Date: July 16th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: What ever happened to the Downing Street Memo? Are we to believe that the media is only able to report on one scandal at a time? Perhaps someone in this nation can start a news network so that we can stay informed on what is going on! (It’s called sarcasm!) Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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· All-Day Suicide Bomb Blitz Claims 22 Lives in Baghdad - A spate of suicide attacks in Baghdad continued on Friday, as insurgents struck at American and Iraqi security forces around the city using at least eight suicide car bombs, killing at least 22 people and wounding scores more, officials said.

· A suicide attack every day in the new Iraq - Suicide bomb attacks in Iraq have averaged at least one per day since the announcement of a new government in April, according to data gathered by the US military.
TVNL Comment: Any way you spin this, the bottom line is this would not be happening had the
US not invaded.

· Tribal chief 'hanged by Taleban' - A tribal chief has been kidnapped and hanged in southern Afghanistan. The Taleban say they carried out the act.

· Three UK soldiers killed in Iraq - The troops, from the 1st Battalion Staffordshire Regiment, were attacked in central Amarah, in the south-east of the country, early on Saturday.

· TWO MARINES KILLED NEAR TREBIL - Two Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 2, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), were killed in action July 14 when their vehicle was struck by an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations near Trebil, Iraq.

· U.S. losing its allies in Iraq - South Korea is afraid of becoming the next victim of terrorists, that's why its lawmakers call for withdrawal of South Korean troops troops from Iraq.

· Mission Accomplished: Iraq Is Broken - Since the early 1950s, US Presidents have used troops and the CIA to break other countries, not fix them.

· Home from the War - A war without enough equipment, under commanders who consider civilians the enemy, an Iraq War veteran sounds like a Vietnam War veteran.





· Rove E-Mailed Security Official About Talk - Republicans cheered the latest revelations Friday, saying they showed Rove wasn't trying to hurt Plame but instead was trying to informally warn reporters to be cautious about some of Wilson's claims. - Democrats, however, said that even if Rove wasn't the leaker, someone still divulged Plame's identity and possibly violated the law.

· Novak's own statement contradicts story that HE told Rove about Plame, and not vice versa - Novak, in an interview, said his sources had come to him with the information. "I didn't dig it out, it was given to me," he said. "They thought it was significant, they gave me the name and I used it."

· Plame Gets the "Gate" - And with the blockbuster reports today from The New York Times, the Associated Press, and the Washington Post detailing Karl Rove's conversation with Robert Novak, six days before he wrote his fateful outing column, we are suddenly into “what-did-the-president-know-and-when-did-he-know-it” territory.





· Huge HP layoff expected any day - ANALYSTS TALKING OF 10,000 TO 25,000; SOME WORKERS CALLING IT `THE BIG ONE'

· U.S. jobless rate understated, study says - Millions of potential workers who dropped out of the labor force during the recession four years ago have not returned as expected and are thus not counted in the official unemployment statistics, said Katharine Bradbury in a paper published by the Boston Fed. Read the study.



9/11 News :


· JIM MARRS: 9-11, AN INSIDE JOB - Investigative journalist and author (Ft. Worth), explains why Bush had to win the 2000 election: the conservative right would have more stridently balked at the war program if Gore was in the White House. Marrs says the program would have been more or less the same following 9-11.

· Visible explosive as WTC is demolished. - This video shows a squib eject from the South Tower approx 50-floors below the point of collapse:
TVNL Comment: This type of charge can be seen all up and down the towers on many videos from many angles. These charges are going off from 20-50 floors below the fall line. If you research controlled demolitions and you view videos of "cutter charges" you will realize that what is taking place during the WTC collapse is a series of charges going off in advance of the fall line during the collapse. What took place that day was a controlled demolition of the WTC in our opinion.

· Wake Up, America...and Rise Up - Think about these questions, and then start asking questions:

· CALLING ALL INDIE MEDIA ACTIVISTS TO THE DC EMERGENCY TRUTH CONVERGENCE - Come Help Build a Breakthrough Campaign to Expose and Explode the Seamless Deceit behind 9/11, Resource Wars, Troop Betrayal and Constitutional Jeopardy







· Senate moving to protect gun industry - The gun industry is likely to win sweeping protection against civil liability lawsuits in the U.S. Senate this month, reflecting a more firearm-friendly Senate after the 2004 elections, lawmakers said on Thursday.

· 91 members of Congress call for Rove to explain or resign - A letter put forth by ranking House Judiciary Committee Democrat John Conyers (D-MI) calling on Bush adviser Karl Rove to explain or resign over his role in the outing of a CIA agent has garnered signatures from 91 members of Congress and was issued to President Bush late yesterday, RAW STORY has learned.
TVNL Comment: Is Conyers the only member of Congress doing his job?

· Frank, Conyers Inquire Into Impeachment of 'Senior White House Officials'! - The release of a letter by the two congressmen was accompanied by a press release from the office of the ranking minority House Judiciary Committee member, John Conyers. In the letter, the two seek clarification from "a neutral authority" of whether the U.S. Constitution's Article II, regarding impeachment of a sitting President and Vice-President and "all civil officers", would apply to Deputy Chief of Staff, Karl Rove who is currently embroiled in the on-going criminal investigation into who leaked classified information concerning the outting of covert CIA agent, Valerie Plame.





· Lawyer sues US over false arrest - A US lawyer wrongfully arrested over the Madrid train bombings in 2004 is suing the US government.

· Lost a job over a DU post.. We are being watched friends.... - Like the Germans in WWII, they won't bother to see the truth until it's too late. The least I can attempt to do is make sure they can't claim ignorance....

· Alabama changing sex offender policy - Sex offenders finishing their prison sentences will be re-arrested when they walk out the prison doors if they haven't provided a verifiable address of where they will be living, Gov. Bob Riley said Thursday.
TVNL Comment: If sex offenders are jailed with the intent on ever being released, while they are in jail they should undergo counseling and they should have to attend any available treatment or programs that might make them less of a threat once they are out.

· San Diego Mayor Quits in Midst of Scandal - Eight months after being re-elected, Murphy is resigning in the midst of a federal probe of San Diego's deficit-ridden pension fund and with a federal jury deciding the fate of two councilmen accused of corruption.

· Tenn. Teen Jailed for Burning U.S. Flag - A teenager was jailed for nine days after being accused of burning an American flag on the Fourth of July, and he faces trial next month.
TVNL Comment: Don't you feel safer because this dangerous kid is locked up? Hello 1939






· Va. Mountain Wind Farm Gets Initial OK - A plan to put 19 towering wind turbines on a pair of mountain ridges won initial county approval despite vigorous public opposition, likely setting up a court challenge.





· Israel seizes suspected militants - Israeli troops have raided at least three towns in the West Bank, seizing 26 suspected Palestinian militants.

· Ill-Secured Soviet Arms Depots Tempting Rebels and Terrorists - The ammunition is stacked in mounds in a clearing, exposed to rain and sun. The crates that hold it are rotting. After more than a decade in the elements, many have ruptured, exposing high-explosive rockets and mortar fins.

· France 'to expel radical imams' - French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy has vowed to deport any Muslim cleric preaching violence.

· Huge crowds rally to back Arroyo - About 120,000 people have held a demonstration in Manila urging Philippine President Gloria Arroyo to stay in office.

· WAS IT SUICIDE? - Why did they buy return train tickets to Luton? Why did they buy pay & display tickets for cars? Why were there no usual shouts of 'Allah Akhbar'? Why were bombs in bags and not on their bodies? - THE London bombers may have been duped into killing themselves so their secrets stayed hidden.

· Probability of 7/7 Drill and Attack Coinciding - PROBABILITY OF DRILL AND TERROR ATTACK COINCIDING BY CHANCE (10yr mean): One chance in 3,715,592,613,265,750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 - Estimate of Grains of sand in the whole world: 7,500,000,000,000,000,000

· Look at the Name on the Van in Front of the Blown Up Bus in London! - Now look what that company does:
TVNL Comment: What are the odds of that? This post was originally seen at





· 11 US soldiers face Iraq charges - Eleven US soldiers have been charged with beating suspected Iraqi insurgents in custody, US officials say.

· US hosts military trainings for central Asian nations - The event, dubbed as Exercise Regional Cooperation 2005, is aimed to enhance ties, cooperation and mutual understanding with countries in central Asia, according to a press release issued by the US Joint Forces Command (USJFCOM), host of the exercises and trainings.

· General contradicted Abu Ghraib testimony - An Army general who has been criticized for his role in the treatment of prisoners at the Guantanamo Bay detention center and Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq has contradicted his sworn congressional testimony about contacts with senior Pentagon officials.





· Rove Leak is Just Part of Larger Scandal - Let me remind you that the underlying issue in the Karl Rove controversy is not a leak, but a war and how America was misled into that war.

· Documents and explosives, a few simple questions - Why would suicide bombers carry personal documents? - How is it that paper documents can survive bomb blasts that rip apart steel and people? - Why were two of the men's papers found in two or three different locations? Why would you give away your personal documents to a fellow bomber if you knew you were both going to die? more...





· Criminal Contempt Could Lengthen Reporter's Jail Stay - Lawyers in the CIA leaks investigation are concerned that special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald may seek criminal contempt charges against New York Times reporter Judith Miller, a rare move that could significantly lengthen her time in jail.

· Navy SEALS photo lawsuit dismissed - A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit filed against The Associated Press and one of its reporters that alleged the news organization violated privacy and copyright laws by publishing photos of Navy SEALs posing with Iraqi prisoners.

· COMCAST KILLS EMAIL FROM 'AFTERDOWNINGSTREET' COALITION! - The BRAD BLOG has learned that cable company and Internet service provider, Comcast Corporation has been automatically deleting email sent to Comcast customers with the text "" in the body of the email.

· Memo to Mehlman Interviewers: RNC Chair Tells the Same Lies Over and Over About Rove Controversy - In recent media appearances, Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman Ken Mehlman has issued numerous distortions and falsehoods regarding allegations of White House senior adviser Karl Rove's involvement in the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame. Cable news hosts Wolf Blitzer and Chris Matthews failed to question Mehlman's various falsehoods, allowing him to misinform unchallenged and at length. Media Matters for America offers the following breakdown of Mehlman's lies, and the facts that rebut them.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!










· Osama's driver can be tried: court - The protections of the 1949 Geneva Convention do not apply to al-Qaida and its members, the appeals court ruled, so Hamdan does not have a right to enforce its provisions in court.
TVNL Comment: In that case they better come up with a clear definition of what Al Qaeda is. Al they have to do is call anyone they want an Al Qaeda associate and the law no longer applies to them. This is very scary. You can vanish off the streets because you may have a phone number of someone who once met a person who's cousin's friend had a picture of Osama bin Laden!








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