Date: July 20th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: For those of you who are regular readers of my newsletter the news of Bill Hemmer being hired by FOX News should be of no surprise. Time and time I have pointed out, specifically, how Hemmer is not even close to being a real journalist. This of course makes him the perfect candidate for the FOX News channel. I should have predicted this. All he needs now is a serious conflict of interest between the issues he covers and his personal life and he will be the perfect FOX News employee! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

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· Hussein Tribunal Shaken by Chalabi's Bid to Replace Staff - The Iraqi tribunal preparing the trial of Saddam Hussein has been thrown into turmoil by the dismissal of nine senior staff members and a threat to dismiss 19 others, including the chief investigative judge.

· Beazley calls for Iraq 'quagmire' exit strategy - Federal Opposition Leader Kim Beazley says the Prime Minister must start planning a strategy to get the Australian troops "bogged down in a quagmire" out of Iraq.

· Suicide bomber kills 10 in Iraq - A man strapped with explosives has blown himself up among a group of Iraqi army recruits in Baghdad, killing up to 10 people and wounding more than 20.

· Baghdad hospital doctors on strike against soldiers - More than two dozen doctors walked out of one of Baghdad's busiest hospitals on Tuesday to protest what they said was abuse by Iraqi soldiers, leaving about 100 patients to fend for themselves in chaotic wards. - Physicians said the troubles started when soldiers barged into a woman's wing at Yarmouk hospital, opened curtains and conducted searches as patients lay in their beds on Monday. - A 27-year-old internal medicine specialist said a soldier began intimidating and abusing him.





· Link to Cheney deepens ‘leak-gate’ scandal - But if Time’s story holds, I. Lewis Libby’s involvement represents an even more insidious abuse of power.
TVNL Comment: Why is this a web exclusive? Isn't important news likes this supposed to get the most attention? How obvious can media deception get?

· Look Over There! - The stonewall's not working so well. Neither is the legalistic parsing. The furor over who leaked a CIA operative's name shows no sign of abating. - Two options present themselves to the White House: Go public with all the facts -- or try to change the subject.

· REPUBLICANS MUST CHOOSE: BUSH OR AMERICA? - Democrats are out of power. And, sadly, Republicans have become so obsessed with personal loyalty that they've forgotten that their first duty is to country, not party or friend. Unless they wake up soon and dump Bush, Republicans could be permanently discredited.







9/11 News :


· Catching the FBI in a Big Fat Lie - Given the situation, in the most likely culprit in an engine explosion would be an air-to-air missile, which would home in on the engine's heat output, and not have enough high explosive in its warhead to vaporize the entire aircraft

· Tenet under investigation for pre-9/11 AA put options? - According to C&D, Fitzgerald is investigating Tenet's role in connection to Buzzy Krongard, a former No. 3 at the CIA, and that man's relation to the 2,157 airline options placed through Morgan Stanley/Dean Witter, located on 22 floors of the WTC.

· 9/11: There is more to this story - THE SEPT. 11 commission report is now a year old. Many questions about the days leading up to Sept. 11, 2001 and who should be held accountable remain unanswered.

· FLIGHT 93 SHOT DOWN - Eyewitness testimonies have generally been excluded from the official version of 9-11. In the Shanksville area, where many residents believe Flight 93 was shot down, there are scores of eyewitnesses whose testimonies contradict the government’s claim that courageous passengers fought hijackers, forcing the jetliner to crash rather than be flown into a building. - Some local residents here are deeply offended by the official explanation of what supposedly happened to United Airlines Flight 93, calling it a patriotic pack of lies.







· Cafta vote next week, lawmaker says - But the measure is expected to face a very close vote on the House floor amid near-unanimous opposition by Democrats and misgivings among a number of Republicans from districts with large numbers of sugar producers, textile makers and other manufacturers.





· Review of executed man's conviction boosts anti-death penalty lobby - A convicted murderer executed 20 years ago, could be the first person put to death to be declared innocent since capital punishment was reintroduced in the United States.

· Governors rip feds over new ID cards - "The policy problem is that states are essentially being asked to do a federal responsibility because the federal government doesn't have the courage to do what they feel like must be done, and that's have a national ID system," said Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, a Republican.

· Big Brother Could Be Tracking You - But such tracking technology also raises privacy concerns, which are likely to heighten as the technology spreads. Some groups already worry about who will know where you are — and what they might do with the information.






· Clinton warns of global warming dangers - "If this continues for another couple of decades, part of South Africa will be under water, and we will lose 50 feet of Manhattan Island in New York."





· Pre-attack memo pressures UK intelligence - Pressure on Britain's intelligence services has intensified with the leaking of a memo in which they said just weeks before the London bombings that there was no group with the motive and means to attack.

· China's economy surges forward - China's economy grew 9.5 per cent in the first half of this year, according to the country's National Bureau of Statistics.





· Uncle Sam wants you – even if you’re 42 years old - The Defense Department quietly asked Congress on Monday to raise the maximum age for military recruits to 42 for all branches of the service.

· Pentagon names new chief Guantanamo defense lawyer - The Pentagon named a new chief defense lawyer on Tuesday for the Guantanamo Bay war crimes trials, called the death penalty unlikely in the first 12 cases and defended as fair a process critics deride as a "kangaroo court."

· Bases Could Be Added to Closure List - Military bases in 11 states and the nation's capital could be added to the Pentagon's list of proposed closures and downsizings but any such changes would be preliminary, the chairman of the commission reviewing the plan said Tuesday.

· Landstuhl treats its 25,000th patient in war on terror - Hospital in Germany is first stop for many wounded soldiers

· Pro-war parents: How to get your kid into uniform - This one is for you parents who think our fight in Iraq is a really swell idea.





· Immoral Relativism and Other Distractions of the Age of Bush - When it comes to acts that are clearly wrong, Bush and his top officials never hesitate to redefine reality to suit their needs.





· Mainstream Media Try to Hide the Impeachment Question - The latest poll shows more support for impeaching Bush now, than there was for impeaching Clinton when Congress did so in 1998. But the mainstream wimpmedia are reluctant to report on this.

· Veteran Newsman, PBS Host Paul Duke Dies - Paul Duke, whose storytelling skills and journalistic evenhandedness set the tone for the venerable public television show "Washington Week in Review," has died of leukemia, his former employer WETA-TV said Tuesday. He was 78.

· Justice Dept. Opposes Shield for Reporters - The Justice Department is opposing a bipartisan effort on Capitol Hill to protect journalists from having to reveal confidential sources, calling the legislation "bad public policy" that would impair the administration's ability "to effectively enforce the law and fight terrorism."

· Why Few Graphic Images from Iraq Make it to U.S. Papers - The Times' survey of six months of coverage found almost no pictures of Americans killed in action at a time when 559 Americans and Western allies died; the same publications ran just 44 photos from Iraq to represent the thousands of Westerners wounded during the same period. But according to photo services, pictures are sometimes transmitted and left unused.

· Former CNN anchor Bill Hemmer joins Fox News - CNN said it wanted to "improve the chemistry" in the morning when it replaced Hemmer with Miles O'Brien this spring. The New York-based Hemmer was reportedly offered a White House correspondent's job at CNN but declined.
TVNL Comment: Anyone who reads our newsletter will not be surprised by this. Hemmer was a joke and he is the farthest thing from a journalist. It is no surprise that he ended up on FOX.

· Web of Deceit: How Internet Freedom Got the Federal Ax, And Why Corporate News Censored the Story - Federal government--from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to the White House--and corporate mainstream media have worked cooperatively to quietly block open access to cyberspace. Seizing its infrastructure, corporate mainstream media have censored and covered up its logistical moves—including lobbies in Congress and the FCC, the filing of suits in state and federal courts, and quid pro quo with the highest government officials--to commandeer, monopolize, and turn the Internet into an extension of itself. From Fox News to CNN, there has been dead silence as the greatest bastion of democracy in history is being torn down and resurrected in its own image. Now, as the corporate newsrooms remain mum, it has gotten the green light from the highest federal court in the land.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· The Vitamin Wars - The Battle Intensifies - July 2005 produced several international regulatory challenges that will heavily impact the nutrient industry and alternative healing. As one observer's blog put it, "Pro-Illness forces are pushing hard to consolidate their gains at CODEX last week when the Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG) was passed without any dissenting voices."

· White House Memo Calls For Slashing Remaining Space Shuttle Flights - According to a White House staffer, a memo representing official Bush administration space policy calls for no more than 15 space shuttle flights before the fleet is retired in 2010.





· Senate passes same-sex legislation - Canada has become the fourth country to officially sanction same-sex marriage.

· UK soldiers face war crimes trial - Three British soldiers are facing war crimes charges as well as criminal charges in connection with the death of a detainee in Iraq in September 2003.

· Children starving to death in Niger - The poor African nation of Niger is in the grip of a devastating famine.
TVNL Comment: All this while Americans "super size" their meals and concenr themselves with runaway brides.

· Iraqi Constitution Draft Includes Curbs to Women's Rights - A working draft of Iraq's new constitution would cede a strong role to Islamic law and could sharply curb women's rights, particularly in personal matters like divorce and family inheritance.









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