Date: July 1st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: If you are not happy about what this nation has become during these past 5 years, just wait to see what it becomes after a Bush appointee is sitting on the Supreme Court. Let the religious wars begin! We can be just like one of the Middle Eastern nations where holy wars claim the lives of people every day! I can’t wait! Can you? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Tony Blair Confirms Authenticity of Downing Street - The Prime Minister has confirmed the authenticity of a Downing Street memo in which Sir Richard Dearlove, the former head of MI6, tells Mr Blair that the Bush administration was "fixing" the intelligence and facts about Saddam Hussein’s regime to back up a decision that had been taken to invade Iraq as early as July 2002.

· June one of the deadliest months for U.S. troops in Iraq - At least 68 U.S. soldiers, Marines and sailors were killed by hostile fire in Iraq, the fifth highest number since the war began, according to Iraq Coalition Casualty Count, a Web site that compiles official casualty reports. The June total could continue to rise as troops die from wounds sustained during the month.
TVNL Comment: Progress.

· Nearly 9,000 U.S. troops dead? A NATIONWIDE CALL FOR INFO FROM SURVIVORS. - Has the Bush administration drastically understated the U.S. military death count by redefining "death"? The following article suggests that it has, and it calls for a nationwide campaign to honor deceased service members by naming and counting them.

· IRAQI HOSPITALS ATTACKED AND DAMAGED BY US FORCES - An urgent humanitarian crisis is unfolding in occupied west Iraq. The Doctors for Iraq Society is calling on you to act NOW.

· In 1999, Bush Demanded A Timetable - George W. Bush, 4/9/99: “Victory means exit strategy, and it’s important for the president to explain to us what the exit strategy is.”

· Zapatero stands by Spanish troop withdrawal - Spain's incoming socialist government intends to stick by its pledge to withdraw Spanish troops from Iraq by June 30, even though some world leaders have asked it to reconsider the decision, the country's prime minister-elect, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, said today.

· Child Abuse - When the public liars sat down together -- in Crawford, in the Pentagon, in the Oval Office, at 10 Downing Street -- and very deliberately, very guilefully and very knowingly devised their act of mass murder in Iraq, it is unlikely they gave any thought to the most vulnerable targets of their war crime: the children.

· UPDATE: 16 SERVICEMEMBERS KILLED IN HELICOPTER CRASH - Coalition forces have confirmed that all 16 service members on board the MH-47 helicopter that crashed June 28 died in the crash.

· Iraq Strategy: Withdraw or Fight On? - The U.S. media reaction to Bush's televised address, as noted, focused on the president's effort to link the Iraq war to the September 11 attacks. By contrast, many foreign pundits emphasized recent revelations that the United States is seeking to open lines of communication to Iraqis fighting the U.S. occupation.





· How They Get Away With It - Three reasons Washington’s empire-builders don’t have to worry about ’60s-style dissent—not including the volunteer Army





· The Nontaxpaying Affluent Grew by 15% in One Year - The number of affluent individuals and married couples who paid no federal income taxes jumped more than 15 percent in 2002, to 5,650, new government data showed yesterday.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush Legacy!



9/11 News :


· 9/11 – US Complicity: Implausible, or Very Probable? - Questions for the People Who Believe the Official Conspiracy Theory

· Governor Jesse Ventura Troubled By Official 9/11 Story - These comments were made on air last year but received scant attention even in the alternative media.






· Senate defeats move to stop nuclear bomb study - Senate Democrats on Friday failed to stop the Energy Department from studying the feasibility of a "bunker buster" nuclear bomb the Bush administration is considering.

· US House toughens law on publicity, propaganda - The U.S. House of Representatives approved a provision on Thursday designed to bar government agencies for one year from hiring journalists and public-relations firms to secretly tout policies as news.
TVNL Comment: For one year? They will permit it during the midterm election season in that case. What a crock!

· House Votes To Undercut High Court On Property - The House voted yesterday to use the spending power of Congress to undermine a Supreme Court ruling allowing local governments to force the sale of private property for economic development purposes. Key members of the House and Senate vowed to take even broader steps soon.

· After Ignoring Early Warnings On Vets Funding, Senate GOP Scrambles To Cover Up Earlier Votes That Would Have Prevented Funding Shortfall - As a result of their inaction, essential services provided by the VA to the nation’s 24 million veterans are in jeopardy. Although they were warned repeatedly that the VA was in danger of being short on the funds it needed to provide services to veterans, they failed to act. In fact, they had had three chances to add budget funding for veterans programs and each time they voted NO.
TVNL Comment: Take a close look at how the Republicans voted when it comes to veterans!

· House votes in favor of $3,100 pay raise - The House yesterday agreed to allow an automatic $3,100 pay raise for Congress next year, to $165,200, after defeating an effort to roll it back.
TVNL Comment: Can we finally say that these people are greedy bastards?

· 52 House members file FOIA request seeking documents related to Downing Street minutes - In addition, the Members also formally requested that the House Committees on Judiciary, Armed Services, International Relations, and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence commence hearings on the Downing Street Minutes.





· O'Connor Steps Down from U.S. Supreme Court - Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman to serve on the Supreme Court, is resigning after nearly 24 years as an associate justice.

· Minn. Government Shuts Down; 9,000 Jobless - Minnesota's government shut down Friday for the first time in state history after lawmakers failed to pass a temporary spending plan and left 9,000 employees jobless and highway rest stops unattended for the July Fourth weekend.

· Wal-Mart Has No Plan B - Wal-Mart continues to keep Plan B, the "morning-after pill," off its shelves. The megastore's policy, catering to its rural base, complicates its pursuit of new markets.






· Air Quality an Overlooked Casualty of War - Baghdad's electricity shortage has spawned a city of gas-run generators, a prime source of the growing pollution problem.

· British Scientists Say Carbon Dioxide Is Turning the Oceans Acidic - Whether or not it contributes to global warming, carbon dioxide is turning the oceans acidic, Britain's leading scientific organization warned yesterday.

· One in six countries facing food shortage - One in six countries in the world face food shortages this year because of severe droughts that could become semi-permanent under climate change, UN scientists warned yesterday.
TVNL Comment: Bush's response: Screw them! Our greed is more important!

· Bush: Kyoto Would Have 'Wrecked' Economy - He also says more study is needed to determine whether human activity is primarily to blame for rising temperatures.

· THE STOP GLOBAL WARMING VIRTUAL MARCH ON WASHINGTON - Over the next year, the March will travel across the U.S., gaining strength in numbers and raising awareness about global warming.On Earth Day 2006, the March will arrive in Washington D.C. touse the strength of our numbers to urge:

· Global Warming Might Create Lopsided Planet - Extra precipitation expected as a result of global warming could create a lopsided world in which sea ice increases around the South Pole while the far north melts away.

· Prospective Supreme Court Vacancy Could Spell Environmental Disaster - Opponents of environmental safeguards are trying to use federal courts to attack the bedrock of environmental safeguards, including the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, and the Endangered Species Act, according to Doug Kendall, executive director of the Community Rights Counsel (CRC).





· U.S. Won't Cede Control of Internet's Key Computers - The announcement marked a departure from previously stated U.S. policy.

· Britain takes on EU presidency - Britain has taken on the rotating presidency of the troubled European Union, saying it hoped to turn a crisis over the bloc's budget and fledging constitution into an opportunity for reform.

· Israeli air strikes target Hizb Allah - Witnesses in Lebanon said Israeli helicopters fired two missiles that struck southern Lebanon, while Israeli television said air force jets bombed positions belonging to the Hizb Allah group which was active in the area.





· Backing for Bush on Iraq is gone, local veterans say - "I don't like this war at all," he said. "Saddam wasn't doing anything to us. The one we should have been going after with everything is Osama bin Laden."

· Army recruits shortfall blamed on Iraq war critics - Several Senate Republicans denounced other lawmakers and the news media on Thursday for unfavorable depictions of the Iraq war and the Pentagon urged members of Congress to talk up military service to help ease a recruiting shortfall.
TVNL Comment: They did not blame the fact that some people might realize that the current administration is willing to send this nation to war based on lies. They did not question if people will not sign up because they think that the administration is a pack of liars because they have been a pack of liars.

· The war against veterans - For several years now, the Bush bean counters have been slashing funds for veterans’ medical care.





· America Held Hostage - Bush's speech on Tuesday contained a chilling message: America has been taken hostage by his martial dreams. According to Mr. Bush, the nation now has no choice except to keep fighting the war he wanted to fight.

· Lying Liars & the Presidents Who Employ Them - The respective media flaps involving Senate Demo­cratic whip Richard Durbin and presidential consigliere Karl Rove invites a kind of admixture of awe and revulsion at the state of American political discourse and the media's inability to make the most fundamental kinds of distinctions to help citizens navigate it.

· Ship young Pataki straight to Iraq - It was another example of how politicians wage war but expect other people's children to fight them.

· Generation Chickenhawk - In interviews, more than a dozen conventiongoers explained why it is important that they stay on campus while other, less fortunate people their age wage a bloody war in Iraq. They strongly support the war, they told me, but they also want to enjoy college life and pursue interesting careers. Being a College Republican allows them to do both. It is warfare by other, much safer means.





· CPB Memos Indicate Level of Monitoring - CPB has declined to release the report. But NPR has obtained the consultant's study. And those documents show the consultant graded guests not just on ideology, but on whether they explicitly supported policies of the Bush White House.

· Chinese journalists lobby for release of jailed colleagues - More than 2,000 journalists in China have taken the unprecedented step of signing an open letter calling for the release of two jailed colleagues.










· Stabbings at Jerusalem gay march - A religious protester has stabbed three people taking part in an annual gay pride parade in Jerusalem.
TVNL Comment: More hatred and violence brought to you by religion!





· The hunting of the liberals - The people sporting such stickers, no doubt, will contend that it's just a joke -- as though such a fig leaf could disguise the violent attitudes and beliefs required to find it humorous. Next they'll argue that stickers saying "Hitler Needed to Finish the Job" are just meant to be funny.
TVNL Comment: Had this been about almost any other group it would have been considered an act of terrorism.



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