Date: July 28th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Having Congress, and our entire government especially the Bush clan, make every decision based on the best interest of corporations makes me a tiny bit like the people who were taken as slaves in the US. I am starting to know what they felt like (in a tiny way) when the government would pass legislation that empowered or benefited slave owners while taking their rights away. We are slaves to our employers and it is only getting worse.

Congress is owned and operated by corporations. The people (taxpayers) no longer have representation. Our system of government has failed as a result of greed. America is not the great nation we once were and still might someday be. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Roadside Bomb Kills 2 U.S. Troops in Iraq - Roadside bombs killed two American soldiers in northern Baghdad and ignited a train carrying fuel in the south of Iraq's capital, killing two Iraqis and wounding six others, officials said Thursday.

· Water plant attack kills seven Iraqi soldiers - Iraq Militants have shot and killed seven Iraqi soldiers who were guarding a water plant north of Baghdad.

· Turkey Calls for U.S. Action on Kurdish Guerrillas - Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan warned on Thursday he could take action against Kurdish guerrillas in Iraq if U.S. forces did not stop the rebels infiltrating across the border into Turkey.

· 'Bomb' hits Iraqi oil train - A suspected bomb on a railway line has hit a train carrying oil products near Baghdad, causing a huge fire.

· Algerian envoys killed by captors - Algeria has confirmed that its two abducted diplomats in Iraq have been killed by their captors.

· Kurds Won't Back Down From Federalism - Iraqi Kurds will never back down from demands for a federal state despite problems this may create in efforts to draft a new constitution, a top Kurdish leader said Wednesday. U.S. officials pressed Iraq to meet the deadline for completing the charter.

· Suicide bomber kills 5 at Baghdad hospital-police - A suicide bomber blew himself up at the entrance to a Baghdad hospital on Wednesday, killing at least five people and wounding 10, police sources said.

· Iraq Wants Quick Withdrawal of U.S. Troops - Iraq's transitional prime minister called Wednesday for a speedy withdrawal of U.S. troops and the top U.S. commander here said he believed a "fairly substantial" pullout could begin next spring and summer.





· Condoleezza Rice at the Center of the Plame Scandal - The evidence of Rice's complicity is increasingly damning as it gathers over a six-year twisting chronology of the Nigerien uranium-Wilson-Plame affair, particularly when set beside what we also know very well about the inside operations of the NSC and Rice's unique closeness to Bush, her tight grip on her staff, and the power and reach that went with it all.

· A dangerous leak - WHATEVER THE legal outcome of special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's investigation of officials who disclosed the identity of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame, it is already evident that they have caused a great deal of harm.

· All the President's Men - and Women - Now, the PlameGate scandal is quickly bringing attention to a long list of other key figures of the first and second term Bush teams:

· Prosecutor In CIA Leak Case Casting A Wide Net - The special prosecutor in the CIA leak probe has interviewed a wider range of administration officials than was previously known, part of an effort to determine whether anyone broke laws during a White House effort two years ago to discredit allegations that President Bush used faulty intelligence to justify the Iraq war, according to several officials familiar with the case.





· More Kids Living With Parents With No Jobs - Nearly 4 million children live with parents who had no jobs in the previous year, an increase of 1 million since the beginning of the decade, a national charity says.

· Consumer confidence slips - Confidence dipped as consumers took a more mixed view of their job and wage prospects. The proportion of those surveyed saying jobs were "hard to get" in the survey increased to 23.8 percent from 22.5 percent, but those asserting jobs were "plentiful" held steady at 22.5 percent.



9/11 News :


· Author Paul J. Landis Reveals 9/11 Insights in New Book "A Real 9/11 Commission" - Author of "Stop Bush Now," author Paul J. Landis' most recent book, "A Real 9/11 Commission," offers new insights into the 9/11 tragedy, while also posing new questions about President Bush, the U.S. Congress and the war in Iraq.







· Energy lobby contributes big - and it pays - Oil and utility companies spent $367 million over the last two years pushing Congress to pass energy legislation. For many, the money was a good investment: Lawmakers are poised to pass a measure providing $11.6 billion in taxpayer subsidies.

· In Bush Win, House Narrowly Approves CAFTA - The House narrowly approved the Central American Free Trade Agreement early Thursday, a personal triumph for President Bush, who campaigned aggressively for the accord he said would foster prosperity and democracy in the hemisphere.
TVNL Comment: Another loss for the American worker.

· DeLay Still Up To Dirty Tricks - Tom DeLay thinks the federal treasury is his personal piggy bank. DeLay slipped “a $1.5 billion giveaway to the oil industry, Halliburton, and Sugar Land, Texas” into the energy bill. - But this isn’t a normal case of government pork. DeLay has completely dispensed with the democratic process. From a letter Rep. Henry Waxman just sent Speaker Dennis Hastert:





· More children may be uninsured than thought - For every child who lacks health insurance, another has gaps in coverage and is just as likely to miss out on seeing a doctor or getting a prescription refilled, suggests a new comprehensive study of federal data.

· Nasa grounds space shuttle fleet - The US space agency Nasa has said it is grounding the space shuttle fleet while engineers investigate debris which fell from Discovery during its launch.

· Think This Isn't A Police State? Think Again - As should be clear by now, our government in general, and the Bush administration in particular, considers the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment to be dangerous and presumptively subversive. For President Bush, his hatred and fear of free expression ranges from the laughable (staged town hall meetings), to the disconcerting ("free speech zones"), to the downright frightening (the National Security Service).

· BBV Board Member Arrested in San Diego for Viewing Vote-Tallying - Jim March, a member of the Black Box Voting board of directors, was arrested Tuesday evening for trying to observe the Diebold central tabulator (vote tallying machine) as the votes were being counted in San Diego's mayoral election (July 26).

· U.S. Officials Retool Slogan for Terror War - The Bush administration is retooling its slogan for the fight against Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, pushing the idea that the long-term struggle is as much an ideological battle as a military mission, senior administration and military officials said Monday.






· E.P.A. Holds Back Report on Car Fuel Efficiency - With Congress poised for a final vote on the energy bill, the Environmental Protection Agency made an 11th-hour decision Tuesday to delay the planned release of an annual report on fuel economy.
TVNL Comment: Add this to the long list of information that has been manipulated or hidden from the public by an agency under the Bush administration. The list is endless.

· US in plan to bypass Kyoto protocol - The United States and Australia have been working in secret for 12 months on an alternative to the Kyoto protocol and will reveal today a joint pact with China, India and South Korea to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

· India's heaviest rains leave 450 feared dead - Weather officials are predicting more heavy rains for the city of 15 million, where schools, banks, stock markets and airports are closed and public transport barely operating.





· Brazilian did not wear bulky jacket - Jean Charles de Menezes, the Brazilian shot dead in the head, was not wearing a heavy jacket that might have concealed a bomb, and did not jump the ticket barrier when challenged by armed plainclothes police, his cousin said yesterday.

· Bomb Probe - As British police uncover new leads, the Blair government is trying to avoid a U.S.-style probe into whether the London attacks could have been prevented.

· Putin orders preventive strikes against terrorists - Russian President Vladimir Putin today asked security forces to carry out preventive strikes against terrorists.





· Military, Bush team clashed on questioning -report - Senior U.S. military lawyers strong disagreed in 2003 with an administration legal task force's conclusion that President Bush had authority to order harsh interrogations of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the New York Times reported.

· Soldier Said to Witness Prison Beatings - A National Guardsman testifying at a hearing for U.S. soldiers accused of killing an Iraq general said he saw classified U.S. personnel beat prisoners with a sledgehammer handle and mock the general's death, according to a transcript.

· Army rejects grannies' bid to fight in Iraq - Five greying anti-war activists from a group dubbed the "Raging Grannies" could be sent to jail after demanding to be enlisted in the US Army to fight in Iraq, one of them says.

· US troops on Iraq abuse charges - Eleven American soldiers serving in Iraq have been charged with mistreating detainees while on operations in the Baghdad area, the US military has said.

· US military hits ammunition shortages - The United States cannot keep up with military demand for ammunition which has more than doubled since the war on terrorism and the invasion of Iraq were launched, according to a Congress watchdog report.

· Testing for depleted uranium in La. soldiers passes into law - Louisiana became the first state in the nation to pass a bill to give to all military veterans returning from Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom the right to be tested for depleted uranium (DU) contamination.





· Enron offers example of greed run rampant - My question: What's the difference between Lay and Osama bin Laden? There's no punch line. Enron's acts of terror, greedily committed for personal gain, are not laughable.

· The Globalization of State Terror - The preemptive doctrine overturns the conclusions of the Nuremburg Tribunals that “War is the Supreme Crime” from which all the lesser crimes naturally flow. It elevates war to a viable form of foreign policy; an acceptable means of establishing one state’s superiority over another.

· Who's Taking Blame for Christian Violence? - Contrary to what some might like to insist, Christianity is not the religion of "an eye for an eye" but it is the religion of Jesus, who refined those earlier directions and distilled the ten commandments into two. One was to "love thy neighbor as thyself." Pretty definitive isn't it? As is the edict of turning the other cheek. - So where are the Christian leaders when it comes to violent actions by our Western leaders? Where are the televangelists, who every Sunday take over the airwaves to trumpet the message of Jesus, when it comes to taking on bunker busting bombs and mass carnage? - Where are they when it comes to the death penalty prevalent in the majority of American states? - When President George Bush insists that billions of dollars need to continue flowing to the war effort in Iraq which leads to more American body bags and Iraqi graves, why is there no outcry?





· A New Blacklist for "Excuse Makers" - New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman has urged the U.S. government to create blacklists of condemned political speech--not only by those who advocate violence, but also by those who believe that U.S. government actions may encourage violent reprisals. The latter group, which Friedman called "just one notch less despicable than the terrorists," includes a majority of Americans, according to recent polls.

· Communications Decency Act (CDA) Lawsuit - The court agreed that NCSF members and Barbara Nitke are genuinely at risk of prosecution under the CDA and that their speech has in fact been inhibited.

· Reporter Finds U.S. Sniper in Iraq Who Shot Knight Ridder Correspondent - One of the most remarkable stories of the Iraq war appears today at the online magazine Salon, written by its longtime foreign correspondent Phillip Robertson. Amazingly, he managed this month to track down the American sniper who apparently shot and killed Knight Ridder correspondent Yasser Salihee on June 24.

· SIMPSON UPSET ABOUT MISSING IRAQ FOOTAGE - But all the controversial moments and harrowing footage of the trip didn't appear in the fun-filled TV show. - Simpson says, "It was unbelievable. They didn't show a lot of what really went on with the enemy attacks and the shelling. There was so much stuff that went on and somehow the tapes got mysteriously misplaced.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Cancer bomb zaps tumor cells in mice - A smart anti-cancer bomb that acts like a Trojan horse can penetrate deep into tumors where it explodes and destroys cancerous cells without harming healthy ones, scientists said on Wednesday.

· Stem cell researchers create new brain cells - Swedish researchers have created new functioning brain cells from stem cells drawn from the brains of living adults, sparking hope that effective treatments for devastating illnesses like Parkinson's and Alzheimer's could be at hand, media report.

· Magnesium - Common conditions linked to a deficiency





· Iraq police accused of torture - Iraq's new police force is facing mounting allegations of systematic abuse and torture of people in detention, as well as allegations of extra-judicial killings.

· War crimes charges worry UK soldiers - The comments by Colonel Bill Dunham, chief of staff of the British-led division in southern Iraq, follow a decision to charge another colonel with negligence after the death of an Iraqi, allegedly at the hands of his troops.

· Guardsman: CIA beat Iraqis with hammer handles - CIA officials used a sledgehammer handle to beat various prisoners in Iraq, and one official, whose name is classified, would often brag about his abuse of prisoners, according to testimony in a closed session of a military hearing.





· · Priest confesses to stealing $1.6M - A former pastor of a Southwest Side Catholic church pleaded guilty today to stealing $1.6 million from the parish.

· - The "Magic Bomb" Theory - This is a story about disappearing terrorists, nonexistent bags, and botched investigations, but most of all, this is a story about magic bombs.



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