Date: August 2nd 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Today is just one of those news days were I watch TV news and ask myself what world those people are living in! Take a look at some of the stories we have reported over the past two days and then turn on your TV and wait for the stories to appear. Bring a lot of food and water because you will be waiting a long time, perhaps forever!

We live in 2 worlds today; the world that is on TV brought to us by the phony news organizations, and the real word. The gap between the two seems to be getting quite large these days! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· 'America will never leave Iraq', US soldier says - A US soldier holidaying in Ireland speaks candidly about the war in Iraq and says bases his country are building there are permanent.

· U.S.-led troops in Iraq part of problem-UK's Straw - The presence of British and U.S. troops in Iraq is fuelling the Sunni-led insurgency which has killed hundreds of people, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said in comments published on Tuesday.

· Polish PM: Iraq Nation-Building 'Failed' - Poland's prime minister said Monday that postwar nation-building efforts in Iraq have ``failed totally,'' but expressed hope that the country's different religious groups can work together to build an independent nation.

· FIVE TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIERS KILLED IN TWO ATTACKS - Two separate bomb attacks July 30 killed five Task Force Baghdad Soldiers during patrols in Baghdad neighborhoods.

· The Politics of Troop Withdrawal - Although Bush administration officials have implied that demands by Democrats for a U.S. troop withdrawal timetable are “unpatriotic” and “aid the enemy,” when electoral politics is involved, the administration is all too willing to predict troop reductions during a specified time period.

· Iraq is the new 'epicenter' of global terrorism: Al-Qaeda expert - Iraq has replaced Afghanistan as the "epicenter" of international terrorism and escalated the threat of Islamic extremist violence around the globe, security expert Rohan Gunaratna said. "The epicenter of international terrorism ... has shifted from Afghanistan in Asia to the Middle East, that is to Iraq," Gunaratna, regarded as one of the world's authorities on Al-Qaeda, told a financial security conference here. - "Like Afghanistan produced the last generation of terrorists, Iraq will produce the next generation," he said.

· GAO Reveals Iraq Reconstruction Is Failing - In a new report, GAO finds that despite the spending of billions of taxpayer dollars on reconstruction efforts, oil and electricity production in Iraq has fallen below pre-war levels.










· Halliburton announces 284 percent increase in war profits - The increase in profits was primarily due to the Pentagon's payment of "award fees" for what military officials call "good" or "very good" work done by KBR in the Middle East for America's taxpayers and the troops.



9/11 News :


· The Reichstag Fire, 9/11, and Anthrax - Prior to taking control of Washington, the Neocons were already planning on invading Iraq. But there was no public support for such a campaign prior to 9/11. Moreover, prior to 9/11, on three occasions, President George W. Bush publicized his envy of dictatorships:












· Bush: Intelligent Design Should Be Taught - President Bush said Monday he believes schools should discuss ``intelligent design'' alongside evolution when teaching students about the creation of life.
TVNL Comment: OK, then tach about UFOs and Bigfoot as well. At least there is some proof of these!

· Pentagon to Increase Domestic Surveillance for Counterterrorism - The Department of Defense has developed a new strategy in counterterrorism that would increase military activities on American soil, particularly in the area of intelligence gathering.

· Ms. Noe's Own Scandal: Wife of Ohio GOP fundraiser does some election reform of her own - In yet another surreal twist in Ohio’s “coin-gate” scandal, the wife of Bush’s chief Ohio fundraiser, Tom Noe—who is currently embroiled in campaign finance and money laundering probes—surprised poll workers and observers alike by disrupting the ballot count during the 2004 general election, RAW STORY has discovered.






· Pacific Coast Life Concerns Scientists - Marine biologists are seeing mysterious and disturbing things along the Pacific Coast this year: higher water temperatures, plummeting catches of fish, lots of dead birds on the beaches, and perhaps most worrisome, very little plankton - the tiny organisms that are a vital link in the ocean food chain.

· Study shows wolves' importance to ecosystems - The loss of once-plentiful wolves in a part of Canada's west allowed the elk population to mushroom, pushing out beavers and songbirds and showing the importance of top predators, Canadian researchers said on Monday.

· Millions suffer in Indian monsoon - Indian authorities say the lives of more than 20 million people have been disrupted by the heavy monsoon rains in Mumbai (Bombay) and surrounding areas.





· US sends envoys to quell violence in Sudan - The United States has sent two senior envoys to Sudan where a state of emergency has been declared after the death of the vice-president.

· Small explosive targets British interests in Iran - The device was placed in a dustbin outside the office, causing limited damage and shattering windows.
TVNL Comment:The setup is in progress.

· Review Finds Iran Far From Nuclear Bomb - A major U.S. intelligence review has projected that Iran is about a decade away from manufacturing the key ingredient for a nuclear weapon, roughly doubling the previous estimate of five years, according to government sources with firsthand knowledge of the new analysis.

· London Bombings Mastermind is MI6 Asset - On FOX News Channel's Day Side, Terrorism Expert John Loftus revealed that Haroon Rashid Aswat, the suspect wanted by British Police for "masterminding" the July 7th London bombings and July 21st attempted bombings is in fact an asset of MI6, the British Secret Service. According to Loftus, Aswat has been under the protection of MI6 for many years.

· U.S. warns Iran on nuclear threat - The United States has warned Iran against resuming the enrichment of uranium, saying Tehran could face sanctions from the U.N. Security Council if it resumed its nuclear fuel work.

· Ha'aretz Reporter Claims Sharon Murdered His First Wife - Powerful suspicions that Sharon eliminated his first wife and possibly his first son are widespread. Not so ironically, the accusers are mostly from the "disengagement" supporters of the Left, who made them when Sharon was their bogeyman, not hero.

· World turning its back on Brand America - The US is increasingly viewed as a "culture-free zone" inhabited by arrogant and unfriendly people, according to study of 25 countries' brand reputations. - The Anholt-GMI Nation Brands Index found that although US foreign policy remained a key driver of hostility, dissatisfaction with the world's sole superpower might run deeper.

· Sudan Turns Violent After Garang's Death - Sudanese leaders appealed for calm and said the nation's peace process would remain on track. But some southern Sudanese were suspicious about the circumstances of the death of John Garang, who was a key figure in the fledgling peace deal between the predominantly Arab Muslim government and the Christian south.





· Soldier Pleads Guilty to Smuggling Arms - A soldier pleaded guilty Monday to federal charges that he smuggled machine guns out of Iraq and tried to sell them in the U.S.

· Steroids Headed for Troops in Iraq Seized - Italian police seized 215,000 doses of prohibited substances as they smashed a ring that supplied steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs to customers around the world, including American soldiers in Iraq, a police official said Monday.
TVNL Comment: Do they play baseball in

· Army Probes Guard Unit - Members of a California battalion in Iraq are under investigation for alleged abuse of detainees and extortion of money from merchants.





· On a Big Issue, Little Is Known - Every death sentence in the country comes before the court not once but twice or more: first on direct appeals, the vast majority of which are brushed aside, and then on habeas corpus challenges claiming constitutional violations at trial or sentencing. - And the substitution of Roberts for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor could make a difference on the death penalty.

· Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Worst terror attacks in history - August 6 and August 9 will mark the 60th anniversaries of the US atomic-bomb attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In Hiroshima, an estimated 80,000 people were killed in a split second. Some 13 square kilometres of the city was obliterated. By December, at least another 70,000 people had died from radiation and injuries.





· Media Bias in Iraq - Claims that reporters ignore positive news "do not carry much weight," says Reuters' Baghdad bureau chief Andrew Marshall, after two years in the war zone. Yes, there has been some progress, but the civilian carnage continues. And he predicts: more reporters will die as well.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· World Not Set To Deal With Flu - Public health officials preparing to battle what they view as an inevitable influenza pandemic say the world lacks the medical weapons to fight the disease effectively, and will not have them anytime soon.





· Prison Abuse Decisions Came from the Top - "No matter where these prisons are, so long as our policy is the same, torture will take place - closing Guantánamo or Abu Ghraib will not stop the outbreak of abuses and torture."

· State Court Rules Backs Benefits for Domestic Partners - The wide-ranging ruling means that any benefits that California businesses provide to married couples must be offered to registered domestic partners.

· Black Preachers Embrace Homosexuality as Another of God's Works - Forbes reminded his listeners that discrimination has no place in this world and urged them to lay down the notion put forward by some black ministers that they are less favored by God.





· BUSH AND CHENEY INDICTED - U.S. federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's Chicago grand jury has issued perjury and obstruction of justice indictments to the following members of the Bush Administration: President George W. Bush, Vice-President Richard Cheney, Bush Chief of Staff Andrew Card, Cheney Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, former Attorney General John Ashcroft, imprisoned New York Times reporter Judith Miller and former Senior Cheney advisor Mary Matalin.
TVNL Comment: VERY UNCONFIRMED - We posted this in the event these folks know something. We know Tom Flocco and he is usually very reliable. Let's see what happens with this story.

· Paper: Police Helped Hide Abuse Claims - Police helped the Catholic Diocese of Toledo cover up sex abuse allegations for several decades, refusing to investigate or arrest priests suspected of molesting children, a newspaper reported Sunday.

· The Federalist Society - I started by looking in to the Societies governing body the Board of Directors and Board of Visitors, formerly known as Trustees. There I found a who's who of ultra right wing politico's and legal professionals.

· Former CIA Officer - US Plans Nuclear Attack On Iran - Giraldi said that the U.S. nuclear strike against Iran would take place after a 9/11-style attack on the United States, and that the planned attack would be analogous to the unprovoked invasion of Iraq. - The former CIA officer also said that an attack on the U.S. would serve as the pretext for putting the plan into action. - He noted that some Air Force officers are opposed to the nuclear strike plan "but no one is prepared to damage his career by posing any objections."



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