Date: August 12th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: This morning, the 8:30 AM ET CNN headlines consisted of nothing that belongs on a national news network. The lead story was about the extradition of the couple that was arrested for killing a prison guard. Why is this important for Americans to know? Then they decided to mention a political story but what did they choose? They chose to tell us that Bill Clinton defended Hillary against the comments made by a woman who is running against her for the Senate. Is this news or is this water cooler gossip? I’ll tell you what I did not hear…most of the issues on this newsletter! It is really time to stop watching TV News. Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Iraqis thirst for water and power - This summer, the third since the fall of Baghdad, has been the worst yet when it comes to basic services. Interruptions to electricity and water supplies - caused by both decay and sabotage - are driving up the frustrations of millions of Iraqis.

· Civil War In Iraq, Made In the USA - Every day the occupation increases tension and makes people's lives worse, fuelling the violence. Creating a client regime in Baghdad, backed by permanent bases, is the route that US strategists followed in Vietnam. As in Vietnam , popular resistance in Iraq and the wider Middle East will not go away but will grow stronger, until it eventually unites to force a US-British withdrawal.

· On Internet Blogs, Soldiers in Iraq Offer Up Inside Story on the War - At least 200 active-duty soldiers currently keep blogs. Only about a dozen blogs were in existence two years ago when the U.S. invaded Iraq

· Pentagon Conducts Bogus Poll to Distort Iraq Opinion - Yesterday at the Department of Defense press briefing, Secretary Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers touted new poll results of Iraqis that claim to demonstrate that the insurgency is losing political steam. What they didn’t reveal about the poll is that it surveyed only those Iraqis who already despise the insurgent activity and have actively worked against it.

· MARINE DIES OF WOUNDS SUFFERED NEAR AR RAMADI - A Marine assigned to 2nd Marine Division, II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward), died of wounds Aug. 10 from the detonation of an improvised explosive device.

· TASK FORCE LIBERTY SOLDIER KILLED BY IED - One Task Force Liberty Soldier was killed when an improvised explosive device detonated during a combat patrol near Tikrit at about 4:00 a.m. August 12. The name of the Soldier is being withheld pending notification of next of kin.

· AFGHANISTAN: DEMOLITION ACCIDENT KILLS ONE, WOUNDS THREE - One U.S. service member was killed today and two were wounded in a training accident involving explosives near Tarin Kowt.





· The Art of Telling Parties Apart - Political scientists have long identified how certain professions lean toward particular political parties.

· Probe Poses Issue of What Rove Told Bush - Among the many questions surrounding the investigation into who in the Bush administration leaked the name of an undercover CIA officer is whether President Bush's top political adviser told his boss the truth about his connection to the case.





· Record-High Oil Prices Spur Hikes in Air Fares - Delta and Continental airlines hiked domestic fares as much as $10 one way, while United Airlines raised fares between $2 to $5 on U.S. and Canadian flights.

· Medical Bill Debt Hits Even the Insured - Millions of American families have trouble paying their medical bills or erasing their medical debt, even when they have health insurance, a new analysis reveals.

· Housing Prices High for Low Income Workers - The report, by a coalition advocating affordable housing, found that even cities once considered affordable, such as Tulsa, Okla., are rapidly becoming too pricey for lower-income workers such as janitors and retail sales employees.

· IT Workers Confront 'Job Shock' - The first thing the research revealed is that IT work and IT jobs aren't synonyms.



9/11 News :


· Sunday, September 11, 2005: March for Truth in NYC - On Sunday September 11, 2005 we will march from the offices of the New York Times (near Times Square), passing other major media headquarters on the way to a rally and concert at the United Nations. We will demand that the International Criminal Court (ICC) open an immediate investigation into the unsolved crimes of 9/11.

· FDNY Releasing Sept. 11 Papers, Recordings - The department on Friday plans to make public hours of radio transmissions and hundreds of oral histories telling the story of firefighters' rush to the twin towers on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, to help evacuate thousands of people.

· Building a Better Mirage - NIST's 3-Year $20,000,000 Cover-Up of the Crime of the Century






· Senate Intelligence chairman quietly 'fixed' intelligence, and diverted blame from White House over Iraq - Coupled with limited access to intelligence documents, RAW STORY has found that Roberts and a handful of other strategically-placed Washington players stymied all questions into pre-war intelligence on Iraq and post-invasion cover-ups, including the outing of a CIA covert agent, by using targeted leaks and artfully deflecting blame from the White House.

· FEC Finds Misreporting by DeLay Committe - A federal audit of a political fundraising committee founded by House Majority Leader Tom DeLay found that it failed to report more than $300,000 in debts owed to vendors and incorrectly paid for some committee activities with money from another DeLay-connected political committee.





· Key lobbyist indicted on fraud charges - Lobbyist Jack Abramoff, a key figure in investigations involving House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, was indicted Thursday by a federal grand jury on fraud charges arising from a 2000 deal to buy casino boats.

· Opposition to Crawford protest grows as camp expands - As a makeshift campsite of war protesters grew Thursday along a road leading to President Bush's ranch, they began facing increased antagonism from locals and opposition from some military families.

· Critics Slam Net Wiretapping Rule - An FCC ruling that internet telephony services must provide the same built-in wiretapping capabilities as conventional phone companies has civil libertarians feeling burned.

· Civilians would oversee military operation in U.S. - Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said yesterday that, if the military were deployed inside the United States in response to a terrorist attack, his department - not the Pentagon - would exercise overall control.





· · Pollution exposure linked to childhood cancer - Exposure soon after birth, or even before, to combustion gases and particularly engine exhaust, is strongly linked to the development of childhood cancers like leukemia, according to a report from the UK.
TVNL Comment: Is this a surprise to anybody?

· Key claim against global warming evaporates - For years, skeptics of global warming have used satellite and weather balloon data to argue that climate models were wrong and that global warming isn't really happening. - Now, according to three new studies published in the journal Science, it turns out those conclusions based on satellite and weather balloon data were based on faulty analyses.

· Malaysia declares haze emergency - Malaysia declared a "haze emergency" in several areas around Kuala Lumpur yesterday after air pollution from choking smog that is blanketing several western states registered dangerous levels.

· House NEPA Task Force Shutting Out Environmentalists - At a hearing in Texas last month, seven of the nine invitees represented industry, and only two were environmentalists. - NEPA is designed to protect natural resources and support public participation in government





· Envoys: Iran Faces Sept. Deadline on Nukes - The U.N. nuclear watchdog expressed "serious concern" Thursday over Iran's resumption of nuclear activities that could lead to an atomic bomb and diplomats said Tehran faced a September deadline to stop uranium conversion at a plant in central Iran.
TVNL Comment: Rumor has it that
US military leave after September 7th has been disallowed. Hmm.

· Number of hungry in Africa soars: report - The number of people in sub-Saharan Africa facing serious hunger has soared from 88 million in 1970 to more than 200 million in 1999-2001, an international policy group says.





· Aug. Death Toll for Reserves in Iraq Soars - The National Guard and Reserve suffered more combat deaths in Iraq during the first 10 days of August — at least 32, according to a Pentagon count — than in any full month of the entire war.

· US Army Chemical Corps Documents - Reports from the biological, chemical, and radiological warfare program of the US

· Bush Orders US Troops From Germany To Romania - The occupant and resident of the White House, George W. Bush, has ordered the bulk of the U.S. Troops in Germany, to be quietly sent over the next 18 months to Romania. Why and How?





· Cheney + Pakistan = Iran - VP Cheney Helped Cover-Up Pakistani Nuclear Proliferation In '89





· Tabloid's Deal With Woman Shielded Schwarzenegger - Days after Arnold Schwarzenegger jumped into the race for governor and girded for questions about his past, a tabloid publisher wooing him for a business deal promised to pay a woman $20,000 to sign a confidentiality agreement about an alleged affair with the candidate.

· Tucker Carlson Comments Rile Greenpeace - Greenpeace complained Thursday to the Federal Communications Commission about MSNBC talk show host Tucker Carlson's praise for a fatal attack 20 years ago on the environmental group's flagship.

· AUDIO EXCLUSIVE: Cindy Sheehan Responds To Right Wing Smear - One of the more underhanded smears launched by the right wing came when Michelle Malkin said she didn’t think Casey Sheehan, Cindy’s son killed in Iraq, would approve of what his mom was doing. This morning Sheehan responded:

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!





· Bad Medicine? - Cannabis is proven to be a fairly harmless drug -- so why is the American right still waging a massive war on weed?
TVNL Comment: 2 reasons: It is a threat to drug company profits and it funds US black ops.

· The link between monosodium glutamate (MSG) and obesity - "One can only wonder if the large number of people having difficulty with obesity in the United States is related to early exposure to food additive excitotoxins, since this obesity is one of the most consistent features of the syndrome. One characteristic of the obesity induced by excitotoxins is that it doesn't appear to depend on food intake. This could explain why some people cannot diet away their obesity."





· A Worldwide Disaster for Women is in the Offing - If you care about women’s rights then there is one election that you should be paying very close attention to.

· Afghanis continue to suffer human rights abuses under American rule - The plight of the Afghan people under the American occupation is no better, and in many instances much worse, than it was under the Russian occupation in the nineteen-eighties, despite US drum-beating about bringing democracy to the country, a recent report concludes.








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