Date: August 9th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: How many decades have passed without a real effort to prepare for a world in which the demand for oil exceeds the supply? There is no greater example of a reason to deny people involved in the energy industry from any political position that influences energy policy. The same logic should be applied to virtually all similar conflicts of interest, most importantly when it comes to life and death related industries such as war and medicine. Business and politics should never mix; today they are virtually indistinguishable. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Saddam's germ war plot is traced back to one Oxford cow - The culture was sent to the United States, which exported samples to Iraq during Saddam’s war against Iran in the 1980s. Inspectors have found that this batch of anthrax was the dictator’s choice in his attempts to create biological weapons. - The discovery has angered some British politicians. Austin Mitchell, the Labour MP for Great Grimsby, has renewed his call, supported by 126 MPs in the last Parliament, for a UN investigation into whether Washington broke a weapons control agreement. “It just makes them look more hypocritical than ever,” he said.

· Car bomb shakes central Baghdad - At least three Iraqi civilians have been killed in a suicide car bombing in central Baghdad, Iraqi police said.

· Baghdad mayor says gunmen ousted him from office - The mayor of Baghdad said on Tuesday he was ousted on Monday after 120 gunmen surrounded his office and installed the city's governor in his place.

· Gunmen Kill Eight Policemen in Baghdad - Gunmen killed eight policemen in Baghdad Tuesday in a string of near simultaneous attacks, police said.

· Kurdish Rebels Kill Five Turkish Soldiers in Rocket Attack, News Reports Say - Kurdish rebels killed five Turkish soldiers in a rocket attack in southeastern Turkey early Friday, the semiofficial Anatolia news agency reported.

· Pentagon Plans to Send More Troops to Iraq - Although much public attention has been focused recently on the prospect of reducing U.S. forces next spring and summer, defense officials foresee the likelihood of first increasing troop levels.

· MARINE KILLED BY SUICIDE ATTACK - A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 8, 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) was killed in action August 6 by a suicide vehicle-borne improvised explosive device. The incident took place during combat operations near Al Amiriyah, Iraq.

· TWO TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIERS KILLED, THREE WOUNDED BY IED - Two Task Force Liberty Soldiers were killed and three were wounded when an improvised explosive device detonated near a vehicle patrol near Samarra at about 6:00 p.m. on August 6.

· Terrorism 'radiating' from Iraq - German spy chief - He said it was possible that an intensification of insurgent attacks on Iraqi security forces and the U.S.-led coalition was encouraging like-minded militants to step up attacks in the wider region as well.





· Why AIPAC Indictment Is Bad News for Rove - The Franklin indictment is a sign that Rove and any other White House aide involved in the Plame/ CIA leak might be vulnerable to prosecution under the Espionage Act.





· Oil costs drive up price of raw materials - Higher oil prices helped push the cost of raw materials up at the fastest pace for at least 20 years during July, official figures showed today.

· Low-income Texans to see increase in electric bills - About 391,000 low-income Texans will see an increase in their electric bills because lawmakers drained a discount fund to balance the state budget.

· US retail gasoline price hits record $2.37/gallon - The average U.S. retail gasoline price rose 7.7 cents over the last week to a record high of $2.37 a gallon, the government said on Monday, as motorists dig deeper into their wallets for the final weeks of the summer vacation season.

· The Banks Go Begging - Booming deposit growth has outstripped loan demand, forcing bankers to scratch for assets that can help relieve some of the pressure from narrowing profit margins.



9/11 News :


· Four in 9/11 Plot Are Called Tied to Qaeda in '00 - More than a year before the Sept. 11 attacks, a small, highly classified military intelligence unit identified Mohammed Atta and three other future hijackers as likely members of a cell of Al Qaeda operating in the United States, according to a former defense intelligence official and a Republican member of Congress.
TVNL Comment: You HAVE to ask yourself why this news is coming out now, so long after the events and so long after the official report being issued. One reason MAY be is that it helps to make the official story appear more credible in that it supports the theory that 19 hijackers were responsible for the events. This news is being made public at a time where a great deal of information that puts the official conspiracy theory into doubt is gaining public attention. Why was this news not made public earlier? Is it because it would make the administration look incompetent or make it look as if the administration ignored even more warnings than previously thought? This is very suspicious!











· CIA leak prosecutor takes on Chicago machine - The 45-year-old New Yorker who is chief federal prosecutor in Chicago is digging deep into Mayor Richard M. Daley’s political empire. And former Illinois Gov. George Ryan is due to go to trial on federal corruption charges Sept. 15.





· Judge Raps EPA Over Rat Poison Safeguards - A federal judge has scolded the Environmental Protection Agency for letting manufacturers decide whether to add safeguards to protect children from the hazards of rat poison.
TVNL Comment: The EPA has become the ESA, The Environmental Suggestion Agency. Their job is to tell corporations how they can poison us less, if they feel like it.





· Palestinians say peace with Israel is no longer within the realm of possibility - The proposed expansion of illegal Jewish settlements in the West Bank has convinced many Palestinians, intellectuals and laymen alike, that peace with Israel is no longer within the realm of possibility. A general belief among Palestinians is that the Israeli plan to "disengage" from Gaza is primarily aimed at consolidating Israel's grip on the West Bank.

· Venezuela's Chavez Denies Aiding Colombian Rebels, Accuses U.S. of Spreading Lies - Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez strongly denied U.S. charges that he is supporting Colombian rebels or trying to destabilize other South American countries, accusing the United States of spreading lies and of being a "terrorist state."

· Tehran ends freeze on nuclear program - Iran restarted uranium-processing activities on Monday, ending a nine-month suspension after ignoring Western warnings that the step would raise pressures for United Nations-imposed sanctions.





· Unit had asked for more Marines - A Marine regiment that took heavy casualties last week in western Iraq - including 19 killed from a Reserve unit headquartered in Ohio - had repeatedly asked for about 1,000 more troops. Those requests were not granted.

· Army Whistleblower Draws Fire - Why is Halliburton — a giant Texas firm that holds more than 50 percent of all rebuilding efforts in Iraq — getting billions in contracts without competitive bidding? Do the durations of those contracts make sense? Have there been violations of federal laws regulating how the government can spend its money?

· War Plans Drafted To Counter Terror Attacks in U.S. - The U.S. military has devised its first-ever war plans for guarding against and responding to terrorist attacks in the United States, envisioning 15 potential crisis scenarios and anticipating several simultaneous strikes around the country, according to officers who drafted the plans.





· The Failed “War on Terror” - U.S. government officials, both politicians and career bureaucrats, always imply that a tradeoff exists between security and liberty and that we cannot have both. This view, however, depends on buying into key erroneous assumptions made by those same officials.

· Why Iran will lead to World War 3 - That, of course, is exactly what the US and Israel would prefer since they have no intention of complying with international standards or treaties and are entirely committed to a military confrontation with Iran. It now looks as though they may have the pretext for carrying out such an attack.

· The Atomic Bomb and the End of World War II: A Collection of Primary Sources - With the material that follows, the National Security Archive publishes the most comprehensive on-line collection to date of declassified U.S. government documents on the atomic bomb and the end of the war in the Pacific.





· A credible plan to take down the Internet - Hyperbole? Perhaps, but a credible threat to the infrastructure of the Internet does exist. All indications suggest that the clock is ticking toward some kind of showdown between criminal hackers and the good guys. Unfortunately, the bad guys have a head start.

· MAINSTREAM MEDIA PLAYS SECOND FIDDLE - Some of the most important websites on the internet today are the independent news websites, those who have no corporate interests and no party line to toe.

· Judith Miller's Dirty Little Secret - If there is one glaring difference between the two conflicts – it is the role of the media in promoting the invasion of Iraq and coordinating coverage with the Bush administration. As a consequence of Pentagon censorship, we now see entirely too little of what transpires in Iraq on a daily basis.

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Healthy foods are actually cheaper than popular manufactured foods - With the money saved, they can buy high-density superfood supplements, whole food concentrates, high end herbs and vitamins, or other nutritional supplements. Spending the same money that you're spending today, I can show you how to be a heck of a lot healthier.





· Secret courts for terror cases - The decision to adopt secret anti-terrorist courts will mark a huge departure from England's centuries old "adversarial" system of justice.





· Suit: Residents harassed into Bible study - Five former and current residents of the complex, along with housing advocate Hope Fair Housing, are suing the complex and its property manager, saying they used "coercive, harassing and restrictive rules and regulations to impose their 'Christian' beliefs upon current residents."



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