Date: July 6th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Please take 2 minutes our of your time to watch a video and take a survey! If you appreciate the my efforts and you feel that I can contribute to the project described in the video please take the survey and recommend that they consider me for a position. I’ll keep this short…please go to the site now and watch the video. Then take the survey! THANK YOU! Maybe we will have a real news network after all! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Afghans Condemn U.S. Airstrike Deaths - The air strike in eastern Afghanistan targeted a known terrorist base, the United States said, but an Afghan government spokesman said the deaths of the civilians, including women and children, could not be justified.

· U.S. Medical Team Attacked in Afghanistan - Rebels attacked a U.S. military medical team as it was helping villagers in the same region of eastern Afghanistan where a U.S. airstrike that killed up to 17 civilians sparked sharp criticism from the government, the military said Wednesday.

· Iraqis uneasy with Bush's handling of war - "We used to have one big Saddam," said Sheikh Husham Al-Husainy on Friday from his mosque, Karbalaa Islamic Education Center on Warren in Dearborn. "Now, we have many little Saddams. ... We did not agree to make Iraq a battlefield of international terrorism. Don't dump on it. ... He didn't take the permission of Iraqis."

· IRAQ: Acid attacks on "immodest" women on the rise - During Saddam Hussein's regime, Iraqi women were more or less free to wear what they wanted. In the 1980s Iraq was considered one of the most Western countries in the region in terms of fashion.
TVNL Comment: Another horror unleashed by Bush/PNAC! Who is better off?

· Where has all the money gone? - Ed Harriman follows the auditors into Iraq

· Iraq: Christians Face Threats From All Sides - As Iraqis work to draft a permanent constitution that may deem Islam a source of legislation for the country, the Christian community faces the prospect of a life where they may worship freely, but will have little representation or benefits from government.

· The war's littlest victim - Because it is twice as heavy as lead, DU has been used by the Pentagon since the Persian Gulf War in certain types of "tank-buster" shells, as well as for armor-plating in Abrams tanks.- Exposure to radioactivity has been associated in some studies with birth defects in the children of exposed parents.

· Central Asian alliance calls for U.S. pullout date - An alliance of Russia, China and central Asian nations called for the U.S. and coalition members in Afghanistan to set a date for withdrawing from member states, reflecting growing unease over America’s regional military presence.










· Who profits from $60 oil? - Big oil firms see big benefits, but other top local companies are paying more to do business



9/11 News :








· Another Valerie-Plame-like scandal! - At question here, much like the Valerie Plame case, is the issue of high treason. We have an Administration in the White House that is willing to compromise national security, to frustrate the assistance provided by our allies, and to endanger the lives of United States citizens for the sake of personal revenge or to distract public attention from an opposing candidate in order to shave off a few votes.

· Democrats' letter: Rove must explain role in CIA outing or resign - Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, calls on Bush adviser Karl Rove to explain his role in the outing of a CIA agent or resign his office.





· 5 words that could give your electric bills a jolt - The words "contrary to the public interest" could replace "just and reasonable" as the default standard by which a key federal agency decides whether it can alter power prices agreed to by a buyer and a seller.

· Swift Boat PR Team Reassembles to Market Bush Supreme Court Candidate - This Fourth of July was a working holiday for friends and allies of President Bush, as the team behind Swift Boat Veterans for Truth kick-started a new information campaign aimed at marketing the president's choice for the replacement for Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.






· Bush, the Obstacle to a Deal on Global Warming - The scientific consensus that climate change is real and happening is now overwhelming. But that is to reckon without the astonishing attempts by the Bush administration in its second term to deny the science.

· White House says no shift by Bush on climate change - Washington has refused to ratify the co-called Kyoto Protocol on carbon dioxide emissions and the greenhouse effect.





· Terror Attacks Near 3, 200 in 2004 Count - Among other changes, the new definition of terrorism includes attacks that are politically motivated violence carried out by extremist groups within a country, often aimed at changing their own government's policies. The previous definition focused on international terrorism and required that the terrorists victimize at least one citizen of another country.





· Iraq War Deserters Speak Out From Canada - Three U.S. servicemen living in Canada tell why they refused to serve in Iraq.

· Johnny Comes Marching Home to Loans - The fine print states that since Anthony's loans came from from a private lender, not the government's guaranteed federal student loan program, they weren't covered.

· Mom, Who Lost Son In Iraq, Talks About 'Disgusting' White House Private Meeting With Bus - But what she encountered was an arrogant man with eyes lacking the slightest bit of compassion, a President totally "detached from humanity" and a man who didn’t even bother to remember her son’s name when they were first introduced. - Instead of a kind gesture or a warm handshake, Sheehan said she immediately got a taste of Bush arrogance when he entered the room and "in a condescending tone and with a disgusting loud Texas accent," said: "Who we’all honorin’ here today?"





· The U.S. Government Should Stop Meddling in the Oil Market - The U.S. national security bureaucracies, dependent on public fears of oil shortages or high prices to maintain the flow of tens of billions of dollars into their agency coffers, have long had a vested interest in ignoring the fact that the worldwide oil market would function well without their meddling.

· July 4th and the end of America, land of the free - On this, the 229th birthday of our nation, we find the very foundation of our nation in grave danger as our (elected?) leaders continue to destroy many of the rights and freedoms our forefathers worked so hard to put in place. It is no coincidence that, this very week, our President has created a domestic spy service called the National Security Service. That's the NSS, not to be confused with the SS of Nazi Germany, which had much the same function in pre-war Germany.

· Please Promise Me, Mr. President... - Please, promise me that no matter how hot things get, you won't resign. Please, keep going about making the same old speeches on television from those military bases where you think they just love you so fucking much, keep touring the nation and mentioning 9-11 in the same breath as Iraq, and please, just ignore all of us bloggers--after all, what the hell do we know? We only live and work in this once-great nation that you've managed to choke the life out of.





· CBS News explores storytelling - The project is one of the first indications of how CBS might restructure the evening news.
TVNL Comment: How about just telling the damn truth?

· Independent World Television - LINK - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and reccomend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!

· Save the First Amendment--from Karl Rove - A man who taught with Karl Rove, and considers him a friend, writes that in the Valerie Plame case, Rove is using journalists, and the First Amendment, "to operate without constraint, or to camouflage breaking the law." That's why neither reporters Cooper and Miller, nor their publications, should protect the behavior of Rove (or anyone else) "through an undiscerning, blanket use of the First Amendment that weakens its protections by its gross misuse."

· Prosecutor Demands Time Reporter Testimony - A federal prosecutor on Tuesday demanded the grand jury testimony of Time magazine reporter Matthew Cooper, even though Time Inc. has surrendered e-mails and other documents to the investigation into the leak of a CIA officer's identity.

· REDFORD URGES JOURNALISTS TO INVESTIGATE BUSH - ROBERT REDFORD has urged journalists to investigate US President GEORGE W BUSH's administration - because he sees strong similarities between Bush's government and the events leading to the Watergate scandal which forced President RICHARD NIXON to resign.










· Iraqis Say Security Forces Use Torture - It didn't matter that her confession was a lie, Khalida Zakiya said. - Zakiya appeared on a much-touted Iraqi TV program that airs confessions of alleged insurgents. The show has won the praise of security officials who credit it with boosting Iraqis' confidence in security forces, hurting the insurgency.

· From Filmmaker in Los Angeles to Iraq Detainee - "Saddam Hussein has had more due process than Cyrus Kar," said Mark Rosenbaum, the lead lawyer in the case.








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