Date: August 7th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: If you have not read up on the Skull and Bones institution it is about time that you do. We have to ask ourselves if why we permit people to hold public office when they have an allegiance to an organization that they refuse to talk about. What if this organization is involved in crimes? Why are they given a free pass by the public to go about their business when we have no idea what that business is? Can anyone else get away with this? If the Ku Klux Klan chose to keep their agenda and activities secret would we feel that this is OK?

We are talking about an institution that has produced 6 of the first 7 CIA directors. Don’t you find this odd? George W. Bush as appointed 10 fellow Bonesman to positions within the administration. Being that there are only about 15 new Bonsemen members each year, the odds of that many people from one institution being the best qualified for those positions out of the 250 million people in the US is not only astronomical, but it is overwhelmingly suspicious. A Bonesman is about to take over as boss of the man who is conducting the Plame investigation. These people have shown that their loyalty to fellow Bonesman takes priority over every other loyalty. This is not acceptable when it comes to people in positions of authority. It is about time YOU got curious about this group and groups like it. You have the right to know what your leaders are involved in and you have a responsibility to demand the information. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Kurds Vow to Make No Concessions in Iraq Political Talks - On the eve of a national political summit meeting to hammer out terms of a draft Iraqi constitution, a top Kurdish representative warned Saturday that the Kurds would withdraw from the government if negotiators did not meet their "basic demands."

· Suicide Bomber Detonates Tanker in Iraq - A suicide bomber driving an empty fuel tanker detonated his vehicle Sunday near a provincial police headquarters in Tikrit, killing at least two people, police said.





· Scooter Libby and Judy Miller met on July 8, 2003, two days after Joe Wilson published his column. And Patrick Fitzgerald is very interested. - I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby, the chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, has told federal investigators that he met with New York Times reporter Judith Miller on July 8, 2003, and discussed CIA operative Valerie Plame, according to legal sources familiar with Libby's account.

· Leak prosecutor's boss likely to be replaced with Bush classmate; 'Skull and Bones' - Newsweek's Michael Isikoff will splash a story in tomorrow's Newsweek which reveals that the boss of CIA leak probe prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald is likely to be replaced by a former Bush classmate at Yale.





· On the July Employment Situation - As employment growth lags significantly behind population growth, there is clear downward pressure on family incomes and that pressure has compounded continuing downward pressure on wages.



9/11 News :


· CIA Commander: We Let bin Laden Slip Away - But in a forthcoming book, the CIA field commander for the agency's Jawbreaker team at Tora Bora, Gary Berntsen, says he and other U.S. commanders did know that bin Laden was among the hundreds of fleeing Qaeda and Taliban members.

· 9/11 Group Says White House Has Not Provided Files - The White House has failed to turn over any of the information requested by the 10 members of the disbanded Sept. 11 commission in their renewed, unofficial investigation into whether the government is doing enough to prevent terrorist attacks on American soil, commission members said.

· Four Years After 9/11, FDNY Will Release Remaining EMS Recordings - The FDNY is releasing the recordings on the order of the New York State Court of Appeals, after the New York Times and several 9/11 families brought suit to gain access to the materials under the state's Freedom of Information Law.

· 9/11 conspiracy DVD sent to French media - Hundreds of French reporters have received copies of a DVD claiming the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks were fabricated by the Bush administration.












· Dallas law cracks down on feeding the homeless - Mobile units won't be parked outside City Hall or they'll face fine
TVNL Comment:
America is run by vile deplorable people. What are the odds that the people who made these rules are Christians? What would Jesus say about this one?

· Supreme Court Justice Strongly Criticizes Capital Punishment System - Stevens stopped short of calling for an end to the death penalty, but said that there are many problems in the way it is used.

· Slaying in dispute over war might be a first - A quarrel between two firearms vendors at a Floyd County flea market on Thursday allegedly led both men -- described as "good friends" -- to draw guns. Douglas Moore, 65, of Martin, who supports the war, shot and killed Harold Wayne Smith, 56, of Manchester, who opposed it, investigators said.

· White House officials meet anti-war protesters - "I want to ask the president, why did you kill my son? What did my son die for?"

· Phoenix Diocese bans politicians who support abortion, gay rights - Politicians who support issues like abortion and gay rights have been banned from speaking at Catholic churches in the Phoenix Diocese.

· Did the GOP steal another Ohio Election? - The Republican Party has -- barely -- snatched another election in Ohio. And once again there are telltale symptoms of the kind of vote theft that put George W. Bush in the White House in 2000 and then kept him there in 2004.

· Insurance Companies Seek License to Steal; Insurers Ask Court for Immunity from Lawsuits; Group Urges Court to Reject Petition - A coalition of insurance companies is attempting to gut consumer protections that will require them to refund potentially tens of millions of dollars to motorists and stop violating state laws.











· Intelligence chiefs warn Blair of home-grown 'insurgency' - Intelligence chiefs are warning Tony Blair that Britain faces a full-blown Islamist insurgency, sustained by thousands of young Muslim men with military training now resident in this country.

· Trapped Russian mini-sub resurfaces in Pacific - A Russian mini-submarine that was tangled in cables 600 feet down in the Pacific, has resurfaced, Russian news agencies said on Sunday.

· Robin Cook dies aged 59 - Mr Cook had apparently collapsed with a suspected heart attack on the mountainside while out walking during his summer holidays. - He was demoted to the post of leader of the Commons following Labour's second election victory in 2001 and resigned from the cabinet in protest at the Iraq war in 2003.





· Memo: National Guard morale low - A memo written by a top-ranking officer shows mounting concern over morale, leadership and declining retention within the Illinois Army National Guard, according to a published report.

· "Mr. Secretary, Military Families Think You're Lying to Them. Why Won't You Meet with Them?" - As Rumsfeld was leaving the event after his speech, I took a few steps out of the media area where I had been sitting, and said to him, "Mr. Secretary, military families think you're lying to them. Why won't you meet with them?" The Secretary ignored me as two men who appeared to be Secret Service agents aggressively removed me from the premises.

· Over 50 LA Soldiers Prosecuted in Iraq - At least 55 soldiers serving in Iraq with the Louisiana National Guard's 256th Brigade have been tried and convicted of criminal charges, many of them drug-related.
TVNL Comment: Support the troops.





· Bush and Blair’s “way of life” - As we hear from Bush, Blair and an unlimited number of media GIs and presstitutes, we are now in the midst of a conflict which involves the deepest and dearest interest of every individual of the human race: “Our way of life.” Upon its re­sult depends the misery or happiness of the present and future genera­tions.

· Solomon's Unspinning of War - Norman Solomon's new book, "War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death," opens with a disturbing prologue. The U.S. media has refused to give serious coverage to the Downing Street Memos on the grounds that they are "old news." In the initial pages of his book, and supplemented by the rest, Solomon makes a case that both outdoes and undoes that claim.






· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Avian Flu Vaccine Called Effective in Human Testing - Government scientists say they have successfully tested in people a vaccine that they believe can protect against the strain of avian influenza that is spreading in birds through Asia and Russia.

· Drink More Diet Soda, Gain More Weight? - People who drink diet soft drinks don't lose weight. In fact, they gain weight, a new study shows.

· Bone Cancer-Fluoride Link - We, the undersigned representatives of a majority (eleven) of EPA's employee unions, are requesting that you direct the Office of Water to issue an Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking setting the maximum contaminant level goal for fluoride at zero, in accordance with Agency policy for all likely or known human carcinogens.





· Marchers commemorate '65 Voting Rights Act - Two key provisions of the Voting Rights Act are up for reauthorization The one most likely to spark controversy is Section 5. It requires nine states -- including Georgia -- and parts of seven others, each with a long history of discrimination at the ballot box before 1965, to get federal approval before enacting any changes in their electoral laws. That includes alterations in the boundaries of congressional districts and moving a polling station.
TVNL Comment: An now they can vote but nobody represents them. Congress does not act in the interest of the people. Voting rights are worthless these days. Computer voting now puts into question the validity of every election.





· For hire: elite Israeli squad who can break you out of jail - With an armoury ranging from spiked drinks and disguises to fake passports, honeytraps and sheer brute force, the seven-strong squad of former special forces troops will launch freelance jail-breaks across the developing world. Assuming you can find them, they charge up to $150,000 (£85,000) to get their prize safely home.

· BUSH PLANS TO FIRE PROSECUTOR: - According to sources close to the grand jury, Fitzgerald's citizen panel is now able to prove that George W. Bush was not legitimately elected president in the 2000 election; but more importantly, it has fingered the United States Supreme Court for fraud, obstruction of justice and treason, making the Bush terms totally illegal.
TVNL Comment: Unconfirmed by TVNL but a usually reliable source.

· Skull & Bones - Apart from presidents, Bones has included cabinet officers, spies, Supreme Court justices, statesmen and captains of industry.

· BBC Radio 4 Report on Skull and Bones - This report features audio from a Skull and Bones initiation ritual. Listen to the blood curdling screams and satanic references and remember both Kerry and Bush are intimately involved in this.



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