Date: July 4th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: While the intellectually challenged faces on our news networks are wishing you a happy “Fourth of July” I will take this opportunity to remind, or inform those uninformed and unintelligent talking heads that we are celebrating “Independence Day”, not simply the date of July 4th!

While this seems like a trivial point it really is not. The word “independence” means something. We should think hard and long about what it stands for and why we celebrate it. We should think about the things from which we became independent. Then we should think long and hard about our current situation. Perhaps we don’t hear that word is because they do not want us to think about what it really means. Maybe they are worried that the citizens might once again decide that it is time for independence from an overbearing government? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media is our greatest enemy and let the people know how you feel, here is a way to do so.

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· The Metrics Of Success In Iraq - Under a little-noticed provision of the defense spending bill passed by Congress in May, Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld has until July 11 to send Capitol Hill a "comprehensive set of performance indicators and measures of stability and security" two years after the fall of Saddam Hussein.

· Iraq Has Lost $11.35 Billion Due Damage to Oil Facilities, Lost Exports, Official Says - Iraq has lost about $11.35 billion because of damage to oil sector infrastructure and lost revenue since petroleum exports resumed after the U.S.-led invasion two years ago, an Iraqi oil ministry spokesman said Sunday.
TVNL Comment: Made possible by Bush/PNAC and their insane agenda.

· Police force often the only hope for jobless Iraqis - A recent survey by Iraq's Planning Ministry found that more than 50 percent of Iraqis were unemployed, most of them young men frustrated at the lack of post-war progress and desperate for anything that will provide an income.
TVNL Comment: When that Liar George W. Bush, or his lying administration, or the lying media try to tell you that the Iraqis are signing up to defend their nation and to fight the insurgents you can tell them that they are signing up because they are starviing to death because the US gave all the jobs to foreign contractors. Next time a Halliburton employee gets beheaded keep in mind how his or her $400 per day salary is being paid while Iraqi parents can not feed their children because that $400 per day Halliburton employee too his damn job!

· US endures deadliest year in Afghanistan - Military figures say 54 killed in half of year

· Iraqi government worried about civilian killings by US fire - Under a controversial order passed by the previous US-led occupation authority, all foreign soldiers, diplomats or contractors implicated in the killing of Iraqi civilians are immune from arrest or trial in Iraq and are subject to the jurisdiction of their native countries.





· Increase in the Number of Documents Classified by the Government - Driven in part by fears of terrorism, government secrecy has reached a historic high by several measures, with federal departments classifying documents at the rate of 125 a minute as they create new categories of semi-secrets bearing vague labels like "sensitive security information."
TVNL Comment: Fear was the excuse. The fear is instilled in Americans in order to permit secrecy. Fear is the only way this administration is getting away with what they are doing. Fear is their policy.

· Key Bush aide named in row over CIA leak - In a development that could prove extremely damaging to the Bush administration, two lawyers close to the case say that emails between the Time reporter who wrote the story and his editors indicate that the reporter spoke to Mr Rove.
TVNL Comment: You have to get this information from the
UK! What liberal media?

· Karl Rove's new brand of McCarthyism - COMMENTARY Karl Rove's new brand of McCarthyism "It's a sophisticated strategy aimed at making liberals and Democrats all look soft on terrorism."

· Liberty News TV discusses whether this is time to impeach Bush. - VIDEO





· Who profits from $60 oil? - Big oil firms see big benefits, but other top local companies are paying more to do business

· Oil 'will hit $100 by winter' - Oil prices could rocket to $100 within six months, plunging the world into an unprecedented fuel crisis, controversial Texan oil analyst Matt Simmons has warned.

· Renting out is rough: Small landlords feel property price pinch - But it's a different story for mom and pop landlords - sweating out a living on the monthly rent checks of their tenants.



9/11 News :








· Schumer demands Rove speak up about leak - "We've heard it from his lawyer, but it would be nice to hear it directly from Mr. Rove that he didn't leak the identity of Valerie Plame, and that he didn't direct anyone else to do such a dastardly thing," Schumer said in a statement. "I have said from the first day ... whoever leaked the classified information should be punished to the full extent of the law."





· City forces out 2 downtown businesses Action follows high court ruling on eminent domain - The U.S. Supreme Court's 5-4 decision last week paved the way for local governments to buy out unwilling property owners, demolish homes and businesses, and turn that land over to new owners for development.






· Bush strikes blow to Blair's hopes of global warming deal - Tony Blair's hopes of a breakthrough to tackle climate change were dealt a blowwhen President George Bush made it clear that he would not help the Prime Minister to strike a deal on global warming at the G8 summit in return for his support on Iraq.
TVNL Comment: George W. Bush: A threat to life on Earth! This man is a global terrorist who with his environmental policies will kill more people than anything or anyone else ever did.





· Chavez Says Venezuela Is Virtually Free of Illiteracy After Government Campaign - President Hugo Chavez declared Venezuela virtually free of illiteracy Sunday after a controversial two-year program to teach the country's poorest adults to read and write.

· G8 summit site locked down - An 8-km ring of steel, 10,000 police on standby, watchtowers and a no-fly zone; Gleneagles Hotel was locked down today as a sophisticated G-8 security operation to protect the world's most powerful men came into force.

· Israeli ministers to don flak jackets - Israeli government ministers have been fitted with flak jackets in response to death threats from right-wing extremists opposed to the planned pull-out of Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip.
TVNL Comment: When Jews threaten to kill people they are extremists. When Arabs threaten to kill people they are terrorists. Can someone please explain the difference to us?

· Iran fires back at U.S. assertions - Iran accused the U.S. and Israel on Sunday of a smear campaign against its president-elect and warned Europe, which is in tricky nuclear negotiations with Tehran, not to join in the mudslinging.





· Old Soldiers Back On Duty - Many of the men and women being mobilized in the Ready Reserve (9,000 so far) are not very happy about it. In fact, of those who were supposed to report to duty in April, nine out of 10 of them either applied for an exemption, or didn't respond at all.

· Military Says Obese Recruits Put Nation At Risk - Besides terrorists, germ warfare and nuclear weapons, military officials increasingly worry about a different kind of threat - troops too fat to fight.
TVNL Comment: Keep telling us how
America is the greatest nation in the world! How pathetic are we, really?





· Liberty And Justice - Who Is Kidding Whom? - The so-called Founding Fathers were Masons and Free Masons, aka the Illuminati; they were not real Christians who were saved by the grace and shed blood of Jesus Christ and had the Father of Jesus abiding in their hearts. Their Jesus was another Jesus, not the Jesus who was made flesh like us and abided among us as one of us.





· CNN’s Hard News - Serving 0.0001% of America - CNN feels that it is their responsibility to serve 0.0001% of the population before they serve you. If CNN is the most trusted name in news than what does that say for the rest of the pack?

· Critics Call Radio Hosts' Trip Propaganda Mission - A contingent of conservatives talk radio hosts is headed to Iraq this month on a mission to report "the truth" about the war: American troops are winning, despite headlines to the contrary. - The "Truth Tour" has been pulled together by the conservative Web cast radio group and Move America Forward, a non-profit conservative group backed by a Republican-linked public relations firm in California.
TVNL Comment: If you look hard enough and ignore enough you can see whatever you want to. I am sure you can find something positive to say about Hitler, but that does not change reality. You can say that the Iraqis no longer live in fear from Saddam. That is good. But now they are getting killed by other Iraqis. This is a huge propaganda trip.

· Bill Moyers - Whose PBS is it? The Corporation for Public Broadcasting was set up to protect the people’s airwaves from political interference. Now, that very safeguard leads the interference.

· More About Judith Miller - At this point it would seem that there are more questions than answers, but it is starting to look as if Judith Miller's role in this developing story is much more profound, perhaps even sinister, than that of an honest journalist being pursued for her confidential sources by a by a dogged prosecutor.

· Ruling throws media for a curve - A judge's ruling that two talk-radio hosts' on-air activity could be considered campaign contributions has attracted concern that the decision could have unintended effects on other media.

· Canadian ambassador fights 'Fox factor' - Frank McKenna, Canada's ambassador to the United States, wants Canadians who live south of the border to help him counter the negative image of their country, perpetuated by the Fox News Channel.





· Researchers Urge Caution on Ritalin-Cancer Link Finding - As the U.S. Food and Drug Administration moved to examine a potential link between Ritalin and cancer, the scientists who first unearthed the connection stressed Friday that the finding was preliminary and should not be cause for panic.





· United Church of Christ Committee Passes Same-Sex Marriage Resolution - A committee of United Church of Christ representatives approved a resolution Sunday that moves the church one step closer to becoming the largest Christian denomination to endorse same-sex marriage.





· Astrologist sues NASA over comet crash - A Russian astrologist who says NASA has altered her horoscope by crashing a spacecraft into a comet is suing the US space agency for damages of $US300 million.



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