Date: July 11th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: On the day of the London bombings there were apparently drills taking place in London to practice for just such an event. On the morning of September 11th 2001 there were multiple drills taking place to practice how to deal with multiple hijackings in the north eastern US, how to deal with a biological attack in NY and how to deal with a plane hitting the Pentagon. Tony Blair does not want an official inquiry into the bombings. George W. Bush did not want and fought against any inquiry into the events of 9/11.

If your brain has any semblance of human characteristics you would be extremely suspicious at this point. Once again I ask you to simply examine the people who gain from events like this, including people in industries that will make money on the war on terror, and then take a close look at the people who are supposed to prevent events like this from happening. Include the people who are in a position to provoke events like this in your examination. Then simply ask yourself any and all logical questions that pique your common sense curiosity. Finally, ask yourself why the media does not have that natural common sense curiosity. If you don’t have all the answers at least realize how important the questions are and that at the very least they should be asked. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Anti-Shiite Fervor Stuns Iraqi Community - Such horrifying killings are becoming commonplace in Iraq, an ethnically and religiously diverse nation torn by crime and a two-year insurgency that followed the U.S.-led war to oust Saddam Hussein. Hundreds of men, mostly Shiites, have turned up headless or riddled with bullets.

· Seven Iraqi soldiers killed in checkpoint battle - Insurgents stormed an Iraqi army checkpoint north of Baghdad as dawn broke on Monday, killing seven soldiers, police sources said.

· TWO MARINES KILLED IN HIT - Two Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action July 10 by indirect fire while conducting combat operations in Hit, Iraq.

· FINAL TEAM MEMBER FOUND - Coalition forces have found the body of the final member of a counter-terrorism team whose whereabouts had been unknown beginning June 28.

· No plans to send more troops to Iraq: PM - Media reports have suggested British Prime Minister Tony Blair will ask Australia to take over its military role in southern Iraq when the two leaders meet in London later this month. - Such a decision could mean up to 300 more Australian troops would be deployed to the war-torn country in addition to the 450-strong contingent in Al-Muthanna and Baghdad.

· Iraq warns neighbours of terror threat - Iraq warned that the cycle of terror and violence raging in the war-torn nation could spread to its neighbours as a result of ongoing military campaigns against insurgency.
TVNL Comment: Who is safer? Who is better off?

· Wave of Attacks Kills Nearly 50 in Iraq - A man strapped with explosives blew himself up Sunday at a military recruiting center, one of series of suicide attacks that killed at least 48 people. Five U.S. troops were wounded in a bombing as the prime minister complained Americans were too quick to fire on civilians deemed suspicious.

· Tension, Confusion Between Troops, Contractors in Iraq - Contractors, many of them veterans of years in combat, complain that young U.S. troops lack their experience and judgment under pressure. Yet each group cannot carry out its mission in a hostile Iraq without the other.





· Rove's lawyer acknowledges he was Time reporter's source - And Luskin told Newsweek last week that his client "never knowingly disclosed classified information" and that "he did not tell any reporter that Valerie Plame worked for the CIA."

· Bush's war on terror is a colossal failure - Blair added: "We will not allow violence to change our values and our way of life." And Anne McLellan parrotted: "We will defend our way of life." This is a Bush-ian formulation: they hate us because we are free. It cleverly obviates any need for self-scrutiny. - It is also patently false. - Terrorists, if they are to be believed, are targeting us because of our policies in Muslim lands.





· Gas Prices Surge to Record $2.33 a Gallon - Motorists could have more bad news on the way, with Hurricane Dennis bedeviling Gulf of Mexico oil production, which could send pump prices to even loftier levels.

· Housing markets pricing out middle class - The red-hot housing market in booming cities across the country has made the dream of owning a home out of reach, not only for low-income families but also for white-collar professionals.
TVNL Comment: Another Bush Legacy.



9/11 News :








· Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton attacks President Bush, comparing him to Alfred E. Neuman - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton went on the attack against President Bush in a speech Sunday, accusing him of damaging the economy by overspending while giving tax cuts to the rich.

· Stop This Bill - Both chambers of the national legislature are quietly moving a particularly ugly piece of legislation designed to gut the legal means by which prisoners prove their innocence.

· Congress Likely to Restore Transit Funds - Three weeks before London's bus and subway bombings, a Senate committee voted to slash spending on mass transit security in the United States, a decision sure to be reversed when Congress returns next week.





· Bush is Killing America by Claiming Failure as Proof of Success - The Busheviks aren't so much concerned about decreasing terrorism as they are about projecting an image of dominant power, just as the Chickenhawk architects of the Iraq War were more concerned about the "image" of the U.S. pulling out of Vietnam, than by the fact that we "won" by withdrawing (and saved thousands upon thousands of American and Vietnamese lives in the process.)

· Celebrating Freedom While We Still Have Some Left - American Freedom On Life-Support - Do we enjoy the benefit of these protections under the regime of the Bush Crime Family?






· North Atlantic Water Temp At All-Time Record High - "It may be related to global warming but, then again, it may be just the natural cycle that we see in this area of the world."






· Israel to ask U.S. for $2.2 billion for pullout - Funds would be used to relocate 9,000 Jewish settlers forced from Gaza
TVNL Comment: Why does the
US have to pay for this?

· Blair rejects calls for probe into bombings - Tony Blair will on Monday reject Conservative demands for a government inquiry into last week's London bomb attacks, insisting such a move would distract from the task of catching the perpetrators.
TVNL Comment: Same thing Bush did after 9/11. What are they afraid of finding? Their fingerprints?

· Iranians in Iraq Left Out in the Cold - Secular Arabs who fled Persian rule were welcomed by Saddam Hussein. Now stateless, they fear reprisals from Shiites in both nations.

· Fortunes made on bombing - THOUSANDS of investors joined sharp institutions in making millions of pounds from the short-lived collapse in share prices that followed the terrorist strikes in London last week.

· Iraqis blame U.S. and Britain over London bombings - "I wish that the big countries reconsider their policies and realise that violence can only generate more violence. The political solution is the correct way to solve all problems."





· VA Hospital in Texas Fights to Stay Open - "They guaranteed so many years ago that they will take care of [veterans], and I would say they're pretty much going back on their word,"

· Missile Defense Stalled for Now - The U.S. military won't resume testing its missile defense system until at least this fall because of two recent failures.





· Netanyahu’s Warning - So, the AP reported that Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received a warning minutes before the bombs went off in London, killing more than fifty people and injuring hundreds. - Now they say it didn’t happen? What’s true?

· Proposal: Reward for “Information leading to the Arrest and Conviction of George W Bush and Others" - I propose that anti war organizations solicit their members and the public to raise many millions of dollars to be paid as a reward for “Information leading to the Arrest and Conviction of George W Bush and others by the International War Crimes Tribunal for the crimes of Conspiring to Engage In and the Waging of a War of Aggression.”

· Lest We Forget; These Were Blair's Bombs - In all the coverage of last week's bombing of London, a basic truth is struggling to be heard. It is this: no one doubts the atrocious inhumanity of those who planted the bombs, but no one should also doubt that this has been coming since the day Tony Blair joined George Bush in their bloody invasion and occupation of Iraq. They are "Blair's bombs", and he ought not be allowed to evade culpability with yet another unctuous speech about "our way of life", which his own rapacious violence in other countries has despoiled.

· HOW TO FAKE A TERRORIST CAMPAIGN - Means and opportunity for the attacks attach naturally to the spy agencies of the countries benefiting most from the attacks. The attacks of September 11 and subsequent "terrorist" activity were probably carried out, jointly or severally, by Israel's Mossad, the CIA, NSA and FBI, as well as Britain's MI6 and, quite possibly, spy agencies from other countries.






· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Chinese company develops new AIDS drug - The new medication, which is considered a fusion inhibitor, is able to prevent the virus from attacking cells, he claims.

· Low Thyroid -- Another 'Corporate Greed' Disease - Almost every disease either comes through the gut, or is a result of a sick, inefficient gut. A healthy digestive system not only means maximum absorption of nutrients to fight or prevent disease, but it is your first line of defense against poisons, toxins, and the ever present candida yeast, which causes diseases like... low thyroid.





· Israeli Barrier in Jerusalem Will Cut Off 55,000 Arabs - Palestinians responded sharply, saying they will face daily complications in reaching jobs, schools and hospitals.

· Iraqi suspects suffocate in police custody - Nine bricklayers detained by security forces on suspicion of involvement with Iraqi insurgents have suffocated to death while held for over 14 hours in a police van.

· Man cuts feet off 'promiscuous' wife - A Pakistani man and some of his relatives chopped off his wife's feet after accusing her of being promiscuous, police said yesterday.
TVNL Comment: Humans are pretty much the most screwed up species on Earth. Don't you think?





· Bohemian Grove Fact Sheet - The Club has evolved into an association of rich and powerful men, mostly of this country (there are similar organizations in other countries). Some artists are allowed to join (often at reduced rates), because of their social status and entertainment value. The membership list has included every Republican U.S. president (as well as some Democrats) since 1923, many cabinet officials, and director; & CEO's of large corporations, including major financial institutions.

· Group Seeks Tougher Laws Against Priests - The Catholic lay reform group Voice of the Faithful approved a draft resolution Sunday calling for tougher laws against abusive priests and the bishops who have protected them.
TVNL Comment: What does it say about religion that this is even needs to be discussed?



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