Date: July 27th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Yesterday my father asked me if I watch the news on TV. He asked me this out of both curiosity and concern that I may not be as well informed as I need to be as I run My answer to him sums up the American broadcast news media. I told him that “I only watch the news to see what they are NOT telling us!” My dad laughed and he responded by saying that he really does not learn much when he watches.

So I repeat this because I feel it is worth repeating: I only watch TV news if I want to check up on what they are NOT reporting. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Bulgaria's Withdrawal from Iraq - Top Priority for Draft Cabinet - Withdrawing the Bulgarian military contingent in Iraq will be a major priority of the coalition between the country's Socialists and the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF).

· Bush was unprepared for post-war chaos - In Afghanistan, as well as Iraq, the report said, the post-war period has been marked by inefficient operations and billions of dollars of wasted resources. "The United States can no longer afford not to learn from it's experience," the report said.

· Despite $2 billion spent, residents say Baghdad is crumbling - "We thank God that the air we breathe is not in the hands of the government. Otherwise they would have cut it off for a few hours each day,"

· Iraq's catalogue of death - There has been no bigger grey area in the Iraq conflict than the number of ordinary Iraqis killed and injured.

· Algeria pulls staff out of Iraq - Algeria has withdrawn all its diplomats from Iraq following the kidnap of two of its staff last week.

· Four US soldiers killed in Iraq - The US military has just announced their deaths, although the incident happened two days ago.

· 'Dozens' killed in Afghan clashes - US and government forces have been responding to a surge in militant violence ahead of the September 18 parliamentary elections.

· Iran-Contra redux: Bush White House ran “off-the-books” covert operation for Iraq elections - Hersh’s exposé underscores both the bogus character of the “democracy” which the American government has established in Iraq and the severely eroded character of democratic forms of rule in the United States itself, where the Bush administration feels free to override legal restrictions, congressional oversight and even objections from within the military-intelligence apparatus itself.

· Conflicts' costs may exceed $700 billion - War in Iraq, Afghanistan saddles U.S. taxpayers with enormous debt, critics say; deficit spending blamed.





· White House To Withhold Nominee's Tax Returns - Although nominees to the high court in recent decades were required to provide their three most recent annual tax forms, the administration will neither collect such documents from Roberts nor share them with the Senate Judiciary Committee, the officials said. Instead, the Internal Revenue Service will produce a one-page summary.

· Former Bush aide turns critic as Iraq inspector - In a series of blistering public reports, he has detailed systemic management failings, lax or nonexistent oversight, and apparent fraud and embezzlement on the part of the U.S. officials charged with administering the rebuilding efforts.

· Is lying about the reason for a war an impeachable offense? - President George W. Bush has got a very serious problem. Before asking Congress for a joint resolution authorizing the use of U.S. military forces in Iraq, he made a number of unequivocal statements about the reason the United States needed to pursue the most radical actions any nation can undertake -- acts of war against another nation.

· Bush won't release Robert's papers from Iran-Contra Pardon days! - The White House refuses to release documents relating to SCOTUS nominee Roberts as Deputy Solicitor General under Ken Starr. This was when Roberts might have advised on the reprehensible GWH Bush pardons of the Iran Contra Gang.

· 10/5/01: Bush Pulls Security Clearances From 92 Senators - “We can’t have leaks of classified information. It’s not in our nation’s interest.” - President George W. Bush, 10/9/01








9/11 News :


· Muslim leader says U.S. behind Sept. 11 - A Melbourne Islamic leader says most Muslims in Australia believe the United States authorized the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.












· U.S. stands apart from other nations on maternity leave - With little public debate, the United States has chosen a radically different approach to maternity leave than the rest of the developed world. The United States and Australia are the only industrialized countries that don't provide paid leave for new mothers nationally, though there are exceptions in some U.S. states.

· Meet Your Real Government - CFR - Trilateral - Bilderberg Dominance of the U.S.A.

· State Constitutions that Discriminate Against Atheists - THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION Article VI. Clause 3: "... but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." - Amendment I: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;"






· GM crops created superweed, say scientists - Modified rape crosses with wild plant to create tough pesticide-resistant strain





· China Trade Surplus Seen at $90 Bln - China's Commerce Ministry has forecast the trade surplus with the United States to surpass $90 billion this year and that with the European Union to reach $60 billion, the China Securities Journal reported on Wednesday.

· Russia to offer $US100m Moon trips - A space tourist would blast off from Baikonur in Kazakhstan on a Soyuz rocket, spend a week on the International Space Station (ISS) and then leave the ISS to travel around the moon before returning to earth, the paper said.

· AG to indict Omri Sharon on campaign fraud charges - The prime minister's son, MK Omri Sharon, is to be indicted Wednesday for flouting campaign finance laws, forging corporate documents, perjury and breach of trust, Attorney General Menachem Mazuz announced Tuesday.

· Italy issues warrants for alleged U.S. spies - In a further strain on Italian-U.S. relations, an appeals court in Milan issued arrest warrants Monday for six more purported CIA operatives accused of helping plan the 2003 kidnapping of a radical Egyptian Muslim cleric, a court official said.





· As Recruiting Suffers, Military Reins In Abuses at Boot Camp - Sergeant Rhoades says he is being punished unfairly for techniques that have long been part of basic training. "It's commonly known that all drill sergeants work in the gray area," he said. "If you don't, you aren't doing your job."

· Army Probes Guard Unit - LINK - Members of a California battalion in Iraq are under investigation for alleged abuse of detainees and extortion of merchants.
TVNL Comment: Support the troops.

· Pentagon Blocks Release of Abu Ghraib Images: Here's Why - Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told Congress last year, after viewing a large cache of unreleased images: "I mean, I looked at them last night, and they're hard to believe.” They show acts "that can only be described as blatantly sadistic, cruel and inhumane," he added.

· Guardsman Gets 18 Months on Lesser Charge - An Indiana National Guard soldier charged with murder in the death of an Iraqi police officer unraveled the truth behind months of conflicting stories with a clear statement of guilt.

· U.S. military admits error in news releases - The U.S. military expressed regret Monday for issuing news releases about two separate attacks in Iraq that included almost identical quotes attributed to an unidentified Iraqi.
TVNL Comment: What is their error? The fact that they got caught lying? Again!

· Munition exposure linked to brain cancer in US vets - Gulf War veterans exposed to chemical munitions at Khamisiyah, Iraq are nearly twice as likely as their unexposed peers from the same war to die from brain cancer, according to a report in the American Journal of Public Health.





· Blair is another Chamberlain - in denial and wrong - Consider what confessing the war was a mistake would mean for the Prime Minister

· Bush’s legacy: a bankrupt, bombed-out world - He has single-handedly created a back-breaking deficit, crippled the public school system, made it harder for ordinary Americans to declare personal bankruptcy while at the same time knee-capping them in terms of class-action lawsuits, dragged religion into politics, passed tax cuts to benefit the rich and kissed the collective butt of every major CEO in the country. (Maybe we should see how much the White House spends on Chaptstick, as well.) - His grand vision for the future involves destroying Social Security, further crippling the economy via CAFTA, aiding the rich by eliminating the estate tax, promoting a guest-worker immigration policy to benefit businesses who don’t want to pony up to minimum wage, endorse private border patrols and diverting much needed “Homeland Security” dollars from highly populated areas in order to protect the weeds in Wook, Iowa. (No offense to Wook.)

· Bush is Not an American - With Bush and his gang of goons at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue so hell-bent at destroying the Constitution and America, I don’t have time to be polite. Bush is a heartless bastard who doesn’t play by the rules so why should those of us who still love this country too much to see it destroyed by this madman?





· Christian Publisher Pans Potter, Presents Bible-Based Comic Alternative - The publisher of the "Truth for Youth" Bible is addressing the dangers of the Harry Potter book series with a new, youth-targeted resource -- a scripture-based comic book.
TVNL Comment: Thi is idiocy. The "dangers" of "Harry Potter?" How many people on this planet have died because of Harry Potter and how many people on this planet were murdered, killed, wounded, obliterated or scared in the name of some bible or holy book? I ask you, which is more dangerous; Harry Potter or the Bible? Think about it.

· Tom Friedman; feeding the war machine - Tom Friedman is the undeclared spokesman of the American establishment. His articles represent a distillation of the current thinking among a broad range of American mandarins, particularly members of the powerful CFR; (Council on Foreign Relations) the driving force behind much of America’s foreign policy. He is the imperial chronicler; the man responsible for promoting the narrow interests of elites and transforming the crimes of the empire into a narrative of generosity and goodwill. If one can decode Friedman’s bi-weekly hieroglyphic, they can also understand how elites use the media to manage public perceptions.

· BILL O'REILLY IN DRAG - Michelle Malkin, sometimes known as Bill O’Reilly in drag, opened one of her recent syndicated rants with this question: “Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Civil-liberties activists, anti-war organizers, eco-militants and animal-rights operatives are in a fright over news that the nefarious FBI is watching them. Why on earth would the government be worried about harmless liberal grannies, innocent vegetarians, unassuming rainforest lovers and other ‘peaceful groups’ simply exercising their First Amendment rights?”

· Clear Channel claims to be part of the government - Texas-based Clear Channel Communications is in the news again for yet one more shocking abuse of its corporate power. It is now claiming, against all sense and reason, that one of its concert stadiums qualifies it as part of the Florida government which performs an "essential governmental purpose" and that it should therefore be above the law.

· 'Chavez TV' beams into South America - A swastika painted on a US flag flashes across the screen. Out of sight a voice proclaims: "Let's recover our memory and history from the claws of the Empire ..." The voice is replaced by anti-imperialist chants and metallic sounds, then the screen goes dark. - Welcome to Telesur, Latin America's answer to CNN and the BBC World Service.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!















· Innocent suspects confess under pressure - A new study finds some people under interrogation will confess to crimes they did not commit, either to end the questioning or because they become convinced they did it. - An unrelated study last year found it is fairly easy to create false memories in people in a lab setting.



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