Date: June 27th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The US is planning to produce Plutonium-238 which is hundreds of times more radioactive than plutonium-239, which is used in nuclear arms. The production will result in 50,000 barrels of highly radioactive waste. The reasons for this production are secret. So I ask you, who poses the greatest threat to life of earth? Terrorist can’t produce plutonium! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

REMINDER: I will be a guest on WingTV TODAY!!!. You can access the program on the web via . The show will be available for downloading at approximately 5PM ET. Visit the site and don’t forget to tune in on TODAY! Thanks, Jesse

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· Baghdad Deputy Chief of Police Assassinated; As 33 Killed in Mosul - U.S. military officials are confirming that a wave of attacks have left 15 police officers, and 18 civilians dead in Mosul, on Sunday.

· TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED - A U.S. Army Soldier with Task Force Liberty died of wounds sustained from small-arms fire on June 27 at approximately 10:10 a.m.

· ONE TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED, TWO WOUNDED IN BAGHDAD - One Task Force Liberty Soldier was killed and two were wounded by an improvised explosive device in Baghdad June 26.

· EXCLUSIVE: BUSH'S TRILLION DOLLAR WAR - "If at the outset the Americans anticipated the Iraq operation would cost $100 billion, they could have given Saddam and his family $20billion to go, $50billion to Iraq and still have had $30billion left over. - "The UK would not have been involved, no-one would have died and no buildings would have been destroyed."

· US asks Japan to extend Iraq mission as marines die in Fallujah - "Japan will not do things only because other countries ask us. We will make a decision independently," Hosoda told a political meeting Saturday.

· U.S. Helicopter Crashes North of Baghdad, Killing Two - "I saw a missile hit one of the helicopters and black smoke come from it before it went down," said one man, who gave his name as Abu Mustafa.

· Press Release from World Tribunal on Iraq - The Jury defined this war as one of the most unjust in history: ‘The Bush and Blair administrations blatantly ignored the massive opposition to the war expressed by millions of people around the world. They embarked upon one of the most unjust, immoral, and cowardly wars in history. The Anglo-American occupation of Iraq of the last 27 months has led to the destruction and devastation of the Iraqi state and society. Law and order have broken down completely, resulting in a pervasive lack of human security; the physical infrastructure is in shambles; the health care delivery system is a mess; the education system has ceased to function; there is massive environmental and ecological devastation; and, the cultural and archeological heritage of the Iraqi people has been desecrated.’

· Taliban rejects reports of heavy losses - A senior Taliban commander has dismissed as false Afghan Government reports that 178 fighters were killed in a United States-backed offensive in south-western Afghanistan last week.

· Bush on the Start of the Iraq War: "I feel good!" - His subsequent actions were mistakenly fed out early and he was unaware that his antics were being broadcast live on the BBC and several other satellite news channels.

· Photos Tell the Story of Iraq's Struggle - Western reporters are often officebound when not embedded with U.S. troops. To step outside a fortified hotel invites being shot or kidnapped. Because of that, Iraqi photographers risk a great deal to document what is happening to their country and to their people.

· Australia denies hostage rescue in Iraq was a set-up - The Sunday Age said it had learned that Wood's rescue was carefully planned and that Iraqi troops were used in the operation to disguise Australia's behind-the-scenes involvement.

· General admits to secret air war - THE American general who commanded allied air forces during the Iraq war appears to have admitted in a briefing to American and British officers that coalition aircraft waged a secret air war against Iraq from the middle of 2002, nine months before the invasion began.
TVNL Comment: If this is true that means George W. Bush started a war without Congressional approval. This is an impeachable crime.

· Stifling Baghdad despairs as water cut adds to misery - "I now wish we could go back to Saddam's time. We suffered then, but not like the suffering nowadays. There is no water or electricity. I can't sleep because of the heat. How are we to live these lives of misery?"
TVNL Comment: Do we listen to Bush and our propaganda media or do we listen to the people tho the media and Bush claim to speak for? Why listen to anyone other than the people themselves?










· Rich Rewards For the Region's Corporate Elite - The median total compensation for the 100 highest-paid executives in The Washington Post's annual survey of executive pay was $5.25 million in 2004, up slightly from $5.13 million the year before.



9/11 News :


· Former MI5 Agent Says 9/11 An Inside Job - Former MI5 agent David Shayler, who previously blew the whistle on the British government paying Al Qaeda $200,000 to carry out political assassinations, has gone on the record with his conviction that 9/11 was an inside job meant to bring about a permanent state of emergency in America and pave the way for the invasions of Afghanistan, Iraq and ultimately Iran and Syria.

· The 'Truss Theory': A Fantasy Concocted to Conceal a Demolition - When Flight 11 flew into WTC 1, one of two things should have happened: 1. If the building was constructed with non-composite steel trusses bolted to the inner core it should have immediately collapsed. 2. If the building was solidly constructed it should have remained standing. - Neither of the above occurred. The "truss theory" is implausible. It is a fantasy concocted to conceal a demolition.












· Policy for public housing raises concerns - A Bush administration proposal to eliminate many of the federal rules requiring public housing authorities to serve extremely low-income people has generated widespread concern among housing advocates who say the change could prove ruinous for the nation's poorest families.
TVNL Comment: Translation...Bush: Screw the poor!

· US plans plutonium production for 'secret missions' - The program would produce 150 kilograms of plutonium over 30 years and generate more than 50,000 drums of hazardous and radioactive waste. - Plutonium-238 is hundreds of times more radioactive than plutonium-239, which is used in nuclear arms.

· Contractor under inquiry helped Harris' campaign - A defense contractor under federal investigation gave Rep. Katherine Harris, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, about $42,000 during the 2003-04 election cycle.

· U.S. Misuses Material Witness Law - The Bush administration has misused a federal law to detain at least 70 terrorism suspects since the Sept. 11 attacks, two advocacy groups contend.

· Records show Democrats rejected for jobs - Gov. Ernie Fletcher's administration investigated some applicants for merit jobs to determine their political loyalty, then acted against Democrats, according to internal rec-ords filed in court Friday.













· Israeli guilty of shooting Briton - A former Israeli soldier has been found guilty of the manslaughter of British student Tom Hurndall in the Gaza Strip.

· Jewish settlers erect new Gaza outpost - Jewish settlers have set up a new outpost in the Gaza Strip, the day after a scuffle with soldiers who destroyed abandoned buildings at the site.

· Saudi envoy to U.S. offers resignation - Bandar's role in Washington peaked after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990. It was he who pushed the Saudi government to accept US troops in the Kingdom. Since the attacks of Sept. 11, however, Bandar has spent much of his time defending the Kingdom's counterterrorism policies.





· From servicemember to sex offender: Military battling child porn scourge - “I’ve seen everywhere from 18-year-old airmen up to O-6s,” said Air Force Maj. Don Christensen, lead trial counsel for the Air Force in Europe, who has prosecuted several courts-martial involving the charge. “Some people have been [noncommissioned officers] of the year, [company grade officers] of the year.”










· Reporters Await Fallout of Not Naming Sources - "I think the likely consequence, if reporters are not allowed some protection, will be an erosion of the public's ability to know what the government and other powerful institutions are up to," Keller said. Sources would not dry up entirely, he said, but he worried that "some witnesses of wrongdoing will be intimidated into silence, and some important stories will not be told."










· Israeli troops tell of tactics to abuse Palestinians - FORMER soldiers in the Israeli Defence Force have come forward with claims of widespread abuses against the Palestinians amid what they say is a growing climate of "moral corruption".

· Rumsfeld Nixes Independent Panel on Gitmo - A new independent investigation of abuse allegations at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, "doesn't make sense," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said Sunday.

· Brothers and Others - The Impact of 9/11 on Arabs, Muslims and South Asians in America

· Scores of Muslim Men Jailed Without Charge - Operating behind a wall of secrecy, the U.S. Department of Justice thrust scores of Muslim men living in the United States into a Kafkaesque world of indefinite detention without charge and baseless accusations of terrorist links, Human Rights Watch and the American Civil Liberties Union said in a report

· Victims' Center calls for independent investigation of torture - The Minneapolis-based Center for Victims of Torture is sending letters to President Bush and the Minnesota congressional delegation, asking for an independent commission to investigate. The group also said Sunday that the U.S. must provide torture victims with legal help and medical and psychological rehabilitation.

· Rights groups rap Bush on detainees - Two leading civil rights groups accuse the Bush administration of misusing the American system of due process following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.








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