else could possibly go wrong.

· Iraq: The carve-up begins - As the costs of the Iraq occupation spiral, British and American oil companies meet in secret next week to carve up the country's oil reserves for themselves.

· What the Media Don’t Report to You About Iraq - The following facts, reported in articles on the front pages of the most prestigious Arab daily, are almost unknown in the West. They are all the more important that the shift in US public opinion against the occupation of Iraq has begun to find an echo in the US Congress itself.

· Court in Germany exonerates officer who opposed Iraq war - A German officer was right to refuse orders because he did not want to support the U.S.-led war in Iraq, a German court ruled Wednesday.

· Iraq Sees Increase in Car Bombings - Car bombers have struck Iraq 479 times in the past year, and a third of the attacks followed the naming of a new Iraqi government two months ago, according to an Associated Press count based on reports from police, military and hospital officials.
TVNL Comment: Draft Cheney first!

· Japan Suspends Mission in Iraq - The decision was taken after the latest attack in Iraq, when a vehicle of the Japanese forces was damaged. No Japanese soldiers were wounded in the attack.

· The Real News in the Downing Street Memos - Although Blair and Bush still insist the decision to go to the U.N. was about averting war, one memo states that it was, in fact, about "wrong-footing" Hussein into giving them a legal justification for war.

· Top Commander Says Insurgency Still Strong - The top American military commander in the Persian Gulf disputed a contention by Vice President Dick Cheney that the Iraqi insurgency was in its "last throes" and told Congress on Thursday its strength was basically undiminished from six months ago.





· Bush Resorts to the Nixon Playbook - Destroy the Unbelievers

· FEC rule equals more GOP cash - The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is scheduled to vote today on a controversial new rule that would allow trade associations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to deduct political contributions automatically from the executives and employees of member corporations.
TVNL Comment: More power to the rich. Talk about class warfare!

· Republican Candidate Calls Bush Administration “Nazis” - A candidate for North Carolina Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court has announced on her campaign's blog that she is leaving the Republican Party and denounced the Bush administration's policy on troop withdrawal from Iraq. Rachel Lea Hunter, a Republican and a candidate for Chief Justice, likens Bush’s administration to the “Nazis” and says that all who disagree with the administration are being branded as “traitors”.





· Alcoa to cut 6,500 jobs - Alcoa (AA) said it would take a second-quarter charge of 25 cents to 28 cents a share and eliminate 6,500 jobs as part of a previously disclosed plan to streamline the aluminum producer's operations.



9/11 News :


· WTC Basement Blast And Injured Burn Victim Blows 'Official 9/11 Story' Sky High; Eye Witness Testimony Is Conclusive That North Tower Collapsed From Controlled Demolition - WTC janitor pulls burn victim to safety after basement explosion rocks north tower seconds before jetliner hit top floors. Also, two other men trapped and drowning in a basement elevator shaft, were also pulled to safety from underground explosion..

· Families of September 11 tells Rove: Stop trying to 'reap' political gain from tragedy - As families whose relatives were victims of the 9/11 terror attacks, we believe it is an outrage that any Democrat, any Republican, any conservative or any liberal, stakes a "high ground" position based upon the September 11th death and destruction.

· A Sherlock Holmes Type Twist To The 9/11 Murder Mystery - Taking a page from Holmes, he then tries not be tricked into finding guilty solely by the evidence trail left by 9/11, adding: - "Given that both Group (Muslim terrorists) or Group 2 (Zionist terrorists) would be in serious trouble if it were discovered to be responsible for 9-11. And given the fact that each group blames the other, we would therefore expect the true culprit to attempt to divert the investigation towards the innocent group and away from itself. - "This trick is as old as crime itself. As surely as night follows day, a phony evidence trail would had to have surfaced following the 9-11operation."






· Will they face off? - White House political handlers were reported to have discouraged Harris from running last year, fearing her record after just two years in Congress and her controversial name identity would hurt President Bush's re-election.

· Panel Says Abramoff Laundered Tribal Funds - Lobbyist Jack Abramoff used money from a Mississippi tribal client to set up bogus Christian anti-gambling groups and to fund pet projects including gear for a "sniper school" in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, according to documents released yesterday by Senate investigators.
TVNL Comment: Sniper school? Training Israeli terrorists?





· CIA agents 'face arrest over kidnap' - ITALIAN authorities have issued arrest warrants for 13 agents of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) accused of kidnapping an Islamic leader in northern Italy, an Italian newspaper reported today.

· A new abuse of office by Jeb in Schiavo case - What the governor tries to pass off as legitimate inquiry in fact amounts to political harassment.

· 17 arrested in medical pot crackdown - Federal drug agents launched a wide-ranging crackdown on medical marijuana providers in northern California, arresting at least 17 people in San Francisco and Sacramento.

· 20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA - Did you know....

· High court OKs personal property seizures - The Supreme Court on Thursday ruled that local governments may seize people's homes and businesses -- even against their will -- for private economic development.
TVNL Comment: Still feel free and secure? It is not the terrorists who we have to fear, it is our government!





· Pharmaceuticals in Waterways Raise Concern - Academics, state officials and environmental advocates are starting to question whether massive amounts of discarded pharmaceuticals, which are often flushed down the drain, pose a threat to the nation's aquatic life and possibly to people.





· Cuba Announces Salary Increases for Teachers, Doctors and Other Health Care Workers - Many of those to receive the new salaries also benefited from an earlier increase to the island's minimum wage, under which the salaries of nearly 1.7 million low-wage workers were doubled May 1.

· New leader takes reins in Hong Kong - Donald Tsang has been officially sworn in as Hong Kong's second leader since the end of British colonial rule.

· Ecuador Refuses to Sign U.S. Immunity Pact - "If the United States decides it cannot provide aid if we do not sign this, well, we very much regret that we will not receive the aid," Antonio Parra told Channel 6 television.

· 'Blair has Murdered Labour Party' Says Galloway - He added: “Mr Blair has lost three million Labour voters in eight years and he has lost half the membership of the Labour Party.

· Spain's govt 'twisted' bombings for gains - report - Spain's previous center-right government "manipulated and twisted" the Madrid train bombings of March 2004 in a bid to salvage general elections three days later, a parliamentary commission found on Wednesday.

· World hates America but Indians love - The United States’ image is so tattered overseas two years after the Iraq invasion that Communist China is viewed more favourably than the US in many countries, including long-time Western European allies, an international poll released on Thursday found.
TVNL Comment: This is good for national security? Is anyone so stupid as to believe that we are?





· Funds for Health Care of Veterans $1 Billion Short - The Bush administration, already accused by veterans groups of seeking inadequate funds for health care next year, acknowledged yesterday that it is short $1 billion for covering current needs at the Department of Veterans Affairs this year.

· Intolerance Found at Air Force Academy - A military study of the religious climate at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs found several examples of religious intolerance, insensitivity and inappropriate proselytizing on the part of Air Force officers and cadets, but a report issued yesterday at the Pentagon concluded that the school is not overtly discriminatory and has made improvements in recent months.

· Soldier shaken by death of brother ends own life - Distraught over his older brother's death in Iraq and his own deployment this fall to the war zone, Justin "Paul" Byers purposely stepped in front of a pickup truck Monday night, ending his own life, officials said.

· Marine gets 15 years for Okinawa rape, says 50-cent beer was partly to blame - Under a pre-trial agreement, however, 22-year-old Pvt. Justin Echak might serve just four years of the sentence. The remainder will be suspended as long as he remains out of trouble for a year after being released.

· 'We had to kill him for snitching,' sailor says in video shown at court-martial - According to stipulated evidence presented at the trial, the four sailors were part of a shoplifting ring that targeted Marine and Air Force base exchanges on Okinawa from September through January. They reportedly stole more than $5,000 worth of items, including cameras, DVDs and clothing.





· Theirs Not to Reason Why, Theirs but to Keep It Quiet - Good thing they had the Washington Post to manipulate. The same thing has now happened to the CIA, and continues to happen, under the Bush White House. But – partly owing to the Post’s own ludicrous efforts to cover up for the CIA – there’s not enough effective credibility in the Post nowadays to “bring down” the administration of DC’s metro system, let alone a White House.

· YOU WANT ME TO PAY FOR WHAT?!? - Bush has been misappropriating government property for personal use. Legally it is called usurpation, and is defined as when a person placed in authority over property uses that property for other than the owners' intentions. An example would be the Captain of a ship who uses that ship for some other purpose than that for which the ship's owners' hired him. Had Captain Ahab survived his encounter with Moby Dick, he would have been thrown in jail for the crime of usurpation.





· “Missing Person!” - Newsworthy? Not at all. - At any given time there are over 90,000 active missing person cases in this nation. Ask yourself why our news networks think that certain missing persons deserve national attention. Better yet, contact them and ask them.

· The Sins of Judith Miller - The New York Times reporter who helped spread the fallacy that Saddam Hussein had WMD has a new beat: discrediting the United Nations.

· The air gets denser — Three new radio stations poised to enter the Missoula market - Air America Radio, which features liberal talk host Franken, will be the cornerstone of one of three FM channels that owner Kevin Terry bought from the Federal Communications Commission at an auction late last year for a total of about $2 million.

· House Rescinds Proposed Cut in Federal Support of Public Broadcasting - The 284-140 vote demonstrated the enduring political strength of public broadcasting, whose supporters rallied behind popular programs such as "Sesame Street," "Postcards From Buster" and "The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer."
TVNL Comment: But the money will be controlled by a Republican political operative with direct ties to the Bush administration. What this means is the House voted to fund Republican propaganda wrapped in a plain brown bag.

· BBC decides news is best served by delay - The BBC has announced it will introduce a time delay on its live coverage of sensitive news events such as the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and the Beslan school massacre.
TVNL Comment: This way they can coordinated reporting with official directions.

· TRUTH REVEALED: The New York Times is a Master at Deception - A brilliant article by Sanjoy Mahajan in ZNET analyzes with crystalline clarity and exposes the shameless cover-up tactics used by The New York Times when dealing with the Downing Street Memos (minutes) and briefings.

· Republican will be new CPB president - The Corporation for Public Broadcasting, already embroiled in controversy over allegations of a liberal-leaning bias in PBS programming, chose a former Republican Party co-chairman Thursday as its president and chief executive.
TVNL Comment: Political operatives in charge of our public airways. How is this different that Stalin's
Russia or any other dictatorship in history?





· Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce - When you're grocery shopping, it's easy to find labels and pick foods that help you reduce cholesterol and saturated fat, avoid antibiotics, or steer clear of artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. But when it comes to pesticides, consumers have been left in the dark. Now there's help.

· Bill for morning-after-pill passed in N.Y. - State senators approved legislation that allows girls and women to more easily obtain a morning-after pill from pharmacists, midwives and nurses, despite opposition from lawmakers who likened the emergency contraception to abortion.

· 55 percent of doctors influenced by religion - In addition, 76 percent of doctors said they believe in God and 59 percent believe in some sort of afterlife, putting them more in line with their patients than the rest of the scientific community.
TVNL Comment: The last thing anybody would want is to have the person responsible for saving your life believe that if you die you will still live on. That's not motivation for saving a life.





· U.S. doctors linked to POW `torture' - Medical records compiled by doctors caring for prisoners at the U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo Bay are being tapped to design more effective interrogation techniques, says an explosive new report.








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