Date: August 11th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The TV news industry continues to embarrass itself with serious coverage of gossip news. This story about a fugitive couple being arrested is NOT NEWS! It is a report about a crime. Take a walk to your local police precinct and count the number of crimes being reported. Local crimes are not news. CNN had live coverage with reporters in 2 states! They never sent one single reporter to cover the many lawsuits over Dick Cheney secret energy policy meetings yet they have all the resources to cover crimes THAT HAVE NO AFFECT ON US WHATSOEVER! Journalism? Not even close! Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Baghdad elite flees Iraq and the daily threat of death - Iraq is losing the educated elite of doctors, lawyers, academics and businessmen who are vital to securing a stable future. There is also fear that their departure will leave a vacuum to be filled by religious extremists.
TVNL Comment: This is liberation?

· Afghans: U.S. Airstrike Killed Civilians - Residents of a remote village in southern Afghanistan said Thursday that U.S. warplanes bombed houses during operations against militants this week, killing several civilians.

· 1 U.S. KILLED, ANOTHER WOUNDED IN FIGHTING NEAR ORGUN-E - Afghanistan –One U.S. service member was killed today and another wounded when enemy combatants ambushed a group of U.S. military engineers northwest of Orgun-E, in the Paktika province.

· SOLDIER KILLED BY SMALL-ARMS FIRE NEAR HABBANIYAH - A Soldier assigned to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), was killed Aug. 9 by small arms fire.

· Military experts say it's time to cut our losses in Iraq - Now ask yourselves, have things improved or worsened in the pasy year in Iraq? Has it been worth the thousands of additional deaths or the $6 billion plus per month we have spent or the 30% of troops coming home as shells of their former selves due to PTSD and other disabilities?

· Iraqi: Iran Smuggling Reports Exaggerated - Iraq's interior minister said Wednesday that reports of deadly roadside bombs being smuggled into this country from Iran are exaggerated.

· Gunmen Kidnap Senior Iraqi Official - Gunmen kidnapped a senior Interior Ministry official in the heart of the Iraqi capital Wednesday, and the U.S. military reported that five more American soldiers had been killed.

· Levin Releases Newly Declassified Intelligence Documents on Iraq-al Qaeda Relationship - “These documents are additional compelling evidence that the Intelligence Community did not believe there was a cooperative relationship between Iraq and al Qaeda, despite public comments by the highest ranking officials in our government to the contrary,” Levin said.





· Bush Order Lets Him Control Roberts' Memos - A 2001 decree gives him the power to block the release of papers from presidential libraries, among them those of the high court nominee.

· GOP Paying Legal Bills of Bush Official - Despite a zero-tolerance policy on tampering with voters, the Republican Party has quietly paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to provide private defense lawyers for a former Bush campaign official charged with conspiring to keep Democrats from voting in New Hampshire.








9/11 News :


· 9/11 Commission's Staff Rejected Report on Early Identification of Chief Hijacker - The Sept. 11 commission was warned by a uniformed military officer 10 days before issuing its final report that the account would be incomplete without reference to what he described as a secret military operation that by the summer of 2000 had identified as a potential threat the member of Al Qaeda who would lead the attacks more than a year later, commission officials said on Wednesday.
TVNL Comment: Exposing the cover up!

· 9/11 Panel Seeks Inquiry on New Atta Report - Members of the independent commission that investigated the Sept. 11 terror attacks called on Congress to determine whether the Pentagon withheld intelligence information showing that a secret American military unit had identified Mohammed Atta and three other hijackers as potential threats more than a year before the attacks.











· Pa. Legislators Criticized Over Pay Raises - Not only did legislators increase their salaries 16 percent to 34 percent to at least $81,050 -- more than any state except California -- they crafted the package in secret without debate or public scrutiny, then left town.

· Big Brother On and Off the Job - On June 7 the three Republican appointees on the five-member board that regulates employer-employee relations in the United States handed down a remarkable ruling that expands the rights of employers to muck around in their workers' lives when they're off the job.

· U.S. Defends Detentions at Airports - Foreign citizens who change planes at airports in the United States can legally be seized, detained without charges, deprived of access to a lawyer or the courts, and even denied basic necessities like food, lawyers for the government said in Brooklyn federal court yesterday.





· Melting bog may lead to 'ecological landslide' - A melting permafrost peat bog stretching across an area the size of France and Germany could unleash billions of tons of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere, Russian scientists have warned.





· Netanyahu seeks fancy office, car, staff, on taxpayer's dime - After submitting his resignation from the treasury, Netanyahu is checking if the state will finance offices for him in his capacity as a former prime minister. The cost of operating a former premier's bureau is estimated at NIS 2 million annually.

· Guilty! Senior judges accuse politicians over terror laws - Senior judges have accused politicians of seeking to subvert the rule of law in attempts to impose tough new anti-terror measures

· Pakistan test-fires nuclear-capable cruise missile - Pakistan has successfully test-fired its first ever ground-launched cruise missile, which is capable of carrying nuclear warheads, the military said.

· Israel ready for pre-emptive strike against Iran's nuclear facility - The Israeli Air Force has completed military preparations for a pre-emptive strike at Iran's Bushehr nuclear facility and will attack if Russia supplies Iran with rods for enriching uranium, Israeli officials said, according to a report in the London Sunday Times. Military sources said the raid would be carried out by long-range F-15I jets, overflying Turkey, with simultaneous operations by commandos on the ground.





· Foul play suspected in soldier’s death - “This is what they said: ‘Your daughter died this morning of a self-inflicted wound,’” Johnson recounted. “I said, ‘Self-inflicted? Are you saying that my daughter shot herself?’ He said, ‘No, sir, but it’s being investigated.’”

· Four Star General Fired For Organizing Coup Against Neo-Cons? - According to reporter Greg Szymanski, anonymous military sources said that Brynes was the leader of a faction that was preparing to instigate a coup against the neo-con hawks in an attempt to prevent further global conflict. - Lehrman's army sources, including a former Captain in intelligence, became outraged when they learned that the official story behind 9/11 was impossible. - They told Lehrman that the imminent Northcom nuclear terror exercise based in Charleston, S.C, where a nuclear warhead is smuggled off a ship and detonated, was originally intended to 'go live' - as in the drill would be used as the cover for a real false flag staged attack.





· Global Struggle against Violent Extremism: Marketing Gimmick or Ominous Turn? - Politicians are always trying to deflect the public’s attention from their policy failures. If the government’s most recent terminological shift were nothing more than another instance of such political skullduggery, we might simply dismiss it as more of the same old same old.

· A Childish Theory - He bought the childishly unrealistic theory, concocted by mostly pro-Israeli neoconservatives, that we could take out Saddam Hussein and install a Jeffersonian democracy in Iraq, and that this fine example would spread liberal democracy to the entire Middle East. This was going to be cheap and easy, they said. It was not only a childish and simplistic theory, it was stupid. It's what you would expect from a bunch of mostly academics who have never heard the sound of gunfire and who don't read or speak Arabic, much less have ever spent any time in the area.

· "You killed my son, George Bush" - “That lying bastard, George Bush, is taking a five-week vacation in time of war,” Cindy Sheehan told 200 cheering members of Veterans For Peace at their annual convention in Dallas last Friday evening.

· How Foreign Lobbies Imperil America - Perhaps the worst thing of all about the behavior of the nefarious lobbyists is that they abuse the public trust.





· Media Matters for America: Cindy Sheehan 'Changed Her Story on Bush?'; Tracking A Lie Through the Conservative Media - Drudge, however, took Sheehan's quotes from The Reporter out of context in falsely claiming a shift in her position.

· ABC's One-Sided Wal-Mart Report - Does a big advertiser get special treatment?

· Imus called Donald Rumsfeld a son of a bitch! - VIDEO

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Physicians and bribery: a closer look at this common medical industry practice - How does your doctor decide which medications to prescribe?

· Skin Cancers Triple Among Those Under 40 - Scientists cite tanning, thinning ozone layer for U.S. rise in squamous cell, basal carcinomas.

· Sugar, high-fructose corn syrup and type II diabetes - Researchers around the world have come to the conclusion that the consumption of refined sugar is detrimental to the health of people without diabetes and disastrous for those with it.










· Affair charge rocks cleric - The Archdiocese of New York is looking into explosive allegations that a top priest who publicly railed against our "sex-saturated society" had a long-term affair with his married church secretary.

· WOMAN, 38, DIES CRUSHED BY CRUCIFIX DURING MASS - A woman died crushed by an iron crucifix at the entrance of the church of San Lorenzo while she was attending mass in the city's patron saint's celebrations.
TVNL Comment: God's work?



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