Date: July 17th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: If, and I repeat “if” the story about the Bush/PNAC administration planning to covertly affect the outcome of the elections in Iraq it proves that this administration has lied virtually every single day since it announced its intentions for Iraq. Every comment account democracy and free elections would have been a lie if they intended on weighing in on the elections.

It is important to note that intent here is the issue, so even if their plans were never implemented it still proves that their intentions did not match their words. There is no excuse for planning any kind of involvement in the Iraqi elections if the administration’s public position on Iraq was true.

Here we have another bombshell expose of the lying criminals in the White House, and the lemming red state lemmings still refuse to take notice.

How many outrageous crimes and lies must come to light before America takes notice? Didn’t America learn anything from the lessons of Hitler?

Now consider this…if you were an Iraqi whose family members were killed as a result of the invasion, and you learn that after all of the rhetoric the Bush/PNAC administration was going to do what American government has done for a century, interfere with the internal politics of an Arab nation, how would you feel? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Most foreign fighters didn't wage terror before Iraq war - New investigations by the Saudi Arabian government and an Israeli think tank — both of which painstakingly analyzed the backgrounds and motivations of hundreds of foreigners entering Iraq to fight the United States — have found that the vast majority of them are not former terrorists and became radicalized by the war.
TVNL Comment: TRANSLATION: Bush/PNAC made this world a less safe place by CREATING TERRORISTS!

· Four U.S. soldiers wounded in Afghan blast - It was the latest incident in surging violence in the troubled country, where Taliban insurgents and their Islamic militant allies have stepped up attacks on Afghan and U.S.-led forces ahead of parliamentary elections in September. Dozens have been killed in recent weeks.

· No 10 blocks envoy's book on Iraq - Publication of The Costs of War by Sir Jeremy Greenstock, UK ambassador to the UN during the build-up to the 2003 war and the Prime Minister's special envoy to Iraq in its aftermath, has been halted. In an extract seen by The Observer, Greenstock describes the American decision to go to war as 'politically illegitimate' and says that UN negotiations 'never rose over the level of awkward diversion for the US administration'.

· Iraq's tribunal lays first charges against Saddam - The tribunal's chief investigating judge told a news conference in Baghdad on Sunday Saddam had been charged along with three others in connection with the killing of Shiite Muslims in the village of Dujail, north of Baghdad, in 1982.

· Fresh bombings hit Iraqi capital - Fresh bombs in the Iraqi capital have killed at least eight people, hours after dozens died in a suicide attack.

· Our troops are part of the problem - I do not draw a parallel between London and Baghdad to diminish the pain and horror caused by the crime on our own shores, but because that appalling experience should give us some insight into the violence that is now a daily occurrence in Iraq. And as the occupying force we bear responsibility for its security.

· Poor living conditions erode morale of Iraqi's fledgling army - Uncomfortable, unsanitary living conditions on this abandoned Baghdad airfield have eroded brigade morale, Iraqi officers say. Many soldiers have quit, and more say they plan to.

· Saddam general, son found dead after arrest by Iraq commandos - A former general in Saddam Hussein’s army and his son were found shot dead in Baghdad after being detained by police commandos, an interior ministry official told AFP Saturday, raising new question marks over the discipline of the elite force.

· Corpses are found by the dozen as police join death spree - The almost daily appearance of bodies is fuelling Iraq’s already boiling sectarian hatreds, and Shia leaders, whose community has been slaughtered in car bombs by Sunni insurgents and their al-Qaeda allies, are struggling to prevent powerful Shia militias such as the Mahdi Army from seeking revenge, effectively triggering a civil war.

· Iraq blast kills at least 54, injures 82 - Suicide bomber detonates huge explosion in fuel tanker





· The Unified Theory of the Corruption of the Bush Administration - We're now getting very close to a Unified Theory (or here) of the Corruption of the Bush Administration, tying together Plamegate, the forged Niger documents, the AIPAC scandal, Miller's 'journalism', John Bolton's work undermining the State Department (Bolton also ties into the creation of the original yellowcake story, and don't forget Frederick Fleitz, his chief of staff, with an odd double posting between Bolton and WINPAC in the CIA, where he would know about Plame, and a guy who parrots the Israeli line that UN peacekeepers wouldn't work in the Occupied Territories), the information in the Downing Street Memos, David Wurmser and John Hannah and their Israeli connections within the Vice President's Office, and the machinations of the Office of Special Plans. All this concerns the lies which led to the attack on Iraq, lies which were primarily funneled out of the Vice President's Office. This information included lies from the Iraqi National Conference (through Miller) and Sharon's office (through Feith, and no doubt the assistance of AIPAC).

· Plan Called for Covert Aid in Iraq Vote - In the months before the Iraqi elections in January, President Bush approved a plan to provide covert support to certain Iraqi candidates and political parties, but rescinded the proposal because of Congressional opposition, current and former government officials said Saturday. - The article, by Seymour M. Hersh, reports that the administration proceeded with the covert plan over the Congressional objections.- Any clandestine American effort to influence the Iraqi elections, or to provide particular support to candidates or parties seen as amenable to working with the United States, would have run counter to the Bush administration's assertions that the vote would be free and unfettered.
TVNL Comment: Democracy? Or another puppet regime? Do you still need to know why they want to kill us? If this is true they are right to want to kill Americans or at least kill out leaders!








9/11 News :


· Former Vietnam Combat and Commercial Pilot Firm Believer 9/11 Was Inside Government Job; An Experienced Boeing 757/767 Pilot, He Says 'No Way' Could a Novice Fly the 'Big Birds' He Knew So Well - The government may have fooled millions of Americans with its cockamamie official story, but the former fighter pilot who flew over 100 combat missions in Vietnam and who sat for 35 years in the cockpit for Pan Am and United, wasn’t one of them.

· The 9/11 Reichstag Fire - The victims of the 9/11 attacks have been disaster for Muslims because 19 Arabs were named as hijackers of the planes (even though 7 of the accused are alive), but they've been a dream come true for the PNAC 'think-tank' who's 2000 Statement of Principles stated a "catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor" would advance their policies, i.e. justify wars and "regime changes".

· Rep. McKinney to Hold All Day Briefing on 9/11 -- Exposing Sham of 9/11 Report - Serious flaws and omissions in the Report have been addressed by whistleblowers and academics. Well known researchers and authors have put the events of that day into historical perspective, and have suggested possible alternatives to the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission regarding intelligence reform, domestic and foreign policy.







· GOP Scrambles to Fill Veterans' Shortfall - Fellow Republicans warned House Speaker Dennis Hastert and Majority Leader Tom DeLay more than a year ago that the government would come up short - by at least $750 million - for veterans' health care. The leaders' response: Fire the messengers.





· Did Gonzalez and Ashcroft Conspire to Obstruct Justice? - In short, after Attorney General John Ashcroft delayed mounting any investigation into the Plame leak, he then delayed informing the White House of the investigation (in order to trigger their duty to preserve documents). Once Ashcroft did notify the White House, White House Counsel Alberto Gonzalez asked if he could wait until the next day to send out the official notice to White House staff to preserve documents relevant to the investigation.

· Nation's Governors Worried About Recruitment, Jobs at Home for National Guard - Both Democrats and Republicans said changes caused by the huge demands placed on the Guard and Reserves for the war in Iraq need more examination.

· Christian Exodus Planned For South Carolina - Plans to reform our government to more Christian-like principals are in the works and we may feel the effects, right here in the Upstate. That is because South Carolina has been chosen as the place for hundreds, even thousands of Christians to move to, in hopes of impacting the government. But people who live here have mixed opinions about the Christian Exodus.

· Probe focuses on donation to GOP - Election official says he was offered $10,000

· War protester pulled from Oswego County parade, arrested - Mark Harris, a 20-year veteran of the Air Force, was not pleased to see a sign-carrying Iraq war protester in Thursday night's Mexico Volunteer Fire Department Field Days parade. - What he saw happen to the man, though, raised some questions for him and, he said, his children.






· Sea life in peril -- plankton vanishing Usual seasonal influx of cold water isn't happening - Oceanic plankton have largely disappeared from the waters off Northern California, Oregon and Washington, mystifying scientists, stressing fisheries and causing widespread seabird mortality.





· Brazil threatens US sanctions over cotton subsidies - Earlier this year, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) ruled that the US subsidies were a breach of international trading regulations and the deadline for the US to comply was July 1.

· Who Sent the CIA Thugs? - LINK - Italy's prime minister demands that the U.S. explain CIA criminality in his country

· Iran ayatollah says Blair government could have bombed London - Addressing worshippers at the site of Tehran University, Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati, who heads the powerful Guardian Council, the unelected constitutional watchdog, said, “At times they blame this [London bombings] as the work of Al’Qaeda. Al’Qaeda means [United States President George W.] Bush and [British Prime Minister Tony] Blair who were the mothers of Al’Qaeda and brought to life this illegitimate child”.

· Israel threatens ground offensive - Violence has flared in the Gaza Strip as Israeli forces shot dead a local Hamas commander and Palestinian militants fired mortars at Israelis.

· Group of Four press for UN change - Their plan is similar to an African resolution but the African plan would give the new permanent members a veto. - The Security Council is criticised for reflecting the world of 60 years ago rather than the current situation.

· London Bombings: Cover Story Mutation Continues - It is amazing how quickly details about the suspects (patsies) have emerged and how quickly the police have stacked up “evidence” against the conveniently dead and blasted to smithereens suspects, leading us to the conclusion al-Qaeda consists or rank amateurs.





· Details emerge about Stryker soldier charged in slaying - The arrest Tuesday of a Stryker soldier was the third time in the past two years that a Washington-based soldier back from Iraq has been accused of killing his wife, but the woman's death marks the first killing at Fort Lewis in at least five years, according to Army officials.





· No More Moral Relativism - The US is a Terrorist State - If you have any doubts about this, check out an article in a magazine called Electronic Iraq < >, written by one William Van Wagenen. This well-documented and footnoted article quotes from the original planning document for "Shock and Awe," developed by the U.S. National Defense University in 1996 and adopted by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as policy well before the start of the war, called for using aerial bombardment and other military resources for "controlling, affecting, and breaking the will of the adversary to resist." The approach goes on to call for attacking "means of communication, transportation, food production, water supply, and other aspects of infrastructure," with deliberate violence designed to be "all encompassing" in scope. (This strategy--particularly as it targets food and water--it should be noted, is on its face a war crime.)

· Recipe for extinction - Criminal governments, corrupt media, comatose public: the perfect combination to permanently eradicate the human species

· Follow the Uranium - WELL, of course, Karl Rove did it. He may not have violated the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, with its high threshold of criminality for outing a covert agent, but there's no doubt he trashed Joseph Wilson and Valerie Plame. We know this not only because of Matt Cooper's e-mail, but also because of Mr. Rove's own history.

· Genesis of an American Gestapo - Tyranny has very few indispensable parts; a compliant media, that will regulate information to meet the goals of the state; a “rubber-stamp” Parliament that will endorse the policies of the supreme leader; a judiciary that will adjust the law to serve the requirements of the ruling body, a strong military to seize the wealth of weaker nations; and a security apparatus, that will eliminate any domestic threats to the system.





· "What I Told The Grand Jury" - Matthew Cooper reveals exactly what Karl Rove told him--and what the special counsel zeroed in on

· Do-It-Yourself Journalism Spreads - The explosion of the Internet over the past decade has allowed anyone with an Internet connection to instantaneously publish whatever he or she wants, fueling the growth of "citizen reporters."

· U.S. TV Networks Largely Ignoring Genocide in Darfur, Covering Michael Jackson, Martha Stewart Instead - ''During June 2005, CNN, FOX News, NBC/MSNBC, ABC, and CBS ran 50 times as many stories about Michael Jackson and 12 times as many stories about Tom Cruise as they did about the genocide in Darfur,'' the campaign said, citing the private Tyndall Report, which monitors broadcast media.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!















· The bomb that changed the world - LINK - Some feel this is a tragic anniversary, arguing that the world has been living with the threat of annihilation ever since the Trinity test took place.



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