Date: August 1st 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: When the US decides to cut or withhold “aid” to a nation or an organization because that nation or organization does something that is not in line with American interests then the term “aid” is being misused. Aid is just what it sounds like, help or assistance. Holding back aid over a political disagreement is unethical and immoral.

If a nation holds back funds because another nation or body does not comply with America’s demands those funds should be referred to as “payments” or a “bribes”. Very simply put “aid”, which is “help” or “assistance” should not be held hostage to politics. Either call it what it is or tell the truth about the unethical politics behind it. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Lawsuit details emerge over CIA Iraq intelligence - A former employee said the USA's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was told by an informant in the spring of 2001 that Iraq had abandoned a major element of its nuclear weapons program, the New York Times has reported.

· Key No 10 aides were split over war - Some in No 10 were clearly shocked to find themselves in a box with no escape plan.”





· Roberts sought to shift course of civil rights law – In prolific missives of a few pages and densely-written 30-page legal memos, Roberts -- whose co-workers recall had primary responsibility for civil rights matters in his office -- consistently sought to bolster the legal reasoning for the administration's new stances and to burnish its presentation of the policies to Congress and the public.

· When They Knew - As the investigation tightens into the leak of the identity of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame, sources tell TIME some White House officials may have learned she was married to former ambassador Joseph Wilson weeks before his July 6, 2003, Op-Ed piece criticizing the Administration. That prospect increases the chances that White House official Karl Rove and others learned about Plame from within the Administration rather than from media contacts.





· How Wall Street Wrecked United's Pension - Had anyone listened to Doug Wilsman, tens of thousands of United Airlines employees would not be facing big cuts in their pensions. And the federal agency that guarantees pensions might not be struggling with its biggest losses ever.

· Morgan Stanley to lay off 1,000 - Morgan Stanley, the world's biggest securities firm, is cutting about 1,000 retail brokers to boost profitability in a business that trails Merrill Lynch & Co. and Citigroup Inc.



9/11 News :


· · KOCO-TV Suppresses an Explosive 9/11 News Report - A declassified CIA document confirms that the agency not only infiltrates terror cells, it also manipulates them (CIA-RDP85-00671R000200250001-4). I suspect that this 9/11 ticket purchase gives an example of their style of "manipulation."

· FBI Confiscates Personal Property Of Former U.S. Army Corporal Who Blew Whistle On 1976 Government funded "Perfect Terrorist Plan" To Topple Twin Towers - A former U.S. Army corporal who blew the whistle on a 1976 government funded study to topple the Twin Towers using jetliners, Arab terrorists and box cutters on July 6 had four FBI agents threaten to "tear his apartment apart" if he didn't turn over his legally obtained Department of Defense ID card.







· Democratic Minority Leader Sen. Harry Reid Blasts Bush Admin. Interview: 'This Administration is Drunk with Power' - "What it shows me is that the President is not a person of his word. He said almost two years ago that if anyone in his Administration was caught being involved in this, they would be fired. There is no question Karl Rove is involved in it. Evidence is heavy.





· Pataki to Veto 'Morning-After Pill' Bill - Gov. George Pataki will veto legislation that would allow women to buy the ``morning-after'' pill without a prescription, a decision described by abortion rights advocates as ``sheer political expediency'' to build conservative support for a 2008 presidential run.

· LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF OHIO FILES HISTORIC LAWSUIT - In a complaint being filed today in federal court in Toledo, the League of Women Voters of Ohio joined the League of Women Voters of Toledo-Lucas County and a dozen individual plaintiffs in suing the governor and the secretary of state for 30 years of dysfunctional election administration. Represented by a team of attorneys led by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, the League is claiming a pattern of failed election management, chronic under-funding of county boards of elections and inadequate training for poll workers.






· Study: Hurricanes getting stronger - Is global warming making hurricanes more ferocious? New research suggests the answer is yes.

· Imagine Getting Free Electricity? - There are 70 million houses in America just imagine getting free electricty every year for the rest of your life.





· Sudan's Vice President Is Confirmed Dead In Aircraft Crash - A senior Ugandan official said Monday that Sudanese Vice President John Garang has been confirmed dead in a helicopter crash in southern Sudan.

· Saudi's King Fahd dies - Saudi Arabia's King Fahd has died after years of ill-health, with his ageing half-brother Crown Prince Abdullah being named as the new king of the oil-rich state.

· Blair plans clean break with politics: report - British Prime Minister Tony Blair has told his family and close political allies that he will quit as a Member of Parliament at the next general elections, a newspaper reports.

· US may cut aid to Uzbekistan over base snub - The United States may withhold millions of dollars in aid for Uzbekistan after it evicted the US from its military base there.

· Japan stockpiles plutonium as threat of nuclear escalation spreads across Asia - The survivors are also incensed at US plans to develop smaller, "tactical" nuclear weapons, about one-third the size of the Hiroshima bomb. The city's mayor, Tadatoshi Akiba, said in 2004 that Washington was "ignoring the United Nations and international law" and had "turned its back on other nations".

· Embassy attack 'was for Iraq' - Rois said Australia had been chosen as a target for the bombing because of its support for the US in Iraq, according to a transcript of his police interview.

· Bomb suspect: 'No al Qaeda links' - Further, the source said, Osman told authorities the bombs were meant to draw attention to anger over the war in Iraq and not to kill anyone.

· Israel Threatens Massive Ground Operation - Israel would launch a massive ground operation if Palestinian militants fire on Israeli soldiers and settlers during next month's Gaza pullout, the deputy defense minister said Sunday.





· U.S. Army falls short of its goals and South Florida’s numbers are even worse - As the conflict in Iraq continues, U.S. fatalities have climbed past 1,790 and support for the war has plummeted, according to polls. And those charged with meeting the needs of the all-volunteer armed forces rarely have faced more rejection.





· Terror Attacks are Response to Military Actions - At least, it suggests we should carefully scrutinize what actions our governments are up to in the Middle East, to assess whether these actions are justified and, if not, to stop them. After all, if the actions aren't justified, we should stop them anyway. Right? Or should we continue to act unjustly — if that's what we're doing — simply so we can look firm in our opposition to terrorism?





· None dare call it stolen - Ohio, the election, and America's servile press - While commentators, prompted by Republicans, claimed Bush won the 2004 election through the votes of a silent majority concerned with “family values,” Mark Crispin Miller writes that when voters were asked to state, “in their own words the most important factor in their vote,”only 14 percent named “moral values.” He details how the press (except for Keith Olbermann on MSNBC) ignored “the strange details of the election—except, that is, to ridicule all efforts to discuss them…It was as if they were reporting from inside a forest fire without acknowledging the fire, except to keep insisting that there was no fire.”

· Al Gore's TV Network to Make Debut Monday - Much of the talk around Al Gore's new Current TV network has been broadly philosophical, like the former vice president's statement that "we want to be the television home page for the Internet generation." With its debut Monday, Current TV will be judged by the same mundane standards as other networks — on whether its programming can hold a viewer's interest.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!










· Leaked emails claim Guantanamo trials rigged - Leaked emails from two former prosecutors claim the military commissions set up to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay are rigged, fraudulent, and thin on evidence against the accused. - Maj Preston writes that the process is perpetrating a fraud on the American people, and that the cases being pursued are marginal.

· Amnesty demands release of Nepal's student leaders - Demanding the release of seven student leaders, including Gagan Thapa, who were arrested for taking part in anti-King protests, human rights group Amnesty International has asked Nepalese authorities to ensure their safety and allow them legal access.





· Leaked emails claim Guantanamo trials rigged - Leaked emails from two former prosecutors claim the military commissions set up to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay are rigged, fraudulent, and thin on evidence against the accused. - Maj Preston writes that the process is perpetrating a fraud on the American people, and that the cases being pursued are marginal.

· Amnesty demands release of Nepal's student leaders - Demanding the release of seven student leaders, including Gagan Thapa, who were arrested for taking part in anti-King protests, human rights group Amnesty International has asked Nepalese authorities to ensure their safety and allow them legal access.



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