Date: July 18th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: It is one thing for a government to try to get news or educational organizations to produce films that appear to be the work of those institutions yet are scripted propaganda pieces for the government. It is another thing for those institutions to go ahead and do it. We have found out about the many propaganda pieces disguised as news stories that were produced by the Bush administration and run on news programs, but now we find out that even the Weather Channel is involved. What next? At this point I would be suspect of Barney Rubble or Bugs Bunny! Who can we trust at this point? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· GET OUT THE VOTE - Did Washington try to manipulate Iraq’s election?
TVNL Comment: They manipulated ours, do you think they would not manipulate

· Three days of suicide bombs leave 150 dead - Iraq's fledgling government stood accused of leaving its citizens defenceless yesterday after a devastating three days of suicide attacks left at least 150 people dead and more than 260 wounded.

· 3 Policemen, Gov't Worker Killed in Iraq - Gunmen killed three policemen and a government employee walking to work in Baghdad, officials said Monday, one day after four suicide car bombings killed 22 people.

· Iraq war support 'put UK at risk' - Supporting the US-led invasion of Iraq put the UK more at risk from terrorist attack, a report has said. - The Chatham House and Economic and Social Research Council report also said the invasion had boosted al-Qaeda.

· Resistance in Iraq 'legitimate' - Speaking to Newsnight, Mr Sadr said that even US President George W Bush would agree that fighting an occupation force was a correct course of action.

· Weekend of slaughter propels Iraq towards all-out civil war - IRAQ is slipping into all-out civil war, a Shia leader declared yesterday, as a devastating onslaught of suicide bombers slaughtered more than 150 people, most of them Shias, around the capital at the weekend.

· TVNL REPLAY: Most foreign fighters didn't wage terror before Iraq war - New investigations by the Saudi Arabian government and an Israeli think tank — both of which painstakingly analyzed the backgrounds and motivations of hundreds of foreigners entering Iraq to fight the United States — have found that the vast majority of them are not former terrorists and became radicalized by the war.
TVNL Comment: TRANSLATION: Bush/PNAC made this world a less safe place by CREATING TERRORISTS!





· GOP Goes for Broke in Defending Treason: The Withering Republican Assault on Truth, Justice and the Rule of Law - Remember this, it doesn't matter how bold and audacious the lie is, they stick to the repetition. In fact, the more brazen the lie -- the more it defies common sense -- the more likely many Americans who rely on television for news are likely to believe it.

· Top Aides Reportedly Set Sights on Wilson - Rove and Cheney chief of staff were intent on discrediting CIA agent's husband, prosecutors have been told.

· Top Cheney Aide Among Sources in CIA Story - Until last week, the White House had insisted for nearly two years that vice presidential chief of staff Lewis Libby and presidential adviser Karl Rove were not involved in the leaks of CIA officer Valerie Plame's identity.
TVNL Comment: Libby is another PNAC member.

· TVNL REPLAY: Plan Called for Covert Aid in Iraq Vote - In the months before the Iraqi elections in January, President Bush approved a plan to provide covert support to certain Iraqi candidates and political parties, but rescinded the proposal because of Congressional opposition, current and former government officials said Saturday. - The article, by Seymour M. Hersh, reports that the administration proceeded with the covert plan over the Congressional objections.- Any clandestine American effort to influence the Iraqi elections, or to provide particular support to candidates or parties seen as amenable to working with the United States, would have run counter to the Bush administration's assertions that the vote would be free and unfettered.
TVNL Comment: Democracy? Or another puppet regime? Do you still need to know why they want to kill us? If this is true they are right to want to kill Americans or at least kill out leaders!





· 3,400,000 High-Tech and Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since 2000 - According to the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the US has lost 3.4 million high-paying jobs between 2000-2003 (the last year they have statistics). Comprising that total are:

· Don't look now, but housing's on a cliff edge - The whole housing industry - builders, lenders, estate agents and sector analysts - refuses to admit that the market is heading for jagged rocks. But there is compelling evidence that it is.



9/11 News :









· Cleveland-born man vying to be first Iraq war vet in Congress - The 69-year-old disabled veteran is the kind of guy who perks up when he hears that someone else who has seen combat wants to represent him in Congress.





· New York Medicaid Fraud May Reach Into Billions - New York's Medicaid program, once a beacon of the Great Society era, has become so huge, so complex and so lightly policed that it is easily exploited.

· Large Volume of F.B.I. Files Alarms U.S. Activist Groups - The Federal Bureau of Investigation has collected at least 3,500 pages of internal documents in the last several years on a handful of civil rights and antiwar protest groups in what the groups charge is an attempt to stifle political opposition to the Bush administration.

· Senate to Vote on Hawaiian Self-Rule Bill - It would grant Native Hawaiians the same rights of self-government enjoyed by American Indians and Native Alaskans, and would lead to U.S. recognition of a native governing entity.

· Former DOJ officials claim OKC Bombing coverup began in D.C. - Speaking on the condition that their names not be revealed, a group of former Department of Justice (DOJ) officials have told this newspaper that the FBI never seriously investigated Tim McVeigh's connections to a right-wing paramilitary training camp.

· TVNL REPLAY: Probe focuses on donation to GOP - Election official says he was offered $10,000






· T-shirts on for an Arctic heatwave - Temperatures soared to the highest ever recorded here, an extraordinary 19.6C, a full degree-and-a-half above the previous record. Researchers lolled in T-shirts and soaked up the sun: a high life in the high Arctic. - That they could bask in the sun merely confirms what these scientists have long suspected: that Earth's high latitudes are warming dangerously thanks to man-made climate change, with temperatures rising at twice the global average.

· Pipeline risk to Siberia wildlife - "It's just crazy to make the pipeline go through the leopards' habitat," he says. "We've proposed other routes that would be better for the people of Primorye region and for the leopard."





· Ties to U.S. Made Britain Vulnerable, Report Says - Britain's position as a subordinate ally of the United States has been a "high-risk policy" that has left it vulnerable to terrorist attacks such as the recent bombings of London's transportation system, according to a briefing paper released early Monday by one of the country's most prominent foreign affairs research groups.

· 'No internal inquiry' into blasts - No inquiry is under way into why the London bombers were not picked up by the security services, Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer has said.

· Labour MPs blame bombings on Iraq war - "Some of the voices that have been coming from the Government that talk as though this is all evil, and that everything we do is fine, when in fact we are implicated in the slaughter of large numbers of civilians in Iraq and supporting a Middle East policy that for the Palestinians creates this sense of double standards - that feeds anger," she said in a recorded interview for GMTV.

· Beijing refuses to retract general's nuke comment - China refused yesterday to retract statements made by one of its generals that it would use nuclear weapons against American cities if the US military intervened if the People's Liberation Army (PLA) was to invade Taiwan. The comments came amid a flurry of criticism from Washington and Taipei on Friday.










· The World According to the Neo-Con Sympathizers - This is useful for everyone to get a glimpse of the “other side.”

· Fighting Fascism Then, and Now - The enemy then was a great world power, rapacious, with plans of domination, of capturing the world's natural resources: the oil fields of the Caspian and the Middle east, the mineral riches of Africa.

· TVNL REPLAY: Recipe for extinction - Criminal governments, corrupt media, comatose public: the perfect combination to permanently eradicate the human species





· EPA Paid Weather Channel for Videos - The EPA had the right to review scripts and suggest content, but the Weather Channel retained editorial control. - But the EPA's payments to a commercial news organization to further its public relations efforts reinforce recent concerns that the administration sometimes has cloaked its promotion of executive branch policies in messages that resemble news stories and do not always fully disclose the government's role. It also raises questions about whether Americans can trust that the information they receive from news outlets such as the Weather Channel has been independently reported and presented.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!



















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