Date: July 2nd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: How do the media get away with protecting the lies of the Bush administration? How many reports have come out exposing the fact that the Bush administration has either hid, blocked or out right changed information or reports in order to push their agenda? They have changed scientific reports and economic studies time and time again, each time in an effort to prevent information that would prove that the administration was lying about something. Most of the lies hid direct health risks or economic risks that would have a huge negative impact on Americans and sometimes the world.

The media never inform the public about this even though it is a regular occurrence. The public has to catch on eventually being that these little reports seem to happen on a weekly basis. When will red state America get tired of being lied to? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Iraq envoy accuses US of killing - Iraq's ambassador to the UN has demanded an inquiry into what he said was the "cold-blooded murder" of his young unarmed relative by US marines.

· Top Shiite Cleric's Aide Killed, and Shiite Office Attacked - A senior aide to Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, Iraq's most influential Shiite cleric, was gunned down on his way to Friday Prayer in Baghdad, and a suicide car bomb exploded near the office of a major Shiite political party, an Interior Ministry official said Friday.

· Baghdad's mayor complains about crumbling capital - Baghdad's mayor decried the capital's crumbling infrastructure and its inability to supply enough clean water to residents, threatening Thursday to resign if the government won't provide more money.

· Mossad Chief: U.S. to Be Mired in Middle East in Perpetuity - “The U.S. campaign in Iraq was perceived [in the Middle East and Washington] as a signal of long-term American commitment to do whatever is required and to ‘stay in the neighborhood’ for as long as needed,”

· Suicide blast targets recruits - Initial reports say between 11 and 20 people were killed in the blast and a similar number wounded.

· Six Afghans killed in bomb attack on convoy - Four Afghan police and two soldiers were killed when a roadside bomb blasted a convoy in Afghanistan that included UN and peacekeepers' vehicles, a UN official said.

· Soldier dies in shooting accident - Military officials are believed to have ruled out suicide as a possible motive and are investigating the circumstances of the accident.

· US misled UK over Iraq fire bombs - The government was asked yesterday to explain why the US failed to tell it the truth about use on Iraq of incendiary bombs, successors to the napalm used in Vietnam.





· MSNBC Analyst Says Cooper Documents Reveal Karl Rove as Source in Plame Case - Now that Time Inc. has turned over documents to federal court, presumably revealing who its reporter, Matt Cooper, identified as his source in the Valerie Plame/CIA case, speculation runs rampant on the name of that source, and what might happen to him or her.

· The Bush brothers kick Katherine Harris to the curb. - But Harris took her lumps, expecting the Republican Party to eventually repay her for her efforts. Instead, the president and his brother Jeb are now trying to sink her.

· Why the Public Believes Dems Stand for Nothing - The arrogant and timid Democratic operative/adviser/elite class still arrogantly believes they can fool Americans with hollow rhetoric that makes it seem as if Democrats care about the middle-class.

· The War President - America's founders knew all too well how war appeals to the vanity of rulers and their thirst for glory. That's why they took care to deny presidents the kingly privilege of making war at their own discretion. - In November 2002, Helen Thomas, the veteran White House correspondent, told an audience, "I have never covered a president who actually wanted to go to war" - but she made it clear that Mr. Bush was the exception. And she was right.








9/11 News :













· U.S. Blocked Release of Trade Reports - The Labor Department kept secret for more than a year government studies that supported Democratic opponents of the Bush administration's new Central American trade deal, internal documents show.

· Sweeping Medicaid cuts hit Missourians - Under the new standards, a single mother of two children is deemed ineligible if she makes more than $350 a month, for instance. Previously, the income line was drawn at $1,050 a month. An estimated 24,000 children are expected to lose their benefits, dental coverage is being cut for adults, and disabled people are losing coverage for crutches and other aids.






· Now global warming is a mortal sin - A key international body of the Anglican Church has declared the wilful destruction of the environment to be a sin as a core group of Australian religious leaders have placed their political weight behind a campaign to fight global warming.

· Blair pressed to isolate US over climate change - Downing Street signalled last night that Britain would resist being forced to join France and Germany in a 7-1 standoff against Mr Bush at the summit. A senior cabinet minister said Britain would adopt the role of honest brokers as hosts of the G8 conference.

· A Toxic Trifecta - Meet the business lobbyists who help keep Texas among the nation's most polluted

· Alternative energy source, originally proposed by the USSR, to be built in France - Once the construction of the thermonuclear reactor is finished, it will be able to supply a half of Europe with electric power





· 11 Russian servicemen killed in terrorist act in Makhachkala, Dagestasn - Terrorists blew up two bombs when trucks with Russian servicemen drove up to the bathhouse in the city

· Berlusconi demands US 'respect' - Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has demanded the US show "full respect" for his country's sovereignty, in an official statement.

· Marchers gather in Scotland to urge G8 action - Thousands of demonstrators gathered on Saturday to urge leaders of rich nations to smash global poverty when they meet in Scotland next week.

· China, Russia Warn of World Domination - Russia and China warned other nations Friday against attempts to dominate global affairs and interfere in the domestic issues of sovereign nations in what appeared to be a veiled expression of their irritation with U.S. policy.

· Defying U.S., Mexicans flock to buy 'racist' stamps - Some 400 people, from comic fans to Mexicans simply wanting to defy the White House, descended on Mexico City's main post office.
TVNL Comment:
America has never been more disrespected than it is now





· U.S. Marines Accused of Killing Iraq Man - Iraq's U.N. ambassador accused U.S. Marines of killing his unarmed young cousin in what appeared to be "cold blood" and demanded an investigation and punishment for the perpetrators.

· Veterans GROUP ISSUES "DECLARATION OF IMPEACHMENT" - A national veterans’ organization today issued a “Declaration of Impeachment” and announced it is beginning an online petition to remove President Bush from office for crimes committed during the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

· Midway through fiscal year, desertions from Army approach last year's total - Between Oct. 1, 2004 — the start of fiscal 2005 — and March 30, the Army registered 2,518 desertions, according to figures provided June 28 by an Army spokeswoman, Lt. Col. Pamela Hart.





· The U.S. Supreme Court's Holding in Kelo v. City of New London: An Interview that Reveals an Insider's Perspective - On June 23, the U.S. Supreme Court, in a closely-watched 5-4 decision, found it constitutional, under the Takings Clause, for the State of Connecticut, and the city of New London, to condemn fifteen homes, owned by seven families, for "economic development."

· Demolishing Sports Welfare - Two court cases could mean the end of publicly funded stadiums

· WHAT DO WE DO ABOUT THE SHEEPLE? - "It's time for a new tea party. It's time for a new Lexington and Concord. It's time for a new Declaration of Independence. It's time for civil disobedience and throwing off the shackles of rule by men. It's time to begin plotting how to re-establish the rule of law under a sovereign God." Joseph Farah on the eminant domain decision by the U.S. Supreme Court





· Journalist killed after investigating US-backed death squads in Iraq - LINK - On June 24, Yasser Salihee, an Iraqi special correspondent for the news agency Knight Ridder, was killed by a single bullet to the head as he approached a checkpoint that had been thrown up near his home in western Baghdad by US and Iraqi troops. It is believed that the shot was fired by an American sniper. According to eyewitnesses, no warning shots were fired.

· Media principles tested by war on terror - But with the media struggling to regain public confidence after a string of reporting scandals, journalists too are under pressure not to let their principles override security at a time when the United States has declared a "war on terrorism."

· 'Down and Dirty' News And Dark Side Of Bush Family Taboo In Washington Press - But in a "Bush America" where a strange evangelical stranglehold has silenced critical thinking and writing, a spotlight now shines on his solitary literary story, serving as a stark example just how far down the fascist road we’ve traveled in such a short time.

· But Is It Playing in Peoria? The Downing Street Memo and Our Hometown Papers - Jefferson Morley, a staff writer at, suggested recently that the Downing Street Memo (DSM) story continues to spread because it represents two stories, "an emerging alternative history of how the United States came to attack Iraq and a story of how the New Media has usurped some of the Old Media's power to set the agenda." - But Is It Playing in Peoria? The Downing Street Memo and Our Hometown Papers

· Neuharth Calls For U.S. Withdrawal from Iraq, Says Bush 'Lied' - He also compared President Bush to President Lyndon B. Johnson, saying that both presidents “lied to us in wartime.”





· Teflon Cancer Risks Downplayed - A controversial chemical used by DuPont Co. to make the nonstick substance Teflon poses more of a cancer risk than indicated in a draft assessment by the Environmental Protection Agency, an independent review board has found.
TVNL Comment: Under the Bush administration the EPA has continually hid threats posed to Americans. They have withheld or changed information time and time again permitting millions of Americans to remain exposed to toxins, many of which are lethal. The EPA under the Bush administration is essentially complicit in attempted genocide.





· Guantanamo inmates defy American guards - And the American MPs at times retaliated with force — punches, pepper spray and a splash of cleaning fluid in the face, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press that detail military investigations and eyewitness accounts of alleged abuse.

· Bush May Have Kidnapped and Tortured in Failed Attempt to Find Saddam - 9-11 Link - Although much about the alleged CIA operation remains shrouded in secrecy, the Italian court records and the timing of the alleged snatch suggest that it may have been driven by the agency’s interest in quickly getting new information about what Abu Omar knew about Ansar Al-Islam, either to bolster the administration’s argument in support of the invasion or to disrupt a terrorist network inside Iraq that would be fighting U.S. forces once the invasion began, according to some former CIA officials.

· Torture and Accountability - In just the latest sign of the current Administration's nose-thumbing at accountability for higher-ups, Lieut. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, the commander in Iraq when the Abu Ghraib abuses occurred, is reportedly under consideration for promotion.

· Senior U-S Military official confirms detainee abuse by Iraqi security forces - A senior American military official -- apparently for the first time -- is publicly confirming the abuse of detainees and prisoners at the hands of Iraqi security forces. - Major General David Rodriguez, the commander of U-S and coalition forces in the area around Mosul, says that in the "last six to eight weeks" there have been approximately "40 or so" cases of abuse.








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