Date: July 30th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: As I was sitting eating a burger in a Park Slope restaurant last night, I overheard the conversation taking place at the table next to me. One man was telling the other two people at his table that he would rather be killed in his car if a bomb went off opposed to from a blast in the subways.

Hearing this conversation made me think of a few things. It made me think of where I would want to be if I had to be blown up by a bomb; and the answer to that is sitting on Dick Cheney’s lap, for the obvious reasons. It also made me wonder if this man knew that while he was worried about a bomb killing him someday, he was actually being killed right now by Bush’s policies on the environment and health care.

Isn’t it nice to know that the president makes us feel so safe that a conversation like the one I described had to take place? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· New Calls for Coalition Forces to Count Iraqi Casualties - ''The U.S.-led Coalition that instigated the war claims to have acted on behalf of the Iraqi people,'' The Lancet added. ''At the very least, Iraq's beleaguered citizens deserve to be told the true price--in numbers of lost human lives--they have paid for a conflict undertaken in their names.''

· U.S. Copter Crash in Afghanistan Wounds 2 - The AH-64 Apache gunship was conducting exercises on a helicopter firing range near the main American base at Bagram, north of the capital of Kabul, the U.S. military said in a statement.

· Iraqis seethe over civilian death toll - "The reason they shot us is just because the Americans are reckless," the general said from his hospital bed hours after the July 6 shooting, his head wrapped in a white bandage. "Nobody punishes them or blames them."

· Suicide bomber kills five - The bomb exploded at an Iraqi police checkpoint set up near the National Theatre in the Karada district in the centre of the capital.

· Two Britons killed in Iraq - Two British civilians have been killed and two Iraqi children have been wounded after a bomb blew up near a convoy, south-west of Basra, in southern Iraq

· Afghan blast wounds three - "Two US service members and an Afghan interpreter were wounded early today when their patrol was struck by an improvised explosive device north of Deh Rawood in Uruzgan province," the statement said.





· KARL ROVE and VARIOUS SPIES HE IS LINKED TO - The story includes multinational stool pigeon Rocco Martino, Italian spy Francesco Pazienza, wanted CIA spy Robert Seldon Lady, and Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin, who's under charges of giving US secrets to Israel.

· Bush Plans to Return to Ranch in August - It will be the president's 50th trip to the ranch since he was elected nearly five years ago.
TVNL Comment: Let's hope he reads his security briefs while he is there!!!

· Iraq-Niger: Cheney and the Forgery - By now it should be clear that the White House assault on former ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife had much less to do with personalities than with the “particular lie” that Wilson exposed. I believe this helps to explain the highly unusual role Vice President Dick Cheney played regarding the forged “intelligence” about Iraq seeking to acquire uranium from Niger—the source of that particular lie.





· Morgan Stanley to lay off 1,000 - Morgan Stanley, the world's biggest securities firm, is cutting about 1,000 retail brokers to boost profitability in a business that trails Merrill Lynch & Co. and Citigroup Inc.



9/11 News :


· The Bush Who Seems to be in All the Right Places - I have to marvel at how the corporate media, and the various government and quasi-government bodies that investigated or are investigating 9-11, have ignored curious things involving the Bush family. - That said, just imagine if it had been President Clinton in the White House on Sept. 11, 2001, and if it was his brother who had been on the board of a company that had handled the electronic security for those towers! My god, the press and the right-wing attack machine would have been all over it in a moment and non-stop thereafter.

· CIA Tries to Bury Truth on bin Laden Escape - Berntsen claims in a federal court lawsuit that the CIA is over-classifying his manuscript and has repeatedly missed deadlines written into its own regulations to review his book. - During the 2004 election, President Bush and other senior administration officials repeatedly said that commanders did not know whether bin Laden was at Tora Bora when U.S. and allied Afghan forces attacked there in 2001.







· Senate Approves Limits on Gun Crime Lawsuits - # The bill sought by the NRA would restrict claims against firearms makers and dealers.

· Senate Approves Partial Renewal of Patriot Act - The Senate approved legislation last night that would make permanent most provisions of the USA Patriot Act anti-terrorism law while placing new limitations on the government's use of secret search and surveillance powers.

· Union chief rips Bean for backing trade pact - Freshman Democrat Melissa Bean will "pay a serious price" for voting for the Central American Free Trade Agreement in the U.S. House, a top labor leader said Thursday, predicting that unions will deny her crucial support in her effort to hold on to her northwest suburban congressional seat.





· Ruling Sets Off Tug of War Over Private Property - More than a month after the Supreme Court ruled that governments could take one person's property and give it to another in the name of public interest, the decision has set off a storm of legislative action and protest, as states have moved to protect homes and businesses from the expanded reach of eminent domain.

· Judge rules against parts of Patriot Act - A federal judge has ruled that some provisions of the U.S. Patriot Act dealing with foreign terrorist organizations remain too vague to be understood by a person of average intelligence and are therefore unconstitutional.

· E-voting machines rejected - State says Diebold failures in massive mock election could translate to problems at polls
TVNL Comment: The massive mock election took place in 2004 and put Bush back in office!






· Scientists sound alarm on Arctic ice cap - Satellite data for the month of June show Arctic sea ice has shrunk to a record low, raising concerns about climate change, coastal erosion, and changes to wildlife patterns.





· International Consensus: Bush Terrorism Strategy Failing - Rather, explains report author Reuven Paz, ‘the vast majority of Arabs killed in Iraq have never taken part in any terrorist activity prior to their arrival in Iraq.’”

· MACK VS. VENEZUELA - As some Latin American analysts complain that Washington has declared "electronic war" on Venezuela with a plan to target the country for special radio and television broadcasts, it remains uncertain whether the project will ever get off the ground.

· Israeli's U.S. trip canceled over China weapons flap - Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz has canceled a trip to Washington due to new U.S. demands to oversee Israeli weapons exports, part of a growing crisis over Israeli arms sales to China, an Israeli defense official said.

· Thousands predicted to die as famine grips Niger - The World Health Organisation (WHO) is now warning that mass deaths could occur in a population already weak with hunger.

· New post to help Castro 'demise' - US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has announced the creation of a new post to help "accelerate the demise" of the Castro regime in Cuba.
TVNL Comment:
America...Dictator to the world! What arrogance!

· Further attacks likely, says police chief - Belfast Telegraph Home > News Further attacks likely, says police chief By Terry Kirby, Cahal Milmo, Oliver Duff and Terri Judd 29 July 2005 The risk of another terror attack remains very high, Sir Ian Blair warned yesterday as an unprecedented security operation began on Britain's transport system.
TVNL Comment: Scare us a little more. You know second hand smoke kills millions every year and our governments support the tobacco industry. Pollution contributes to asthma & hear disease yet
George W. Bush has killed many environmental protection laws. Who's the real threat? Who are the real terrorists?





· U.S. Army to Leave 13 Bases in Germany - The U.S. Army will pull out of 13 bases in southern Germany as part of its repositioning of American forces around the world, its European headquarters said Friday.

· U.S. Evicted From Air Base In Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan formally evicted the United States yesterday from a military base that has served as a hub for combat and humanitarian missions to Afghanistan since shortly after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, Pentagon and State Department officials said yesterday.





· Bush Wins CAFTA But Loses Wider War - The rancorous CAFTA debate will undermine the Bush team's ability to provide trade leadership and pursue its trade strategy. In the longer term, the sharp partisan divide over CAFTA underlines a fundamental schism over the direction of trade policy. Unless this divide can be bridged, U.S. leadership in favor of a liberal world trading system will be even more severely tested in the future.

· Dogmatic Fundamentalists are Giving Christianity a Bad Name - I am really getting tired of hearing fundamentalist right wingers walking and talking as if they have cornered the market on Christianity and morality. It couldn't be further from the truth.

· Is Selling Out America Standard Republican Policy? - It’s hard to tell what Right wingers, who are the bulk of the Republican party, are really loyal to. It’s a safe bet that at the top of the list you’ll find church, money and or corporations. You may find the NRA.





· TV Anchors; field-marshals in the Information-war - The entire campaign went forward without a glitch demonstrating the impeccable efficiency of a privately-owned information-system.

· MSNBC Shifts Tucker Carlson to Late Night - MSNBC will shift Tucker Carlson's low-rated talk show out of prime-time in much of the country to 11 p.m. EDT, with ex-Fox News Channel anchor Rita Cosby filling his time slot.
TVNL Comment: Competing with Comedy Central's Daily Show?

· Judy Miller: How Deep Do Her Connections Run? - - The more I'm reading about Judy Miller and her actions leading up to and during the early days of the war, and then through the unfolding Plame-Rove-Libby-Gonzalez-Card scandal, the more I’m struck by the special access and relationships she enjoyed with many of the key players in the Iraq debacle (which, at the end of the day, is really what Plamegate is all about).

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Australian smokers will be extinct by 2030, researchers say - Smoking will be virtually extinct in Australia within 25 years and more frowned upon than spitting in the street, according to researchers who have scientifically mapped the end of the smoking epidemic.

· Conservative Ideology Hinders U.S. AIDS Policy - This new requirement will affect approximately $2.2 billion in federal funding distributed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).

· Autism - Cut The Crap - While adverse effects of vaccines to a small number of susceptible individuals might seem justified in the interest of the greater good to mankind, the brain-injuring effects arising as a result of the government forcing parents to inject a known poison into their precious children should not be tolerated.





· White House Redefines The Meaning Of "Torture" - Last week, we wrote of the Bush Faction's increasingly successful drive to establish the principle of unlimited presidential authority -- beyond the reach of any law or constitutional restriction -- as the new foundation of a militarist American state. This relentless push toward autocracy gained even more strength in recent days, in two cases centering on what has emerged as the very core of President George W. Bush's authoritarian philosophy: torture.





· Israeli Security to Protect London's Underground - An Israeli security firm has been chosen to provide security for London’s Underground train network.
TVNL Comment: This is dated 2004, before the
London attacks. Why is it that Israeli security companies seem to be running the show when terror attacks occur? The same can be said for the events of 9/11 where: All 911 Airports Serviced by Same Israeli Security Firm!



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