Date: July 19th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Am I crazy or am I the only one who realizes that George W. Bush has appointed several convicted felons to sensitive positions in our government? Everyone is talking about how he said he will fire Rove if a crime was committed but nobody asked him why he has appointed convicted felons and other people involved in crimes? Take a look around the administration and see how many ex-Iran-Contra criminals you can spot. You can probably make a game out of it at this point! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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· Qaeda warns European nations to quit Iraq by August 15 or risk attacks - The Al-Qaeda terror network warned European nations to pull their troops out of Iraq within a month or face more attacks like the London bombings, according to an Internet statement.

· Iraq's top Shia cleric warns of 'genocidal war' - The slaughter of hundreds of civilians by suicide bombers shows that a "genocidal war" is threatening Iraq, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the country's most influential Shia cleric, warned yesterday.

· Bush Administration Cautions Turkey Against "hot Pursuit" Across Border With Iraq - The Bush administration cautioned Turkey against pursuing Kurdish militants across the border into Iraq, saying it would be a difficult operation that could have "unintended consequences."
TVNL Comment: It is funny how they do not give similar advice to
Israel, who has announced that it can carry out targetted killings even in the US.

· Iraqi gunmen target airbase staff - At least 13 people have died in an ambush on a minibus carrying workers to a US base in Baquba, Iraqi police say.

· Iraq constitution-writers killed - Gunmen in Iraq have killed three Sunni Arab members of a committee drafting a new constitution, officials say.

· Conflict 'kills 25,000 Iraqis' - Nearly 25,000 civilians have died violently in Iraq since the US-led invasion in March 2003, a report says.
TVNL Comment: In other words the US has enabled 10 September 11ths to be take place in Iraq, not to mention the long term horror of American depleted uranium that we have rained on to their nation. How is this not a crime against humanity?

· Raw acquires copy of letter from British ambassador in lead-up to war: 'Need to wrongfoot Saddam' - The copy, obtained through British channels, provides further indication of the veracity of the documents and offers striking visual evidence that the communications were made at the highest levels of the Blair government. - In the letter from Meyer, he indicates that the British had a "need to wrongfoot Saddam on the inspectors and the UN" Security Council Resolutions, possibly suggesting that the British and the United States were coordinating to 'trick' Saddam into starting a war.





· A Roving Ethical Problem - Allegedly, the United States invaded Iraq to stem the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Yet in retaliating against Wilson, an envoy who challenged the Bush administration’s claims on Saddam’s efforts to get WMD, Rove and perhaps others undermined the CIA’s efforts to get information on such proliferation by “outing” Plame. This contradiction is one more indication that the invasion of Iraq had little to do with Iraqi WMD programs.

· Bush Administration Deceptions Longstanding and Growing - President Bush feels that his reelection was a referendum on his actions taking us to war thus avoiding facing up to the lies and deceptions that got us there.

· Conservative Legal Group's Clout Growing - The Institute for Democracy Studies, which says it examines "anti-democratic religious and political movements and organizations," calls the society part of "the infrastructure underlying the right-wing assault on the democratic foundations of our legal system."

· Bush: New Formula for Keeping his Word?; Statement from the Democratic National Committee - Faced with a question about whether or not he will keep his promise to fire those involved in leaking the identity of an undercover CIA agent while we are at war, President Bush backed away from his initial pledge and lowered the ethics bar.

· Bush Fire Rove? Why? Bush Loves Felons; Just Look All Around Him! - Bush’s entire administration is comprised of criminals and characters with shady pasts, suspicious connections and prior convictions! So why is anyone surprised about the leak or about the fact that Bush is protecting the leakers? What has Bush done in his past that makes any of this surprising?

· Bush: Any Criminals in Leak to Be Fired - President Bush said Monday that if anyone in his administration committed a crime in connection with the public leak of the identity of a CIA operative, that person will "no longer work in my administration." At the same time, Bush yet again sidestepped a question on the role of his top political adviser, Karl Rove, in the matter.

· TVNL REPLAY: Plan Called for Covert Aid in Iraq Vote - In the months before the Iraqi elections in January, President Bush approved a plan to provide covert support to certain Iraqi candidates and political parties, but rescinded the proposal because of Congressional opposition, current and former government officials said Saturday. - The article, by Seymour M. Hersh, reports that the administration proceeded with the covert plan over the Congressional objections.- Any clandestine American effort to influence the Iraqi elections, or to provide particular support to candidates or parties seen as amenable to working with the United States, would have run counter to the Bush administration's assertions that the vote would be free and unfettered.
TVNL Comment: Democracy? Or another puppet regime? Do you still need to know why they want to kill us? If this is true they are right to want to kill Americans or at least kill out leaders!





· Tax cut on investment income is not as advertised, researchers find - Millions of investors who bought dividend-paying stocks after President George W. Bush persuaded Congress to lower the taxes on investments to 15 percent are paying a lot more - in some cases, almost 50 percent more - two new analyses show.

· Economic Injustice: America's New Leading Export - In a startling turn of events, a new commodity has surpassed jobs as the number one US export. Starting with Iraq, President Bush has dedicated himself to exporting economic injustice, which Americans possess in such abundance that it has become our top export.

· Troubled HP to cut one in 10 jobs - The US computer and IT giant said it planned to cut 14,500 jobs over the next 18 months in an attempt to save $1.9bn (£1.1bn) a year.

· What Kind of Country Destroys the Job Market for Its Own Citizens? - The reason the US firms specify that they have employment opportunities only for foreigners who hold work visas is because the foreigners will work for less than the prevailing US salary.


9/11 News :


· Venice author questions 9/11 findings in controversial book - In his book, "Welcome to Terrorland: Mohamed Atta and the 9/11 Cover-up in Florida," Hopsicker alleges that the Central Intelligence Agency was responsible for an influx of Arab flight students into Florida flight schools in the months before Sept. 11.

· Uncovering the Untold Story of 9/11 - On Thursday, July 21, 2005, the office of Rep. Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) is hosting book readings and a panel discussion on the subject of the 9/11 attacks featuring two leading researchers and academics; this for the benefit of Members of Congress and their staffs. Members of the press are encouraged to attend as ample time will be set aside for Q&A. The event will be held in room HC-6 in the Capitol Building from 2PM - 5PM. (space is limited)







· Waxman: New Bush Statement on Rove Conflicts with Executive Order - Under the executive order, you may not wait until criminal intent and liability are proved by a prosecutor. Instead, you have an affirmative obligation to take "appropriate and prompt corrective action.

· Frist vs Science - Last May the Republican-dominated House of Representatives voted to loosen President Bush's limits on embryonic stem cell research, allowing scientists to study cells derived from soon-to-be discarded embryos at fertility clinics. Senate Democrats and moderate Republicans could pass similar legislation as soon as this week. Conservatives realize they're opposing a popular policy that could be used against them as a wedge issue in midterm elections next year and in 2008. So Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has devised an alternative that undermines science while scoring political points.





· San Diego's acting mayor, councilman convicted of corruption - A federal jury on Monday convicted San Diego's new acting mayor and a city councilman of taking illegal campaign contributions from a strip club owner – the latest blow to a city awash in scandal. - The jury also returned guilty verdicts against former Clark County, Nev., Commissioner Lance Malone, who worked for strip club owner Michael Galardi to repeal San Diego's ban preventing nude dancers and patrons from touching each other.

· US bomber Rudolph gets life in prison for 1998 blast - Convicted Olympic bomber Eric Rudolph was sentenced to life in prison without parole on Monday for the 1998 bombing of an Alabama abortion clinic, which killed a police officer and maimed a nurse.
TVNL Comment: Bombing an abortion clinic is not terror? Why isn't the "terrorist" tag applied here?






· How Hot Is It? Arizonans Are Complaining - Temperatures have been above average every day since June 29 in Phoenix, where the normal high in the middle of July is a sizzling 107.

· Initiative on Alternative Power Sellers Revives Regulate vs. Deregulate Debate - Four years after enduring power shortages and rolling blackouts, California voters are being asked to decide whether to reverse a key element of the state's disastrous experiment with energy deregulation.





· London plot thickens, as does propaganda - As was the case following 9/11 and all post-9/11 "terror" events, an official new propaganda legend is being constructed to justify whatever Anglo-American-Israeli aggression that is sure to follow.

· Chavez Stokes Confrontation Over U.S. Role in Venezuela - The hypothetical invasion he invoked was patently clear: Two days before, Chavez announced the discovery of evidence that the United States had drawn up blueprints to invade Venezuela, a plan he said was code-named "Operation Balboa."

· Arroyo announces poll fraud probe - Philippine President Gloria Arroyo has announced the formation of a truth commission to investigate the charges of vote-rigging made against her.

· Mossad Chief Confirms Netanyahu's Warning of London Bombing - Although the first AP story was never retracted, that didn’t prevent Israel’s American amen corner from claiming that it had been withdrawn, nor did it stop from coming out with an analysis claiming that Israel knew "days" in advance, and that it wasn’t Scotland Yard that informed Netanyahu. Former intelligence analyst Tommy Preston, of Preston Global, concurred.

· Suicide theory thrown in doubt - "We do not have hard evidence that the men were suicide bombers," a Scotland Yard spokesman told The Sunday Telegraph.

· A Black Market for Bomb Materials Is Said to Flourish in Europe - With experts now suspecting that the London suicide attackers used crude homemade bombs made from common commercial products, the spotlight has shifted to the wide availability of black-market explosives in Europe.





· Vietnam-Era Commander Westmoreland Dies - Retired Gen. William Westmoreland, who commanded American troops in Vietnam — the nation's longest, most divisive conflict and the only war America lost — died Monday night. He was 91.

· Sardinia Says It's Time for the U.S. Navy to Leave Port - It is not that Sardinians don't like Americans, he insisted. It is a matter of national sovereignty. - "We love American tourists, entrepreneurs, professors…. We are good friends with the U.S.," Soru said. "But would you want a nuclear submarine next to your house?"





· The Bloody Footprints at 10 Downing Street - The most outrageous lies that can be invented will find believers if a man only tells them with all his might





· Gore: New TV Channel Won't Be Partisan - Former Vice President Al Gore, co-founder of a new television channel launching next month, said he's shunning politics - and so is his media venture.

· Journalist Warrior Joe Vialls Passes On - As we all know Joe made a large contribution to Internet Journalism, in an effort to reveal the truth that the media fails to print.

· Media Shield Bill Would Exempt Security - The sponsors of a bill to shield reporters from jail when they refuse to reveal their sources added an exception Monday that would allow federal courts to compel such disclosures if doing so would prevent harm to national security.

· News Corp to buy Intermix for $580 million - The deal comes after News Corp., home to the Fox television network, Fox News and 20th Century Fox film studios, announced on Friday the creation of an Internet division to hold the company's sports, news and entertainment sites.

· Defending Miller's Indefensible Choice - No reasonable person believes that a journalist's right to protect their confidential sources is absolute. Yet one is virtually required to act as though it is, and any exception to this right will have a devastating effect on investigative journalism, in order to justify New York Times reporter Judith Miller's non-cooperation with the special prosecutor investigating the Valerie Plame Wilson leak.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· "Big Pharma" Stabs Planet Earth... - My last two broadcasts "Vitamins to be Banned Worldwide...", and ""Big Pharma" Controls US "TV News"... have generated a major response. They seem to have been forwarded everywhere, and I can't keep up with the volume of email questions I'm getting - so I'll answer the questions here...

· CAFTA Is Bad for Your Health - Do you take vitamins and nutritional supplements? Do you want a synod of sickly Euro-socialists deciding which ones you can take, or whether you'll be able to take any of them at all? If your answers are "yes" and "no" -- then take action NOW to stop CAFTA!





· Afghan Zardad jailed for 20 years - An Afghan warlord found guilty of torture and hostage taking in his home country has been sentenced to 20 years imprisonment.









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