Date: July 3rd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: When information was leaked to the press that Valerie Plame was a covert CIA operative, they had no problem in reporting this top secret information to the public. When it was confirmed that Karl Rove was the criminal who leaked the information…the press fell silent. Not a word. Not a discussion. Not a mention on the crawler at the bottom of your screen? Is there room for any doubt to the claims that the American media has protected the Bush administration through crime after crime after crime? From the elections, to 9/11 to the Plame leak, to dozens of reports doctored or hidden from the public, the press has ignored, spun or underplayed the crimes and violations of public trust committed by the Bush administration. The media are indeed the enemy of the people. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media is our greatest enemy and let the people know how you feel, here is a way to do so.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Aid Group Sees Crisis Looming in Iraqi Desert - As U.S.-led offensives on insurgent strongholds continue, Iraqi humanitarian officials are expressing concern about increasing problems for civilians in cities across the country's vast western desert.

· Kurdish Rebels Derail 2 Trains in Turkey - The attacks came a day after a suicide bomber was shot to death near the Justice Ministry in Ankara.
TVNL Comment: And the Bush/PNAC progress continues.

· Afghan 'civilians' die in US raid - US military officials concede civilians may have been killed during Friday's bombing raids on a suspected Taleban hideout in eastern Afghanistan.

· Egyptian ambassador to Iraq kidnapped - The new Egyptian ambassador to Iraq, Ihab al-Sharif, has been kidnapped in Baghdad, just a month after taking up post, diplomatic sources say.

· Swiss ask US about death of citizen in Iraq - Switzerland has asked the United States for information on the death of a Swiss man in Baghdad, who was shot after his car was stopped by US soldiers.

· Pace of troop deaths up in Iraq - U.S. military deaths in Iraq increased by about one-third in the past year, even as Iraq established its own government and assumed more responsibility for battling the insurgency.

· After the War Comes Cancer - Information collected for a German project investigating the use of uranium-charged ammunition in Iraq shows that when Iraqi women fear for their children's health, it is with good reason.

· Bush speech flies in the face of reality in Iraq. - Iraq Combat Veterans describe occupation of Iraq as a “runaway train.”





· White House described Darfur as 'genocide' to please Christian right - The Bush administration described the Darfur atrocities as genocide in order to please the Christian right ahead of the American presidential elections, according to a senior US official. - America's former ambassador to the United Nations, John Danforth, made the admission in an interview in which he confirmed that the Bush administration's stance was dictated by domestic considerations.





· Profits, Not Jobs, on the Rebound in Silicon Valley - In the last three years, profits at the seven largest companies in Silicon Valley by market value have increased by an average of more than 500 percent while Santa Clara County employment has declined to 767,600, from 787,200. During the previous economic recovery, between 1995 and 1997, the county, which is the heart of Silicon Valley, added more than 82,800 jobs.

· Homeowners Deal With Rising Property Taxes - As home prices skyrocket, property taxes are also going up, especially in hot markets like Florida, California and the Northeast.



9/11 News :


· Are Americans the victims hoax? - The time has come to stop using the flag as a blindfold, to stop waving our guns and our gods at each other, to take a close look at the facts which have emerged from the attacks on the World Trade Towers and to recognize the very real possibility, indeed probability, that We The People are the victims of a gigantic and deadly hoax.






· Senate defeats move to stop nuclear bomb study - Senate Democrats on Friday failed to stop the Energy Department from studying the feasibility of a "bunker buster" nuclear bomb the Bush administration is considering.

· US House toughens law on publicity, propaganda - The U.S. House of Representatives approved a provision on Thursday designed to bar government agencies for one year from hiring journalists and public-relations firms to secretly tout policies as news.
TVNL Comment: For one year? They will permit it during the midterm election season in that case. What a crock!





· Government Sues Maker of Body Armor - The government on Friday sued the top U.S. supplier of bullet-resistant police vests and the Japanese manufacturer of the vests' protective synthetic fiber, contending they conspired to hide evidence that the body armor could be defective.

· Web visits put man in jail - Mohammad Radwan Obeid is a threat to national security because he surfed terrorist Web sites and visited terrorist chat rooms, the FBI claims.

· Ohio Democrats victims of break-in - The break-in occurs at a time when the Ohio Republican Party is threatened by one of the largest scandals to hit the state’s government in decades.






· Germany plans C02-free power plant - The search for a coal-fired power station that does not give off any carbon dioxide has taken a step forward with the announcement of plans to build such a plant in Germany.

· Energy ration cards for everyone planned - Every individual in Britain could be issued with a "personal carbon allowance" - a form of energy rationing - within a decade, under proposals being considered seriously by the Government.

· Arnie tells Bush to face up to global warming - The Republican governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, today sent a robust message to US President George Bush to face up to the reality of global warming.





· Israelis, Arabs See Groundbreaking Film - In a groundbreaking cooperative venture, Israeli and Arab TV stations on Saturday simultaneously broadcast the first part of a documentary exploring possible solutions to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

· China-Russia statement on new world order - The joint statement said the two countries are determined to strengthen their strategic coordination in international affairs and promote peace, stability and prosperity of the world.

· Dahlan: Settlers poisoning land - Dahlan told reporters in Gaza City that the aim of "poisoning" the lands was to cause severe damages to them so that the Palestinians would not be able to use them after the Israeli pullout.





· Bush administration has failed vets - "Due to their failures, we saw troops using scrap metal to armor their Humvees," Murray said in the weekly Democratic radio address. - "Due to their failures, we saw families raising funds to buy bulletproof vests for soldiers fighting in Iraq. And now, due to their failures, we see that the VA doesn't have the money to provide the needed medical care when our troops return home."

· TO ALL MEMBERS OF THE U.S. ARMED FORCES: - You all signed on to do a legitimate and honorable job - to defend the U.S. Constitution and the United States homeland from enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC. And, many of you believe that is what you are doing. However, that is simply NOT true. What you all are doing now has NOTHING whatsoever to do with American values, the U.S. Constitution, or the U.S. homeland.





· One-On-One Interview With Ray McGovern, Former CIA Senior Analyst, Warns U.S. Headed Down A Fascist Road And Highly Critical Of President Bush and Neo Con Explanations OF WMD, 9/11 And Manipulation of Intelligence Gathering - "Other people ask me, well, maybe President Bush wasn’t aware of Iraqi intelligence. What a question! To those critics I simply ask: What’s worse, I ask you? A President who lied to the American people about what he knew or a President who made a decision to send innocent Americans to war without knowing or even bothering to uncover the truth? This is why we need to know the truth and set the record straight and nothing less is acceptable."





· The U.S. is Murdering Journalists in Iraq - He, like so many other victims, died of a single shot to the head. - That's way too many dead journalists. It's time for fellow reporters, editors and representatives to say this, and say it clearly: 'The U.S. is murdering journalists in Iraq.'

· Pliant American press behaving like Pravda in coverage of the U.S. president - If clear evidence emerged showing George W. Bush had written in his diary that he had lied to the American people to justify his invasion of Iraq, would the U.S. media even consider that a story?

· David Brock to Fox: Drop Gray as Supreme Court analyst - I am writing to demand that Fox News Channel remove C. Boyden Gray from his position as a Supreme Court analyst. - Gray is founder and chairman of the Committee for Justice, a group formed to advance the confirmation of President Bush's judicial nominees.





· Mad cow puts role of USDA in question - Critics say that the agency lacks controls and puts the beef industry ahead of public





· UK aid funds Iraqi torture units - British and American aid intended for Iraq's hard-pressed police service is being diverted to paramilitary commando units accused of widespread human rights abuses, including torture and extra-judicial killings, The Observer can reveal.

· Revealed: grim world of new Iraqi torture camps - Secret torture chambers, the brutal interrogation of prisoners, murders by paramilitaries with links to powerful ministries... Foreign affairs editor Peter Beaumont in Baghdad uncovers a grim trail of abuse carried out by forces loyal to the new Iraqi government





· Warplanes to search for missing teen - LINK - Holland will send three F-16 warplanes rigged with search equipment to find Natalee Holloway, Aruban authorities said Saturday, as U.S. lawmakers increased pressure on the Aruban government to do more to find the Alabama teenager nearly five weeks since she disappeared.
TVNL Comment: There are over 90,000 active missing person cases in the
US and Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose. Why is all this attention being paid to this person?



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