Date: July 12th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Can you have a better example of the false sense of reality that the corporate news industry creates for us than the contrast between their coverage of the London bombings and their non coverage of the 30 people, mostly women, who were burned to death by a gang in the Democratic Republic of Congo? These people were “were forced into their huts and their homes were then set ablaze!” Where is the media? Where is the acknowledgement of realty? Where is the information that puts our reality into perspective? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· WE BROKE IT, WE OWN IT ?!!! - While Europeans were still living in caves, Iraq represented the very earliest urban and literate culture in the world; a multi-cultural mosaic with many languages, variety and sophistication. These are the people who invented writing and produced amazing advances in astronomy, mathmatics and legal theory; the very foundation of our own perceptions today. - The neocons didn't have an Iraq "exit strategy" because they never intended to leave but they did have a plan. A significant factor within this plan was well presented by Naomi Klein's article "The Rise of Disaster Capitalism" ("The Nation").

· Iraq Shiites in campaign for foreign troop pullout - "We started this morning and so far we have had a good response, not only from Shiites -- Sunnis and Christians have also been coming to our office to show their support," said Ibrahim al-Jaberi, an official in Sadr's movement.

· 39,000 Iraqis killed in fighting, new study finds - The public database Iraqi Body Count, by comparison, estimates that between 22,787 and 25,814 Iraqi civilians have died since the March 2003 invasion, based on reports from at least two media sources. - The total number of direct victims of such weapons likely totaled 80,000 to 108,000 during 2003, for example, compared to earlier estimates by other researchers of 27,000 to 51,000 deaths from small arms that year.





· The real Rove scandal - That clearly was the intent of White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove in leaking to a reporter that former Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA agent. To try to conceal the fact that the president had lied to the American public about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program, Rove attempted to destroy the credibility of two national security veterans and send an intimidating message to any other government officials preparing to publicly tell the truth.

· If a Mob Boss Says to a Hit Man, "Kill Jim Smith's Wife," Can He Claim He Didn't Order the Murder Because He Didn't Mention Her Name? Apparently, That's Karl Rove's Thinking. - It is so monstrously treasonous -- such a big lie and betrayal -- that it is hard to believe.

· The Dangerous Comfort of Secrecy - The Bush administration is classifying the documents to be kept from public scrutiny at the rate of 125 a minute. The move toward greater secrecy has nearly doubled the number of documents annually hidden from public view - to well more than 15 million last year, nearly twice the number classified in 2001 - as bureaucrats have invented more amorphous categories like "sensitive security information." At the same time, the declassification of documents required under the Freedom of Information Act has been choked down to a fraction of what it was a decade ago, leaving the government working behind an ever darker, ever denser screen.

· Why Bush Has to Fire Rove - This e-mail demonstrates that Rove committed a firing offense. He leaked national security information as part of a fierce campaign to undermine Wilson, who had criticized the White House on the war on Iraq.

· On Rove's Behalf, the White House Issued Denials, Which Have Now Fallen Apart - The White House is suddenly facing damaging evidence that it misled the public by insisting for two years that presidential adviser Karl Rove wasn't involved in leaking the identity of a female CIA officer.

· Pentagon confirms Iran-Contra figure in senior job - Robert Earl, who destroyed national security documents during the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal, is working as chief of staff to acting Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, the Pentagon said on Monday. - But congressional watchdog groups raised questions about the administration's decision to give such a senior job to a person with a record of tampering with the very kinds of classified national security documents he will now oversee. "That fact is that this is a very sensitive and critical job," said Mary Boyle, spokewoman for Common Cause. "While it is true that people can pay their debts to society ... this is a job that should be filled by someone who is beyond reproach."
TVNL Comment: Ad him to the list if
Iran Contra criminals who found their way back to the scene of the crime under Bush.

· Rove's Leak Points to Bush Conspiracy - A key national security principle for dealing with top-secret information, such as the identity of undercover CIA officers, is strict compartmentalization, often called “the need to know” – which raises the question why George W. Bush’s chief political adviser Karl Rove would know anything about the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame.

· White House Won't Comment on Rove, Leak - For two years, the White House has insisted that presidential adviser Karl Rove had nothing to do with the leak of a CIA officer's identity. And President Bush said the leaker would be fired. - But Bush's spokesman wouldn't repeat any of those assertions Monday in the face of Rove's own lawyer saying his client spoke with at least one reporter about Valerie Plame's role at the CIA before she was identified in a newspaper column.








9/11 News :


· Second WTC Janitor Comes Forward With Eye-Witness Testimony Of 'Bomb-Like' Explosion in North Tower Basement - Jose Sanchez, while working in a sub-level 4 workshop of the north tower on 9/11, heard a bomb-like explosion, had his hair burned and rescued a co-worker who had his leg and knee broken from the basement blast taking place at the same time the jetliner struck the top floors. July 12, 2005






· Permanent Patriot Act Proposed - The Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee introduced a bill yesterday that would make the controversial USA Patriot Act permanent, but he balked at including some new powers sought by the Bush administration.





· Judge Lets Iraq Whistleblower Suit Proceed - Two whistleblowers who allege that their former employer cheated taxpayers out of tens of millions of dollars on reconstruction projects in Iraq can go ahead with their lawsuit, a judge ruled.






· Faced with this crisis - Instead of denying climate change is happening, the US now denies that we need proper regulation to stop it





· Rice, in Southeast Asia, Draws Fire for Plan to Avoid Forum - But she flew as well into a storm of criticism of her decision not to attend the annual Association of Southeast Asian Nations convention late this month. If, as seems likely, her decision stands, she will be the first secretary of state in more than 20 years not to attend, and some of the region's leaders are upset by her choice to skip the meeting and send Robert B. Zoellick, the deputy secretary of state.

· Cuba Turns Down US Offer of US$50,000 in Immediate Disaster Relief - Fidel Castro's communist government, laboring to recover from widespread damage after Hurricane Dennis struck the island last week, turned down an offer of US$50,000 in immediate disaster aid, American officials said Monday.

· Lebanon blast kills 2, wounds politician - A powerful bomb blast has wounded pro-Syrian caretaker Defence Minister Elias Al-Murr and killed two people north of Beirut, security officials said.

· South Korea offers energy, food aid to North - South Korea has granted the communist North massive food aid and made a historic offer to build new power lines across the border in hopes of getting Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear weapons program.

· ‘London, Tel Aviv blasts connected’ - German newspaper: Explosive material used by British terrorist who blew himself up on Tel Aviv beachfront in 2003 very likely the same as that used by terrorists who staged London attacks last week, Mossad tells Brits





· Pennsylvania governor sues Pentagon over base cuts - In what is being viewed as the first lawsuit of its kind, Gov. Ed Rendell, joined by Pennsylvania's Republican Sens. Arlen Specter and Rick Santorum, is invoking the "militia clause" of the U.S. Constitution to prevent de-activation of the national guard's 111th Fighter Wing at the Willow Grove Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base.

· The battle after the battle - Soldiers say military pushes them to discharge before medical needs are met
TVNL Comment: They want us to support the troops when the military does not even support them!

· Evangelicals Are a Growing Force in the Military Chaplain Corps - Figures provided by the Air Force show that from 1994 to 2005 the number of chaplains from many evangelical and Pentecostal churches rose, some doubling.
TVNL Comment: What part of the bible teaches about bombing other nations? Where does it mention napalm? Where does it speak of deploying nuclear weapons? Why then are "Christians" so involved in the military?

· Army Nat'l Guard Misses Recruiting Goal Again - The Army National Guard, a cornerstone of the U.S. force in Iraq, missed its recruiting goal for at least the ninth straight month in June and is nearly 19,000 soldiers below its authorized strength, military officials said Monday.





· Bush said he 'preciates folks dyin' for the cause. - Are The Good Times Really Over For Good? - Where are the Christians? Where is the revulsion at Bush roaming freely on hallowed ground while belching out lies and deceit that have caused the slaughter of more than 100,000 Iraqi's, 1,942 coalition troops -- 1,752 of them American -- more than American 18,000 wounded or maimed; 10,000 striken with lifelong disease? (No figures are available for the number of Iraqi wounded or maimed ) Where is the raw horror that Christians should feel for a charlaton who boasts that he is on a mission from God -- a mission to rule over a world of hate and lies and fear and death and disease?

· Suicide attacks 'about strategy, not religion' - Suicide bombers are driven by strategic goals rather than religious fanaticism and the war in Iraq will lead to further terrorist attacks, according to a United States professor who has studied every suicide attack carried out over two decades.

· The Insanity Of It All - Over 100.000 innocent Iraqi children, women and men have been slaughtered and killed by the American, British and other coalition forces in Iraq, and hundreds of thousands more have been wounded, maimed and tortured. And yet the front pages of the corporate controlled T.V. and newspaper media talk only about the 49 innocent British citizens who have been killed by supposed "terrorists" Something is wrong with this picture.





· Liberal talk radio trends ahead of Limbaugh among 25-54 in Miami - In particular, The Ed Schultz show actually passed Limbaugh among the 25-54 age range in the nation's twelfth largest radio market.

· Scott McClellan Needs A Thesaurus - Here’s Scott McClellan, by the numbers:

· Public Broadcasting Chief Denies Meddling - Kenneth Y. Tomlinson, a Republican, has come under fire in recent months for complaining about "Now with Bill Moyers" - saying the television show's "left-wing bias" was unhealthy and jeopardized support for public broadcasting. Moyers has since left the show.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Cancer Drugs Offer Hope, but at a Huge Expense - But some doctors warn that with more new drugs coming, the use of superexpensive therapies may further fuel the runaway costs of the health care system.

· Chlorella as a powerful defense against cancer - "Chlorella…contains the highest chlorophyll level per ounce of any plant, as well as protein (nearly 58 percent), carbohydrates, all of the B vitamins, vitamins C and E, amino acids (including all nine essential ones), enzymes and rare trace minerals." Due to its dense and nutrient-rich nature, chlorella offers your body a two-fold attack against cancer.





· More than 30 burned to death in DR Congo attack - An armed gang herded dozens of civilians into their huts in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), lit the homes on fire and burned more than 30 of them alive, the UN mission in the DRC said.
TVNL Comment: Where is the wall to wall TV coverage of this at
rocity? Where is this even mentioned on the air?

· 'They Put Us in a Cell and Forgot Us' - He and his cameraman, Farshid Faraji, a freelance journalist for Iranian television and a resident of Tehran, were detained after they were found riding in a taxicab that unbeknownst to them, they said, contained 35 to 37 timers for washing machines, which can be used by insurgents to make bombs.








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