Date: July 9th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: With the Cold War being over it may very well be that the greatest threat to our national security is indeed terrorism. What is not discussed, especially by our media, is that the national security threats are not even close to being the greatest threats to the well being of Americans.

The media have been treating national security threats as if they were the only thing that can harm us and they have been evaluating the severity of the threats accordingly. In reality our lives are in far greater danger by threats such as crimes (murders) committed by people using guns, drunk drivers, environmental crime (some of which is being encouraged by the Bush administration), cancer and heart disease. If you were to total up the deaths in this nation and place each into a category according to their cause, national security risks are not even in the top 20 and they may not even be in the top 50.

Why then are we only worried about protecting ourselves from a pimple when there is a mountain to fear? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Italy sets date to pull troops out of Iraq - Italy's prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi, yesterday confirmed that he would start pulling his country's troops out of Iraq within two months.

· Security incidents in Iraq, July 7 - Following are security incidents reported in Iraq on July as at 1600 GMT. U.S. and Iraqi forces are battling a Sunni Arab insurgency against the Shi'ite- and Kurdish-led government in Baghdad.
TVNL Comment: Look at these events. They make the blasts in
London seem like a kids prank yet there is no coverage of this on our 24 hour networks and you have not seen a single US TV camera in the region at any time since the fall of Iraq. Fair and balanced journalism? Not even close!

· Taliban claim to have killed US soldier - Earlier the US military said it has no information to suggest the Navy SEAL commando, part of a four-man team that went missing during a clash with militants in mountainous Kunar on June 28, had been captured.





· Drug Makers Top Lobbying Presence - In the past year, the industry hired nearly 1,300 lobbyists, including dozens of former lawmakers and hundreds of people who worked for congressional committees or regulatory agencies.

· LAROUCHE CALLS FOR EMERGENCY IMPEACHMENT ACTION AGAINST VICE PRESIDENT CHENEY, THEN BUSH - "We don't have time to wait. We can't have Bush and Cheney sitting in the White House when the system blows, which could be a matter of weeks. That would be hell for the human race. We have to blow their cover, and get these guys out now—while we can."








9/11 News :








· Congress Likely to Restore Transit Funds - Three weeks before London's bus and subway bombings, a Senate committee voted to slash spending on mass transit security in the United States, a decision sure to be reversed when Congress returns next week.

· Seventeen in Congress sign Conyers' letter on Rove - A letter penned by Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) calling on Bush adviser Karl Rove to explain or resign over his role in outing a CIA agent has garnered a handful of signatories in the House, RAW STORY has learned.
TVNL Comment: Wow, 17 out of 535. Our corporately owned Congress has no interest in doing their job. Surely not the Republicans and not even the wonderful Democrats. They are all worthless criminals. They have ignored their responsibilites and they have not filled their job requiremtents. It's time to get rid of them; well most of them anyway.

· Donation brought access to DeLay - A company indicted in a Texas campaign fundraising case says it was told that by giving a Tom DeLay political committee $25,000, company officials would get access to the U.S. House majority leader to influence legislation.





· Property-taking ruling should gall people of all stripes - The sanctity of private property was one of the hallmarks of the new American democracy. It is difficult to imagine how the authors of the Constitution could have expected eminent domain to be used to transfer property to private interests.

· National Firestorm Rages over Eminent Domain - Summary of Legislative Measures

· Let's Have This Fight - Should a temporary majority of 50.7 percent have control over the entire United States government? Should 49.3 percent of Americans have no influence over the nation's trajectory for the next generation?

· U.S. Losing Lead in Science and Engineering - Study - More than half a century of U.S. dominance in science and engineering may be slipping as America's share of graduates in these fields falls relative to Europe and developing nations such as China and India, a study released on Friday says.
TVNL Comment: Keep repeating over and over that we are the greatest nation in the world! Say it enough and someone just might belive it!

· U.S. taps Medicaid commission to suggest cuts - In a move likely to further anger Democrats, two former state governors -- one Republican and one independent -- were named on Friday to head a controversial panel charged with recommending spending cuts and other Medicaid reforms.
TVNL Comment: Cut Medicaid? Why not find the missing $8.8 billion that is unaccounted for in
Iraq or the $2 billion plus that Halliburton can not account for? I bet you Cheney paid his docror bill in cash today. Oh, I forgot, he gets free health insurance!






· Health Screenings for Teflon to Start - Tens of thousands of Ohio and West Virginia residents could be tested over the next year to determine if their health has been affected by drinking water containing a chemical used to make the nonstick substance Teflon.
TVNL Comment: Do you think the biggest thing that these people need to fear is terrorists?





· UK policy invited attacks - Iran - The ayatollah called al-Qaeda an "illegitimate child" of the West.

· Israeli Guard Shoots Dead Palestinian Teen - An Israeli security guard shot dead a Palestinian teenager Friday during a protest against Israel's West Bank separation barrier, police said.

· London the 'price' for Iraq - "Some people are going to go to places like Afghanistan and Iraq and become radicalised, and might make that leap into terrorism which they might not have made otherwise."

· Egypt to cut Iraq mission staff - Egypt is to reduce its diplomatic presence in Iraq following the abduction and killing of its ambassador there, the foreign minister says.





· Soldier's Statements Excluded From Retrial - The judge, Col. James Pohl, said during a pretrial hearing that he believed Private England did not fully understand the consequences when she waived her rights against self-incrimination before speaking to the investigators in January 2004.

· Uzbek threat to close US base - The foreign ministry said in a statement that the airbase at Karshi-Khanabad, which American forces use to support operations in and supply humanitarian aid to neighbouring Afghanistan, was only intended for combat operations in northern Afghanistan during the overthrow of the Taliban regime after the September 11 terrorist attacks in the US.

· Vietnam War link confirmed between Agent Orange and diabetes: Pentagon - Agent Orange, the chemical defoliant widely used during the Vietnam War by US forces, is associated with diabetes found in American veterans, a Pentagon study said.





· Ambassador Joe Wilson -- Still Fighting the Bush Administration's "Culture of Unaccountability" - If there's a list of people who have fearlessly stood up for democracy, decency and the truth against the corrupt buzzsaw of the Bush Administration, Ambassador Joe Wilson is certainly at the top of the list.

· War on Terror - The Killer Bee Policy - If I were to imagine how the Bush/PNAC administration would handle this type of situation based on their handling of the “War on Terror” here is what I think their approach would be:





· Fox News slammed over 'callous' line - Rupert Murdoch's Fox News channel was under fire yesterday for comments by some of its leading journalists in response to the London bombs.
TVNL Comment: Unreal but not surprising. Must read!

· Newspaper Withholding Two Articles After Jailing - The editor of The Cleveland Plain Dealer said last night that the newspaper, acting on the advice of its lawyers, was withholding publication of two major investigative articles because they were based on illegally leaked documents and could lead to penalties against the paper and the jailing of reporters.

· Wash. Post echoed conservative spin on "judicial activism," inevitable Democratic opposition - Baker uncritically accepted the right's view that conservative, and only conservative, judges adhere to a doctrine of strict constitutional interpretation: - Without analysis or reflection, Baker adopted the notion that conservatives "strictly interpret the Constitution," while liberals ... what? Ignore its literal language? Disregard precedent?

· The Media Farce Over Iran's Newly Elected President - During the past week, Americans have been treated to the spectacle of America's mainstream news media stumbling over itself while attempting to define the newly elected President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for American readers and viewers.

· WH Press Corps Silent on Rove - For the fourth straight time since his lawyer admitted that Rove was one of Matt Cooper’s sources, no member of the White House press corps asked a question about Rove’s role. (And there are plenty of questions to ask.)

· Brit Hume Goes On TV & Says He Wants to Profit Off the Terrorist Attack - "My first thought when I heard - just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, 'Hmmm, time to buy.'" - Fox News's Brit Hume

· Replay: Independent World Television - LINK - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Moral ties attached to US Aids cash - American aid agencies expressed concern yesterday over new rules imposed by the Bush administration making funding for the fight against Aids dependent on a pledge to combat prostitution.





· Dark Waters : The shadow of Josef Mengele - The shadow of Josef Mengele hovers over these deliberate perversions of medical ethics. Yet Bush has not only countenanced these crimes against humanity -- he has commanded that medical personnel commit them.

· West turns blind eye as police put Saddam's torturers back to work - In their haste to put police on the streets to counter the brutal insurgency, Iraqi and US authorities have enlisted men trained under Saddam Hussein’s regime and versed in torture and abuse, the officials told The Times. They said that recruits were also being drawn from the ranks of outlawed Shia militias.

· Nigerian man sentenced to stoning for gay sex - A United Nations human rights expert has raised the alarm over the case of a man in northern Nigeria who has been sentenced to death by stoning after admitting to homosexual sex.





· Leading Cardinal Redefines Church's View on Evolution - An influential cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church, which has long been regarded as an ally of the theory of evolution, is now suggesting that belief in evolution as accepted by science today may be incompatible with Catholic faith.
TVNL Comment: So is reality and any evidence or proof. Reality does not seem to be of concern to the Church. I suppose that is why they close their eyes when they pray; to block out the real world.

· No Birdbrain, Parrot Grasps Concept of Zero - A parrot has grasped the concept of zero, something humans can't do until at least the toddler phase, researchers say.



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