Date: July 31st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Did you ever wonder what would happen if some virus or life form that was capable of destroying all other life was introduced to this planet? Did you ever wonder what would happen if a virus appeared and it started to consume all the oxygen, or destroy all sea life, or eliminate the food supply? Perhaps it would create a toxic cloud that would poison us or starve our planet from life sustaining sunlight?

What if some life form appeared on earth and it did not conform to the patterns of all other life forms in that it did not respect the rule of nature that makes say all life forms depend on other life forms for their survival. Remember harming one life form can critically damage the food chain and/or our life sustaining eco-systems.

Well, that virus exists, and it is called the Human being. Human beings are currently ending life on Earth. We are destroying the life sustaining eco-systems that we can not live without. The media might want to educate the public about the criminal governments all over the world who are permitting this to happen in the name of corporate and individual greed. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

QUESTION: Have you forwarded this e-mail to anyone today? Consider doing so for you will be helping to inform the people of this nation about the vital issues that are hidden from them by our corporate media. Make this nation a better place, educate, inform and enlighten your fellow citizens!

If you believe that the American corporate media are our greatest enemy let the people know how you feel.

NOTE: You can respond to my daily comments on my blog, located here:




· Bodies of kidnapped airport employees, driver found in southwestern Baghdad - The bodies of two Baghdad International Airport employees and their driver, kidnapped earlier this week, were discovered Saturday in a field in southwestern Baghdad, police and hospital officials said.

· Gunmen kidnap female official in Baghdad - "Unknown armed men abducted Iman Naji Abdul-Razzaq, the director general of the projects department in the Health Ministry, in Baghdad's Mansur district," an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua on condition of anonymity.

· Key No 10 aides were split over war - ... the minutes of a meeting of Tony Blair’s war cabinet on July 23, 2003, leaked to The Sunday Times, record Hoon saying "the US had begun spikes of activity to put pressure on the regime". - Ministers have since insisted that the stepped-up attacks, which began in May 2002, were as a result of increased Iraqi activity and were not an attempt to provoke a response that would give the allies an excuse for war. - The figures do not support those claims. In the first seven months of 2001 the allies recorded a total of 370 "provocations" by the Iraqis against allied aircraft. But in the seven months between October 2001 and May 2002 there were just 32.

· Officials: Blast survivors hit by gunfire - Some survivors of a suicide bombing targeting Iraqi army recruits were shot and wounded immediately afterward when U.S. and Iraqi soldiers opened fire at the scene, police, doctors and witnesses said Saturday.





· Cheney's boundless Iraq profiteering - Halliburton has a $US2.5 billion contract for managing the fuel distribution system in Iraq. The man from LOI says that "we have not, to date, seen a functioning KBR (Kellogg Brown and Root) piece of equipment to where we deliver". He also says that his chaps have only come across one KBR employee at these sites.

· Bush to defy Senate and send his man to the UN - FRUSTRATED by five months of wrangling and recriminations, President George W Bush is expected to appoint John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations this week in defiance of Democrat senators and critics in his own party.








9/11 News :


· 9/11 and the Mainstream Press - In any case, what was needed at that stage was someone to play the role of the judge, determining, from an impartial perspective, whether a prima facie case for the guilt of the Bush administration had been made. - This role should have been played by the press. But the mainstream press instead offered itself as a mouthpiece for the administration’s conspiracy theory.












· Eminent domania! - Justice Stephen Breyer has joined his high-court colleague David Souter in feeling the wrath of the public, specifically the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire, which wants the city of Plainfield, N.H., to seize Breyer's 167-acre vacation retreat by eminent domain.











· Terror suspect gives first account of London attack - Rome captive 'says Iraq sparked plot'

· Iraq Dances With Iran, While America Seethes - Before American forces invaded, some analysts in Washington predicted that Iran would hold little appeal for Iraq's 17 million Shiites because they are Arabs while most of Iran's Shiites are Persians, historical enemies of the Arabs. That view failed to anticipate the depth of tension and violence that have now divided Iraq's Arabs, largely along lines of the two main branches of Islam, Sunni and Shiite. Still, American officials hold to the belief that, in the end, Iraqi nationalism, which Shiites here share, will keep Iraq from being pulled into Iran's orbit.

· Italian anti-terror law enacted - The bill includes surveillance of the internet and phone networks and making it easier to detain suspects.
TVNL Comment: Big Brother goes to

· UK warns Iran over nuclear plans - The US believes Iran is trying to build a nuclear bomb, but Iran insists its programme is for civilian use only.
TVNL Comment: The stage for an invasion is being set.

· Thousands gather in support of retaining pacifist Article 9 - Thousands of people attended a rally Saturday in Tokyo to protest against changing the war-renouncing Article 9 of the Constitution.

· Man Admits Role in Failed London Attack - A suspect in the failed London transit bombings admitted Saturday to a role in the attack but said it was only intended to be an attention-grabbing strike, not a deadly one, a legal expert familiar with the investigation said.





· U.S. troops set up base near Syria First post north of Euphrates will attempt to stem flow of would-be suicide bombers - American troops have established the first long-term military base along a major smuggling route near the Syrian border in a new effort to block potential suicide bombers from reaching targets in Baghdad and other major Iraqi cities.

· Inouye: GOP Not Doing Enough for Troops - In the Democrats' weekly radio address, Inouye said Senate Republicans were focusing on legislation sought by the gun lobby while ignoring the needs of troops.





· Why would Congress approve more free trade? - Ben Franklin said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.





· Blogs -- the future of journalism? - Oh, and by the way, instead of being seen as an even-handed forum for the truth, there is widespread distrust of traditional media -- especially after scandals like Jayson Blair, who was found to be fabricating sources and even stories from whole cloth while working at the New York Times.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· World Not Set To Deal With Flu - Public health officials preparing to battle what they view as an inevitable influenza pandemic say the world lacks the medical weapons to fight the disease effectively, and will not have them anytime soon.

· Hormone Therapy Reclassified as Carcinogenic - The United Nations cancer agency has concluded that hormone-replacement therapy, taken by millions of women around the world, causes cancer, but it said that does not mean women should automatically stop the treatment.

· More Than 100 Guyanese to Receive Eye Care in Cuba - More than 100 Guyanese citizens will travel to Cuba to receive free eye treatment next week, the latest cooperation program between the communist country and its Caribbean neighbors, an official said Saturday.





· Exclusive: Secret Memo—Send to Be Tortured - An FBI agent warned superiors in a memo three years ago that U.S. officials who discussed plans to ship terror suspects to foreign nations that practice torture could be prosecuted for conspiring to violate U.S. law, according to a copy of the memo obtained by NEWSWEEK.

· Iraq's Child Prisoners - A Sunday Herald investigation has discovered that coalition forces are holding more than 100 children in jails such as Abu Ghraib. Witnesses claim that the detainees – some as young as 10 – are also being subjected to rape and torture

· Carter: Guantanamo Detentions Disgraceful - Former President Carter said Saturday the detention of terror suspects at the Guantanamo Bay Naval base was an embarrassment and had given extremists an excuse to attack the United States.





· Prime Terror Suspects: Israeli Security Companies Have the Means, Motive and Opportunity - Nobody other than the security company needs to be in on it. Others may be honestly looking for answers and following false leads and planted evidence. The security company can easily send governments and investigators on wild goose chases.- Conspiracy theories are weak if they involve too many people.



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