Date: June 29th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: How is it that I can sit and watch George W. Bush and spot every lie that squeezes through his smirking smile, yet not a single media pundit, journalist or even politician can point out these obvious lies? Am I so smart? Am I really smarter than every single member of our broadcast media or am I just more honest? Now that I think about it…the answer is probably yes to both! How scary is that? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

REMINDER: I was a guest on WingTV on 6/27!!!. You can access the program on the web via . The show is available for downloading. Visit the site and tune in. Thanks, Jesse

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· Bend woman, 51, killed in Iraq by roadside bomb - A roadside bomb in Iraq killed a Central Oregon woman working with a Texas firm as a police liaison officer, her employers said.

· Iraq awards Kirkuk oil tender to Exxon, Total, Respol, Tupras - SOMO already has plans to sell another 2 million bbl of Kirkuk oil to Tupras in July, Iraqi officials have said.
TVNL Comment: Liberated: Iraqi Oil. Liberated into the hands of Bush's oil industry friends. Anyone surprised?

· BUSH WAS WARNED BY GENERALS NOT TO "STAY THE COURSE" - The Pentagon has admitted that the war on terror and the invasion and occupation of Iraq have increased support for al-Qaeda, made ordinary Muslims hate the US and caused a global backlash against America because of the "self-serving hypocrisy" of George W Bush's administration over the Middle East.

· Iraq reports corruption epidemic - Arrest warrants on fraud charges have been issued for two former ministers in the Iraqi interim government.
TVNL Comment: These would be members of the the American appointed interim government.

· TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED - A Task Force Liberty Soldier was killed when a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device detonated near a combat patrol west of Tikrit at about 4:15 p.m. June 28.

· Iraq Realities Force Bush to Respond - As with the Downing Street Memo, the Times was quicker than any American news organization to document the gap between rhetoric and reality of U.S. policy in Iraq.

· US military helicopter crashes in Afghanistan - A U.S. Chinook helicopter crashed west of the city of Asadabad during an anti-guerrilla operation in eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday and the status of those aboard was not immediately known, the U.S. military said.





· George W. Bush, One Lying Son of a Bitch - By once again connecting the PNAC plan to invade Iraq with the events of 9/11, George W. Bush clearly proved that he is one lying son of a bitch.

· Bush's Speech: Let's Count the Lies - Bush is sticking to the lies that he included in the formal letter and report that he submitted to the United States Congress within 48 hours after having launched the invasion of Iraq.

· Captives: Terrorists hoped for Bush re-election - Two French journalists who were held hostage in Iraq told a British documentary program that their captors believed George W. Bush's re-election as US president would help radicalize Iraqis.

· War or Impeachment - In the days ahead, American politicians and pundits will talk a lot about “leveling” with the people by speaking the hard truth about Iraq, meaning an admission that the war is sure to rage for years and require an even heavier sacrifice in money and blood. - But this “leveling” will be just the latest spin. What they won’t tell you are these two other hard truths:








9/11 News :


· JOHN McMURTRY: WHY THE FACTS OF 9-11 ARE SUPPRESSED - Understanding the ruling group-mind behind the war without end: “In response to the extreme pressures of forcing reality to conform to manufactured delusions, the group and its members become increasingly submerged within a pre-conscious field of hysteria, denials and projections. In the case of 9-11 and the 9-11 Wars, the shadow subject of the ruling group-mind and its executive vector propelled two war criminal invasions of other societies and police-state laws across the world in under three years.” Insight into the “ruling group-mind” is reflected by David Rockefeller at a Bilderberg session in 1991: “A supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” Their program is being played out in Iraq against heroic resistance, while elsewhere in the empire the “regulating group-mind” (what Julian Jaynes calls the collective cognitive imperative; and Leon Festinger, in his manual on cognitive dissonance, calls cognition.) demands complicity with its fundamental assumptions, e.g. that 9-11 was an attack from the outside and that the Earth and its creatures are not sacred.

· SF911Truth Art Contest Entries - Artists and musicians cast new light on the shadow of 9/11, the unconscious fears of society, the defining event of the century, the excuse for endless war, the theme of an art contest that asks how the truth of 9/11 could lead society towards peace and justice.

· Bush Insider Claim WTC Collapse Bogus Gets 'Huge Response' And Read By Millions Worldwide - It seemed like a lighting bolt hit the heart of the government story, cracking it into a million unexplainable pieces.











· Watchdog says government hid border survey - Administration denies findings were withheld so they wouldn't embarrass Bush
TVNL Comment: More lies and deceptions by the administration that are ignored by the broadcast media.

· Man suing Homeland Security over detentions - Rahman, who owns a technology consulting business, said at a news conference Tuesday that he not only undergoes scrutiny, but outright harassment and excessive force at various airports and border crossings. During a customs check in Detroit, he was handcuffed to a chair for three hours and separated from his wife and two children for six hours.

· Supreme Court Steps Into Abortion Dispute - Justices said they will consider whether an anti-abortion group's campaign against abortions, conducted outside these clinics 20 years ago, may have violated federal racketeering and extortion laws.

· Exponential Enrons Ahead - A little-discussed section of the Bush energy bill will drive public utilities out of business, letting oil giants like Halliburton control your electricity.

· Undoing the New Deal - If there were any doubts that Bush's campaign against Social Security was not fiscal or economic but strictly ideological, Wehner's memo dispelled them in a stroke.






· EPA Proposal Would Allow Human Tests Of Pesticides - Manufacturers would be allowed to test some pesticides on human volunteers when seeking government approval without applying all the ethical safeguards recommended last year by an expert panel, under proposed rules soon to be issued by the Environmental Protection Agency.

· Bush Administration Manipulates Science in Grazing Report - The Bush Administration manipulated scientific data in a government study on the environmental impact of cattle grazing prior to announcing that it would loosen regulations limiting grazing on public lands, according to two scientists who contributed to the study - "They rewrote everything. It's a crime," said Erick Campbell, a former biologist with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), who wrote the sections of the report that address the effects of the new rules on wildlife. "This is a whitewash -- they took all of our science and reversed it 180 degrees."





· SKorea urges US not to provoke NKorea - South Korean Foreign Minister Ban Ki-Moon said he has urged the United States to avoid provoking North Korea at a time when hopes are high for a new round of six-party nuclear talks.

· Global nuclear policy irks India - India has criticised the international community for failing to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

· India and US sign defence accord - India and US have signed a 10-year agreement to strengthen defence ties between the two countries.

· Australia 'secret police' state - Australians were losing fundamental democratic values, he said. - "You can be arrested because ASIO think you know something," Mr Fraser said. - "Your defence is to prove that you don't know it. But how do you prove a negative? And how do you prove you don't know something which you didn't know in the first place?

· WATCHDOG WARNS OF BIG BROTHER-STYLE SYSTEM IF PLANS ARE IMPLEMENTED - Tony Blair's plans for identity cards risk creating a Big Brother-style system of checks in which people are subjected to "unnecessary and disproportionate intrusion" into their privacy, the data protection watchdog has said, writes Christopher Adams.





· Veterans Affairs coping with $1 billion shortfall as demand for services grows - Facing a $1 billion deficit in this year’s budget, Department of Veterans Affairs officials will raid operations and maintenance accounts to help pay for veterans’ basic medical care.
TVNL Comment: GOP Congress NOT supporting the troops! But we knew that already.

· No MAS - I have been talking to my fellow soldiers about this whole situation and I have told them about how the leadership in Washington is trying to get the American people to silence their criticisms of the continued lunacy we call the occupation of Iraq.

· War injured toll soars, hits veterans health costs - As the numbers of U.S. war injured in Iraq and Afghanistan soared, the Bush administration admitted to lawmakers on Tuesday it had underestimated funds to cover health care costs for veterans and Congress would have to plug a $2.6 billion hole.

· Military Bloggers in Iraq must register sites - Commanders want to know who is blogging from Iraq, and a new rule says soldiers have to ’fess up.
TVNL Comment: For subscribers of Army Times only. You can see the headline however...scroll down.





· Generation Chickenhawk - In interviews, more than a dozen conventiongoers explained why it is important that they stay on campus while other, less fortunate people their age wage a bloody war in Iraq. They strongly support the war, they told me, but they also want to enjoy college life and pursue interesting careers. Being a College Republican allows them to do both. It is warfare by other, much safer means.





· Reporters Without Borders queries fate of three journalists in Iraq - The French-based press freedom organization, Reporters Without Borders (RWB), on Wednesday called on Iraq and the United States to provide information about the disappearance of two TV journalists early last month and for an explanation on the murder of a local TV producer on Tuesday.

· U.S. Accused in Iraqi Journalist's Death - The French watchdog organization Reporters Without Borders called for an inquiry. "We ask the competent authorities to take all necessary steps to investigate the circumstances of his death," the group said.

· Charlie Rangel takes on Sean Hannity - Rangel hits Hannity with President Bush's constant use of 9/11 and the trumped up evidence that was used that led to the war. - Hannity looked hapless trying to say Rangel was spinning conspiracy therories. Alan Colmes brought his best game to the table as he used the Downing Street Memo and the bombing runs before the war started to back up Charlie's claims.

· FOX News Tries To Spin The Fake Applause - If you haven't heard the only applause during the Bush speech was started by a Bush staffer. When FOX News heard of this they had to spin the news so it wouldn't make Bush look like a clown. Fair and balanced my ass!

· Jonathan S. Adelstein, FCC Commissioner, Needs Your Help In the Fight Against Media Consolidation - Adelstein and Copps are heroically trying to hold off the Karl Rove effort to more fully control the media in Stalinesque fashion, turning the entire media, including PBS and NPR, into FOX News clones.

· Washington Post Underestimates "Out Now" opinion - Washington Post and ABC News just released a poll of U.S. public opinion on Iraq. But the Post's numbers in their print version (in the body of the article) underestimates the "Out Now" position by more than 3 times. One has to look at their actual numbers (Poll Data) to see that support for "staying the course" is much smaller than the article suggests.

· Action Alert! - This is the most important advice I have seen in quite awhile.
TVNL Comment: Industry insiders are starting to back our call for a boycott of the corporate media!

· Court: reporters in contempt over Wen Ho Lee - A federal appeals court on Tuesday said four journalists could be held in contempt of court for refusing to disclose names of confidential sources who might have given them information about Wen Ho Lee, the Los Alamos nuclear scientist once suspected of espionage.

· Bloggers Fighting Government Regulations - Bloggers who built their Internet followings with anti-establishment prose are now lobbying the establishment to protect their livelihoods from federal regulations.
TVNL Comment: Deregulate environmental law, deregulate the airlines, deregulate and eliminate virtually all corporation oversight but they regulate blogs!

· Venezuela sets up 'CNN rival' - "We want our cameras to get into places that their cameras have never been, to give a real, street-level view - like the girl said: 'The true face of Latin America.'"





· Medical Marijuana? Rhode Island Says Yes - The Rhode Island legislature passed a bill yesterday allowing the use of medical marijuana, three weeks after the Supreme Court ruled that federal authorities could prosecute those who use the drug for medicinal purposes, even in states with laws allowing it.

· HIV drug target 'will not be met' - Senior figures at the World Health Organization have admitted they will probably fail to meet their target for disseminating HIV drugs.





· Canadian MPs back gay marriages - Canada's parliament has approved a bill to legalise same-sex marriage, despite opposition from conservative MPs.

· Two Rwandans guilty over genocide - A Belgian court has found two Rwandans guilty of war crimes and murder linked to the 1994 genocide in their country.





· Massive Sightings Of UFO Fleet Over Xalapa, Mexico - A spectacular UFO fleet of at least 14 unkown flying objects shocked the entire gathering at casa Veracruz who, pointing to the sky, screamed "OVNIs OVNIS!!" in a tremendous state of excitement. The police officers were also signaling to the sky wondering what these unknown flying obJects could be.

· 'Prophet' Summons UFO For Camera - UPDATE Vegas ABC Station Drops Invitation To Prophet Yahweh



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