Date: August 4th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Even while CNN’s Miles O’Brien obsesses over the space shuttle like a child with a new toy, CNN still has plenty of time for deception. First of all they tell us that the US has lost 21 troops during “the past week” in Iraq. Wrong. We have lost that many troops over the past 3 days in Iraq, not over the past week which is a seven day period. We have lost 30 troops during the past week. In fairness to CNN, later this morning Miles O’Brien corrected himself and said that 27 troops were lost since Sunday. This is more accurate. It is not an excuse for his earlier comments however.

Also, CNN keeps calling the second bombing incident in London the “failed” bombing. Well as we wait for the “investigation” to be completed we do have the comments from the bomber himself and he flat out told the public that it was not a failed bombing, it was never meant to hurt anyone. It was only meant to send a message. He also claims that there were only detonators and there was no explosives, only common flour. A simple sniff can determine this. Why is CNN still making us think that the second event was something that it was not? It is called deception. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· MARINE KILLED IN AR RAMADI - A Marine assigned to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed in action yesterday by small-arms fire during combat operations in Ar Ramadi, Iraq.





· Double Exposure - As White House powerhouse Karl Rove becomes increasingly entangled in the C.I.A. officer-outing affair, reprises this January 2004 article on the Iraq-weapons controversy that embroiled former ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame—both of whom opened up to Vanity Fair

· The White House: The Tactics, and Politics, of Deflecting Media Attention - The controversy surrounding whether White House officials participated in the outing of an undercover CIA operative has spawned a wide array of face-saving PR moves by the various actors in the drama. The strategies all have one thing in common - they hinge on the credibility of the Bush administration and its Democratic rivals.

· Bush poised to set vacationing record - By historical standards, it is the longest presidential retreat in at least 36 years.

· 2 Aides to Rove Testify in C.I.A. Leak Inquiry - The aides, Susan B. Ralston and Israel Hernandez, were asked about grand jury testimony given on July 13 by Matthew Cooper, a reporter for Time magazine, the person who was briefed said. Mr. Cooper has said that he testified about a July 11, 2003, conversation with Mr. Rove in which the C.I.A. officer was discussed.

· Bush Installs Pentagon Official - President Bush again invoked a constitutional provision enabling him to bypass the Senate and install directly a nominee who had been blocked in the Senate. This time, he named Peter Flory to be an assistant secretary of defense.
TVNL Comment: The dictaroeship continues. For someone who touts democracy Bush skirts the democratic p
rocess quite a lot.








9/11 News :


· Government Hacks Continue To Violate Civil Rights Of Illinois 9/11 Truth Seeker - Phillip Jayhan is on the Bush administration "watch list" for getting too close to unraveling the U.S. government's shady dealings in 9/11. The victim of constant harassment, his personal privacy and free speech rights have been violated on a weekly basis for more than a year by government thugs who have no respect for the U.S. Constitution.







· In Congress, the GOP Embraces Its Spending Side - Having skirted budget restraints and approved nearly $300 billion in new spending and tax breaks before leaving town, Republican lawmakers are now determined to claim full credit for the congressional spending.

· Vanity Fair floats allegations GOP chief Hastert took Turkish bribes - Vanity Fair’s September edition, now out in New York but yet to hit national newsstands, packs a punch with an article about Sibel Edmonds, the FBI translator who has been gagged by the Bush Administration from revealing information about conversations she translated surrounding a seemingly major corruption scandal involving Turkish nationals and U.S. lawmakers, RAW STORY can reveal.





· New Documents Show FBI Targeting Peaceful Protesters in Colorado as Potential Terrorists - LINK - Silverstein said that the new files show that JTTF agents opened "domestic terrorism" investigations after they read notices on Web sites announcing an antiwar protest in Colorado Springs in 2003 and a protest against Columbus Day in Denver in 2002.

· Americans Are Warned About Overseas Travel - The State Department issued an updated worldwide caution on terrorism yesterday, warning Americans about the threat of extremist violence against U.S. citizens and interests abroad.

· Intelligent Design: Science Teachers Stunned by Bush - "We stand with the nation's leading scientific organizations and scientists, including Dr. John Marburger, the president's top science advisor, in stating that intelligent design is not science. Intelligent design has no place in the science classroom," said Gerry Wheeler, NSTA Executive Director.

· Judge overrules jury in Greenpeace case - District Court Judge Kevin Miller provided little reason for his unusual order acquitting the Greenpeace defendants except that, in his judgment, the evidence did not support the guilty verdicts.






· Collapse of Antarctic ice shelf could have global effects - The unprecedented collapse of an ice-shelf in Antarctica could indirectly lead to a significant rise in global sea levels, researchers say.





· Al-Qaida No. 2 blames Blair for London bombs - In a videotape broadcast Thursday, Al-Qaida deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri said British Prime Minister Tony Blair was to blame for the London bombings and that Blair’s support of the U.S.-led war in Iraq would incite further attacks.

· London bombs made of flour - In a report in Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera, Antonietta Sonnessa quoted Hussain Osman, now in custody in Rome, as saying: "I would never have killed anyone, let alone did I even dream of committing a suicide bombing. I value my life, I've never even considered dying.

· Police out in force in London - - More than 6,000 police are on duty in London today, guarding against the possibility the city will be subjected to further bomb attacks.
TVNL Comment: If this police are in uniform the only result will be to frighten the public. If they are under conver then perhaps it is a legitimate attempt to protect the public. This is a PR move meant to keep the public scared. More and more it appears that the military industrial complex has taken over.

· U.S.-Allied Leader of Mauritania Overthrown - A military junta overthrew Mauritania's U.S.-allied president Wednesday, saying it would temporarily rule the Muslim West African nation whose government had recently forged ties with the West and had warned of a growing threat from Islamic militants linked to al Qaeda.

· How Britain helped Israel get the bomb - Newsnight reporter Michael Crick tells the story of how Britain helped Israel build the bomb - without telling the Americans.

· Old enemies' wargames send a powerful message to the US - Analysts say there is little doubt that China is keen to send a message to the US. Not only is it gradually expanding its influence in Asia, eroding decades of dominance by Washington, but it also has the cash to go on a spending spree to update its military.

· ‘Israeli terror is worse’ - Former Education Minister Shulamit Aloni blasts ‘megalomaniac’ Prime Minister Sharon in interview with Arab-Israeli newspaper, says he should face justice. Aloni also charges Israel a racist state that commits war crimes





· Two Iraq Veterans Commit Suicide Near Fort Hood - Two young Fort Hood soldiers who served in the Iraq war have killed themselves in separate incidents in Killeen since the weekend, post officials said Wednesday.





· A new credo for the hyperpower - To improve its influence and image in the world, the US should refrain from building new nuclear weapons, scrap the Bush doctrine of preventive war and regime change, break its climate-changing oil habit, and recommit to international rule-making organisations such as the UN.





· Headline Changed to Protect Bush Administration - The headline "Ohio Families Fed Up With Loss of Marines" was changed to "Ohio Families Feel Loss of Marines in Iraq" with no explanation. Even with all the exposed lies about the invasion of Iraq the corporate media is still trying to put a nice face on the situation. They hid all opposition to the invasion during the build up and they continue to do so.

· Writers Group Won't Give Judith Miller 'Conscience in Media' Award After All - The group's First Amendment committee had narrowly voted to give Miller the prize for her dedication to protecting sources, but the full board has now voted to overturn that decision, based on its opinion that her entire career, and even her current actions in the Plame/CIA leak case, cast doubt on her credentials for this award.

· Hiroshima Film Cover-up Exposed - The full story of this atomic cover-up is told fully for the first time today at E&P Online, as the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombings approaches later this week. Some of the long-suppressed footage will be aired on television this Saturday.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· 700, 000 Flu Shots Bought by Ill. Expired - Hundreds of thousands of flu shots ordered from Europe last year amid fears of a nationwide shortage now have expired and may go to waste, potentially costing taxpayers millions of dollars, officials said Wednesday.





· Britain's Muslim scapegoats - Huge rise in race attacks on all ethnic minorities across Britain. Senior Tory MP tells Muslims: 'If you don't like our way of life, get out'. Senior Muslim tells women not to wear veils in public for fear of assault

· US challenged over 'secret jails' - Two Yemeni prisoners have claimed they were held in secret, underground US jails for more than 18 months, Amnesty International has said.





· Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Worst terror attacks in history - August 6 and August 9 will mark the 60th anniversaries of the US atomic-bomb attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. In Hiroshima, an estimated 80,000 people were killed in a split second. Some 13 square kilometres of the city was obliterated. By December, at least another 70,000 people had died from radiation and injuries.

· Hiroshima No Pika - Narrated by Susan Sarandon, HIROSHIMA NO PIKA is an animated film based on the award-winning children’s book by the Japanese artist Toshi Maruki. Through Maruki's fearsome yet beautiful water color illustrations, the film tells the story of a young girl and her family who live through the horrific bombing of Hiroshima. Susan Sarandon lends her talent to this timely story, inspiring children to remember Hiroshima in hopes that it will not be repeated.



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