Date: August 13th 2005

TvNewsLIES Headline News


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TVNL Editor's Comments: The 9/11 admits omitting vital information from the final report. This information was related to warnings about the alleged hijackers prior to 9/11. This raises the question of what other vital information the commission omitted. I think many of us know already, but for the people who refuse to question the official story this should serve as a wake up call.

Here is something else to think about regarding 9/11. We know who one of the people who financed Mohamed Atta and yet we do nothing to investigate this person. Perhaps this is because the money trail leads to the CIA, as does the options trading that took place prior to 9/11 that indicated foreknowledge of the events. The head of the Pakistani intelligence service (ISI) was fired on 9/12/01 because it came to light that he wired Atta $100,000 days prior to 9/11. On the morning of 9/11 this person was having breakfast with Senator Bob Graham and our new CIA Director Porter Goss. Goss is a self-admitted 10-year veteran of the CIA's clandestine operations wing. Interesting little coincidence, isn’t it? Where is this person now? He is in Pakistan; never having been questioned by the Kean Comission. Interesting how the person who was caught sending Atta $100,000, in essence funding the 9/11 attacks (according to the official story), was having breakfast in Washington with US Senators when the events took place and has been given a free pass by all investigating bodies. The ISI & CIA have a long history of cooperation. Another interesting little fact. Where is the media on this obvious little smoking gun? Think about it!Jesse, Editor,

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· Italy hastens troop reduction in Iraq -source - Italy, a month ahead of schedule, has started reducing its presence in Iraq by drawing down the first 130 forces in a planned 300-troop withdrawal, a Rome-based military source said on Saturday.

· Iraqi Order 81 Update :: It is Even Worse Than Originally Reported :: - The war in Iraq destroyed the country's seed industry, putting the country's domestic food supply at risk, the United Nations food agency said on Monday as it appealed for aid to rebuild farming. - What a break for U.S. corporations, such as Monsanto. First outlaw the seeds and then destroy them, or did it happen the other way around. Were the seeds destroyed first and then outlawed? This news story has thus far received very little attention.

· US loses spy drone as Iraqis make off with wreck - Iraqis in the northern city Mosul have made off with a top secret American spy plane.

· 15 Iraqis dead after US gunfire: doctor - An attack on a US military patrol followed by heavy US gunfire has left 15 Iraqis, including eight children, dead and 17 wounded in a town west of Baghdad, residents said on Saturday.

· Blast Near Iraq Mosque Kills 4, 3 Children - A blast Friday near a mosque west of Baghdad killed four people, including three children, and wounded at least 19 other people, police and hospital officials said. Iraqis blamed U.S. forces, but an American spokesman disputed the Iraqi claim.

· Iraq Bomb Kills U.S. Soldier; Helicopter Comes Down - One U.S. soldier was killed when a homemade bomb exploded near their combat patrol near the city of Tikrit, north of Baghdad, and two others were hurt when their helicopter came down near Kirkuk, the military said.
TVNL Comment: How much does an Apache cost? How much is this insane invasion costing? How much would it have cost to come up with a new energy technology?





· Career Lawyer Gets Oversight of CIA Probe - David Margolis, a lawyer at the Justice Department for 40 years, was named Friday to oversee a special prosecutor's investigation of who in the Bush administration disclosed the name of an undercover CIA officer.





· Ford fires salaried employees - Ford Motor Co., for the first time in generations, has resorted to firing employees and immediately escorting them from corporate buildings -- roiling the company and compelling Chief Executive Officer Bill Ford to send a message this week to reassure the so-called Ford Family.

· Trade Deficit Up As Oil Imports Hit High - America's trade deficit increased sharply in June as surging oil prices pushed the cost of petroleum imports to an all-time high. The politically sensitive deficit with China also set a record.



9/11 News :


· Bush Appointee Obstructed, Sabotaged 9/11 Report - In recent days, we've learned that Philip D. Zelikow, Bush's appointee as Staff Director on the 9/11 Commission, withheld information from the Commissioners that detailed secret Pentagon surveillance of the al-Qaeda hijackers.
TVNL Comment: TvNewsLIES knew this for quite some time.

· Sept. 11 party a travesty - Intended to boost support for America's troops in Iraq (and transparently enough, the Bush administration's unpopular policies), the planned festivities should instead boost America's anger against a blatant attempt to manipulate our opinions through our emotions. In order to reinforce the false, but aggravatingly popular belief that Saddam Hussein and the Iraq War are somehow linked to that morning in September, the Bush administration is exploiting both the tragedy of thousands of innocent deaths here at home, and our country's capacity to empathize with our fallen comrades abroad.

· The Rest Of The 911 Flight 93 Story - Dan Rardon of Indiana sent a CNN video exposing the White Jet presence over the White House environs.

· Alex Jones Back From London - TVNL Comment: Must see video!!!

· 9/11 Revisionism, Revisited - The list of "mistakes," glitches, and tales of staggering incompetence that preceded the worst "intelligence failure" since a certain wooden horse was brought behind the walls of Troy, is getting rather suspiciously long. Here's another:











· Security Cameras Multiply in Manhattan - At last count in 1998, the New York Civil Liberties Union found 2,397 cameras used by a wide variety of private businesses and government agencies throughout Manhattan. This time, after canvassing less than a quarter of the borough, the interns so far have spotted more than 4,000.

· Tennessee to slash state health benefits for the needy - Across the country, states are working to rein in healthcare costs under the crush of medical inflation and anticipated federal cuts to Medicaid. Tennessee's struggles have drawn national attention, partly because TennCare was hailed as a model when it was launched a decade ago, and partly because, according to critics, the cuts are the most comprehensive ever to a state health plan.
TVNL Comment: What is causing the the rising costs? What expenses are going up? Are the costs simply related to profits? These are questions that need to be asked by the media.





· Weather disasters kill 910 in China - "Since the end of May, floods, typhoons and other disasters have hit 27 of China's 31 mainland provinces," the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies said in a statement.





· U.S.-S.Korea war games prelude to war: N.Korea army - North Korea's military said on Saturday war games by South Korea and United States were a prelude to a U.S. military attack and a tactic to compel it to accept U.S. terms in six-party talks on its nuclear program.

· Chavez revokes US agent immunity - Caracas has withdrawn the diplomatic immunity of US anti-drugs officials working in Venezuela.

· U.S. Fighter Jet Bombs Australia Building - A U.S. Marine Corps fighter jet missed its bombing target and dropped a bomb near a tower at a military range in remote northern Australia, damaging the building and igniting a gas cylinder, officials said Friday.

· Sri Lanka's foreign minister assassinated - Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar was shot in the head Friday night just outside his private residence in Colombo and died an hour later after emergency surgery, according to hospital and police sources.





· Air Force Chief of Staff to Retire - Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John P. Jumper will retire after 39 years of service at a ceremony at Andrews AFB Md. Sept. 2. His effective date of retirement will be Nov. 1, 2005.





· It is not only Iraq that is occupied. America is too - But more ominous, perhaps, than the occupation of Iraq is the occupation of the US. I wake up in the morning, read the newspaper, and feel that we are an occupied country, that some alien group has taken over. I wake up thinking: the US is in the grip of a president surrounded by thugs in suits who care nothing about human life abroad or here, who care nothing about freedom abroad or here, who care nothing about what happens to the earth, the water or the air, or what kind of world will be inherited by our children and grandchildren.
TVNL Comment: More from Howard Zinn here:





· Still Hiding the Bush Bulge - The Star-News is the oldest holding of MediaNews Group, a newspaper and television station chain owned and run by William Dean Singleton, one of the U.S.’s more conservative media moguls. Singleton was singled out by Editor & Publisher (1/26/04) as one of several newspaper chain owners who contributed money to the Bush/Cheney re-election campaign last year. - What role, if any, Singleton and his politics had in the killing of Star-News reporter Gary Scott’s story on Nelson and the Bush bulge is unclear. What is known is that the story was filed, edited and set to run, that a photographer had been assigned and had taken pictures of Nelson at home with his photo analysis equipment, and that it was killed at the last minute.

· Warmongering Media - If the role of journalists is to make power accountable, then there is virtually no journalism going on in the United States. That is, no journalism that reaches the masses of the people. Americans are left deaf, blind and dumb to the world around them.

· 'Vanity Fair' Rips Media 'Conspiracy' in Covering Up Role in Plame Scandal - In an article in the September issue of Vanity Fair (not yet online), Michael Wolff, in probing the Plame/CIA leak scandal, rips those in the news media -- principally Time magazine and The New York Times -- who knew that Karl Rove was one of the leakers but refused to expose what would have been “one of the biggest stories of the Bush years.” Not only that, “they helped cover it up.” You might say, he adds, they “became part of a conspiracy.”

· Replay: Independent World Television - Watch the video. Take the survey.
TVNL Comment: If you appreciate, please take this survey and recommend the editor of for a position at this new news network. Thank you!










· Lutherans Reject Easing Gay Clergy Rules - Gays and lesbians lashed out after the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America rejected a proposal that would have allowed them to serve as clergy in certain cases, saying they felt rejected by their own denomination.








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