Date: August 8th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: Today in NY they are conducting terror drills in our subway system. They are releasing “harmless” gas so that they can track how gas flows through the system. This is not the first time this has been done, it is only the first time we were told that it was taking place. As an asthmatic I want to know what that gas is. We have not been told. There is something very wrong when a government releases a gas and does not let us know what it is. Do the citizens of this nation have any control over this nation at all? It seems not. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· War Plans Drafted To Counter Terror Attacks in U.S. - The U.S. military has devised its first-ever war plans for guarding against and responding to terrorist attacks in the United States, envisioning 15 potential crisis scenarios and anticipating several simultaneous strikes around the country, according to officers who drafted the plans.

· Iraqi soldiers fear leaving training base - Members of the new Iraqi army being trained by US troops in the safe confines of Taji military base, fear setting foot outside.

· Rebels kill 35 in attacks across Iraq - Iraq, while clashes between police and protestors in a poor southern Shiite town added to the day's death toll, security officials said.

· Iraqi police fire on protesters in Samawa - Hundreds of Iraqis angry at poor public services rioted in the town of Samawa, south of Baghdad, on Sunday and police opened fire on the crowd, hitting at least eight people, witnesses said. - One man appeared to have been killed, they added.
TVNL Comment: They are much better off without Saddam.

· Military Planners Tell Bush Iraq War 'Cannot be Won' - Yet while Bush remains stubbornly committed to the war, sources within the Pentagon say military planners tell the President the war cannot be won and the U.S. may have to look for a Vietnam-style withdrawal that will leave Iraq vulnerable to forces even more dangerous than the previous dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.





· Why All The Secrecy? - We suspect that this is done to prevent the public from realizing that the Bush people are thugs, cowardly fratboy cronies, out for a quick buck, and willing to sacrifice a democracy for the glory of fascist imperialism.

· Why Bush Wont Be Impeached - Clinton was impeached for lying about sex; George Bush is not impeached for deceiving and misleading Americans and manipulating intelligence which has led to the death of nearly 2000 Americans. - Given the Republican majority in the Congress, the impeachment of the current President seems an up-hill challenge that few are willing to take on. Since Republicans hold a majority in both Houses, G. W. Bush enjoys a swollen power like that of an autocrat, a despot of circumstances.

· GOP bigwig gets millions touting investment firm - Republican National Committee, is a longtime friend of President Bush's political strategist Karl Rove. He is also one of the state's premier lobbyists and collected the fees as part of his representation of The Carlyle Group, whose board of directors once included the first President Bush.





· Rich Americans growing more confident - survey - Consumer sentiment among wealthy Americans rose in the latest quarter as U.S. economic prospects appear to brighten, a survey published on Monday showed.
TVNL Comment: Reaping the benefits of class warfare.

· Oil prices hit record highs - Oil prices have reached record highs on supply concerns after an unspecified threat caused the United States to shut its embassy in Saudi Arabia, the world's biggest exporter of crude.

· Pfizer's job cuts expected to ripple across local economy - Bad news from Pfizer aside, Goss said the pharmaceutical industry is still growing. Goodyear and Square D jobs were moved to Mexico. Cushman jobs went to North Carolina.



9/11 News :









· White House, Senate headed for showdown over Pentagon's power - The White House and Republican Senate leaders are rumbling toward a defense showdown with their GOP rank and file that could embarrass President Bush and take a rare wartime slap at Pentagon authority.





· CNET: We've been blackballed by Google - Tech news site says Google froze out its reporters for publishing Eric Schmidt's personal info.

· Atomic Waste Mishandled, Records Show - The operator of a Florida nuclear plant appears to have shipped radioactive waste to ordinary landfills, municipal sewage treatment plants and some unknown locations in the 1970's and early 80's, according to internal documents and government records obtained in lawsuits.

· Anti-War Arrests - A 14-year-old anti-war protester was arrested Saturday night for obstructing the sidewalk at Baywalk. But St. Petersburg police spokesman Bill Proffit says once they put that boy in the transport van - others from the anti-war crowd "St. Pete for Peace" gathered around, linked arms around the van, and wouldn't let it move. Several are now charged.

· Republican Blogger Suggest 'Fraud' a 'Possibility' in Clermont County. - The following is from the Rightwing "Red State" blog and surprisingly asks some real questions and expresses an honest concern about what the hell may have happened in Clermont County during last Tuesday's OH-2 U.S. House Special Election race between Democrat Paul Hackett and Republican Jean Schmidt






· Fuel Cell Motorbike to Hit U.S. Streets - A sleek, almost silent, nonpolluting fuel cell-powered motorcycle is set to begin gliding down U.S. streets by the end of 2006.





· Aid too late for Niger's 'forgotten' children - Eight months after the United Nations launched its first appeal, warning of famine in Niger, three months after assistant secretary general Jan Egeland called it the "the number one forgotten and neglected emergency in the world" graves are being dug every day.

· Hiroshima tells the 'nuclear club' to stop jeopardising the world - Tens of thousands of people from around the world gathered in Hiroshima yesterday to renew calls for the abolition of nuclear arms on the 60th anniversary of the atomic bombing of the city.

· Former UN oil-for-food head quits - The former head of the United Nations' oil-for-food programme has quit the UN, lashing out at Secretary General Kofi Annan for "sacrificing" him.

· IAEA inspectors arrive at Iranian nuclear plant - Iran says it plans to resume sensitive nuclear work there, a move that would put it on a collision course with the international community.

· Koizumi calls snap Japanese election - "According to the clause seven of the Japanese constitution, the House of Representatives is dissolved," Speaker Yohei Kono told the house, announcing the decision of Mr Koizumi's Cabinet.

· Russian regional governor dies - A Russian stand-up comedian who was elected governor of his home region, Altai in Siberia, last year has been killed in a car crash.

· Saudis to retrieve $360 billion abroad - Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal told reporters the government was working on returning these "national assets" back to the oil-rich Arab country and to attract foreign investments in Saudi Arabia.

· Venezuela Leader Accuses DEA of Espionage - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday accused the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration of using its agents for espionage, and said Venezuela was suspending cooperation with the U.S. agency.

· What is the U.S. Military Doing in Paraguay? - The U.S. military is conducting secretive operations in Paraguay and reportedly building a new base there. Human rights groups and military analysts in the region believe trouble is brewing. However, the U.S. embassy in Paraguay denies the base exists and describes the military activity as routine. - With Bolivia’s recent uprisings, their enormous gas reserves, and a presidential election on the way, this questionable activity could pave the way for a U.S. intervention. - On May 26, 2005 the Paraguayan senate approved the entrance of the troops, granting them total immunity, free from Paraguayan and International Criminal Court jurisdiction.

· Netanyahu quits as Israel approves Gaza pullout - Israeli Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resigned in protest on Sunday as the cabinet approved the first phase of evacuations from settlements in the occupied Gaza Strip.





· Abuse Cases Open Command Issues at Army Prison - But whatever their long-term implications, the cases have so far tended to illustrate how unprepared many soldiers were for their duties at Bagram, how loosely some were supervised and how vaguely the rules under which they operated were often defined.

· Immigrant Soldiers in Iraq Get Citizenship - Fifteen Filipinos were among 147 foreign-born U.S. military personnel serving in Iraq who were granted U.S. citizenship on July 25 in a mass ceremony in Baghdad’s Camp Victory.










· Alternative Media Amplifies as Mainstream Gatekeepers Decline - Mainstream media has been caught so many times colluding with government in order to sell major domestic and foreign policy initiatives on a foundation of lies. People are voting with their feet and turning away from the mainstream and seeking the truth.

· Peter Jennings Dies at 67 - "As you all know, Peter learned only this spring that the health problem he'd been struggling with was lung cancer. With Kayce, he moved straight into an aggressive chemotherapy treatment. He knew that it was an uphill struggle. But he faced it with realism, courage, and a firm hope that he would be one of the fortunate ones. In the end, he was not.

· Spy v. Spy: Bob Novak, the CIA's MOCKINGBIRD program & the Plame/Wilson Scandal - During the mid-to-late-1940s, with WWII now over and with the United States government seeking to control communications and to shape public thought in its aftermath, the Department of State and Central Intelligence Agency cooperated--as they often do--in the creation of a program to enlist aggressively U.S. Intelligence operatives (be they State Dept. or CIA, was of little importance) within U.S. media. Frank Wisner, an undercover State Department foreign service officer, was to head the new project, known as Operation MOCKINGBIRD.

· Judith Miller's Tale Under Scrutiny--At Her Own Paper - It's quite possible that Miller had no ulterior or activist role in the leaking of CIA officer Valerie Plame's identity, and her journalistic champions are justifiably standing by her. But a counter view is strongly emerging now, with a surprising number of Timesmen and Timeswomen (off the record) believing it, or at least fearing it is true.

· Anonymous Lies From Anonymous Sources - The Valerie Plame affair exposes more than just Karl Rove's dirty tricks -- it exposes the press.

· Must see. - TVNL Comment: There has never been a more accurate truth told. From the Move "NETOWRK."

· WHY FOX NEWS SUCKS IN 2 MINUTES - Patriotic Movies.... vs.... *hold your breath*... anti-American movies. Mass confusion ensues.
TVNL Comment: One of the endless number of examples.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!










· Lutherans to Vote on Ordaining Gays - About 1,000 church members will meet beginning Monday in Orlando, where they'll decide whether to ordain gays who are not celibate and whether to bless same-sex unions.





· Pizza billboard causes a stir - The Hell Pizza billboards have been erected around Auckland and Wellington. Half of the poster is taken up with a photo of the president and the other half has the phrase 'Hell: Too Good For Some Evil Bastards.'

· The Armageddon Plan - At least once a year during the 1980s Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld vanished. Cheney was working diligently on Capitol Hill, as a congressman rising through the ranks of the Republican leadership. Rumsfeld, who had served as Gerald Ford's Secretary of Defense, was a hard-driving business executive in the Chicago area—where, as the head of G. D. Searle & Co., he dedicated time and energy to the success of such commercial products as Nutra-Sweet, Equal, and Metamucil. Yet for periods of three or four days at a time no one in Congress knew where Cheney was, nor could anyone at Searle locate Rumsfeld. Even their wives were in the dark; they were handed only a mysterious Washington phone number to use in case of emergency. - Rumsfeld and Cheney were principal actors in one of the most highly classified programs of the Reagan Administration. Under it U.S. officials furtively carried out detailed planning exercises for keeping the federal government running during and after a nuclear war with the Soviet Union.

· TREASONGATE: White House Indicted? - US ATTORNEY'S OFFICE "ISSUES" OFFICIAL COMMENT - Citizen Spook has interviewed a representative of Randy Sanborn's office at the Dirksen Federal Courthouse in Chicago where the Fitzgerald investigation is headquartered. Randy Sanborn is the official spokesperson for the US Attorney's Office in the Northern District of Illinois. Sanborn is also the official spokesperson for Patrick Fitzgerald.



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