Date: July 15th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Did you happen to notice that the world is closer to nuclear war than at any times since the Cuban missile crisis? Did you happen to read or hear about the comments made by the Chinese about using the nuclear option on the US? Don’t you think this merits news coverage? Don’t you think that the policies of the US that have driven China to take this position should be examined? Should be worried about an administration that has made the US an enemy to so many?

Don’t you think that the TV news networks can find time during their 24/7 broadcast day to let the people of this nation know what the lunatics who run the country are doing to our once great nation and to the world? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Iraq seen wasting $300 million on substandard military equipment - The Iraqi Defense Ministry has squandered more than $300 million buying faulty and outdated military equipment in what appears to be a massive web of corruption that flourished under American-appointed supervisors for a year or longer, U.S. and Iraqi military officials said this week.

· A Reality Check from Iraq - As an Iraq War veteran, I disagree with how President Bush has assessed the war and how we should be conducting it. The president has mischaracterized the debate as a simplistic black and white challenge: "Is the sacrifice worth it?" But this mischaracterization clouds the debate and avoids two essential questions: What are the real conditions on the ground? And what must be done to win this war? - Unfortunately, the president continues to obscure the truth of the current conditions in Iraq

· 8 Months After U.S.-Led Siege, Insurgents Rise Again in Falluja - Just as disturbing, even Falluja residents who favored purging the streets of insurgents last November are beginning to chafe under the occupation.

· The Fake Optimism of Washington's Warriors - The general was tap-dancing in the footsteps of many who came before him – during another long war based on deception and the assumption that the USA must keep killing in order to be credible on the world stage.

· Civilian Deaths in Iraq Exceed Military - The Iraqi government said Thursday far more civilians than soldiers or police were killed in violence over the first six months of this year. An Associated Press count found a similar trend.
TVNL Comment: How exactly are they better off now? How exactly is the world safer?

· Don't Call It an Exit Strategy - While President Bush continues to vow "no retreat," a variety of reports in the international online media indicate that the Bush administration may be more willing to scale back the U.S. military presence as ambitious political goals in Iraq go glimmering.

· Five suicide attacks kill 6 in Baghdad - Five suicide car bombs have blown up in different locations across Baghdad within hours of each other, including two attacks on Iraqi military patrols.

· Not Enough Caskets for the Iraqi Dead - Coffin makers are unable to keep up with the demand for caskets in Iraq where tens of people die every day due to the continual armed attacks and bombings.

· Feith Says Pentagon Overdid WMD Rationale - The top policy adviser to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld says the Bush administration erred by building its public case for war against Saddam Hussein mainly on the claim that he possessed banned weapons.
TVNL Comment: Feith is a PNAC member. He knew, along with the entire administration, that the invasion was not based on any threat to the
US. The invasion was part of the plans written by PNAC for global strategic military domination of the world and its recourses.





· Rove-gate: Who Leaked to the Leakers? - This isn't about Karl Rove

· Report Shows Rove May Have Lied to FBI, A Felony - Report Shows Karl Rove May Have Lied to Federal Agents, a Federal Crime, During Oct 2003 Testimony Into CIA Agent Leak

· Don't Forget! Many, many other agents outed - Let's not let the media ignore anymore the fact that many, many other agents were outed by Novak when he revealed the CIA's front company, Brewster Jennings & Associates, which was listed as Plame's employer on a political contribution.








9/11 News :








· Senate Balks at Implementing Budget Cuts - Tight spending caps that virtually every Republican endorsed this spring for domestic programs and congressional pork-barrel projects are now being evaded to the tune of almost $12 billion. - This is precisely what Bush, who has presided over deepening deficits, has said he does not want.

· Congressional Trip to Canceled Shuttle Launch Cost Taxpayers $73,000 - Forty-four members of Congress flew to Cape Canaveral for the scrubbed launch of space shuttle Discovery at a cost of more than $73,000, according to figures provided to The Associated Press on Thursday.

· Cunningham To Step Down At End Of Term - U.S. Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, under federal investigation for his dealings with a defense contractor, announced Thursday that he will not seek re-election.





· Rehnquist Says He'll Stay on Supreme Court - Squelching rumors of his retirement, Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist said Thursday he will continue heading the Supreme Court while battling thyroid cancer. "I'm not about to announce my retirement," he said.

· Michigan bucks McCain - Michigan Republicans want to bar Democrats and independents from the GOP’s 2008 presidential primary — a step that would present a major hurdle for Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), should he decide to run for the White House in 2008.

· Al Qaeda answers CIA's hiring call - As many as 40 possible terrorists may have attempted to infiltrate U.S. intelligence agencies in recent months, CIA expert Barry Royden reported at a national counterintelligence conference in March.

· Enron Directors Vote for Pay Raise - In a filing with the New York bankruptcy court that oversaw the company's reorganization last year, the board said it voted to increase its compensation retroactively to the beginning of June. - It raises the annual salary of Chairman John Ray III, a Wheaton, Ill., bankruptcy specialist, from $200,000 to $1.2 million. - Three other board members had their pay double to $300,000, while vice chairman Robert Deutschman, a Santa Monica, Calif., investment banker, now gets $420,000 annually, up from $150,000.

· Independents Are Having Buyer's Remorse - Just nine months after giving George W. Bush the crucial swing votes he needed to best John Kerry, political independents are bolting out of the Republican Big Tent. Angered by GOP meddling in the Terri Schiavo right-to-die case, reeling from record gasoline prices, and depressed by the escalating cycle of violence in Iraq and Afghanistan, unaligned voters are suddenly lining up with Democrats to give Bush the lowest ratings of his Presidency.
TVNL Comment: Can you imagine if they researched PNAC or 9/11? Then they would really regret their vote.











· Top Chinese general warns US over attack - If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” said General Zhu Chenghu. - “If the Americans are determined to interfere [then] we will be determined to respond,” said Gen Zhu, who is also a professor at China's National Defence University. - “We . . . will prepare ourselves for the destruction of all of the cities east of Xian. Of course the Americans will have to be prepared that hundreds . . . of cities will be destroyed by the Chinese.”
TVNL Comment: The Bush administration has started a new cold war and arms race. They have scared other nations into ramping up their defenses.

· Londoners Suspicious Of Station Closures Before Blasts - Several different people on the forum of the London Evening Standard website are reporting their own perculiar experiences on the day of the bombing.





· Military Lawyers Fought Policy on Interrogations - Three top military lawyers said yesterday that they lodged complaints about the Justice Department's definition of torture and how it would be applied to interrogations of enemy prisoners captured by U.S. forces, the first time they have publicly acknowledged that they objected to the policy as it was being developed in early 2003.
TVNL Comment: This is not new news yet the press is acting like they just found out. Why do we know about every celebrity court case but not about the vital cases that affect our nation and the world?

· Pentagon Misses Deadline for Required Iraq Report - This past weekend, the Pentagon failed to provide Congress a required report on security and political conditions in Iraq and an assessment of the military’s "strategies of success" in stabilizing the occupied country. In a letter released Monday, United States Congressman Marty Meehan (D-Massachusetts) called on Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to come before Congress and provide details on the training of Iraqi security forces and the continuing involvement of US troops in the war torn nation, as required by a provision of the emergency spending bill signed into law last May.





· Does Anyone Really Believe This Horseshit? - British authorities finger patsies within days of bombings, country drinks it up, and it’s like Déjà vu all over again - Give me a break. Four young men, maybe five though one chap remains a secret at present, simply decided to blow themselves up in support of a cause none of them had ever previously mentioned to their families, friends or anyone who knew them. Does that sound right?

· Waking Up to The Military/ Corporate Religous Right's Attack on Teen Boys - It is frightening to think that if the extreme Christian right gets their way, we won't even have public schools any more. - The right wing and corporations have perniciously, predatorily worked to take over so many areas of our nation's commons, converting them so they are either privatized or made so they are more beneficial for corporations and not humans.

· Countering the Bush Disinformation Machine with the Truth - The GOP-bought disinformation spin machine is in hyperdrive right now over the Valerie Plame Treasongate so it is crucial that we all keep focused and remember the salient points, lest we get confused with the smoke and mirrors being brought out to distract and confound.

· Does George Bush Lie? - If the words someone speaks do not match reality, are they lies? If a person sincerely believes what he is saying but the words are not true, is that still a lie? If a person suffers from megalomania and announces that he is Napoleon or Jesus or a deity, is it a lie from his standpoint? If we strongly disbelieve someone saying they are Napoleon or Jesus or a deity doesn,t that make them a liar?

· Bush Family Tradition: Ducking Scandal - If there is one trait that has followed the Bush family through generations of privilege, it is the ability to escape scandal a skill that will be put to the test again over the leaking of the identity of an undercover CIA officer, apparently to get back at her husband for criticizing George W. Bush's case for invading Iraq.

· The Politics of 'Creative Destruction' - International Herald Tribune columnist William Pfaff recently reported that the Bush administration's new Bureau of Reconstruction and Stabilization, a State Department subgroup, has been tasked to prepare for a frighteningly expansive future of warfare.





· Knight Ridder's Baghdad Chief Replies to Criticism From Back Home - Early this week, Mark Yost, an editorial writer at Knight Ridder's St. Paul Pioneer Press, wrote a column that sharply criticized Iraq war coverage as "bad" for focusing on the negative. Today, another Knight Ridder writer who may actually know what's going on in Iraq, penned a reply.

· Media repeated false GOP talking point on authorization for Wilson trip to Niger - Numerous media figures have repeated, or failed to question, a Republican National Committee (RNC) talking point asserting that former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV claimed that Vice President Dick Cheney "sent him" on a 2002 CIA mission to Niger, as well as White House deputy chief of staff Karl Rove's reported assertion that "Wilson's wife" authorized the trip.

· Haitian journalist kidnapped, tortured, killed - The body of a Haitian journalist abducted last weekend was found on Thursday. in the latest of a series of kidnappings for ransom that have shaken the troubled Caribbean nation.

· Downing Street: A Dead-End In American Media - "What is surprising, is how little attention [the memo] has received in some of the most important news media in the United States despite its being an official document that contradicts the North American version of the beginning of the war." --Jorge Ramos Avalos, Washington correspondent for Univision.

· Writing to the media - AAMERICAblog has some great tips on the do's and don'ts of writing to reporters...

· Net-based technology would allow limitless TV - The next big thing in television could be a technology borrowed from the Internet. IPTV (the ''IP" stands for Internet protocol) will let users choose from a vast variety of video entertainment, available on demand through a simple piece of wire. Telephone wire, to be exact, because phone companies -- not cable TV firms -- are leading the way.

· Gannon won't give clear answer on whether he's seen classified memo on Wilson-Plame case - The Editor & Publisher article stated that Gannon "threw into question media accounts suggesting that he had seen a classified CIA document critical to the Plame case, saying he had made references to the 'internal memo,' but adding, 'I never said I had it or had seen it.' But when asked if he had in fact seen it, he declined to say."

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Prayer appears to have no effect on patients in study - That's the finding of one of the largest scientific investigations of the power of prayer, published today in the British medical journal the Lancet. Scientists said it undoubtedly will renew debates over whether prayer has a measurable effect on illness and even whether it's a suitable subject of scientific inquiry.

· Japan Concerned After Study Shows U.S. Would Have Missed 9 Cases of Mad Cow Disease - Japanese food safety regulators were questioning the safety of U.S. beef after a Ministry of Agriculture study showed nearly half of the 20 mad cow cases found in Japan would have passed unnoticed under U.S. testing methods, officials said Friday.

· Your dietary supplements: Under attack again - Proposed procedures and standards could virtually destroy this market and deprive millions of Americans of the supplements they want to use.

· Sweetener 'linked' to leukaemias - Fresh doubts about the safety of an artificial sweetener have been raised by Italian scientists who have linked its use to leukaemias in rodents.

· Gen Teflon: unborn US babies soaked in chemicals - Unborn US babies are soaking in a stew of chemicals, including mercury, petrol by-products and pesticides, according to a report released today.





· Abu Ghraib Tactics Were First Used at Guantanamo - The techniques, approved by Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld for use in interrogating Mohamed Qahtani -- the alleged "20th hijacker" in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks -- were used at Guantanamo Bay in late 2002 as part of a special interrogation plan aimed at breaking down the silent detainee.





· CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada - The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) has just let the cat out of the bag about what's really behind our trade agreements and security partnerships with the other North American countries. A 59-page CFR document spells out a five-year plan for the "establishment by 2010 of a North American economic and security community" with a common "outer security perimeter."
TVNL Comment: Meria Heller of has been talking about this on her Internet radio program for several years. You may want to listen in once in a while.




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