Date: June 30th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: I caught a few military “experts” on FOX News and MSNBC yesterday, discussing a winning strategy against the insurgents in Iraq. Both seemed to feel that if the US secures the Iraqi borders the insurgency will fade. Here is a little question that the “journalists” might want to ask these genius experts…how and why can the US be expected to secure the borders of Iraq when the US can not secure it’s own domestic borders? The one thing that nobody seems to talk about is how our domestic needs, including border security, have been ignored or assaulted by this administration. Where are all the flag wavers on this one? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· US Chinook crash - bodies found - Another seven soldiers are unaccounted for, some of them soldiers who were fighting on the ground.

· 12 die in Iraq as Bush says troops will stay - At least a dozen people have died in Iraq after President George W Bush pledged US troops would stay on mission despite mounting casualties and criticism of the conduct of the war.

· Democracy Hypocrisy - Iraq In The Name Of Freedom - Video contains images depicting the reality and horror of war and should be viewed by a mature audience.

· Iraqi Resistance Replies To Bush Speech: Sets Terms For U.S. Surrender - As long as the invaders destroy our nation, then there is no reason to stop any Iraqi or Arab abroad from striking back in their countries of residence or at enemy bases in occupied Kuwait or Jordan!





· Bush's Speech at Fort Bragg Annotated Transcript - Almost every statement in the speech can be refuted.

· Big contributors to GOP reap big post-election rewards - From rewrites of the laws governing bankruptcy and class-action lawsuits to relief for oil, timber and tobacco interests, GOP supporters who gave millions of dollars last year are reaping decisions worth billions from a Congress with more Republicans.

· Deception, Denial, and Demagoguery: Bush Speech Sets A Record - How many lies can this President cram into a single speech? That question may have been answered tonight. 9/11 was invoked at least 5 times as a justification for the invasion and conquest of Iraq.

· The Big Lie - Stripped of the usual lies that have driven his Iraq policy from the start, President George W. Bush Tuesday went back to square one and played the big one – trying to tie the 9/11 terrorist attacks to his failed war.

· Bush Flops in Prime Time - “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” -- Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister





· Work For Wal-Mart? You May Need Welfare - Thousands of low-wage Wal-Mart workers are on public assistance. Many state lawmakers say it's time the megastore was forced to provide affordable employee health insurance.



9/11 News :


· MIRACLES AND WONDERS - Before this new "Pico cell," it was nigh on impossible to make a call from a passenger aircraft in flight. Connection is impossible at altitudes over 8000 feet or speeds in excess of 230 mph. - Yet despite this, passengers Todd Beamer, Mark Bingham, Jeremy Glick and Edward Felt all managed to place calls from Flight 93 on the morning of September 11. Peter Hanson, en route to Disneyland with his wife and daughter, phoned his dad from Flight 175. Madeline Amy Sweeney, a flight attendant, made a very dramatic call from Flight 11 as it sped to the North Tower. Barbara Olson made two calls, collect, to her husband at his government office from Flight 77 as it made its way to the Pentagon.

· In-flight cellphones 'worked great' in test - Cellphone company Qualcomm has teamed with American Airlines to develop satellite-based air-to-ground cellular service. Several smaller companies are working on rival systems. In-flight cell service could be introduced within two years and become commonplace within four, developers believe.
TVNL Comment: So if they were developing this technology in 2004 how did all of those
9/11/2001 passengers make those "Let's roll" calls? Still belive the official conspiracy theory told to you by our government mouthpiece media?

· GOP lawmaker: Saddam linked to 9/11 - A Republican congressman from North Carolina told CNN on Wednesday that the "evidence is clear" that Iraq was involved in the terrorist attacks against the United States on September 11, 2001. - President Bush said in September 2003 that "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11 [attacks]." - Nevertheless, Hayes insisted that the connection between al Qaeda and Saddam and "folks who work for him" has been seen "time and time again."











· Halliburton Hearing Unearths New Abuse - The new evidence, released Monday afternoon, shows that Hallliburton: overcharged or presented questionable bills for close on $1.5 billion, almost four times the previous amount disclosed. * lost 12 giant pre-fabricated bases worth over $75 million destined for the troops. The bases could have housed as many as 6,600 soldiers. * billed $152,000 to provide a movie library for 2,500 soldiers * billed inconsistently across the board. Video cassette players, for example, were said to cost $300.00 in some instances, and $1000 in others. Likewise, the company charged $2.31 for towels on one occasion and $5 for the same units on another.

· Bush sets up domestic spy service - US President George W Bush has ordered the creation of a domestic intelligence service within the FBI, as part of a package of 70 new security measures.






· Future climate could be hotter than thought: study - Global temperatures in the future could be much hotter than scientists have predicted if new computer models on climate change are correct, researchers say.

· Insurers sound the alarm on climate change - Manufacturers would be allowed to test some pesticides on human volunteers when seeking government approval without applying all the ethical safeguards recommended last year by an expert panel, under proposed rules soon to be issued by the Environmental Protection Agency.





· Poll: China Image Scores Better Than U.S. - The image of the U.S. slipped sharply in 2003, after its invasion of Iraq, and two years later has shown few signs of rebounding either in Western Europe or the Muslim world, an international poll found.

· Official Says Canada to Ban Drug Exports - Canada intends to ban the bulk of export prescriptions to the United States and other countries to try to control Internet pharmacies, the health minister said Tuesday.





· Iraq War Takes Toll on Army Marriages - While U.S. casualties steadily mount in Iraq, another toll is rising rapidly on the home front: The Army's divorce rate has soared in the past three years, most notably for officers, as longer and more frequent war zone deployments place extra strain on couples.










· The Man Who Would Destroy PBS - Big Bird gave San Bernardino County Congressman Jerry Lewis a black eye last week. Lewis, who is chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, is the conservative obscurantist who has been leading the right-wing Republican effort to slash the budget of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) — which provides funding for PBS, NPR and their local affiliates — and put it out of existence.

· MSNBC's Pro-Bush "Town Meeting" - After George W. Bush's June 28 speech about Iraq, MSNBC's Hardball presented viewers with a decidedly skewed "town meeting" featuring a panel dominated by Iraq war boosters. - In other words, MSNBC's "town meeting" excluded forceful critics of the Iraq war--a war that polls show most Americans no longer support, or believe the White House is mismanaging.





· Teflon Cancer Risks Downplayed - A controversial chemical used by DuPont Co. to make the nonstick substance Teflon poses more of a cancer risk than indicated in a draft assessment by the Environmental Protection Agency, an independent review board has found.
TVNL Comment: Under the Bush adminstration the EPA has continually hid threats posed to Amercians. They have witheld or changed information time and time again permitting millions of Americans to remain exposed to toxins, many of which are lethal. The EPA under the Bush administration is essentially complicit in attempted genocide.

· Mad cow born in US, officials confirm - The US Department of Agriculture has revealed the country's second case of mad cow disease was found in an animal born and raised within its own borders.
TVNL Comment: They must be upset that they can not blame
Canada for this!

· White flour contains diabetes-causing contaminant alloxan - Studies show that alloxan, the chemical that makes white flour look "clean" and "beautiful," destroys the beta cells of the pancreas.





· Rice doesn't stand up for Saudi women - The most powerful woman in U.S. government went on a whirlwind Middle East tour last week and made clear that "she is not about to become (the United States') most outspoken supporter of women's rights."

· ICC prosecutor has Darfur war crimes evidence - Mr Moreno Ocampo said thousands of civilians had been killed, villages had been looted or destroyed, and nearly 2 million people displaced in the last two years.

· Spain approves gay marriage law - The Spanish Parliament has given final approval to a law legalising gay marriage, overriding fierce opposition from the Catholic Church.
TVNL Comment: Yet the
US is more in line with the Taliban than it is with Europe when it comes to their culture. Think about it.

· U.N. Seeks U.S. Detention Centers - U.N. human rights experts have begun an investigation into U.S. detention facilities for terrorist suspects and allegations that there are secret prisons, one of the project leaders said Wednesday.








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