Date: August 5th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The latest economic report indicates that hourly earning are up 6 cents per hour. When CEOs around the nation receive $million plus raises how do you think that factors in to the overall wage numbers? It seems to me that the totals may be rising but the distribution is what we should be examining. Each year we hear about how the wealth gap is getting bigger. Perhaps our economic reports should include that information in their overall evaluation of the economy. Better yet, they should provide a completely separate report for people who earn less than $100,000. That would be a better measure of the real situation. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· THREE TASK FORCE BAGHDAD SOLDIERS DIE IN BOMB ATTACK - Three Task Force Baghdad Soldiers died when their vehicle was attacked by a car bomb in southwest Baghdad around 8 p.m. Aug. 3.

· AFGHANISTAN: 1 U.S. SERVICEMEMBER KILLED, 1 INJURED IN IED STRIKE - A U.S. service member was killed today and another injured when the High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle they were traveling in was struck by what is believed to be an improvised explosive device near Orgun-E in Paktika province.










· US job growth unexpectedly strong in July - Average hourly earnings shot up six cents, or 0.4 percent, in July -- the biggest rise in a year. However, earnings are up just 2.7 percent over the past 12 months, suggesting wages have yet to become a big inflationary concern.



9/11 News :


· More About Those Nuclear Attack Speculations - Recent events are adding fuel to the rumors, and suggest that the final pieces of the puzzle may be falling into place. Here is some background:

· The Gorilla in the Room is US Support for Israel. - Lee Hamilton insults the American people at a "9/11 Public Discourse Project" Q&A. At the August 2, 2005 "public event," Hamilton quickly tries to silence someone who asks why US support for Israel isn't being addressed since it is what drove the plotter of 9/11 to attack us.







· California Congressman Pete Stark Reflects on Life Under a Republican Dictatorship in the House - So there's really no legislative role that we are allowed to play. We get conference committees, which are the committees that meet to iron out – negotiate, supposedly – the differences between the House and Senate bill. And unlike the Senate, not only are Democrats not allowed to participate in those conferences, a lot of times we can't even find out where they're meeting.





· Homeland Security to conduct gas tests in Midtown, subways - Amid heightened anti-terrorism vigilance in New York City's subways, a mammoth Department of Homeland Security-sponsored project starting as early as Saturday will seek to answer how harmful gases might disperse through midtown's streets and the warren of subway tunnels beneath them.

· New York Police Sued Over Subway Searches - The lawsuit -- filed in a federal court on behalf of five subway passengers, including the son of a retired police captain and a naturalized citizen -- alleges that the program violates constitutional rights that protect against illegal searches and guarantee due process.

· Druen charged with 21 felonies - A former Transportation Cabinet commissioner facing 14 charges was indicted yesterday on 21 felony counts alleging he shredded and altered records and tampered with a witness.

· Authors snub new science standards - "Critical analysis of evolutionary theory is a repeated theme of both organizations' Web sites and literature. This critical analysis has no basis in science or science education."






· Environmental damage on Earth seen from shuttle - "Sometimes you can see how there is erosion, and you can see how there is deforestation. It's very widespread in some parts of the world,"

· China Plans To Have A Quarter Of The Country Forested By 2020 - China plans to have a quarter of the country covered by forest within 15 years as it tries to repair the damage loggers have done to fuel the runaway economy, state media said Monday.





· UNICEF: Afghanistan Child Mortality Soars - ''While the country is progressing from a state of emergency to a focus on development, I think it's fair to say that the objective reality of women and children remains nothing but an acute emergency,'' she said at a news conference.

· Israel on alert after bus attack - Security forces in Israel have been sent to the town of Shfaram, where an Israeli soldier was lynched after he shot dead four Israeli Arabs on a bus.

· Blair vows hard line on fanatics - Tony Blair has outlined a raft of plans to extend powers to deport or exclude foreigners who encourage terrorism.

· Israel plans new houses for West Bank - The Israeli Government has issued tenders for the construction of dozens of new houses in the occupied West Bank.

· China, US to jointly oppose UN council expansion - An US official says Beijing and Washington have long shared a belief that proposals to expand the 15-nation UN Security Council at this time would lead to a divisive international debate that could harm chances for crucial UN reforms to be taken up at a world summit in New York next month.

· Fears grow for air supply of Russia mini-sub crew - Though much smaller in scale, the accident had uncomfortable echoes of the disaster involving the Kursk nuclear submarine almost exactly five years ago.

· Israel ranks among most corrupt in West - Israel's regime is one of the most corrupt and least efficient in the Western world. In fact, the only developed country considered more corrupt and less efficient is Italy, according to data published by the World Bank. - The World Bank figures are in the public domain, and were republished yesterday by Business Data Israel (BDI).

· Israeli lynched after bus killing - An Israeli soldier who shot dead four people on a bus in an Israeli Arab town has been lynched by a crowd.

· US's Bolton warns Iran, Syria over Iraqi border - U.S. Ambassador John Bolton, in his debut in the U.N. Security Council, pressed Syria and Iran on Thursday to do more to stem the flow of terrorists, arms and funding into neighboring Iraq.
TVNL Comment: Tell Mr. Bolton to warn his own country about guarding their own borders! We remind Mr. Bolton that the US-Mexico Border is a giant welcome mat for terrorists including economic terrorists...wink wink.





· Back From Iraq, Colorado Soldier Kills Himself, Wife - He was at least the second Fort Carson-based soldier to commit suicide shortly after serving in Iraq.

· Lawsuit Forces Release of More Casualty Images - In response to a lawsuit, the Pentagon has released a few dozen new and uncensored images of flag-draped coffins of U.S. troops and agreed to process "as expeditiously as possible" future Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for photo and video images of returning war casualties.

· BEYOND TREASON - What causes Gulf War Illness? - Is it a combination of overlapping exposures? DEPLETED URANIUM EXPOSURES, CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL EXPOSURES, VACCINATIONS & EXPERIMENTAL DRUGS - A growing number of scientists and respected experts in their fields have been coming forward to share their research and first-hand knowledge of official betrayal.

· Analyst, lobbyists charged in Pentagon probe - A Defense Department analyst was charged on Thursday with illegally disclosing classified defense information to two former officials of a pro-Israel lobbying group, court documents showed.





· Never again? How the war in Iraq spurred a new nuclear arms race - For the Bush administration, openly hostile to a UN solution, the answer has been talk or bomb: negotiate with states that already have a weapon (such as North Korea), or to take preemptive strikes against those that do not (such as Iraq). US officials say acting outside the treaty has produced results: it brought Libya back into the fold in 2003, when Colonel Muammar Gaddafi decided to scrap his weapons of mass destruction. - Yet this approach contains the risk of opening the path to nuclear blackmail, which is how North Korea has coaxed the West into compensating the hermit state in return for concessions on its nuclear programme.

· US 'Emperor without Clothes' is, of course, Bush ... the US tyrant and Nazi - If Bryd is correct, then the separation of powers doesn't exist in the US.





· Media Flagstones Along a Path to War on Iran - On Tuesday, big alarm bells went off in the national media echo chamber, and major U.S. news outlets showed that they knew the drill. Iran’s nuclear activities were pernicious, most of all, because people in high places in Washington said so.

· Sen. Arlen Specter: Novak column was a malicious attack on ‘revered’ staffer - The Novak column falsely and maliciously accuses her of conflict of interest by orchestrating a hearing to grill Kenneth Tomlinson, chairman of the Board of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) while her husband consulted for the Association of Public Television Stations.

· China charges HK reporter as spy - China has formally charged Hong Kong journalist Ching Cheong, 55, with spying for its rival Taiwan, the state news agency Xinhua has reported.

· Post overlooked apparent Bush administration contradiction on intelligent design - Six months after his own science adviser said that "intelligent design is not a scientific theory," President Bush stated on August 1 that the concept -- whose proponents claim that life is so complex that only an intelligent guiding force could have created it -- "ought to be properly taught" alongside evolution in public schools. Yet, unlike reports by the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, an August 3 Washington Post report on Bush's remark failed to address the statement of the adviser, John H. Marburger III, even while citing conservative claims that intelligent design is, in fact, scientific.

· NY Times falsely reported Bush had "consistently used" term "war on terror" since 9-11 - In an August 4 article by reporter Richard W. Stevenson, The New York Times falsely reported that President Bush has "consistently used" the phrase "war on terror" since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In fact, Bush twice said in 2004 that the administration "misnamed" the war on terror and suggested alternative terms for the effort.

· CNN Suspends Novak After He Walks Off Set - CNN suspended commentator Robert Novak indefinitely after he swore and walked off the set Thursday during a debate with Democratic operative James Carville.

· Novak Freaks on the Set! - As has been reported, Robert Novak stormed off the set of " Inside Politics" today during a session with James Carville while they were talking about Katherine Harris.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
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