Date: June 28th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: This morning Miles O'Brien, the pretend journalist on CNN, asked a shark expert what he thought “the shark was thinking” while it was biting the girl who was killed in Florida. Am I wrong or can we simply declare that the talking heads on CNN are idiots? What kind of question is that? He also asked the expert what makes this attack different than other attacks. I’ll answer that…the overblown and idiotic media coverage.

Let’s put this in perspective…there were live national press conferences over this. Is this an issue Americans need to be concerned about? What are the odds of an American dying from a shark attack? There are many things that pose a far greater risk to Americans and perhaps Americans would be better served by the media if we were made aware of these other more probable risks. How many people drown in the ocean, drown in their pools, die from boating accidents or die because they fall down in the shower?

·        4000 people drown in the US each year. ( )

·        1000 people die in boating accidents each year. ( )

·        70 people die each year from falling in the shower. ( )

·        Number of people who were killed by sharks in 2004 WORLDWIDE: 7 (!-How-Common-are-They?-Where-do-They-Occur?&id=37589 ) Do we really need to be concerned or informed about this on a national scale? NO!

The coverage of the shark attacks by the media is another example of how they distract us from the issues that really affect us and focus on issues that have no measurable impact on us. Journalism? I think not! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

REMINDER: I was a guest on WingTV yesterday!!!. You can access the program on the web via . The show is available for downloading. Visit the site and tune in. Thanks, Jesse

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Despair deepens for Iraqis - "Nothing will change until the Americans leave," Deen, 33, said at his home in Baghdad's Saydiyah neighborhood. "The resistance will not stop until the Americans go away. Once they leave, we can then only figure out if there is any hope of the Sunnis and Shiites coming together."
TVNL Comment: What have we done to that nation? The world should never forgive the American people for allowing their unelected leader to proceed with the Project for a New American Century!

· Halliburton Iraq deals described as contract abuse - A top U.S. Army procurement official said on Monday Halliburton's deals in Iraq were the worst example of contract abuse she had seen as Pentagon auditors flagged over $1 billion of potential overcharges by the Texas-based firm.

· More Evidence Indicts U.S. - New evidence on U.S. war crimes and violations of international law was presented at the concluding session of the World Tribunal on Iraq at hearings in Istanbul Sunday.

· U.S. headed for disaster when efforts in Iraq collapse - We may now be only weeks away from a complete collapse of the Iraqi army and the withdrawal of British troops from Iraq in the face of overwhelming public pressure on Tony Blair.

· Shocking and Appalling Stories of US Illegalities at the World Tribunal on Iraq in Istanbul - Still absent is any sign of the US media, except the cameras of Deep Dish TV.

· Iraqi MP killed in car bomb attack - A member of Iraq's parliament, three of his bodyguards and his son have been killed by a car bomb attack on their convoy in the northern outskirts of Baghdad.

· Car bomb rips through Baghdad market - Four people were killed and at least 33 wounded when a car bomb ripped through a crowded market in south-east Baghdad, the Interior Ministry and medical sources say.

· TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED - A Task Force Liberty Soldier was killed when a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device detonated near a Coalition Forces base near Balad at about 11:40 a.m. June 28.

· CONVOY CASUALTIES IDENTIFIED - All six service members killed in the attack have now been positively identified. Five Marines and one Sailor were killed in the incident.

· Iraq: A bloody mess - The news now from Iraq is only depressing. All the roads leading out of the capital are cut. Iraqi security and US troops can only get through in heavily armed convoys. There is a wave of assassinations of senior Iraqi officers based on chillingly accurate intelligence. A deputy police chief of Baghdad was murdered on Sunday. A total of 52 senior Iraqi government or religious figures have been assassinated since the handover. In June 2004 insurgents killed 42 US soldiers; so far this month 75 have been killed.





· Web Site Makes Gov't. Reports Available - A new Web site aims to make widely available to the public certain government reports about topics from terrorism to Social Security that congressional researchers prepare and distribute now only to lawmakers.

· Who Loves the Sun? - Speaking with Steven Aftergood, activist against government secrecy








9/11 News :


· 9/11 Conspiracy Now Subject of Hollywood Theatrical Performance - The 'Joan of Arc of 9/11' is the first to tackle the complicated 'mother of all conspiracy stories' in a stage performance set to open July 17 at Met Theatre in Hollywood. - The stage performance is broken down into four major segments, including "Demolitions, Hijackers and Planes, War Games and Who Benefits."






· Downing Street Minutes to Hit House Floor June 28th - Congressman John Conyers, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and Congresswoman Barbara Lee are asking their colleagues in the House of Representatives to join them on the evening of June 28 to discuss the Downing Street Minutes on the floor of the House.

· Durbin’s question - Durbin told the Senate: “If I read this to you and did not tell you that it was an FBI agent describing what Americans had done to prisoners in their control, you would most certainly believe this must have been done by Nazis, Soviets in their gulags or some mad regime — Pol Pot or others — that had no concern for human beings.” - Immediately, the news story ceased being the treatment of prisoners and became Durbin’s inept analogy.

· Senator Kerry (D - MA) sends letter to Senate Intelligence Committee pressing for answers on the Downing Street Memo - Senator Kerry (D - MA) sends letter to Senate Intelligence Committee pressing for answers on the Downing Street Memo and other Downing documents. The letter leaked to Raw Story, is also signed by Senators Johnson, Corzine, Reed, Lautenberg, Boxer, Kennedy, Harkin, Bingaman, and Durbin. The text of the letter is below.





· Wrong CIA analysis triggered major 2003 terror alert - The color-coded terror alert system went from yellow to orange, after CIA agents thought they saw secret numbers encoded in the moving text at the bottom of the screen of an Al-Jazeera broadcast, NBC said late Monday.

· Democracy is in Peril in the US - The passage of the Patriot act officially rendered the Bill of Rights moot as Constitutionally protected freedoms were taken away in exchange for the illusion of security. Our elected officials then further betrayed their constituents when they gave the president an unprecedented ability to wage preemptive war at his sole discretion. Finally, the 2004 presidential election showed that democracy in America is truly dead; among other things, citizen's were indiscrimantly detained for exercising their rights to freedom of speech and assembly, minor party candidates were arrested for attemting to take part in the St. Louis presidential debate, and computer voting machines with no way to ensure their accuracy were allowed to be used.

· High Court Disallows Ten Commandments in Courthouses - A sharply divided Supreme Court on Monday upheld the constitutionality of displaying the Ten Commandments on government land, but drew the line on displays inside courthouses, saying they violated the doctrine of separation of church and state.











· Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world; move over the Middle East - President Hugo Chavez says Venezuela has the largest oil reserves in the world and he plans to show the world that Venezuela's proven oil reserves have been underestimated and that they easily outweigh previously proven oil deposits in the Middle East.
TVNL Comment: This is why you are hearing rhetoric from the Bush administration as they try to fabricate a reason to install a
US puppet government there.

· U.S. to Israel: Stop Expanding Settlements - The United States has turned up the pressure on Israel to stop expanding West Bank settlements, Israeli officials said Sunday. In the Gaza Strip, military bulldozers began flattening former resort homes to prevent pullout opponents from occupying them.





· Army Recruits Quickly Abused in Training - Eventually, four Army drill instructors and the company commander would be brought up on charges. Four have been convicted so far.

· Gold Star Mothers to Admit Non-Citizens - A group for mothers whose children died in war voted Monday to allow non-U.S. citizens to join, after coming under criticism for denying membership to a Filipina mother whose son was killed in Afghanistan.
TVNL Comment: They had to vote on this? What was the vote called; the do we want to still be bigots vote?

· A Military Hospital May Itself Become a Casualty - But last month, Walter Reed became a casualty of the Pentagon's plan to shut, reduce or reorganize military facilities in all 50 states.





· Are We Nazi Germany Or Not? - The Right seems to be saying that those opposed to Bush, Republicans, the war, etc., should keep their mouths shut for fear of aiding our “enemy”. - This is of course utter nonsense. First, who is the enemy?

· Anatomy of a Coverup - The _NYT_ articles -- masterpieces of delay, indirection, distraction, fake rebuttals, and elegant omission -- keep readers ignorant of the lies and the lying liars who tell them. No wonder so many Americans still support this gangster war.





· Matthews: Labor Doesn't Want to Debate - It's a fact that labor unions are seldom heard from in the mainstream media. But when MSNBC host Chris Matthews brought up the issue on June 10, he blamed the problem on the labor movement.

· Supreme Court Won't Hear CIA Leak Case - The Supreme Court rejected appeals Monday from two journalists who have refused to testify before a grand jury about the leak of an undercover CIA officer's identity.

· 'Incinerating Iraqis: The napalm cover up' - Two weeks ago the UK Independent ran an article which confirmed that the US had "lied to Britain over the use of napalm in Iraq". (6-17-05) Since then, not one American newspaper or TV station has picked up the story even though the Pentagon has verified the claims. This is the extent to which the American "free press" is yoked to the center of power in Washington.

· Why the America Press Remains Paralyzed - What the Bush administration has done to the American people and to the values that gave America birth is simply beyond knowledgeable comprehension and belief. That it has done so in the name of Democracy and Christianity and the American people is simply beyond comprehension and belief. That it has done so in the interest of Old Testament apocalyptic fundamentalism and greed-driven crony capitalism is simply beyond comprehension and belief. The conservative press will not believe it and the liberal press can't believe it.

· Pretend Journalists Cover a Shark Attack - It’s an occurrence of nature. We share this planet with animals and things like this happen. It’s not news. It’s not even important. It’s unfortunate but that’s all it is. Let it go. Stop pretending to be journalists!





· Thimerosal & Autsim - David Kirby's Evidence of Harm - "The number one question has been whether neurologic problems were caused in some children by the high levels of a mercury containing additive that was included in our vaccines in the 1990s. This mercury containing additive is called thimerosol, and in the 1990s, infants and unborn children were exposed to significant amounts of mercury at a most critical point in their development."





· Ex-Detainees Allege Koran Was Abused - Pakistanis freed from jail here after being held at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, alleged Monday that they saw American interrogators throw, tear and stand on copies of the Koran, and one former detainee said naked women sat on prisoners' chests during questioning.








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