Date: July 5th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: What do you think has a greater impact on a majority of Americans…the legal procedures and interrogation methods used in Aruba, or a regulation that permits coal burning electric plant to extend the time that it may pump mercury into the environment? Which of these two issues warrant the attention of a journalist, whose job it is to bring vital news and information to the nation? Maybe that is my problem…the word vital. Maybe I am wrong about the TV news industry and the news networks do indeed report news; it’s just the “vital” news that they do not report! Maybe I am wrong and they are not trying to paint a false impression of reality. Naaa…I’m right. They are selling a false reality to the public and they just don’t report the news, vital or otherwise. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Iraqi government acknowledges torture of detainees - Iraq's government acknowledged that some of its new security forces could be resorting to the sort of torture and abuses of detainees seen under Saddam Hussein as they struggle to put down Sunni insurgents.

· Two missing US troops 'are dead' - Two of the three US special forces soldiers missing in eastern Afghanistan for almost a week have been found dead, US government sources told the BBC.

· Gunmen fire on envoys in Baghdad - In other violence, four women employees at Baghdad airport have been killed in an ambush on their minibus.

· Top US Military General says high death toll in Iraq "disturbing" - "The casualty counts are certainly disturbing," he said about the nearly 70 US soldiers killed in Iraq in June, making it one of the deadliest months for US troops in Iraq since the US-led invasion in the spring of 2003.





· Why no cries to impeach Bush? - Everyone says that it takes the government time to get something done. Yet, when Bill Clinton lied about his involvement with Monica Lewinsky, he was almost impeached. President Bush can lie about weapons of mass destruction, cost the country billions, and destroy over 1,700 U.S. families all over a lie he told the American people. So why is it that no one has yet to call for him to get impeached?

· Rove 'Knowingly' Refusing Interviews on Plame Leak - Rove traveled with President Bush when he spoke at a July 4 event in Wesat Virginia today, but refused all requests for interviews about his role in the controversy that threatens to send Cooper, of Time magazine, and Judith Miller of The New York Times to jail this week for refusing to reveal sources.

· Summer Scandals - So start poppin' that popcorn, get out the chips and dips, and pull up a chair: it's party time! Scandal Bowl promises to be a blast – one that will blow up the War Party's Washington base of operations and put a lot of these sociopaths where they undoubtedly belong: behind bars.








9/11 News :








· China Tells Congress To Back Off Businesses - Four days after the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a resolution urging the Bush administration to block the proposed transaction as a threat to national security, China's Foreign Ministry excoriated Congress for injecting politics into what it characterized as a standard business matter.





· States Rejecting Demand to Pay for Medicare Cost - States are openly resisting a provision of the Medicare law that requires them to pay billions of dollars a year to the federal government to help finance the cost of the new Medicare drug benefit.

· Independence Day - Reclaim the Flag. It belongs to real Americans.

· States Move Forward on Internet Sales Tax - Tax officials, state lawmakers and industry representatives agreed Thursday to establish an 18-state network for collecting taxes on Internet sales, a compact they hope will encourage online retailers and Congress to endorse a mandatory national program.






· Bill Would Reduce Government's Role in Protecting Species - Republican critics of the Endangered Species Act in Congress have drafted legislation hedging the government's obligation to take all necessary steps to bring back to robust health any species on the brink of extinction.
TVNL Comment: Republicans seem to support extinction. Nice people.





· Bush Advises Blair Not to Expect Special Treatment at G-8 Summit - "I really don't view our relationship as one of quid pro quo," Bush told Britain's ITV1 television in an interview. "Tony Blair made decisions on what he thought was best for keeping the peace and winning the war on terror, as I did."

· Gunmen killed at Indian holy site - The Ayodhya complex is one of the most disputed religious sites in the world, and one of the most heavily guarded places in India.
TVNL Comment: Another example of how religion has made our world a worse place to live.

· Uranium Missing At UK Site - Nuclear inspectors have ordered the UK's atomic bomb-making establishment at Aldermaston to carry out an urgent search of all its premises after it was discovered that samples of highly dangerous uranium had gone missing.

· Russia Will Equip Iranian Subs with Missiles - Moreover, Kommersant found out that Rosoboronexport is negotiating with Iran about repair and modernization of Iranian submarines.





· Pentagon Weighs Strategy Change to Deter Terror - The Pentagon's most senior planners are challenging the longstanding strategy that requires the armed forces to be prepared to fight two major wars at a time. Instead, they are weighing whether to shape the military to mount one conventional campaign while devoting more resources to defending American territory and antiterrorism efforts.





· It's imperialism, stupid - Half-truths, misinformation and hidden agendas have characterised official pronouncements about US war motives in Iraq from the very beginning. The recent revelations about the rush to war in Iraq stand out all the more starkly amid the chaos that ravages the country and threatens the region and indeed the world.

· In Plain Sight: Why the Betrayal of Our National Security by the Bush White House Matters - "In essence, whatever the legal outcome (which has been driven by political considerations -- that is why it has taken two years to move the "investigation" forward, if it is moving forward), this fact remains clear: In order to send a message to anyone who would expose that the White House lied America into war, the White House -- in an action that could have only been authorized by Karl Rove, perhaps with a nod and a wink from Bush -- deliberately endangered the national security of the United States."





· Paul Jay, Creator of Independent World Television, Intends To Challenge Corporate Broadcasters at Their Own Game - What television is doing, and to some extent the big-media print press -- is they're treating propaganda as news. They're allowing political forces and corporate forces to create a façade of how the world looks. And they're reporting on the façade as if it's real. I liken it to professional wrestling, about which I made a film.
TVNL Comment: This is everything has been saying!

· Al-Jazeera Launching All-English Channel - By March, the network will launch Al-Jazeera International, a satellite channel that will beam English-language news to the United States - and much of the rest of the world - from its base in tiny Qatar.





· Europe bans chemical use in toys - Phthalates have been linked to damage to the reproductive system, and an increased risk of asthma and cancer. - They are also used in the manufacture of lubricants and solvents, and are found in cosmetics, medical equipment, paints and packaging.













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